Local Government TV

Friday, May 12, 2023

NorCo Judicial Race Getting Testy

The Northampton County DA race between incumbent Terry Houck and challenger Steve Baratta  has pretty much sucked all the oxygen out of the room in other races. That should change soon, as the judicial contest between Brian Panella and Nancy Aaroe is beginning to get testy. 

Aaroe has complained about Panella's campaign finances. 

Panella's report tells us he raised $96,125, including $30,000 in loans to himself. He raised $42,000 from individual donors, with slightly more than half - $22,000 - coming from lawyers in the Philadelphia area.

Aaroe's campaign manager, Andres Weller complains that “[i]t is very troubling that over half of Panella’s individual fundraised amount is from Philadelphia. His donor list looks like a walk down the Main Line of Philly. ... The people of Northampton County deserve a Judge committed to them, not beholden to the lawyers of Philadelphia.”

Panella's campaign manager, Patti Bruno, responded that "[h]aving support across the Commonwealth does not require a defense - it’s admirable to be viewed as the best choice by peers. ... The Panella campaign is happily supported by attorneys across the Commonwealth because Brian Panella is the best candidate for the vacant seat. The contributions continue to demonstrate the overarching level of support Panella has which I understand is worrisome for the Aaroe campaign."

Bruno had a complaint of her own. " I am much more concerned that Nancy Aaroe has now, twice, publicly - through photographic social media evidence and press conferences, utilized a registered 501(c)(3) to openly advocate for her political campaign which is in direct violation of well established laws and places the organization’s tax exemption status under a microscope. As an attorney - she should have advised them better. As a candidate for judge - she should have never allowed it."

Bruno is apparently referring to the nonprofit B.A.C.K. (Bikers Against Cop Killers), which Aaaroe has used as a backdrop at a news conference and campaiGn appearance.


  1. "Panella's campaign manager, Patti Bruno"

    Is that serious? Th He entrusted his large campaign to her? He will win anyway.

    1. Right? He will win because it’s him, not because of that goof.

  2. The DUI Gal and her dipshit husband are a couple of crybabies.
    Who cares where the money comes from?!?!?
    I’m sure if anyone from any corner of the state wanted to contribute to the DUI Gal she’d surely have her hand out.
    As for the 501(c)(3) complaint, I’d be cautious not to alert the DUI Gal to how terrible her media/photography has been.
    Especially the photo above - it’s doctored so much she looks like Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec!!
    And those stupid arrow yard signs!!! What’s she trying to sell a house or alert voters where the yard sale is?!?!?

  3. Bernie
    I noticed the B.A.C.K organization in her 1st press conference at the courthouse, and wondered if that would cause issues to their 501 c 3 status. Is that an issue or is it alright?

  4. Brian is an incredible person!!

  5. So someone running for office raised money? Yawn. If this is what Aaroe is complaining about then they really have nothing.

    Has she realized yet that she’s running in Pennsylvania or does Aaroe still cite New Jersey law all the time?

    1. Lol her own campaign finance shows she’s taking money in from jersey so maybe the jersey law citings are next.

  6. "I noticed the B.A.C.K organization in her 1st press conference at the courthouse, and wondered if that would cause issues to their 501 c 3 status. Is that an issue or is it alright?

    It's an issue for the nonprofit, not for her. If the IRS determines it is engaged in political activity, it could lose its nonprofit status. At the presser, a group came and stood behind Aaroe, and I suppose you could say they were there as individuals. But I have been given a photo of Aaroe and her campaign signs with the group at some event. That could be improper for the nonprofit.


  7. Because she's running for office, I allow most criticism. But I have to say that comments that draw attention to her photo are really petty and sexist. They will just make people more inclined to support her.

    The DA's race is an ugly battle. But I don't see Terry or Steve supporters making ugly comments about how they look in photos. You're doing this to Aaroe bc she is a woman. I support Brian, and if you support him, knock off that crap. Thanks.

  8. It’s not sexist - it shows she’s a disingenuous person trying to portray herself to voters as someone she’s not. And Baratta is using a terrible photo of Terry where he looks like he’s very constipated.

  9. Valley judges should be supported by the Valley. Simple.

  10. Panella running a very petty and kind of skeevy race. Hitting digs on Nancy's pics and spam-botting her comments, versus actually making sound arguments for himself. "Who cares where the money comes from?!" is an immature and uneducated comment - clearly many people do, that's why we have financial disclosures. Like it or not, it raises some eyebrows to see over 50% funds from philly. The "philly lawyers love me" line prob works on a certain cohort, but not with the republicans Panella is trying to convince he's one of. His two-faced approach is starting to catch up to him, and his CM is desperately pedaling misogynist and immature comments... true colors reveal with time...

  11. Does anyone else find it amusing that she complains about Panella, yet Aaroe received substantial donations from New Jersey and outside of Northampton County? She also donated to liberal Baratta! What a hypocrite and fake Republican.

  12. She must not have realized that he went to law school, wait for it...on the Main Line! Chances are he'd probably know a lawyer or 2 there that would want to support him. Weak case...

    1. Last I checked widener wasn’t on the mainline LOL

  13. Stop complaining about money and run your race - the DUI Guy should be able to loan the DUI Gal plenty of money considering he charges triple the going rate to be represented by the “The DUI Guy” only to get the same outcome that everyone else charges for

  14. Having a litany of local attorneys publicly supporting a judge candidate on a mailer is not illegal nor is it unethical, but as the saying goes, there is no free lunch. Being nice is not a prerequisite to being qualified. There are many nice people, that does not make them qualified. Let's see, 31 years of experience versus 6.

  15. Having a litany of local attorneys publicly supporting a judge candidate on a mailer is not illegal nor is it unethical, but as the saying goes, there is no free lunch. Being nice is not a prerequisite to being qualified. There are many nice people, that does not make them qualified. Let's see, 31 years of experience versus 6.

  16. Panellas team saying “having support across the commonwealth”. What is he talking about. over 50% is from Philly. Last time I checked Panella is running for Northampton County. Not a good look. Seems out of touch and will be a big negative in Northampton county.

  17. So Patti Bruno and the Panella campaign wish to bring the hammer down on Bikers Against Cop Killers? That's a great look! I didn't know Panella or his goofy mouthpiece before this. But I know them now. What PsOS. They're making this easy for their opponent. Typical anti-cop Democrats angered because the cops and their families hate them.

    1. If im not mistaken, Panella has received FOP endorsements

    2. Panella has FOP endorsements and has served on the Mounted patrols board. He has a lot if respect for police and first responders in general.

  18. this is our choice, this is the best northamton county has to offer, sad

  19. @10:11 a.m. - Panella is endorsed by the Easton FOP, he's far from anti-cop. Those republicans are probably livid that he got law enforcement behind him.

    If Aaroe cares so much about where funding comes from, has she rejected and returned every donation she's received from outside the county? *Checks notes* No. She has not. She has accepted every cent - even from New Jersey!

    This is a nonstory from a candidate who has nothing else to do but complain.

  20. Nancy for dog catcher!!!

  21. If that’s true why would Aaroe let the bikers jeopardize nonprofit status? Seems selfish of her and the campaign to have them do that if she should’ve known better. Are there other ways she could have let them cheer her on that didn’t break any of these apparent rules?

  22. "over 50% is from Philly. Last time I checked Panella is running for Northampton County. Not a good look. Seems out of touch and will be a big negative in Northampton county."

    Honestly, I don't have a dog in this fight. But nobody will care. Not one undecided voter.

  23. Lahoud is a hot piece of hunk meat

  24. I want to have Ray Lahoud’s babies!!!

  25. Nancy Aaroe is about as interesting as unbuttered white toast. If you want her obnoxious husband to be even more obnoxious, then vote for her. If you want a dynamic, transformative person on the bench to help shepherd the county then vote for Brian

  26. 11:06 Hi Patricia.

  27. "this is our choice, this is the best northamton county has to offer, sad."

    Both are excellent lawyers.

    1. Both are lawyers - let’s save the superlatives for Brian

  28. Philly money is dirty structural WOKE cash. 50% is outrageous. Reject the Philly Panella. Easton FOP ought to check their guy. He's a cop hater. We need a local pro-LEO in this seat.

  29. I was just looking at the reports. Lahoud gave Panella money, one of his bigger donors. Here, too, Lahoud?

  30. Panella is a Joke. Pretends to be a Republican to Republicans and a dem to dems. This will all catch up to him. Maybe he can go to daddy when this is all over for a job.

  31. O'Hare love attorneys. He will always use a caveat with them, He thinks he is still a lawyer.

  32. My rub against Panella has nothing to do with fundraising and more to do with experience. I see a young kid who hasn’t even practiced law for a decade go for the bench largely due to his father’s help and influence. Don’t tell me for one second that there weren’t better candidates who chose not to enter the race because they didn’t want to run afoul or Daddy Panella. I will not be casting a vote for judge.

  33. Bruno is a hack.

  34. This story is about campaign finance, not campaign managers.

  35. Ask yourself this. If you have to go before a judge would you like one with years of experience or not.

  36. Attorney Brian Panella is well qualified in his own right to serve the public as a judge, thats the bottom line. The fact that his dad is a well respected state court judge and his mom is well respected in the community just underscores the strong family values Atty Brian has learned from his parents as he seeks to use his legal talents to serve the public. Thanks to Mr O'Hare for his commitment to the public's right to know.


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