Local Government TV

Monday, May 22, 2023

UPDATED: Houck, Rowe Win Write-in, Myers Misses

Terry Houck has won the Republican nomination for DA in NoCo with 1,468 votes.

Bill Rowe has won the Republican nomination for NorCo Council D1 with 321 write-in votes.

Kerry Myers fell short in his bid to win the Republican nod for NorCo Council D2. He needed 250 votes and got 197.

These results are unofficial. The final tally of write-ins will be online by late this morning or early this afternoon.


  1. Tom from Emmaus Not Santo PalMay 22, 2023 at 5:12 PM

    There is a God!

  2. He Bernie, if you bring the soda, I’ll bring the popcorn because this DA rematch will be one for the ages. Can’t wait for your fall debate!

  3. Any word from Houck on whether he is going to run? Is he going to change party?

  4. Terry has no intention of changing parties. Any word from Baratta on whether he's going to stop letting Republicans fund his campaign? This race is about the best person, not the one backed by big money or the establishment.

  5. GREAT news. Looking forward to voting Houck in November.

  6. Oh please Bernard, so, baratta was able to raise money from both sides. Get over it. Dent is so establishment and was backed by big money and you kiss his ass any chance you get. You talk out of 2 sides of your mouth. Kinda like Houck. Keep blowing your BS praise into Houck’s ears so he can go down with a 70 to 30 loss in the fall and finally end his career.

    1. Taking money from both sides is different than having that be your primary donor source in a Democratic primary

  7. So now houck is a democrat running as a Republican? That’s weird. Pick a lane loser.

  8. HOUCK cannot change his registration to Republican until next year. He must stay as a Democrat. Houck will do the right thing and not run as a Republican. If he takes his name off the ballot that means the Republican Party can name his replacement to run in the General Election. Should that happen, the R's will appoint a women to replace Houck on the ticket and that means they will have a women running for Judge and a women running for DA. It will be a landslide Victory for the R's.

  9. instead of telling us how great Houck is, why don’t you investigate and report what the conviction rate is for Northampton County.
    Houck claims is 90 percent, so it must be 150 percent in Philadelphia. investigate and produce a letter from the ethics board that Houck didn’t violate any rules when he received a referral fee from Kline and Specter. How about those county officials sleeping at the wheel, is a First Assistant allowed to to have a private practice under the home rule charter? We need to clean house at the Northampton County in the next election.

  10. Houck is and never was a Republican…he made it clear, since NO republicans were running, he would ask for Republican write in support . The truth will bury Barrata when it’s all said and done.

  11. 3:22, Why don't you tell us why Baratta insisted he was not seeking the GOP write-in, yet quietly filed paperwork the day after the election to indicate that is precisely what he was doing?

    As to your points, Houck's conviction rate is 90% and his office is deemed the most efficient in the state. He has no need to produce a letter from the Ethics Comm'n about a referral made a dozen years before he was DA. You can complain to the Ethics Comm'n if you wish. His first assistant puts in a 50-hour week with the DA, and nothing in the HRC or state law says that is improper. Whatever happened to Baratta's complaint to the Disciplinary Board?

  12. When are we getting a scathing hit piece on how poorly the Bruno/Severson team did this election? Houck and Panella had abysmal campaigns and the results showed. Isn't that loud gigantic blonde thing running both of those losing campaigns??? Oh duh, I forgot they are paying you!


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