Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

NorCo Controller Race: Qayuum Raises Nearly Three Times as Much Money as Zrinski

Below are the Pre-Primary campaign finance reports filed on Fridayby Northampton County Controller candidates Nadeem Qayyum and Tara Zrinski.

Qayuum raised $58,634.58, but $47,359.58 of that was lent to the campaign by Qayuum and his wife. I saw no PAC money of any kind from politicians or unions, and no contributions from county officials.  

He spent $30,383.57, which leaves him with $28,251 going into the final week. 

Qayuum had nearly three times as much money to spend as Zrinski. 

Zrinski started this race with $2,325.18 and raised $17,297, giving her $19,622.18. She has spent $16,340.08, leaving her with $3,282.10 for the final week. 

She received $5,750 from trade unions. She also accepted money from the very people she will be required to hold accountable if elected as Controller. She accepted $1,000 from County Exec Lamont McClure as well as donations from County Council candidates Kelly Keegan and Ken Kraft. 

Nadeem Qayyum Pre-Primary Expense Report by BernieOHare on Scribd

Zrinski Pre Primary Report by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. Zirinski's opponent raised most of his money from his own pocket. Zirinski's report is interesting. She has donations from people working for the Planning
    Commission that she serves on and votes on with the county? She also has interesting people connected to the Baratta-McClure camp. like atty LaHood. I must believe that is more for the sake of McClure than for her in her own right. The unions have ponied up again. How many times will they fund her ego? I am sure the members would be thrilled.

    She also made sure to pay herself from her contributions. It would appear the insiders have coached her on not spending her money on a campaign primary she will win anyway. She will have to us it against the republican opponent.

    1. I am so happy Nadeem is running for county controller. He has a very good background.
      He got my vote.

  2. Please fill us in on what members of the LVPC contributed to her, and please explain what is wrong about that. She would not be auditing that body. I do think that, if she claims she's going to hold the Exec and Council responsible, she should decline their $.

    As for Ray Lahoud, I believe he was being nice.

  3. Bernie, I must disagree with you on Lahoud being “nice.” Seeing him at your debate, reading some of his snide remarks to people posting on Baratta’s FB page, and just the way he is pushing a blowhard for office makes me think he is anything but nice. He is coming across as an immature brat — I guess that is why he and Baratta work so well together.

  4. Vladimir Ill-itchMay 9, 2023 at 9:09 AM

    Anyone who donated to either of these candidates has too much money to spend and should really use it to benefit society instead of flushing it down the toilet. There are a lot of charities out there that need help.

    Keegan has money to donate to TeamTara but needs money from McClure to kick Myers off the ballot? Corrupt.

    Why would anyone donate $47K of their money to their campaign for a position that pays $85K a year? That's fishy, too. If they have an extra $47 grand laying around that they don't need, that could be spent more wisely. That's fishy, too.

  5. He did not raise the money as much as he basically gave money to himself. That is not raising it from the community or supporters. Not saying it is bad to loan your campaign money and good for him he has the $$$.

    He did not pound the pavement to raise it though. The headline is a bit misleading.

  6. He should have used that $$ to clean his house, so he wouldnt keep getting code violations.

  7. No it's not. Whether he gave the $ to himself or got it from someone else, he raised nearly three times as much $ as Zrinski. Also, I tell you how he got the $ and post the damn expense report. You just hate seeing this guy credited for anything, even if he has to dig ionto his own pocket.

  8. It seems capitalism has been very good to the Qayuum clan. To be able to throw 47k of their own money at an election for a job that pays 85k, wow! Like their hero Bernie Sanders, they thrive on capitalism while pushing socialism for everyone else.

  9. Bernie @ 10:47 am: For whatever reason, you are quick to allude to criticism of Mr. Qayyum is bigoted in nature. While that may be the case with a few posts, I think it is fair to point out that Ms. Zrinski’s funding came more from individuals than self-funding. The former shows, to a degree, a belief in a candidate. Self-funding, to me, shows either a lack of effort/desire to solicit donations or a candidate many choose not to support financially. None of what I have written — or will write — comes from bigotry. Additionally, I have a distaste for Mr. Qayyum and his wife not because of their ethnicities, but because of their opportunistic and manipulative manner. (Yes, I have *seen* both in action.)

  10. 2:42, Nothing in this post about finance reports suggests bigotry by anyone. I have in the past suggested that Zrinski's criticism of Qayuum's education, both online and in person at The University of the Punjab, is classist. And it is. I agree that both Nadeem and Sultana are opportunistic, but so is someone who wants to be Controller so she can springboard into a State Senate race when Boscola retires. That's what Zrinski has told other Democratic candidates as recently as Monday. They are all opportunists. I will vote for Cusick in the general election.

  11. I'd rather see someone with support from a variety of sources, rather than a self-funder. But there's nothing illegal about buying political office for yourself. It usually doesn't work, however. I'm supporting Cusick in any event.

    1. That mean Nadeem will be completely independent while Tara will be a puppet.

  12. According to the finance report, Nadeem will serve as an independent controller while Tara will be a rubber stamp to Lamont and other public officials.

  13. Nadeem will win primary without any doubt.

  14. @7:32 seems a bit jealous of Lahoud having a real job. It must suck for 7:32 to earn only $500 a month working for Houck’s campaign. @7:32: get a life.

  15. Corrected - the last post was referring to @7:42.

  16. Why does Nadeem seem to have his kids knocking on doors instead of going to school during the day? Also, why did he change his name for this election per the election filings?

  17. Hi 6:13 pm, I’m 7:42 am. Thanks for the good laugh, as I find unwarranted arrogance humorous. I do have a job and earn a decent salary, but certainly not one that allows me to toss tens of thousands of dollars at a candidate’s primary race. Actually, even if I had that sort of money, it is unlikely I would spend it in such a manner. As for your Houck remark, I don’t work for, or even know Houck. To my knowledge, I don’t know anyone associated with this campaign. You see, I am an independent thinker. I saw Lahoud behave like a child at Bernie’s debate and I have read his snide remarks. I don’t care for people who have to belittle others in an effort to elevate themselves. Now you have a good night; I must wind down so that I am ready for that job of mine that may not pay as well as an immigration lawyer, but is vitally important.

  18. "Why does Nadeem seem to have his kids knocking on doors instead of going to school during the day? Also, why did he change his name for this election per the election filings?"

    I honestly have no idea what his or his wife's children do during the day, and I find it more tan a bit disconcerting that you are bringing children's support for their parents into a political contest. And as far as the name is concerned, you are trying to sir up anti-Muslim sentiment, just like Trump. You pretend to be liberal and an "ally," but are just as bigoted an any white nationalist.

  19. "Opportunistic behavior", are you team Tara cult followers for real? She defines opportunistic. Her seat on county council was not even warm when she ran for another office, then another and so on. In fact, I heard some dems joking about what month is it, so they know what new office she is running for. Her campaign and she have engaged in closet classism and cultural insensitively towards this man. They have attacked he and his entire family. For what reason? She will win the primary easily. In fact, if she does not get 80% of th vote she failed. Shame on McClure for helping this person to be Controller. I don't care what is reasons are. He betrays himself with this self-serving move.

  20. 4:10, Neither Democratic candidate is very appealing. I voted for Nadeem, although I expect Zrinski to win easily. She and Pinsley are the two most opportunistic pols I've ever seen. On this campaign, she is already talking to others about the next office she intends to seek. And the wealthy white female elitists who back her are like the cast of Mean Girls. I am still shaking my head over the anti-Muslim comment based on Nadeem's name and their attempt to criticize him bc his kids knock on doors. That's really disgusting. Most importantly, he campaign finance report reveals that she took money from the very people she is supposed to hold accountable.

    Nadeem has several problems. First, it is very difficult to communicate with him. His command of English is poor. I don't think he understands what people are saying to him and I know I don't understand him. While I think immigration can bring many excellent people into our ranks, a person serving in a public role should be able to communicate, and Nadeem can't. Second, I have seen opportunistic behavior from him as well as Zrinski. Third, when he started his campaign, he was talking about running to eliminate student loans and stop climate change. That has nothing to do with the controller. It exists to review the finances of county offices and to catch government waste and fraud. Fourth, his finance report reveals that he's in no position to deal with numbers. He has pages mixed up and inserts things where they don't belong. It is sloppy, the exact opposite of the kind of finance report a controller should prepare.

    In the final analysis, there is only one candidate, John Cusick. He is no opportunist. He is a very effective communicator. He has devoted his public career to local government, especially the county. He is acutely aware of county finances, more so than any other council member I've seen (other than Ron Angle and Jim Hemstreet). He is independent and willing to stray from his own party or the Exec. He is the only candidate in a positionto identify waste and fraud.


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