Local Government TV

Monday, August 21, 2023

NorCo Council Skeptical of McClure Claim of 12% Hike in Wages Paid Since He Took Office

At last week's meeting of Northampton County Council, Executive Lamont McClure claimed that wages paid to employees have risen about 12% since he took office. In 2018, the county paid $141,312,000 to its workforce. It now has paid $160,379,400. 

Council member John Cusick observed that, during this same period, inflation has risen about 16%. 

"I don't think you would argue to me, Mr. Cusick, that I should propose an 18% pay increase this year," remarked McClure. 

"We're still falling behind," observed Cusick. 

Council member John Brown noted that the size of the workforce is not represented in McClure's figures, which "skews the numbers." McClure agreed this is a fair criticism and he would revise his figures to represent the actual number of employees. If the county has a larger workforce now than it did in 2018, that increase could actually be smaller. 

McClure also advised that Northampton County taxpayers pay these wages, but that's to some extent inaccurate. For many positions, especially in Human Services, the county receives a state contribution of as much as 90% of some of the wages paid. 

The county is currently undergoing a wage study of nonunion positions, which was ordered by Council over McClure's veto. 


  1. “McClure also advised that Northampton County taxpayers pay these wages, but that's to some extent inaccurate. For many positions, especially in Human Services, the county receives a state contribution of as much as 90% of some of the wages paid.”

    I know this is difficult to understand, but Northampton County taxpayers are also paying for that state contribution when they pay the many taxes that the state imposes.

    1. That's the irony. He thinks we do t know that!

  2. "McClure also advised that Northampton County taxpayers pay these wages,"

    I am sure that was news to the county council(lol). The guy is not only an arrogant narcissist, but he is also disrespectful of the county government like his top lieutenants. The majority of county council do not trust them because of this contempt and disrespect of the council.

  3. Cusick is right. McClure fudges the numbers. Here he goes again. This time he attacks the person who dares question his numbers. You must take into consideration McClure makes us pay a percentage of our wages towards Medical benefits for us and our dependents. We never did that before. Mc Clure is screwing us and we are gong to remember him when he runs again.

  4. McClueless caught in one of his many lies! He and his Administration need to go!

  5. They should be, he's lying.

  6. Bernie
    I apologize as this is off topic from the thread. However, I have a serious question. Doing candidate research I noticed that cusick is much more qualified than Tara. But I don’t see Cusick around. Did he withdraw??

  7. John Browns is right. If I’m reading this right pay for non Union is up 20% and pay for Union is up 21% in the budgets. Brown points out if all those jobs were filled payroll would be way higher.

  8. Voodoo math. McClu says actually more money paid is 19 millions but he performed so kind of miracle and it became 65 millions. Makes no cents to me.

  9. Dummy John B.’s point was that if all the jobs were filled the percentage wouldn’t be 12.3%, but much lower.

  10. I know what Lamont is doing. But, I prefer the real thing. I like that John Brown actually cut payroll by by 3m in his last budget.

  11. "McClure makes us pay a percentage of our wages towards Medical benefits for us and our dependents. We never did that before. "

    I don't know what McClure was doing at Council except pissing off county workers. Id that was his goal, he succeeded. But your statement is a lie.

  12. Give me a true fiscal conservative like Mr. Brown. McClueless is a fake. Brown cut wages Big Time ! Brown cut employee benefits Big Time ! Brown is going to run and win as the true fiscal Conservative !

  13. A lot of people will point to the benefits, especially the pension. But what good is a pension if the positions don't pay enough to support a family? A pension is part of an employment model that wants people with experience to stick around. To do that, you also need to keep up with inflation. Otherwise after 20 years of service, you'll just be so far behind the 8-ball from day-to-day expenses, the pension seems like a consolation prize.

    The median home price in Northampton County is $350k. If you're somehow able to get a 20% down payment, the mortgage would be $2,000/month before taxes and insurance. Renting isn't better, especially if you're working on that long-term employee retention goal.

    The taxpayers aren't served well by having their public employees constantly focused on keeping food on the table, or trying to figure put how they will afford to fix that leaky roof. I realize that most working people are in the same situation, but "you all have to suffer together" isn't really a great argument. Maybe we're paid "market rate", but everyone can see the market is broken.

    1. I’d feel a little more sorry about the effect of inflation on county workers if their unions weren’t funneling an endless stream of money to the democrat politicians that are creating it (inflation).

    2. The taxpayers being asked to fund increased wages for county employees are also feeling the same pressures from inflation. And those taxpayers might not belong to a union that’s supporting the democrat politicians who are causing the inflation.

    3. Not every county worker is in the union, and it's not like corporate America isn't also funneling huge amounts of money towards leftist policies. Don't have a crab bucket mentality.

    4. County taxes went down do you forget ?? Unions support worker friendly candidates because they care about the workers and support laws that help keep unions strong instead of dismantling them .

    5. Don’t disagree about some of corporate America funding the Left, but that’s not what we’re talking about.

      Show me the public sector union that’s shoveling money to anyone on the right, then come back and we can talk about how badly county workers are being hit by inflation.

      Until union members clean up who their union leadership is funding with member dues, they’re part of the problem. And taxpayers are already paying enough for it.

  14. How long has he been in office???? Boy he is killing it. Really caring about those employees. Ask about Ken Kraft raise?? About Steve Barron raise?? About his own raise??? Gotta remember Kenny is gone Lamont got him his pension and away he goes.

  15. Say average employee makes 45000 a year. What does that work out to 21 dollars every 2 weeks. 11 dollars a week. 28 cents an hour. You are so generous.
    No let's fudge the numbers remember look at those COs salaries. They make that money working 40 hours a week. Lol. No its over time and forced mandates. The jail has lost over 60 officers this year. But don't ask any questions Bernie don't want to piss off your puppeteer.

  16. Almost 2% a year. Omg. You are a true warrior for the working man.... Lamont your just handing out those steps. Lol. O yeah your not !!

  17. The staff of the county voted for McClure. That's how he got in with the strong union support I hate to say it but we told you so .maybe rethink your union status..

  18. One thing McClure does not worry about is ensuring his top Capos get the big bucks. While he has been making closed door deals with his buddy the Union business agent top dog, they keep wages low, he has handed out steps and promotions to his favorites. He brought Dertinger in at a higher rate than any Administration Director ever got. He claimed he wouldn't take the job otherwise. Of course, you will defend all of this as you are in the tank for McClure and his cronies. He was not concerned about taxpayers then. His handout to big unions that wants all construction jobs is not caring about Taxpayers either.
    The sheet I was shown was pathetic. Obviously put together by Barsron. His own arrogance has grown and grown. There are so many holes in that report it is silly and useless to even discuss. Why did McClure even bring it up, of course to shoe off with another look at me moment. Hear council is considering passing changes to the format of their meetings to limit McClure's grandstanding.

    They should all be censured.

  19. The 12% raises only went to the select few. Mr. McClure doesn't believe in equal pay increases.

  20. Wage for our division in 2016 was $17.50 and is $19.38 now (starting). If you live alone you can’t rent anything on that around here (maybe a room at the American Hotel??)


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