Local Government TV

Friday, July 07, 2023

Easton City Administrator Luis Campos Collapses While Running

Lehigh Valley Live reports that Easton City Administrator Luis Campos is in critical condition after collapsing during a run in Wednesday. Luis also served as Northampton County's Administrator. 

It was hot Wednesday. I was on the bike for a longish ride, but had plenty of water and rode mostly in shaded areas at a slow pace. Running is a far more demanding (and punishing) activity. 

Northampton County Council's former Clerk, Frank Flisser, was an avid long-distance runner. He suffered a stroke while on a run, and managed to get home before seeking attention. 

I hope Luis has a quick recovery. He and I had our issues when he was at Northampton County, but I respected him. He always had kind words for my grandson. 

Take warmer weather seriously. 


  1. Running is punishing and unhealthy. Best to get cardio work in a safer way. Mend well, Luis. Keeping a good thought for you.

  2. The air quality has been bad lately and ozone levels up on Wednesday. This crap in the air has to take a toll on all of us.

  3. 46 year old, avid runner. No questions, people. I'm sure this wasn't the first day he's "jogged" in warm weather. No questions. Thankfully everyday my family didn't succumb to peer pressure. Sad.

  4. What time of day was he out running? Was he a seasoned runner?

  5. Luis is a "seasoned runner" and was doing so early evening. It was a good time of day. The bad air quality combined with the heat can make outdoor activity more dangerous. I know that I rode in poor air quality and was sick for two days. Running is the best exercise in the world after swimming, but you have to be well hydrated and run more slowly. The heart rate is much higher in the heat. I notice that even when I just walk .

  6. I don’t get some of the comments against running - it’s not “unhealthy”, especially for a seasoned runner.

    The air quality has been in the green for most of the week, and certainly nowhere near the recent levels caused by the wildfires in Canada.

    I think it’s been established that he was an experienced runner, so he likely knew his limits and the need for additional hydration.

    To try to speculate on what exactly caused this is pointless. None of us know his health history or the multitude of reasons this could have happened, many of which may have been unknown to even him.

    Hopefully he gets better quickly and the doctors are able to find out what happened, and he can avoid it happening again.

    Our limits are constantly changing, and incidents like this remind us what they are. Life has a way of chopping us all down at times, and fortunately Mr Campos has a chance to bounce back.

  7. I did not know him but hope he is recovers. Just because you’re fit doesn’t mean you can’t have an underlying heart issue that was previously unknown. I’m glad there are still people like the passerby in this world.

  8. Air quality was bad on Wednesday, although I think it improved in the evening. I love running so don't get me wrong. I wish I could do it every day instead of once every few days. I agree there are many reasons why this could have happened. We do need to watch for the heat and air quality while running. I am guilty of ignoring weather myself when I decide to run or cycle. I pay the price. I hoipe Luis has a complete recovery and is running again soon.

  9. BernieOHare to 11:19, and Easton Police.

  10. Censor, The Jab!

  11. When I read the news in the ET, I was surprised someone was out running in that muck. Of course, I am old geezer like Bernie, and personally not as adventurous anymore. Hope Luis recovers soon.

  12. Is there no update for him and his condition?

  13. From what I understand, as of Saturday, Luis is up and alert.


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