Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Court Filings Reveal Sultana Under Investigation by CYF, Water and Electricity Stopped at Family Home

I've previously told you that Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana, 39, has waived a preliminary hearing on charges that she twice assaulted her adult son. Her attorneys, Ettore "Ed" Angelo and Elliott Love, advised Magisterial District Judge Jordan Knisley that they planned to seek admission into accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD). That's a special program for first offenders in which charges are dismissed after a successful probationary period. Angelo also sought a modification of bail that would allow Sultan and her husband to return home. After a hearing on September 1, Senior Judge Thomas Munley decided that bail should remain the same. 

I have since learned that there are not one, but three, separate Protection From Abuse actions. 

1) Son's PFA against Sultana. - In this matter, based on allegations of repeated assaults by Sultana against her son, including death threats, an emergency PFA Order against her was entered on August 18. A hearing scheduled for August 30 was postponed, and the emergency order was extended until November 8, 2023. This is because of the pending criminal case.

2) Son's PFA against Step-Father Muhammud Nadeem Qayyum. -  In addition to the PFA against the mother, the adult son also sought and obtained a PFA against his stepfather.  Muhammud Nadeem Qayyum, aka Nadeem Qayyum, is a failed candidate for Magisterial District Judge and NorCo Controller. He also was unsuccessful in his bid for appointment to the Controller's job after the unfortunate death of Bucky Szulborski. 

Interestingly, in the PFA petition filed by the son, he claims that Nadeem is unemployed. That is in stark contrast to representations Qayyum made when running for Controller and when he applied for the vacancy. 

The PFA entered against Qayyum is based on allegation that "he's cutoff the water, not paying for it or the electric, tried shutting off the electricity, stealing my personal items ... Any food that I buy gets taken. No food, water, electric, constant yelling and harassing me."

Qayyum was ordered evicted from the family home.  A hearing scheduled for August 30 has been postponed, and the emergency PFA has been extended until November 8, 2023. 

3) Sultana's PFA Against Son. -  Sultana has filed a PFA against her son, claiming she was actually the one assaulted when she tried to stop her adult son from playing violent video games. She added that he fabricated his allegation that she assaulted him. 

The court declined to enter an emergency PFA. It instead scheduled a hearing for August 30, adding that "due to a pending children and youth investigation, the court hereby directs that a representative from CYS appear at the hearing."

That hearing was continued until September 13.


1) Nadeem, according to his stepson, is unemployed.

2) Children and Youth are investigating Sultana.

3) The water and electricity at the family home was cut, either deliberately or through nonpayment of bills. 


  1. Ah yes, just the type of people you want holding public office. The more you dig the worse it gets it seems!

  2. You mentioned Nadeem not having a job but does Taiba work?

  3. Is she weren't a public figure, she wouldn't have any of these issues.

  4. Well, many of us have been warning of our march to third worldism. Easton actually elected this riff raff. That's perfect for Easton. Pretty buildings. Same old shithole underneath.

  5. takeaways?
    1) clearly the youngster's word must be etched in stone. has no bearing on the focus of attack.
    2) the Court is waiting to hear from the investigators but Sultana floats on water so she is a witch so let's burn her.

  6. As a candidate, wouldn't Qayyum have to have filed a state ethics from listing sources of income? Even if he formed a committee, he would still have to file a personal one I believe. Secondly, do those forms have to list all sources on income in the household? (If so, then, he and she should have filed ethics forms that should be similar? Right?) Have you searched for their ethics forms yet?

    It takes some severe payment delinquency for the utilities to shut off water and electric. Qayyum loaned $40K to his own campaign but they didn't have enough money to pay for water and electric?

    There's a lot of disturbing stuff going on with this family (although, that probably isn't the right term).

  7. Scum wasting taxpayer's money. The names say it all.

  8. Holy! Where did they get the 40k from for his campaign!?

  9. She has to go away.

  10. Was the husband lying about his job when he ran for office?

  11. /the unraveling of lives and a famo;y continues, ushered along with a helpful shove by. O'Hare. How 'bout putting a sock in it, ole buddy Bern, before the disgruntled "Disbarred Attorney? kooks come out, OK?

  12. She has to go. What a disgrace.

  13. A disaster of a person.

  14. How old is the son? If an adult, why not move out of that hell hole?

  15. So she claims she was assaulted?? I’m hearing the kids face was all bloody. Should be easy enough to prove, is there body cam footage? It was pretty common knowledge that Nadeem was unemployed, at least during campaign season.

  16. My takeaways
    1. Taiba doesnt spare the rod to spoil the child
    2. Bernies Blog is more TMZ than NYT
    3.BOH has a disdain for empowered women and targets them relentlesly i.e the RSS Tara Z, and the star trek hottie

    1. There is no empowered woman involved in this article

  17. How old is Adult son ?.

  18. At first I found her antics kind of funny, but they have really fallen apart. What a mess, they need a good counselor, the young man needs a job and they need to get well. I truly hope they resolve their issues and be well!

  19. Let me start by saying that I recognize that this is a potentially serious and criminal situation.

    However, it is somewhat comical that an adult child has been able to remove his parent/stepparent from their home through the use of the PFA system. I guess now he can play all the violent video games he wants in peace…

    Since he is the protected party in a PFA order, he is exempt from electric shutoff. I don’t know if they will reconnect power or not though since the PFA may have occurred AFTER the service disconnect.

  20. " the young man needs a job"

    Actually, the adult son has a job.

  21. "As a candidate, wouldn't Qayyum have to have filed a state ethics from listing sources of income? "

    He did. He filed a Statement of Financial Interests (SFI) indicating he was self-employed. I was under the impression he was an uber driver. That is what he told me when I asked him. It could be that he is employed at various gigs and his step son thought he ws being asked if the stepfather had an actual employer.

  22. "You mentioned Nadeem not having a job but does Taiba work?"

    In the PFA filed against her, the son lists Easton City Council as her sole job. I would have to look at her SFI.

  23. Why is the son receiving all the protocols from EPD as well as from the court? I heard a city employee was there to represent the son in the courtroom.
    The Mayor and the Chief are using their son to destroy Sultana and her family.

  24. So basically Sultana is the victim here? I have no doubt her son made up a story that he learned From violent video games that he plays.

  25. I live in Phillipsburg and the family had a restaurant here first. They received small loans and grants for small minority business. They never paid the loans and skipped out. They are not good people. The woman is a great actress

  26. "How old is Adult son ?.

    About 19.

    " is there body cam footage?

    Yes. His injuries ere visible.

    "The names say it all."

    This is a remark from a bigot.

    "/the unraveling of lives and a famo;y continues, ushered along with a helpful shove by. O'Hare. How 'bout putting a sock in it, ole buddy Bern, before the disgruntled "Disbarred Attorney? kooks come out, OK?"

    Like you? If court filing revealed that Panto, Reynolds, Tuerk or McClure was under investigation by CYF and that their water and electricity had been shut off, I'd definitely be reporting it. Elected officials are public stewards, and if they had problems like this on a personal level, I'd have some serious questions about their ability to be public stewards. This is unfortunately something the public needs to know. It might make me unpopular, but I don't really give a shit. That's not why I'm here.

  27. "I heard a city employee was there to represent the son in the courtroom."

    I was physically present for the preliminary hearing. No city employee was there to hold the son's hand. I was not present at the PFA hearings, and in fact did not know about two of them until yesterday. I doubt a city employee was present or that anyone was on hand to represent the son because one court order directed the adult son to procure counsel. It could be that someone from the crime victims council was on hand.

  28. I mean isn't Nadeem a human being? He went through serious neurological surgery recently and I believe also suffered a heart attack. Can't he stop working due to his recent health condition? Wtf Bernie

  29. Everyone here is racist! These are just examples of a different culture than yours! Judging them because of their cultural beliefs is crazy racist!

    1. Bullshit different cultures!!! They now live in the United States follow our laws and cultures… conform to our culture when you live here we shouldn’t have to conform to theirs

  30. When I read that 5’.2” Sultana “Head butted” a 6’ tall dude, I instantly knew the allegations were fabricated unless she stepped on a ladder.
    The worst thing is, the whole family has been victimized because of a 20-year-old who sits on his butt and plays violent video games. How selfish.

  31. Shame on anyone that says this post is racist. It has nothing to do with Gender, Race, Religion or age. She is an elected official and any elected official would be under a microscope after these allegations. Save the racist agenda for the socialist meetings that Taiba attends

    1. The only non-members who joined our meeting within the last two years were, Frank Pintabone and his bulldog campaign manager Baron Vanderburg. I believe you are one of those dumbasses. You two are Trumpists who pretend to be liberals and are certainly not welcome to our meeting anymore...
      Sultana’s hardcore fan

    2. Wait… Is there really a socialist group in Easton???????? Omggggggggg. Easton will NEVER become a socialist city. These people are loons

    3. I’m not one to hide behind anonymity. Don’t mention me if you aren’t willing to identify yourself…thanks.

    4. Oh Really, Frank? “Socialist city”?You just helped one of our socialist members, Tara Zrinski, with her COUNTY-wide campaign. Joke on YOU!

  32. I realize that there might be other children at the home. When does Children and Youth get involved with a "dispute" with a son that is over 18? He is not a child or a youth anymore. Am I missing something or just not seeing it?

  33. Is there a demand for Uber drivers in Easton?

  34. JJCordi, She has five children, only one of whom is an adult. Obviously, the involvement of CYF indicates there is some concern about the underage children. Precisely what those concerns are would be confidential. What the CYF has to say would definitely have some bearing.

    1. I believe there are two more young adults in the household. They all were evicted.
      The as**hole mayor and his crony chief took advantage of the family situation.

    2. Show the cam footage. Pleaaaaasssseeee

  35. These are all the types of people that Trump would love to have as his fake electors.

  36. It's funny how people want to speak about this lady,but sadly when it all comes out,why is the chief and the mayor playing so much favoritism to the son. Well he is 19 and can make his own decisions, but the EPD continues to help him with his lies,and so u all know the electric and water was shut off after the son left the house and a sign put on door. This is all the mayor and chief. Mayor scumbag panto and chief schitzo well have their day.

    1. 2:43pm
      Thanks for the info Taiba. So the water wasn’t intentionally shut off by the family, it was shut off because of non payment. Add that to her code violations and parking tickets and that makes a great council person

    2. Taiba maybe you and your accountant husband should pay attention to your mail. Those notices of late payment really mean something. It takes an act of congress to have water turned off procedures have to be followed before it’s turned off… even the king of Easton can’t get around that

  37. 2:43, you must be Taiba or Nadeem since you are claiming knowledge of family matters. Neither the Mayor nor Easton Police Chief Scalzo has any role in deciding whether to grant or deny or schedule a hearing on a PFA. They have no involvement in bail matters. They have nothing to do with making rulings at preliminary hearings. What I do know is that Taiba, by waiving the preliminary has conceded there is a prima facie case that she assaulted her on twice. What I do know is that Easton police have nothing to do with any determinations made by CYF. What I do know is that DA Terry Houck would have been involved in this matter from the onset, and he or a seasoned assistant DA would make the call to prosecute. What I do know is that Sultana likes to play the race card and insult hard working police officers, as she or her husband just did to Easton's COP.

    Don't think you can play games on this blog. You just dig deeper holes for yourselves.

    1. Well said Bernie

    2. If that had happened to my family, the chief wouldn't have shown up at my house and my wife wouldn't have been jailed.
      My heart goes to the family.
      This woman has the guts to challenge the power. I voted for her twice and will vote for her again.

    3. The chief only showed up because he knows what problems she creates. And if you voted for her twice and Will again please get the help you need

  38. Did he lie on his finance reports? I’m just curious where they got the 40k from?

    1. O’hare this is a good time to investigate the finance report. Someone or thing is funding these 2 weirdos. The residents of NORCO have a right to know


  40. Spending 40k on a doomed campaign instead of paying your bills is the kind of moxie I want from a controller candidate.

  41. 10:04, I posted his finance report. You are free to review it yourself instead of telling others what to do.


  42. The thing that I learned from this case is to kick your kids out as soon as they turn 18 before they start creating problems for you.

  43. If you do a good job raising your kids this will likely not be an issue.

  44. I have known the family for many years since I lived in the neighborhood.
    Taiba and Nadeem are the most caring parents. Their children are also kind and helpful to the community. And I am saying that because they help my old ass to remove snow during the snow season.
    If Someone is innocent in this case that's Taiba. Believe it or not, Mayor Panto and Chief Scalzo are the culprits.
    And I don't know what's Frank Pintabone’s meat in it. Why he has been stalking Taiba’s home? How did he find out what was on Taiba’s door and why did HE send out screenshots to many in the neighborhood?

    1. I want to thank the person who sent me some of these comments, so I could reply

      #1 I have never been to a socialist meeting, ever
      #2 please share a photo that someone received from ME about notes on a door!
      3 I’ve never been to Taiba’s home, never took pictures of notes on her door
      4 Therefore could never have sent it to anyone.
      5 I have never been a fan of trump and I can name plenty of R’s that I’ve debated over it.
      6 And when did Baron become the bulldog?
      Anyway, everyone have a great weekend.
      Frank P

  45. #1 caring parents don’t slap, punch, head butt or threaten to stab their children…
    #2 I’m not a fan of panto but he has no control over children and youth or PFA’s issued by the court.
    #3 chief Scalzo is a very ethical person and would not jeopardize his career or tarnish the fine department he leads.

    1. The above response with the signature of Frank Pintabone and this anonymous comment has the same pattern which tells that you are Frank Pintabone. Oops
      You proved 2:58 isn't wrong.

  46. I have been highly critical of Panto over the years. And he has been highly critical of me.

    Putting all that aside, he has absolutely zero control on the decision whether to grant or deny a PFA, or to continue a PFA hearing. That is the province of the courts. He has no call in any decision made to prosecute. Chief Scalzo did not file these charges. They were filed by an Easton police officer based on his observations at the scene. Easton police did not decide to add an additional assault charge. That was the DA. Easton police did not seek a search warrant on 8/28. That was the DA. Do you want me to pull that up as well and write about it?
    2:58 claims to be a neighbor who has known the family for many years. It is a neighbor who complained about her home to code. I hope you have no rodents.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.