Local Government TV

Monday, May 08, 2023

Following the Money Laundering By Local Pols

By now, I'm sure you've noticed that former Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez has used his campaign treasury, and not his personal money, to support his favored candidates, both in and outside of Bethlehem.  Executive Lamont McClure has also used campaign funds (not personal money) to favor his preferred County Council and Controller candidates. State Senator Lisa Boscola is using $5,000 that people gave her for her state senate races (not her own funds) to help bankroll DA candidate Steve Baratta.

This money-laundering been going on forever. It takes a lot of gumption to pass off other people’s money as your own by using it to support favored candidates. It enables a politician to help fund a candidate you would never support. This practice is just one of many that should be outlawed in any attempt at real election reform. Leftover funds should be remitted to a local charity or the government in which the office is sought.

1 comment:

  1. Truer words never spoken. It allows them to fund candidates who otherwise would not be as supported by the electorate, inhibits challengers and people with alternate viewpoints.


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