Local Government TV

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Despite Unhealthy Air, Nazareth Carnival Begins

As I write this, the air quality index in the Lehigh Valley is at 403, making the air unhealthy for everyone. Allentown acted responsibly and postponed a meeting to discuss a citizens' initiative that would send social workers, and not police, in response to may 9-1-1 calls. Nazareth's annual carnival, which benefits a fire company that should know all about the dangers of smoke inhalation, went on anyway. Vigilance Hose chose profits over people. 


  1. Maybe they figured they could sell more smoked brisket and ribs that way. 😆

  2. I doubt the volunteer members of Vigilance Hose are going door to door in Nazareth and the surrounding areas dragging the residents out of their homes and forcing them to attend the carnival. Common sense should dictate that people have the right to choose their health over the carnival. That being said the obvious outcome should be that the carnival makes little to no money and realizes that opening the carnival during this unfortunate time was a huge financial blunder. We'll have to wait and see but I wouldn't be surprised if I overheard that you Bernie where found hanging around the powered fried dough vendor. I will not be in attendance since I value my health.

  3. Allentown is a bunch of babies. There is not need to close city hall just be of some smoke. I went to the carnival and I’m fine. I tired of America being a bunch of bubble wrapped babies. If you think it is unhealthy then you don’t go out. We can’t close down for every little situation. I was outside most of the day yesterday and I’m completely fine. Let’s make America tough again

    1. Maybe a pack of cigarettes, no seatbelts or child cars seats will make us tougher? Hell bring asbestos back.

  4. Those darn volunteer firefighters are money hungry!

    1. Hope Vig Hose made at least $9.11 in profits….😉

  5. The world can't stop for those who quivered and cried hid for three years. I thought it was cool. But I'm a glass half full person and you're miserable, get-off-my-lawn old fart. I'm going to make a smartphone app for people like you to warn you about places and events where fun is being committed.

  6. I can't think of anything either remotely polite or printable to write about this decision.

  7. Let me know if you are going to be in the dunk tank !

  8. “Allentown acted responsibly and postponed a meeting…”

    This meeting wasn’t going to be held in a park, so how is it responsible to postpone an indoor meeting?

    Residents are still working at their places of business, or staying at home. Many of those homes don’t have the benefit of central air conditioning, so not allowing them into City Hall might actually cause them more harm.

    Postponing the meeting likely has more to do with avoiding discussion on a bad proposal and the possibility of saying something that might upset a fringe, but very vocal, portion of the voting base.

    I’ve often thought there must be something in the water in Allentown City Hall that makes our elected officials even dumber than when they got there, but is there something in the air too?

  9. Allentown's meeting was a committee meeting. It did not need to happen last night. There was no reason to force people to get out of their houses and drive or walk or cycle to that meeting. I AGREE the world goes on, but the responsible decision was made to postpone that meeting. he Nazareth pool made the responsible decision to close. Baseball games were postponed. As for Vigilance Hose, their decision to go ahead with a carnival despite the hazardous air was disgusting. They put their profits over people. I have little money, but will never contribute to anthying they ever do.

  10. There was so much pollution-caused carnage yesterday in the Nazareth area, it's unfathomable that they proceeded because this time, the sky really was falling. Oh the humanity! I think 1) you despise Vigilance Hose, and 2) you despise people who exercise free will. Progressive authoritarians gonna progressively authoriatarian. They never take a day off.

  11. This has nothing to do with authoritarianism or progressivism. This is a local nonprofit that could have made the correct decision to wait until the weather cleared. It was irresponsible and demonstrated a complete disregard for the safety of the people that Vigilance Hose supposedly serves. I think that if anyone despises anyone, it would be Vigilance Hose that despises its local community. The fire company itself linked to a news article stating that kids in particular are susceptible to smoke. The article advises people to avoid being outside longer than needed. It failed to follow its own advice.

  12. @5:19am

    It’s sad how are you and other uneducated people like you are so shortsighted. Maybe you feel fine today after being outside yesterday, but did you ever think about the long-term ramifications? Probably not.

  13. This has nothing to do with authoritarianism or progressivism. This is a local nonprofit that could have made the correct decision to wait until the weather cleared. It was irresponsible and demonstrated a complete disregard for the safety of the people that Vigilance Hose supposedly serves. I think that if anyone despises anyone, it would be Vigilance Hose that despises its local community. The fire company itself linked to a news article stating that kids in particular are susceptible to smoke. The article advises people to avoid being outside longer than needed. It failed to follow its own advice.

  14. Wasn't it Vigiance Hose who got swindeled by Carl Strye Jr? Maybe they are still in the hole after his $$$ endeavors ;)

  15. So yesterday the Allentown School District made the “responsible” decision to dismiss their students early.

    The result: The kids were able to go outside hours earlier than they usually would be, and play on playgrounds that they wouldn’t have been able to access during regular school hours.

    I’m guessing that doesn’t work out well for the students in the long run, but at least more government workers were able to head home after a half day.

  16. 11:12, They should have event disruption insurance or a cash reserve for these kinds of events. There could have been a Noreaster, in which case their carnival would have no visitors.

  17. This pollution will be, I hope, short-lived. There is an awful lot of hand-wringing about pollution coming from a wildfire, but I don’t hear much from doctors and elected officials about the pollution caused by the trucks, traffic congestion, and such. The elected officials keep making things worse by approving apartment complexes and Wawas, but a wildfire? The world is going to end.

  18. 11:32, I don't recall suggestion that ASD has done anything responsible as of late. Of course, it was foolish to dismiss. The responsible thing is to limit the outdoor activities.

  19. Riley Children's spokesperson said there are no long term affects. Compromised should be cautious. Others should put on big boy and big girl pants and make their own decisions. I don't believe any of last night's attendees were there at gunpoint. Perhaps you have different information.

  20. Let me give you a grammar lesson. The air quality affects us, and what we suffer are its effects. Given your inability to use proper English, I doubt you understood or are reporting accurately whatever was uttered by Riley's Children. I have linked to numerous resources noting that children, in particular, are at risk. I find it astonishing that you could be so ignorant. There is little doubt in my mind that many of last night's attendees were unaware that they were placing their children in harm's way, especially when people like you spread false information. Why don't you put on your big boy pants and realize people matter more than profit?

  21. There's carnage all over Nazareth because of this. Can't you see it!?!?!?!!

  22. I'm not going to publishing an anonymous comment paraphrasing what one unnamed doctor said. Post your disinformation elsewhere.

    1. Was on channel 69 news this morning. Sorry did not write down name. Smoke does obviously effect everyone at the time especially how bad it was.

  23. Jennifer Logan pediatric pulmonologist Reilly's children. Long term effects. No lungs good at cleaning things up

  24. So she said the exact opposite of what that moron reported.


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