Local Government TV

Friday, May 19, 2023

Heckman Both For and Against McClure's Proposed Gift Ban Ordinance

Council member Ron Heckman, who is rarely at a loss for words, made perfectly clear that he is both for and against Executive Lamont McClure's proposed gift ban ordinance. He really hates the idea of "looking over my shoulder" every time he takes a freebee. He thinks the current ban which has so many holes  to render it meaningless, is just fine. But he's reluctantly willing to go along with a ban that actually does ban gifts.

He also complained that people stop saying Hello to you once you're out of office. 

Last night, Northampton County unanimously agreed to delay introduction for two weeks so Heckman can tweak it a bit. 


  1. Woe is Ron. The stress of being an honest politician is overwhelming. As far as hellos, most people hold a very low opinion of politicians, often pretending to like them when they're serving. I think when people decline to say hello, it's because they genuinely don't like you.

  2. …a valid example of why we should have term limits

  3. A very wise man once said, in reference to Ron, "he feels very strongly both ways"

  4. Ron and Margaret are very nice people. Ron gave most of his life in honorable public service. He should be allowed to finish his term on his own terms just like Peg.

  5. Ron is totally in the tank for the Court System. His kid has a do-nothing patronage job with the Courts. He’s otherwise unemployable and Ron is very grateful.

  6. Ron is verbose and has always been about Ron…

  7. Known Ron since the nineties always helpful but obviously not a mancrush. You must really hate the guy to allow hateful posts.

  8. I was unaware Heckman's son works for the courts. For years, I put up with comments attacking Peg bc her daughter works for the county, so it's only fair that this comment be published.

  9. "He should be allowed to finish his term on his own terms just like Peg"

    The difference between Peg and Ron is that she did not open her mouth every three seconds and put her foot in it. He appears to have picked up lots of stories that he incessantly tells, but not much wisdom.

  10. God Bless Ron Heckman !

  11. Ron’s a good man with a heart of gold.

  12. If the haters want to go after family members and O'Hare is allowing it that is great. There is a long list of family connections from both council and the Administration. So, we can go there.

  13. Ron and Margaret are very nice people. Ron gave most of his life in honorable public service. He should be allowed to finish his term on his own terms just like Peg.

  14. Heckman is jealouof McClure. He’s going to do everything possible to try and bring McClure down because Ron never had the brass tacks to go for the big chair.

  15. Listen Lori Vargo-Whatever specializes in the manipulation of widows and old men. Ron is completely under the influence of LV-W and will do whatever she tells him to do. He’s obviously incapable of standing up to her. It’s sad to watch on YouTube.

  16. Lori Vargo Heffner is no Svengali. She’s just a Republican who’s about to follow in the footsteps of the Twitter Perv and switch Parties.

  17. Leave Ron’s kid out of this. This post is about what a dope Ron is. This post is not about what a dope his kid is.

  18. Ron’s always been very nice to me. He’s smart and well-meaning. Don’t be mean to him here.

  19. Dear Mr. Heckman, Don’t listen to the hateful people on here. You keep being you. It’s the only thing that helps me fall asleep.

  20. It’s no wonder Heckman argues with himself. He always says he’s the smartest guy in the room.

  21. If it’s true Ron’s son is employed by the Judges, he should abstain from considering all Court related business as his kid is essentially a medieval hostage.

  22. I've deleted a few additional comments about Ron's son. But it's certainly fair to point out that his son is employed by the court. Just as it was fair to point out that Peg's daughter is employed by the county. Or that McClure's wife worked for the DA. And so on. But I am not going to allow any comments that attack them. I will only allow comments that point out the relationship.

  23. "Ron’s always been very nice to me. He’s smart and well-meaning. Don’t be mean to him here."

    His comments about the gift ban ordinance were ignorant. He has no clue what it attempts to accomplish. It goes beyond what is considered a conflict of interest under the Ethics Act. He fails to grasp that important detail. It also closes a gigantic loophole created by the Administrative Code. He missed that as well.

  24. Damn, no wonder people don't' want to run for local office with anonymous hate blogs like this that tear down people's families. We get it you hate the guy, but his family gets it as well.

  25. So what’s the big deal? He was for the gift ban before he was against it. Sounds like John Kerry to me lol.

  26. "Damn, no wonder people don't' want to run for local office with anonymous hate blogs like this that tear down people's families. We get it you hate the guy, but his family gets it as well."

    This is not an anonymous hate blog. I sign my name and reject anonymous comments that violate policy. I do not "hate the guy," and in fact have voted for him several times. The fact that is son is employed by the courts is relevant and could in some circumstances make him conflicted. So while I do not appreciate the attack on the son, I do appreciate knowing that Heckman has family employed by the county. Yes, I am critical of Heckman at times, and complimentary at times. His take on the gift ban betrays his total ignorance on the subject. If he had bothered listening to anyone other than himself, he'd know that it's needed because the current Admin Code actually contradicts the gift ban contained in the HRC. It also embraces topics that go beyond what is covered by the state Ethics Act.

    I have at times been critical of every single member currently sitting on county council. No one is immune. He gets no special privilege bc of his seniority or party. He opens himself more than other Council members bc he constantly puts his foot in his mouth. Yes, he can be funny and I usually agree with his points. But when I don't, I will say so. I'm still particularly bothered that he nominated Kerry Myers to be council president. If he really cared about good government, that would never have happened.

  27. Right. Let's name and defame all the family members of elected and appointed officials that have worked or still work for the county and county vendors. The McClure gang may have opened the door to a bigger room.

  28. "He should be allowed to finish his term on his own terms just like Peg."

    Let's hope not. I voted for Peg several times. But toward the end, she didn't show to do her job, and didn't have the decency or respect for taxpayers to resign. That's low and infuriating.

  29. More out of curiosity than anything else,.......How does Ron Heckman gain financially from his son being employed by the Courts? The County must employ somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 individuals. Does other council members have relatives employed somewhere in the County? Is this like the district Magistrates employing their family members? Didn't some of the Judges employ family members. How about McClure when he sets the salaries for the employees in his wife's Magisterial Office? Stop nit-picking and let Heckman's kid alone. As a social worker he is underpaid. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

  30. ".How does Ron Heckman gain financially from his son being employed by the Courts? The County must employ somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 individuals. "

    In most instances, there is no conflict. But he is a member of Heckman's immediate family. If the vote is on something that benefits the immediate family member and no one else, it is a conflict for Heckman. I think it's something we should know. There is an implied pressure here, too, to do what is wanted by the department where the family member works. I know there is one Council member who has a son in Human Services - Kerry Myers. I am unaware of any other Council members who have family employed.

  31. Ron should resign. He’s less affective than Kerry Myers now.

  32. After Myers got caught being gross on Twitter, Heckman said nothing. Instead he promoted to Council President in a deal that made him VP.


  33. " he promoted to Council President in a deal that made him VP."

    Why would he care about being VP, it's a meaningless position. You sound desperate at this point. I hope he runs again just to counter the hate and gang style politics of the administration. KK is extremely busy as an attack dog. The connections to officials and elected officials with money and family is long. Too bad old BO only hates Heckman. I wish he would join our Party.

  34. Why is it so hard to write up the specifics on a gift ban?


    Gift - ANYTHING that is free, and provided by another person, entity, business, dog, cat, slimy politician et al.



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