Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Is It Time to Ban Guns in Public Parks?

Last year, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney banned the possession of firearms and other deadly weapons at city parks. This ban was quickly overturned on the basis that state law preempts any municipal gun-control measure. Now, State Senator Vincent Hughes has introduced legislation (SB 53) that will ban the possession of firearms and other deadly weapons in public recreation areas. Identical legislation has also been proposed in the state House. 

Hughes states his bill mirrors "current provisions of law which prohibit the possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapons in court facilities and on school property ... ." If enacted, it would be a crime to possesses a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a public recreation area, defined as a park, recreation center or pool owned or operated by a political subdivision."

This bill has 13 sponsors, none of whom are state senators from the Lehigh Valley. It has been referred to the state judiciary committee, where it will  likely die a slow death. 

That's too bad.

No right, not even a constitutional right, is absolute.  

Given the increased incidence of mass shootings, which have included shootings at public parks, it's hard to argue that government's substantial interest in providing for the safety of those who visit parks  are outweighed by an individual's fear that he needs a weapon for self-defense against rambunctious kids.   

In fact, the legislature should ban the possession of firearms at municipal meetings. 


  1. This issue is more complicated than what appears here. For example, the Appalachian Trail is a federal recreation area. Are you saying from Main to Georgia there should be a prohibition from hunters crossing the Appalachian Trail with a gun while hunting? How about other Federal Forests that are used for Hunting? Can I have a protection permit to carry a firearm and drive my automobile through Federal, state, or thousands of other properties just because they are designated "PARKS" even though they might be wilderness? I have a legal right to carry a gun in plain site (on my hip) in any city in Pennsylvania including Main Street in downtown Bethlehem as long as I am not a felon. I don't agree with everything I wrote here but it is factual. I'm just trying to prove a point that this is more complicated than what you are making it out to be. You will lose in the courts every time.

  2. Nothing can be done. If all these horrific acts over the years didn't move the needle, nothing will. I don't say this lightly. I own guns, hardly use them anymore unless something unwanted invades my yard. I don't carry, I don't brag. I only reveal this because of the anonymous option.

  3. You mean legal gun owners from protecting th3mselves in parks, right? You know the punks and thugs don't care howe many gun laws you pass. They all carry handguns. Handguns wound and kill more people than other firearms. We have lots of gun laws and yet handgun violence is worse than ever. Police are hands off for fear of a lawsuit or worse. You are on your own. Keep your big city closed eyes to violence laws in the cities. What you are doing is creating more easy targets and victims with your feel-good laws.

  4. Yes, I'm sure the criminals will obey the law and refrain from bringing their guns into the parks. 🤣

  5. Another dumb @ss idea focusing on those not responsible for gun violence.

    To think that those responsible for gun violence, many if not most of whom are involved in gang and drug activity, would give two squirts of piss about another law is ludicrous.

    And who would enforce this law? Already overburdened cops? Liberal prosecutors who already don’t prosecute existing gun offenses? Judges passing out lenient sentences?

    Just more and more liberal idiocy.

    I polled every drug dealer and gang member in the city of Easton this morning.

    They all told me that this is the one gun law they’d obey.

    And then they pointed their guns at me.

  6. Why would you want to stop a law abiding citizen from carrying a firearm, a right, a means to defend themself? What risk is a law abiding citizen carrying a firearm? Do you think this bill will stop criminals from carrying? Whom will this bill disarm, the criminal? How about we start giving very long jail terms for criminals caught with firearms instead of making plea bargins where they are back out on the street in less the 18 months? How about we give a felon in possession of a firearm a 30 year mandatory jail sentence? Don't start infringing on my rights until you do something about the criminals.

  7. Isn't already against the law to shoot people where it's not self-defense? By the logic of banning guns in public parks (somebody has to do something) there should be no bad shootings because it's already against the law. This is the American version of the time honored British tradition of saying "stop or I will tell you to stop again".

    If passing laws worked we would no longer have issues like drunk driving, child abuse, spouse abuse, theft, money laundering, assault, etc. There has to be another answer to keeping bad people from doing bad things that doesn't include keeping good people from doing good things.

    Also, this should be an interesting thread. Hopefully someone will bring abortion into it so people get really spun up.

  8. They should ban the first amendment too, spare us from this blog. 😕🤣😂

  9. This country could reduce gun violence by 50% in twelve months by concentrating enforcement efforts in the areas where it overwhelmingly occurs; large cities.

    But that would require overwhelmingly liberal politicians and prosecutors to act. And they never will because of the obvious demographics associated with gun violence in cities.

    Until this happens, spare me the “efforts” leveled against law abiding citizens who might be armed in a park.

    Typical liberal head fake.

    They have zero interest in reducing gun violence.

  10. If someone wants to kill people, this law will not stop anyone. It will stop responsible people from protecting themselves in the case of someone wanting to commit mayhem. Laws do not protect, do not control behaviour, they can only punish people after the fact.

    Feel good statements, good press, good media narrative, but sadly no effective solution.

  11. Good article Bernie. I didn't know you wrote for the Babylon Bee.

    And I agree. Why aren't we going after the group responsible for most of these crimes?

  12. "No constitutional right is absolute"

    Where does it say that in the constitution?

    "Shall not be infringed upoon"
    "Unalienable rights"

    They seem to state otherwise.

    Taking guns out of schools had the inverse effect. There are more school shootings now than ever.

    Less guns = more shootings. Criminals dont follow your laws.

  13. I guess the blog needed some clickbait for today.

    I suppose now that the Democrat party isn't prosecuting and incarcerating criminals it only makes sense that the rest of us should be stripped of any way to defend ourselves against them.

    But yes, by all means follow the shining example of the City of Philadelphia and try to ban guns in public places, although it might be more efficient to just ban people from killing each other.

    Oh, wait...

  14. Are you, or anyone else so dumb to think if this silly law were to pass that the perpetrators of crime would obey it and stop carrying weapons?

  15. I read somewhere that if you surround yourself by people who make statements like “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” that it will subtract years off my life, so that’s why I’m on this thread…

  16. Two anti-2A liberal Democrats who've been instrumental in delivering one of the most violent cities on Earth want to tell the rest of us how to address violence? And Bernie hops right in behind these violence-enabling retards from one of the usual suspect blue congressional districts? Yep. Want to avoid being shot by young criminals? Move to a red Congressional district. With precious few exceptions, it's really that easy.

  17. Damn, Bernie. The tiny-peckered gun nuts are gonna go apoplectic reading this post.

  18. I presume they’d carve out an exception for licensed hunters on state game lands?

  19. No right, not even a constitutional right, is absolute

    Typical statement from a tyrant. Tell that to the New Mexico Govenor.

  20. Yeah making another law to stop ppl from carrying in a public park. I'm sure the criminals will obey this law. Lol. Sure.

  21. Good Luck with passing any legislation pertaining to gun control. These looney tunes that represent us in Washington think gun control means the direction you point your gun. You also now have a "SUPREME COURT" that is so prejudiced by the NRA that nothing good will ever come out of the House or Senate. When the President was a Democrat (OBAMA) and the House and Senate was controlled by Democrats, no gun control Legislation was passed. WHY?

  22. While I haven't heard of a legal gun owner threatening or shooting rambunctious kids in the parks around here, I have heard many reports of illegal gun owners shooting people, sometimes rival gang members, sometimes someone they are having a dispute with, and most sadly, innocent bystanders. These illegal gun owners won't change their attitude or behavior with the implementation of the proposed law and will leave innocent legal gun owners defenseless against the former.
    I agree that the constitution is a living document and would prefer to see what I would consider to be more reasonable changes: Just as no one can drive a car without a license as a person would be endangering the public once they are on the public roads, changes could be made with the same reasoning that a person would not be able to leave their home with a firearm without a back ground check and gun safety training. Strict enforcement with heavy penalties for those who break these laws might send a message than the wrist slaps that are happening now for illegally carrying a firearm.

  23. Answer: No.
    It is time to hold criminals accountable, not law abiding citizens.

  24. Gun laws have always been designed to keep them out of the hands of blacks. The numbers of gun crimes by race speaks for itself. Philadelphia forces law-abiding citizens to sit, statutorily disarmed, waiting to be victimized. I guess that's success?

  25. "I presume they’d carve out an exception for licensed hunters on state game lands?"

    I'm sure, and police officers would be exempt.

  26. Now that the Democrat Party has decided not to prosecute and incarcerate criminals, it's only logical that their next step is to take away our ability to defend ourselves against them (the criminals).

    By all means, democrat state representatives should follow the example of the shining city of Philadelphia and try to ban guns in public places, although it might be more efficient to just pass a ban on people murdering other people.

    Oh, wait...

  27. "Yes, I'm sure the criminals will obey the law and refrain from bringing their guns into the parks"

    I agree that criminals will thumb their nose at this law, but that's not the point. The point is that law enforcement will have an added tool to use against criminals and drug dealers who do business in parks and recreation areas. Moreover, people who see persons in possession will have a basis for contacting law enforcement.

    No constitutional right is absolute. Try bringing a gun into the chambers of the Supreme Court and watch what happens.

    1. If current laws worked as promised then law enforcement wouldn’t need additional tools. It’s already illegal to deal drugs whether in a park or a parked car.

  28. Firearms are the leading cause of death in children. Kids have the right to be safe in public places. No guns in public parks is a no brainer.

  29. Firearms are the leading cause of death in children. Kids have the right to be safe in public places. No guns in public parks is a no brainer.

    1. To your point….

      60% of gun related deaths in this country are suicides.

      Most statistics related to gun deaths amongst children in this country include 18 year olds

      Most “children” murdered by guns in this country are involved in gangs and drug dealing

  30. How about we start enforcing all the gun laws on the books currently? Starting with Hunter Biden.

    1. Do you realize how many guns would be confiscated if we enacted a hunter Biden rule. You should rethink that.

  31. That's ridiculous. 2,100 state and federal gun laws exist. Who in their right mind thinks that law #2,101 will be the magic law that finally works? This is why we can't have an adult conversation. Also, why when a guy plows into a crowd with a car, why is the car not singled out for restrictions and/or banning? The car can't cause violence. Only it's operator can cause violence with it. Sensible people know this. Idiots keep pushing for the next law, that will fail like the others before it. Einstein, I present to you Bernie O'Hare for evidence of insanity.

  32. I actually agree that no constitutional right is absolute, but this law will solve nothing in the war zone known as Philadelphia. The gun laws haven't changed in Philly, but their murder rate has doubled. So what changed? The war on the cops? Far left DA Krasner election? The fact that they used Covid as an excuse to reduce our state prison population from 51K to 38K? It's all of the above. They won't even let the police do a MV stop for equipment violations, expired inspection, or expired registration in Philly. Why bother having any laws at all if you're not going to enforce them? MV stops often lead to bigger felony violations, drugs and guns usually. You can't have it both ways, you either let them do their job, or you live with the 500 plus murders you have. As far as gun laws go, I wouldn't lose any sleep if they banned rifles tomorrow. I don't own one or want one. Anyone carrying a gun should have a permit, background check, and you should be required to undergo at least a basic firearms course to get the permit.

    Hughes and Senator Street are part of the problem, not the solution. Street introduced a Bill that would make you eligible for parole after serving 15 years for a MURDER conviction. Complete insanity! They also want to end cash bail in PA. They have close ties to the group Decarcerate PA. In their mind the police are the criminals, and the criminals are the victims. You can't vilify the cops and let everyone out of jail and expect crime to go down.

  33. Only pussies and fairies who are scared of their own shadows feel the need to bring their legal or illegal guns to their local parks n playgrounds if you feel unsafe there then don't go there.

    We're not talking about federal forests and game lands, its just fucking common sense shit that anyone with 2 brain cells can understand. If its an open public space, with lots of parking, some pavilions, benches, swings, see-saws, maybe some sports fields etc., leave your gun at home cowboy. If you can't be away from it that long, then stay home with it or seek psychological help.

    1. Your post smacks of a 2 brain cell organism.

  34. You can ban anything you darn well please, but if people aren’t going to comply with the law, things won’t change. How about making penalties a helluva lot more painful for the offenders?

  35. Right to carry holders are far more law abiding than the average citizen. This statement is made by Dr. John Lott , president of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) . They go on to say, “49% of active -shooting attacks were stopped by citizens with permits to carry - in 2021. National Firearms Survey in same year supervised by Georgetown University prof. Willian English estimates that 1.67 million defensive gun use yearly in this country. People that execute other people are not otherwise compliant to other rules of law prior to that event. Now as we add it in this blog , 18.000 police departments in the U.S. are having a hard time with retention and recruitment to fill the ranks do to prior “woke policy “ , so many are having to compromise hiring standards to get “bodies in uniform “. — another leadership problem. Anon 10:09 , our club has over 3,700 membership and the Pocono Black pistol club makes use of range and they were personally just fine , with a wonderful coach that knows safety and marksman better than most LEs will ever. Personally,I’m an amateur behaviorist ,I study what people do ,how they react, and I make predictions based on past experiences. Like my Forks Twp comment about the new driveway design at “Hoagie and Bank” , already curbs are dark from people running into them in 8 days. So- I don’t go on trips around town without a spare tire either.

  36. After having to retreat from a bad situation in a park is the only reason I applied for a concealed carry. After that incident, my spouse asked that I apply. If I came across the same situation today, I'd still retreat. Pulling a firearm doesn't equal a positive outcome. If carrying a firearm emboldens you, probably shouldn't carry one in the first place.

    Carrying a firearm out in the public is no small responsibility. Proper training is not currently required, but it should be mandatory. It's a better starting point than banning the carry of firearms in parks.

  37. The Democrats are a fascist political party who wants to control all aspects of American life, and boy are they do a bad job on every issue.

    1. I know I wish they would quit banning books , women's choice, voters rights Mickey Mouse ,beer, football, etc.
      That really is facist and makes go boo hoo.

    2. @ 1:48 Someone doesn’t know the definition of fascism…

  38. Anon 1:18 Your absolutely right! Your probably better off get a light assault than dealing with the consequences of a some DA that wants to put you through the ringer. Read , Andrew F.Branca ,Esq. book ‘The law of SELF Defense’ and re -read it. Each state has different rules of legal engagement. Firearms carry is responsible judgment at all times.

  39. How are banning guns working in New Mexico state right now? Just let the police enforce the laws as written and let the prosecutors do their jobs.

  40. 12.38
    "Right to carry holders are far more law abiding than the average citizen. This statement is made by Dr. John Lott , president of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) . They go on to say, “49% of active -shooting attacks were stopped by citizens with permits to carry"
    " For similar reasons as highlighted by the NAS, as well as "multiple serious problems with data and methodology", a 2020 comprehensive review of existing research on concealed-carry by the RAND Corporation discounted Lott's studies.'
    and any group that uses ted nugent as a rational sane board member is suspect
    But hey name the last six attacks that happened.

  41. 12.38
    " 18.000 police departments in the U.S. are having a hard time with retention and recruitment to fill the ranks do to prior “woke policy “ , so many are having to compromise hiring standards to get “bodies in uniform “. — another leadership problem.
    So the tough right wing guy gov of Texas has fired how many cops over Uvalde?
    Where was the righteous condemnation from the police at large?
    Unless it is OK for cops to stand around while children are dying.

    1. So judge all cops over one thing. Pathetic

  42. 12.01
    " war zone known as Philadelphia."
    well one of those murders is on a bodycam with two officers lying about it.
    The FOP has disavowed those two police officers?
    How about "back the blue" where is their statement ?

  43. 12:09 Lighten up Francis. We all feel safe knowing you can take all comers.

  44. Here is my story about being armed , before I was a State Constable, certified by The Pennsylvania Crime and Delinquency (PCCD ) by witch I only dropped 3 points in 8years - on B-27 NRA targets with a .45 cal revolver. That’s a 300 aggargate each . No Sheriff in this state or Constable ever beat that. - no school cop we hire can get close. So- we we’re leaving the last subway out of Philadelphia after a fundraiser for Olympic Women’s field hockey from The Union League in downtown. I had a drink at the table with the Treasurer of the United States there. So we’re in the car and 3 characters get in and they see my gal , a Lafayette hockey coach and think they can move over . What they didn’t know was I had just won an “any firearm “ contest with my .41 Smith & Wesson . So I gestured that I might be armed . We got got off safe.

  45. If I had my way- I’d reissue all the firearms back on the streets but half would have the fireing pins. That way the hoods would’ve extinguish themselves.

  46. O'Hare is trying to atone for a misspent life. His Uber liberal take is the result. Any feel-good but no good law is great. Fact is you are penalizing law-abiding citizens. The thugs still carry guns and will continue to until we start taking this stuff serious. Not popular like the crazy guy with an AR-15 but much more deadly. Time to be less politically correct and pull our collective heads out of our collective asses. Of course, the police would love if no one but them carried a weapon.

    You want to save Ives? Ban the use of cellphones in moving vehicles.; Ban the viewing of any videos in the front of any vehicle. That is something that will make a true difference.

  47. Sometimes, Bernie, you are just plain silly.

  48. Democrats facilitate gun violence via lax enforcement and prosecutorial effort, scapegoat gun owning law abiding citizens as part of the problem, and then use the problems that they are responsible for to target law abiding, gun owning Americans.

    They willingly and willfully trade in blood and death to render a helpless and dependent society.

    The playbook that they use for firearms is similar to the one they used for Covid.

  49. No constitutional right is absolute. A phrase all of a sudden that is gaining in popularity. This should be bothersome to all. I appreciate peters stats. 49percent pretty high. Looks like law abiding right to carry have helped in many situations. Unfortunately it's not unfounded concern that make people carry. It's the lawlessness being allowed to continue with no penalty .

  50. On May 31, 2019, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a 53-page majority opinion, a 2-page concurring decision by Justice Baer, and a 16-page concurring opinion by Justice Dougherty, which Justice Mundy joined, in the case of Commonwealth v. Hicks, which addressed whether the mere open or concealed carrying of a firearm constitutes reasonable suspicion of a crime.

    The court ruled that law enforcement cannot stop someone for merely carrying a firearm concealed or open in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with all justices concurring with that ruling.

    Article 1, Section 21 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is black and white regarding the protection of self-defense rights in the state.

    § 21. Right to bear arms.
    The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.

    More importantly, Article 1, Section 25 removes from the government the ability to affect any of the rights enumerated in Article 1.

    § 25. Reservation of powers in people.
    To guard against transgressions of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that everything in this article is excepted out of the general powers of government and shall forever remain inviolate.

    If this bill should ever come out of committee for a floor vote and gets the governor's signature, I am sure the law will be challenged and overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

    Villanova Law Review article on the Hicks decision.


  51. Perhaps if government weren't so unfair, authoritarian, and corrupt, citizens wouldn't wish to shoot it. Get a dangerous shot. Wear a useless and potentially unhealthy mask. Stay off swing sets. Yeah. Like that. Meanwhile, Vargo Heffer doesn't want to hear complaints. Yeah. Like that.

    1. You're welcome to come play on swing sets now, you dear little snowflake, you.

  52. Hey Bernie,
    I’m in Amsterdam and want to let you know of their gun laws.
    If anyone is caught with an unlicensed gun they automatically go to prison for 8 months - one year.
    Also, the fruit and sodas are cheaper.
    They didn’t have it very good about 60 years ago.
    Who is more civilized?

  53. I doubt anyone will read this now so Bernie how about a topic next week if vp Harris heading up new gun violence group. Think she'll do anything with that. First thing she will do. Guess they trying to help her get the vote. She did nothing with the border.

  54. I read with interest some of the comments on this Topic. Someone obviously does not know their laws. Below is the law for the "APPALACHIAN TRAIL & DELAWARE GAP RECREATION AREA".
    As it appears on page 19 of the Pennsylvania Hunters and Trapping Digest given to almost one million licensed hunters when they purchase their hunting license.
    "Individuals can possess firearms on National Park or refuge lands if they are legally permitted to carry a firearm in the state and municipality where they are located."
    "Sections of the Appalachian Trail that run through State Game Lands are not subject to the listed regulations."


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