Local Government TV

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Opening Salvos Fired in Citizen Initiative to Have Social Workers, Not Police, Respond to 9-1-1 Calls

Last night, Allentown City Council conducted its first meeting concerning a citizen initiative that would require County dispatchers to send social workers, and not police officers, to respond to most 9-1-1 calls. (You can see the proposed ordinance here.) A city initiative requires the assent of 2,000 registered Allentown voters. City Clerk Mike Hanlon has confirmed that the petition is sufficient. City Council has 60 days in which to adopt, reject or take no action on this ordinance. It has no power to amend. Only the citizen petitioners' committee can authorize revisions. If the matter is rejected or no action is taken, it must be forwarded to the county as a ballot initiative for the voters in November.  Though the only action taken last night was to refer this matter to a committee, opening salvos were heard from both sides of this question.  Eight people, made up mostly of those who circulated the petition, spoke in support. Six people, including Police Chief Charles Roca, are opposed.  

The pro-social worker crowd included two Bethlehem residents, Allison Michael and John Irons. They are both members of Lehigh Valley Stands Up, a group that wants to "divest from institutions that have harmed our communities [police?] and invest in equitable solutions that will benefit everyone." Irons is also running for Lehigh County Comm'r.  Michael said she was "excited" about this measure coming to Allentown, though she doesn't live there. Irons said the proposal is an "extremely, extremely popular thing." He added that almost every person he visited had a story about a time when they called police for help, but received none.

Matt H (?) said that sending social workers in most instances is a "more appropriate and compassionate response to those in need." He argued this saves taxpayer money in the long run by reducing unnecessary arrests and incarcerations.

Rodney Bush, a Hasshan Batts minion and City Council candidate who participated in the "Fuck the Police" rallies during the summer of 2020, amazingly still insisted that police acted inappropriately when they assisted an out-of-control addict who was stumbling and puking in the middle of the street on his way to get detoxed at a local hospital. He insists police should have sought medical attention when it was in fact hospital personnel who asked police to place a spit hood on this guy's face so he wouldn't bite or spit at them. Bush added that 26% of Americans "do suffer from mental health."   Say what?  Chief Charles Roca would later tell City Council that police actions probably saved this guy's life. That's certainly true, For one thing, they prevented this addict from getting run over in the middle of a busy street. But maybe they should have waited for a social worker.  

Social worker Lyla Lopez (sp?) loves the idea. After all, it gives her job security.  She said cops are on ego trips and abuse their authority. She's a victim of "secondary trauma," whatever that means, from police brutality.  "It's important to have people like myself, social workers who understand things from a humanistic perspective." She added this measure is "going to help liberate our people." 

April Riddick, another circulator, said that when you call for an ambulance and police arrive first, "That's a problem." Really? In what country is a fast first responder response to a medical emergency a bad thing? She went on to claim a "disconnect" between police and the black and brown community. 

Another pro-initiative speaker, Carol Molnar, said that seeing armed police respond to her during a bipolar episode upset her and made her miss teaching three months of classes. 

The final pro speaker, a Miss Wirth (sp?) claimed this is an open, democratic process even though pretty much nobody affected by it were consulted. 

This failure was driven home by La Mega Radio owner Victor Martinez, who is also running for Lehigh County Comm'r. He said pro-social worker people should have consulted with Allentown Police Chief Charles Roca, and their failure to do so was irresponsible, especially since this is going to cost $4 million over just one year. He added that "9-1-1 operators don't work for the City. They work for the County. The fact that the County hasn't been included in this conversation is irresponsible. The fact that no one has talked to the 9-1-1 Center and 9-1-1 operators to see if they would like to take this responsibility, is irresponsible. They are the ones at the front line. They are the ones that are going to have to answer the phone and make the decision, and no one has asked them if they want that responsibility. Are we gonna' train them? Is that part of the discussion? Are we gonna' train the 9-1-1 operators so they know and understand what decision to make under pressure?" 

Dr. William Vogler, CEO of Pinebrook Family Answers, said his nonprofit is already integrating social workers into the police force. "That $4 million could be spent on so many other things that Allentown needs, and we know what those are. Housing. Homelessness, Food insecurity. Child care. To spend $4 million to replicate CAHOOTS here when we already have systems in place to achieve those goals, I think, is irresponsible spending." He also pointed out that "[w]e only have to pay cursory attention to the news to know how violent things are right now in America. I would not want to be that dispatcher that makes that decision on a split second, which service goes where. "

James Spang, with Riverfront Civic Ass'n, provided a practical example of what's wrong with this ordinance.  "If somebody's screaming in the street, I call the police. I don't know if he's fighting with another guy or his girlfriend threw him out or whatever. Now you're saying I should tell you whether he's having a mental health crisis or is a victim. I can't make that decision and I'm not going to walk out in the middle of the street and ask the guy, 'Why are you screaming in the middle of the street?''"

Then there's Jessica Ortiz , Realtor for the People, who claims she's been both a victim and gang banger.  She lives at 5th and Tilghman. "We're the ones who have the police come out. The police are on our block once a day. I don't want a counselor. I am a counselor. ... I don't want a counselor coming out if my neighbor is about to shoot his wife because he's having a mental breakdown." She noted the distrust between some people and police, but suggests this move just exacerbates it. She is appalled at the disrespect to Chief Roca and asked why everyone wasn't called to the table. "That's that secret shit that we do." 

Barry Simpson (sp) has a brother who is autistic but said these measures "have to be fiscally responsible. " 

Last, but certainly not least, was Chief Charles Roca: "This proposal does not collaborate with anyone. This was something that went out to the community and did not have input from anybody. In my mind, this meets police abolitionist goals and 'defund the police' rhetoric, which is what we hear throughout, and that is not the appropriate way ... . Our men and women of the Allentown Police Department work hard every day, and Pinebrook isn't the only agency that we collaborate with. This includes Lehigh County Crisis, Children and Youth, our health networks. We have Sgt Yost (sp?), who does a lot of good work going to get his doctorate, and making sure that our CIT-trained officers are deescalating in our community, and helping out our people that are most in need and most vulnerable." 

He disputed language in the proposed ordinance stating that police are often ill-prepared to deal with a crisis, "That's not true. We have successfully de-escalated many incidents that we come across where the person does not go to jail and there's not loss of life, but rather, they get taken to a hospital for further treatment. I want to make it clear that police officers are first responders. and as first responders, one of the things that we do is we de-escalate. We meet that need. We're able to communicate with people and provide them from going from a manic phase or a very depressed phase back to a normal level." 

"Our police department will treat people with respect, but we do so safely," he remarked. He indicated mental health services can complement, but not supplant, a police response. He referred to several programs like Blue Guardian. which sends a treatment specialist to visit the lucky people who survive  an overdose. 

In addition to a complete refusal to bother to consult with the police or county, Chief Roca noted that pro-social worker enthusiasts refuse to allow social workers who once served as police officers. "This is divisive," he concluded. "This proposal was not done with any collaboration." 

Mayor Matt Tuerk listened attentively to everyone and had some remarks of his own. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what they are because he refuses to use his damn mike. I thought that only happened in Northampton County. I did catch him saying that his wife and son signed the petition, but he does not believe they were fully informed.  

I had no problem hearing City Council Prez Daryl Hendricks. He said Council had "no input on this whatsoever." This was disputed by Ce-Ce Gerlach, who is running for re-election and thinks this is a great idea. That alone should be a reason to reject this goofy idea, if the County even agrees to put it on the ballot. Lest we forget, let me remind you that 1. She dropped a kid off at a homeless camp and the kid was sexually assaulted; 2. She posted a video to her Facebook of a guy committing suicide before his family was informed; 3. She voted against free $100,000 for the police; 4. She was at a rally that was shouting "fuck the police;" 5. She has voted against every new police officer; and 6. She ran a lemonade stand as her business when she got canned. 

Allentown can do better this. ... I hope.


  1. What kind of leash did Convict Batts have on that little Tuerk fellow?

  2. Vladimir Ill-itchMay 4, 2023 at 6:35 AM

    The LVSU group: whoa, Commie Marxist front group and "F--- the Police" morons.

    Give the people what they apparently want, then: tell the police to stay off the job for 60 days. The city will burn itself down. That's what they'll get for having so many vacuous council members and community losers, er "leaders". I feel bad for the common sense citizens whom, save for a few, didn't come out to speak. They will suffer. They should get out while the gettin' is good.

  3. If you back the blue you are not an ally of marginalized communities rather a proponent of systemic slave catching patrols meant to reinforce the status quo of white supremacy.

    Allentown is forming a new chapter of the Black Panthers with command and control at the precinct level, we will take back our city and safeguard young BIPOC from genocide.

    1. Surely you are being tongue in cheek. Either that or your bat shit crazy.

  4. Outside Allentown we're laughing at you. You've turned your town into a dangerous shithole that fewer and fewer of us want to visit for any reason. See that center city ghost town after dark? Yeah. Like that. Have fun killing each other. It's Allentown's brand.

  5. 7:51 makes a good point. Unless you live in Allentown, there is NO need to go there! We have plenty of other options in Bethlehem, Easton, and surrounding suburbs. Allentown’s failure to protect a decent quality of life for daily activities has been obvious for several years. Unkempt public spaces, trash and litter, parking problems, lousy street maintenance, mischievous teens and irresponsible adults full of despair and hatred are everywhere throughout that city. Hardworking, productive people see nothing attractive in Allentown worth the effort to participate.

  6. Police have qualified immunity. Social workers will not. Let a couple of them get sued and I think they'll quickly disband themselves.

  7. Allentown, Philly, Chicago, Camden, Baltimore, Portland, Minneapolis.... We see how things are going and we know how this ends. Enjoy your filthy, violent sty. Elections have consequences. While Bethlehem and Easton and suburban communities prosper and thrive, Allentown is heading in exactly the opposite direction. A larger conversation needs to happen regarding how to contain the self inflicted mess in Allentown and protect surrounding communities from its spread. They choose. We choose.

  8. 751 and 842am are right - there is no reason to go to Allentown on a non-event night. And the city keeps getting in its own way in trying to re-establish itself in the Valley.

    And for the life of me, where are all the people supposedly living in those apartments? I was at a hockey game a few weeks ago, came out on the corner of 7th and Linden. Probably 150 apartment windows facing that intersection. 3 had lights on (I counted that is not an estimate). Restaurants constantly closing. PA LCB doesn’t see the need for a liquor store. Where the hell are the people????

  9. "Unkempt public spaces, trash and litter, parking problems, lousy street maintenance, mischievous teens and irresponsible adults full of despair and hatred are everywhere throughout that city. Hardworking, productive people see nothing attractive in Allentown worth the effort to participate."

    Anonymous 7:51 and 8:42: Come over to the Muhlenberg College neighborhood and I challenge you to find so much as a cigarette butt on the sidewalk or an adult full of despair and hatred everywhere. This is a very sustainable and well kept neighborhood with lovely tree lined streets, safe sidewalks and friendly neighbors. Homeowners here walk to cafes, restaurants, farmers markets, parks and grocery stores and take pride in their neighborhood.

  10. The Allentown NIZ is an abject failure that has been allowed to continued on for at least a decade more than it should have.

  11. As a homeowner on the east side of Allentown I feel very safe, and most of my neighbors take pride in their property. Allentown haters gotta hate. There are shithole neighborhoods in Bethlehem and Easton. We don't trash the whole town because of that. Allentown happens to be the third largest city in PA. It is a magnet for immigrants, especially Latinos. That is not necessarily a bad thing. There is a rich cultural mix that appeals to many who live and work in the city. This proposed ordinance though is a bad idea. Most taxpayers in the city support law enforcement. Sending social workers to homes where mentally disturbed people are involved in a domestic dispute will result in dead social workers. A left-wing BLM idea from bird brain socialists like Me-Me Gerlach.

  12. 10:39 Lets face it. The average person is priced out of that section of Allentown. The college may even donate to the upkeep of the immediate area. In the city of Easton the Ambassadors program is partially sponsored by Lafayette college. The Ambassadors keep the downtown area free of litter and debris all while giving directions to the visitors off the city. The Easton downtown area is spotless because of this program. The North 3rd street area under Route 22 north to the Lafayette arch is consistently monitored for refuse.

    The area of which you speak is full of homes worth over a half million dollars, or more. The lawns, trees, bushes, etc are cut and trimmed by landscapers. No section eight housing that I know of. The college has their own maintenance personnel responsible for keeping the college campus clean and devoid of garbage. I think 7:51 and 8:42 are spot on with their assessment of the "other" areas of Allentown. Am I right or wrong?

  13. Allentown, the armpit of the Lehigh Valley. I feel bad for the remaining sane folk.

  14. Why wouldn't Allentown's mayor use a mike so everyone could have heard him?

  15. Alot of people read your blog , I've notice you have a habit of only putting part of the comments that benefits you
    Thats twisting wordings and putting people in bad light to cause the controversy. I GET IT. that negativety keeps your blog illrealvant. THIS Blog is your options, but doesn't make you the authority to pass judgement, on people, Your point of view is yours ,it your blog .But one can see If you didn't have this hlog you will simply another non factor angry bitter little old man.

  16. "Why wouldn't Allentown's mayor use a mike so everyone could have heard him?"

    I used too strong a word when I said he "refuses" to use his mike. He did, but was too far away.

  17. Folks, this story is about an initiative to have social workers, and not police, respond to 9-1-1. It is not about Allentown itself.

  18. To expand on your point Bernie, this social work approach is being spearheaded by CeCe, who as a social worker, was arrested for endangering a child and claimed she was unaware it was wrong. It’s like Allentown is taking dating advice from Bill Cosby doesn’t it?

  19. Left wing miscreants are winning. They are getting the communities they deserve. Crime and blight spreads in the communities that they represent. They solidify their own power and influence at the expense of their neighbors.

    There should be a massive surrender of law and order in Americas inner cities by law enforcement. People have the right to be policed the way that they want. Cede cities to left wing activism and those who engage in it.

    And let Allentown be the local representative of the changes that are sure to occur.

  20. "Folks, this story is about an initiative to have social workers, and not police, respond to 9-1-1. It is not about Allentown itself."

    Sorry about that...I'm just sick and tired of a bunch of ignorant, usually racist people making mean and nasty generalizations about my town. Calling someone's home a shithole and making jokes about people killing each other makes me sick. I'm against the stupid idea of sending social workers out on 911 calls and I'm confident that my fellow voters in the City will come through in the primary and elect responsible candidates for City Council.

  21. well the police chief says" I want to make it clear that police officers are first responders. and as first responders, one of the things that we do is we de-escalate. We meet that need."
    So where is the statement that officers that escalate a situation will be dealt with?

    he feels a that social worker can compliment his officers when dealing with various situations.
    he claims that his officers do that all the time yet cannot or would not give an concrete example.
    Who is reviewing the camera feeds of the officers?
    Or is this a "until a citizen's video goes viral" are they looked at?
    The police have a problem and the chief offered no solution to that problem.

    1. Try being a cop. Then tell me how you feel

  22. 3.04
    "There should be a massive surrender of law and order in Americas inner cities by law enforcement. People have the right to be policed the way that they want."
    That is happening now since the police have the belief that they are not responsible to anyone.
    "your not kissing my ass so i will pout and not do my job".
    "how dare you arrest a cop for just shooting someone because I'm in a grumpy mood"
    "go ahead and fire me i will get another job in another town--if you can get me fired--good luck trying to do that--my buddies will suddenly have no memory of the incident and my buddies will let it be known to the DA that unless I get a sweetheart deal my buds will make the DA look bad "
    Most police are reasonable and upstanding officers yet they fail in driving the bad apples out of the force--perhaps they can work on that and accomplish something

  23. 6.44
    "Try being a cop. Then tell me how you feel"
    fair question.
    Over one hundred cops stood around while kids got killed in the Texas school shooting--should those officers find another line of work?
    Should they be outraged and vocal about the site command who could have done a better job?
    Curiously there has been no real fallout over that.
    Why the silence from the "good guys with a gun"?
    Should the public try to buck up their morale?
    Perhaps they need a raise or the right to jump ahead of everyone at the checkout line at the local store?
    Police demand respect yet they have to earn it instead.
    Most officers deserve that respect--some do not and that is the problem that the police themselves have to solve in the end.

  24. That was hard to read for so many reasons. But if you want Allentown to get worse than it already is, this is how you do it. Hopefully, there are enough people in the city with some sense left that will prevent this from happening. If you support this kind of thing, you should move to Cali or Oregon, or any other city/state where the inmates are running the asylum... then tell us all how great it is.

    Social workers can work in tandem with police on 911 calls where it makes sense, but they are not a replacement for first responders.

  25. The people pushing this petition door to door and at neighborhood meetings misrepresented who they were. Throughout the city, they identified themselves as working "for" the city or "with" the city. They claimed to have the support of the administration and the city police, straight up to the chief. They pitched this as a collaborative effort and conveniently left out the price tag. Who wrote the ordinance? Surely not a "citizen" like they'd have you believe. Then there are people like Lehigh County Commissioner candidate Jon Irons, who continues to peddle the nonsense that this entire thing was the idea of and written by the residents of the city. It most certainly was not. It was crafted by the Pennsylvania Working Families Party. It clearly was written by someone (Gerlach) who had the knowledge of what a draft of a proposed ordinance should look like. There should be an investigation as to the legality of this when so much deceit was put before the citizens of Allentown to get the signatures needed to advance this to council.

  26. I'm voting for Communist cc gerlach for Lehigh County Prison !!! What is someone this stupid even doing on city council ? These socialist communists need to be run out of Allentown before it turns into Seattle !!!


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