Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Baratta Sought GOP Write-in, Misled Morning Call

NorCo DA candidate Steve Baratta was highly critical of DA Terry Houck for waging a Republican write-in campaign during a debate hosted by public television. After it was over, he told The Morning Call he'd seek no GOP write in votes. “If I lose as a Democrat, I’m going home,” Baratta told reporter Tony Salamone. “If the Democratic party doesn’t want me, then I have to find different work." What he said and he did are two different things. Contrary to what Baratta told The Morning Call, he waged a Republican write-in campaign. The document below, filed with the elections office, indicates quite clearly that Baratta declared himself a Republican write-in candidate, and supplied numerous variations of his name. 


  1. It appears this document was signed, dated, and received AFTER election day.

  2. Baratta lied. Shocker! The guy is a bum, but he’ll be Northampton County’s next DA. Lucky us.

  3. Not good...why lie and mislead the public?

  4. So, continuing his flurry of lies about Houck, the former unpopular judge demonstrates how far he is willing to go to win. Public beware of smiling ads and his presence where he never ever visited before.

    1. Okay, Patricia. Hit that bottle tonight.

  5. 4:06, Yep, had he let it be known that he was running a write-in campaign on the R side before the election, people would know that he was doing exactly what he criticized Houck for. Kelly Keegan and Ken Kraft also waged write-ins, as you can see below, and nobody called them Republicans. And he was doing it himself while pointing a finger at Houck.

  6. NorCo Democrats nominated a lying lawyer who misled voters? He perfectly represents his criminal-friendly, child-grooming, more-woke-every-day party. The Democrat/Soros/Woke big leaguers have come to the county. These ain't your daddy's Dems. Ask the immigration lawyer who mints new needy Democrats for good profit every day. Coordinating the invasion pays well. Baratta, Soros, sleazy immigration profiteer lawyer are the winners here.

    1. Okay, Patricia. Don’t forget the vodka shots tonight.

    2. Lahoud is a hottie.I would let him mint me any day of the week. Hot and damn rich. I’d let him sleaze me up and down.

  7. Bernie, do you understand how much of an unhinged nut you are coming off as? What he said was “If I lose as a Democrat, I’m going home. If the Democratic party doesn’t want me, then I have to find different work." Not sure if you know how to read Bernie, but Baratta smoked Houck by 2,144 votes in the Democrat primary, therefore he is not going home. What he said and what he did are quite literally the same thing. But why don’t you post the quote from Terry when he stated that the ONLY reason he’s running an ACTUAL Republican write-in campaign was so the whole election could be sealed up for him in May when he beat Baratta in the Democrat primary? Well Terry lost the Democrat primary, so according to your quote logic Bernie, Terry should pack it in and go home now.

    You know who doesn't want Terry Houck? Bucks County didn't want him (TWICE). The NorCo Dems obviously don't want him as the primary results clearly showed. Now this time the opportunist hack won't be switching counties after taking an L, but will be switching parties in yet another desperate opportunist reach. But guess what...the NorCo Republicans don't want him either! Clearly stated on the front page of today's Morning Call by GOP Chair Glen Geissinger "I am not about to support the Democratic candidate in trying to falsely run as a member of the Republican Party".

    So who exactly does want Terry Houck? Well his biggest supporter is a disbarred former attorney who runs the local nursing home basement blog, so that about says it all. Why are you so obsessed with continuing to so desperately defend Houck, Bernie? How much are you being paid/promised to act as his own personal state media? Why do continue to reach in the most desperate and unhinged ways to try to smear Baratta? You love to accuse Baratta of running a "negative" campaign, but maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror because 99% of the posts on your cute nursing home blog are the definition of "negative".

    1. You’re so sweet that people may mistake you for Ray Lahoud.

    2. It’s so sweet when the “ad hominems” are simply just the cold, hard, relevant facts. Honestly never heard of Ray Lahoud in my life until a couple months ago…but I’ve seen many on this blog refer to him as a “hunk” and a “hottie” so I will gladly accept this mistaken comparison as a compliment…Thanks!

  8. BernieOHare to 8:12, it’s pretty clear that Baratta said one thing and did something else. Your ad hominems do not change reality.

  9. 8:12 AM: I, too, couldn't see how the Baratta quotes supported Bernie's accusation. Following this blog requires a bit of cynicism and a large saltshaker, but here we are. Where else can you find daily comments about "criminal-friendly, child-grooming, more-woke-every-day" Democrats, and then admonishments about spewing "ad hominems"?

  10. I don't live in NorCo so I don't have a dog in the hunt. If I did, I'd likely support Houck over Baratta.

    That said, I also don't see where Baratta mislead anyone. According to the quotes in the original post, he's obviously saying that he won't run as a Republican if the Democrats don't nominate him. That clearly cannot be known until after Election Day and all the votes are counted.

    So I don't fault him for also trying to get write-in votes on the Republican side. If he's running to win the race for the democrats, why wouldn't he (or any candidate) try to lock up the nomination for the democrats in the primary with no Republican running.

    Finally, can someone explain to me the stance of the GOP Chair as far as publicly stating that the party won't support a democrat candidate falsely trying to run as a member of the Republican party? It's definitely the right stance, and I don't have a problem with it. But isn't it exactly the opposite approach they took in the case of Myers running a republican write-in for NorCo council after not getting enough signatures to get on the Democrat ballot? Maybe I have that wrong but if not, it seems inconsistent.

    1. Ok, Patricia. I’m sure you do not live in the county. Take a few shots of tequila during your binge tonight.

    2. Who’s Patricia?

  11. No more bs discussion…Terry won with WRITE IN votes because he asked, he did not become a Republican…former unliked Barrata lied to papers and voters to win, not do a better job. Any questions about character and ethics have been publically answered. Ba by Barrata.

  12. Geisinger rejects Terry , but took Myers with open arms! Wow, makes one question GOP
    ability to be “fair and balanced “ MO.

  13. 8:12 am sounds like it comes from someone very close to the Baratta campaign. I had to chuckle at the “you know who didn’t want him” stuff because John Morganelli, a man many think should be given sainthood, couldn’t win an election outside of Northampton County. I hate that Baratta won, but that is because a dishonest opportunist with hissy fit syndrome rubs me the wrong way. No doubt Baratta wins in November, but it will be without my vote. Mr. Ego Trip has attacked so many and I think he will find himself even more miserable than he is now. (And yes, his behavior shows he is a miserable old man.)

  14. "I don't live in NorCo so I don't have a dog in the hunt. If I did, I'd likely support Houck over Baratta.

    That said, I also don't see where Baratta mislead anyone."

    Lifelong NorCo resident here. I can help. For those of us who've know Baratta for years, he's playing perfectly to his long established brand. He's demonstrably untrustworthy. Period.

  15. "No doubt Baratta wins in November,"

    That appears to be what most say, but I'm not seeing it. Terry should retain a substantial number of the Dems who already voted for him and who will vote for the man, not the party. Many were turned off not so much by his negativity as his unhinged style. Terry will pick up R voters who couldn't care less what a fractured county party tells them to do. He should also appeal to centrist independents. Baratta, driving his blue car, will rely very much on red money. If Terry can keep up, he wins.

  16. Rumor has it Meyers May go independent…
    But does anyone really care?

  17. Okay, Patricia.

  18. Reading a bit and it seems like Lahoud helps democrats and republicans:


    1. Mr. bernie, you think
      He woold put $ like that for this election?

  19. Lahoud ranks 57 in the country:



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