Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Shakespeare in Easton?

On summer and fall weekends I like to ride long. Last summer, most long rides were on trails. This summer, I'm trying to do as many cycling adventures as I can without using a car at all. The trips are shorter, but there are a lot more hills. On Saturday, I rode from Nazareth into Easton and then got on the trail to Bethlehem. When I got to downtown Easton, I was blown away by the farmer's market. 

We have one in Nazareth at the circle. It's nice but very small. The one in Easton is gigantic, by far the biggest I ever saw. It had the atmosphere of a festival

It included a group of thespians performing A Midsummer's Night Dream, with an enthusiastic audience surrounding the stage. 

I think this weekly market attracts a lot of people from out of town. I was there about 30 minutes, but recognized no one. 


  1. So glad you finally got to the Easton Farmers’ Market. It was established in 1752, so even as a 3 year old then, your parents could have taken you!

  2. Lol, I was at the farmers' market when it was at the circle a few times. I had no idea it had grown so large. But as it happens, I usually avoid farmers markets because there are too many treats. "Do not pursue the taste of good food." - Miyamoto Musashi


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