Local Government TV

Monday, May 01, 2023

Myers' Party Switch Means NorCo Council is Now Under GOP Control

Up until last Thursday, Northampton County Council was technically Democratic - five Democrats and four Republicans. In practice, it has actually been a Republican or at least an anti-McClure governing body for some time. It can stop pretending. Now that Council Prez Kerry Myers has officially switched parties, Council is now officially a Republican governing body, 

Republican Council members John Brown, Tom Giovanni and John Goffredo welcomed Myers to the dark side on Thursday.  That's to be expected. But what role did Council members Lori Vargo Heffner, and Ron Heckman play? Was Myers assured behind closed doors that he could retain his presidency? 

I am quite concerned about rumors of pre-meetings in the back room, where issues are discussed and decided in advance. I can even see this in recent votes, where some members seem a but too sure of outcomes. 

Five Democrats voted to install Myers as President. Three Republicans preferred Cusick. In view of what has happened, County Council does have authority under Robert's Rules to reorganize.

Should they keep a Democratic Council Solicitor? A Clerk's office that bungles the Sunshine Act and forgets to place items on the agenda?  

This warrants some discussion, and not in the back room.  


  1. Do you mean the meeting scripts and texts given to Ziriski and Lott by the McClure team? Also, despite the fact that it is obvious you bitterly hate some council people, do you have any proof of your accusations or just the rumors given you by your administration handlers? Do you ever bother to ask the people you attack or just go by authoritarian misinformation. Many people are glad Republicans are now in control so there can finally be some oversight of your good buddy McClure.

  2. I believe an elected official should serve their term as they presented themselves to the voters when they were elected. Otherwise the people did not get what they paid for with their votes. I hate to think what cans of worms this type of behavior can open.

  3. The de facto R Council has long been providing oversight. They've gone against him on a Gracedale performance audit, pay study, the employee health center and the LERTA in Upper Mount bethel. They would have granted the LERTA in Easton until it was reported that the owner owed $346,000 in back taxes.

    I am told there are pre-meetings in the back room. Since I'm not there, I have no way of knowing for sure. What I do know is that Council members seem quite sure of themselves when they come out and vote.

    Was there a deal to make sure that Myers would be able to keep his Presidency? Let's get an answer. Maybe a motion to vacate the chair is in order.

  4. All this should show everyone is that it doesn't matter whether you have a R or D behind the name, they are all working together to keep themselves in power.

  5. The county executive usually does this by individual meetings before the council meeting to know exactly where the vote will stand. Been going on for decades

  6. Kerry Myers raised his monies to get elected by soliciting his democratic Friends for donations. 12:48 AM you are right on target. He now turns on those of us who helped him get elected and our reward is for him to change his politics. Mr. Morganelli used his Democratic friends to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for all the offices he sought. Our reward was for Morganelli to register as an independent after he was elected Judge. Is there no shame.

  7. Is this accurate? Did Judge Morganelli change his politics?

  8. This is the "WORST" County Commissioners/County Council we have ever had in the County History. Everyone of them has baggage, when exposed, would give electors plenty of reason not to vote them back in office. Now, we are going to have a ZOO atmosphere through the rest of the year. Are you sure what you are saying about Morganelli is true? I find that hard to believe.

  9. "Is this accurate? Did Judge Morganelli change his politics?"

    I have not personally checked, but Judge Morganelli told me that himself. I am untroubled by a judge who does that bc they are supposed to stay out of politics and candidates crossfile.

  10. Vote counting before meetings was certainly going on when McClure and Dertinger were on Council together. I got that right from the horses mouth years ago and was warned "if you go against us, don't expect anything you want to pass". They are power junkies for years.

  11. Vote counting before a meeting is not a Sunshine Act violation if it is done correctly. But a pre-meeting with a quorum of council is illegal. That did not happen when McClure or Dertinger were on Council for two reasons. First, I tagged McClure early on a Sunshine Act violation. Second, Angle would raise holy hell if there was even a hint of this. This Council is taking a very lax attitude regarding Sunshine, The past few meetings, Council Clerks have failed to attach meeting documents online, keeping the public in the dark. They have failed to post an agenda as required. They failed to list a grant to Lehigh Heavy Forge, which resulted in a delay for one project that actually is worthy. At the same time, according to one Council member I decline to name, there is a group that meets in the back room before each meeting. Did that group tell Myers he could keep huis presidency if he changed sides? It's very clear that he was talking about it in the backroom, which explains why 3 R Council members were at his announcement of a party switch.

    1. Speaking of Ron Angle, where is he when we need him?

  12. That meeting before the meeting was a violation of the sunshine act. It was a quorum of council/commissioners. They could meet with four of them but not five.

  13. It is about time to get rid of the clerks. Time to get someone that is competent. A few mess-ups, okay. But these mess-ups are huge and ongoing. She needs to go.

  14. Kerry for Mayor of Easton!!!

  15. OK Bernie, give us an example of how to appropriately count votes before meetings and make sure you include the threat of not supporting issues of those who don't vote the way you want in the future BC they crossed you.

  16. Are you really that dumb? One council member can approach other council members, one by one,c to lobby for or against something. When a quorum of council or a council committee does it, it is a Sunshine Act violation. Lobbying can certainly include threats to refuse to support someone else's proposals.

  17. Glad you do not hold office. Using quid pro threats to get what you want about policy is childish at least and unethical at worst. Debate not threats is how to craft policy in a mature government.

  18. And this is the best republicans will ever do…

    Great job GOP lmao

  19. One could blame the majority of dems on council or one could blame McClure for his inability to establish a working coalition. Wich is more likely. I guess it must all be hatred. Poor, poor Litle Lord Lamont, Bernie has you covered. McClure can't tell the difference between ruling and governing. He and his loyal sidekick Chucky have been a sneaky scheming pair since their council days. In a few years he will also control council. What will poor Benie get to write about then.


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