Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

NorCo Controller Race: Candidate's Wife Falsely Implies Governor Supports Her Husband

NorCo Controller candidate Nadeem Qayuum has claimed several times during this campaign to have endorsements from local celebrities that were never given. Now his wife, Easton City Council member Taiba Sultana is implying on Facebook that Qayuum, her husband, is supported by Governor Josh Shapiro. This is simply dishonest.

The foremost quality in a Controller should be absolute honesty. Qayuum fails, thanks to his wife.


  1. Hi Bernie. I’m not a Nadeem supporter per se, I’m actually still torn in this particular race, but this doesn’t seem like implied support from the governor. Even the Facebook post you linked doesn’t push that connection, unless it’s been changed recently. Can you share when he’s said to have these false endorsements? I saw him speak and couldn’t remember hearing anything like that. I think Nadeem (and Tara, too) has red flags when it comes to this position, I just don’t know if this photograph qualifies.

  2. It certainly does. It actually looks like Shapiro is making those statements. Also, he falsely claimed to be endorsed by Larry Holmes and Anna Panella, and had to take those down.

    1. Oh I see. That’s a shame. He seems genuinely nice, it’s sad to see him make those choices

    2. Bernie, You are turning into a drama creator from a blogger.

      There's a caption under the picture.
      It doesn’t look like he claims the support.

      Some so many candidates post their pictures with other politicians.

      Panto sent out a mailer that had a picture with Rep.Freeman as well as with Sen.Boscola.

      I don’t see any wrong with this picture. You are creating a path for John Cusick.

    3. Difference is that both of them support Panto.
      These two jump on photo ops with anyone who can stand (even some who can’t 😔) and use it on their private and campaign pages.
      It’s dishonest at best.

  3. The two of them jump on photo ops with nearly every living human being who they can use for political gain….it’s honestly disgusting

  4. 2:17, The poor English used in this comment is why Nadeem should not be running. This comes from either Nadeem or his wife. It is written poorly and reflects an inability to communicate that is really essential in an elected official.

    I created no drama. You did, when you claimed endorsements you don't have. You continue to do
    when you post a pic with the Governor and make it appear that he supports you. It's dishonest.

    And incidentally, John Cusick does not need me to create a path for him. Both you and Tara have done a fine job of that yourselves. Congratulations.

  5. Bernie, you much very man bad.

    But newcomers to my country should certainly master the King's English before asking for my vote amid their shady ethics.

  6. I like the idea of an immigrant serving as an elected official, but communication is extremely important. It is important that I understand him and that he understand me. An accent is fine, but there has to be an ability to understand what each is saying. Nadeem falls short in that area.

  7. Whenever you see the words “equitable” or “equity” it’s democrat socialist code. I’m all for equal opportunity. Not equal outcome. Equity is a politicians code that they’re going to take from one and give to the other. No socialism!

    1. 2:57: I understand. Now, Kid Rock, splain your definition of equal.

  8. Actually, both socialism and capitalism are premised on equal opportunity. "All animals are equal," sex George Orwell. But both systems can be perverted to favor those who have acquired wealth or status. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," note Orwell. The way to remedy this is to ensure that we all have an equal opportunity to advance, and that does mean a hand up for those who have historically been held down. There is every reason to be concerned about equality and equity. This has nothing to do with being a socialist or a capitalist. It instead distinguishes those of us who are classist or racist from those of us who try not to be. You are so caught up in ideology that you've forgotten how to think.

    1. Very well said. This isn't about socialism vs capitalism.

    2. You are correct. It's not about government. It's about equity. Our government has failed miserably .

      I don't see the National News Program in Sweden paying 3/4 billions dollars and firing 4 on-air personalities to get away with their fake news.

      And, speaking of foreigners, Rupert Murdoch is an immigrant who knew how to successfully exploit us. Boy, did he exploit America well. F*ck him and all of his news.

      Donald Trump followed that example.

  9. Not all that bad. Glad it was done against Zirinski. She is known by other dems as someone who throws her fellow dems under the bus to get a few votes. Other than her "team" she is held in very low esteem by most democrat officeholders.

  10. Houck did the same thing. He did a totally misleading ad with him and Shapiro, saying he endorsed Shapiro. But a quick glance looked like Shapiro was endorsing him. Shady AF.

  11. houcky is shady. Did he show his picture with Shapiro to his "republican friends" committee members that he lies about being behind? Bernard....ya think it still wasn't scissor-hands severson that was behind that shenanigan? LYIN' TERRY. LYIN' TERRY has people giving out papers to republicans beggin for our votes. I wrote tom carroll's name on my republican ballot. Messed up how negative houcky got with him but houcky couldn't handle the heat by a fellow D.

  12. "Houck did the same thing. He did a totally misleading ad with him and Shapiro, saying he endorsed Shapiro. But a quick glance looked like Shapiro was endorsing him. Shady AF."

    Incorrect, Houck posted a picture of him with Shapiro to counter the "Shady AF" claims by Baratta that Houck is a closet Republican. He is seeking write-ins. So are Kelly Keegan and Ken Kraft. That does not make them Rs.

    Time to stop the attacks. It's over.

  13. Republican Friends:
    Please write in Republican Terry Houck.He’s the real conservative.

  14. Bernie. How long till we know the results. A week? Two weeks lol. The sad thing is I’m only half joking.

  15. I'll be able to report on most races around midnight.

  16. You should eliminate "anonymous" as a contributor. People want to make comments, they should be responsible for them.

  17. 9:50, You yourself are anonymous, and are saying other people should be responsible for what they say.

    I allow anonymity comments because anonymous speech is what made this country great. It works best when it is directed at an issue, not a person. I allow anonymous criticism of elected officials or public officials who set policy. I will reject comments I consider defamatory and will reject any suggestion of violence


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.