Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Did Rowe and Myers Win GOP Nods With Write-ins?

Ken Kraft and Kelly Keegan are  the Democratic nominees for County Council District 1 (Bethlehem) and 2 (Easton) respectively. But both are facing write-in challenges on the Republican side. Republican Bill Rowe, who was bounced from the ballot, is running a write in campaign in the Bethlehem District. Kerry Myers, who was eliminated from the Easton District ballot, became a Republican and is seeking GOP  help.

Kraft and Keegan have countered by seeking Republican write-in votes, too. 

To win a write-in nomination for NorCo Council, a candidate must get 250 write-in votes 

In the Bethlehem District, there are 451 Republican write-ins.  In the Easton District, there are 299. 

The canvassers are going to be very busy. 


  1. Who is going to police the admi8nstrstion who spends a lot of time in that office. They have a vested interest in the results. Don't trust them with this count. Hope they don't interfere and stay away.

  2. On a side note, Keegan's husband lost bid for re-election to Easton School Board. He's the lesser danger of the two but is in the more powerful role. I speculate that many of the votes against her husband were votes against her. Her social media posts are those of an arrogant, intolerant bully and I think Ed took the fall. She also ran her campaign and conducted Forks Twp business while on the clock AS A SCHOOL NURSE while her husband sits on the school board. That didn't help him either. She'll have a tough race if she's challenged in the fall.

  3. Canvassing is done, precinct by precinct. There is majority and a minority inspector. The process occurs in public. There is no doubt in my mind that it will occur fairly and honestly. AI suspect Rowe got the R nod in D1 unless Kraft has a lot of GOP friends. He fight. A lot of trade union people are Rs. I doubt Keegan won the GOP write-in. I doubt she has many R friends. So I do expect to see Rowe and Myers win the write in. In Myers' case, I suspect it will be just barely.

  4. I'm surprised there was only 299 write-ins for District 2 race. I don't believe Myers pulled the 250 needed. Shame on the Republicans for not finding somebody for the race prior to the petition deadline.

  5. 299 is pathetic when you're pushing a write-in candidate countywide. That's an average of less than 2 per precinct. And, however many Myers has, the bulk likely came from Palmer and Easton polls.

  6. Vladimir Ill-itchMay 18, 2023 at 8:33 AM

    Anonymous 4:17,

    Myers was not pushed countywide. He was running for District 2 (Easton, Palmer, Forks, Tatamy, Wilson, West Easton, Glendon, Stockertown). But, I agree that 299 is still pathetic.

  7. I'm not surprised District 2 only getting 299 write ins. After Myers switched parties he did nothing to help himself, except if you think lumbering around one poll on election day for 5 minutes was going to do it.


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