Local Government TV

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Baratta Blowin Oil Over Text That His Own Campaign Could Have Sent

On Wednesday, a text message from the "Republican Friends of Terry Houck" ostensibly went out, asking Republicans to write in Terry Houck because candidate Steve Baratta supports a "far-left, woke agenda." That same day, Terry Houck posted this message on his Facebook page: "I am a Democrat, I have always been a Democrat and I will remain a Democrat, regardless of the outcome of this election."  Baratta is blowin' oil again. Someone better throw him on the lift and see what's wrong. Here's what he wrote: "BREAKING NEWS: Terry Houck lied...AGAIN. In the morning, he sent a text to Democratic voters claiming Democratic values. This afternoon he sent a similar text, this time claiming REPUBLICAN values to REPUBLICAN voters. But the truth is, Terry isn't a Democrat, or even a Republican. Terry is an OPPORTUNIST who lies. He is someone who is willing to say anything to get elected and stay in power. And he's not even from here."

A good District Attorney should look closely at the evidence before calling someone a liar. The claim that Terry sent out a Facebook message claiming to be a Democrat who will remain a Democrat is true. That's straight from his own Facebook campaign page and is something he has said repeatedly. But then Steve goes on to claim that Terry also sent a text that very day wooing Republican voters. Steve is jumping to conclusions there. 

I asked Terry about that text message. He specifically denied having anything to do with it. He added that anything that came from him would either be in his own voice or would say that he paid for it, as election law requires. He told me he does have Republican supporters, but has formed no committee to reach out to them. 

After speaking to Houck, I went to the elections office to see if  "Republican Friends of Terry Houck" exists. It does not. There is no such committee on ether a county or state level. 

I then reached out to a few friends in the Northampton County Republican Party and even the Lehigh Valley Tea Party.  Neither group supports Houck.

So the evidence in hand tells me that neither Houck nor Republicans had anything to do with that text. For all I know it is a dirty trick conjured up by Team Baratta to make Terry look bad among Democrats. I won't accuse Steve himself of that kind of mudslinging, but he should look to his own team to determine where that text message really came from and who really paid for it. 

The way Steve leaps to conclusions without evidence tells me that what he really needs is along rest. He is a good man, but his thinking is clouded.  


  1. Those flyers are so damning that if Baratta wins his first order of business should be to indict Terry for all the laws he has broken.

  2. Lol, your thinking is just as clouded. It's clear that Terry said on Facebook that he is and will always be a Democrat. He has often said that. It's also clear that he'll take write-ins from anyone who wants to vote for him. You see, he's running to represent all the people. But there is zero evidence to indicate he is behind the text allegedly sent by "Republican Friends of Terry Houck." First, it is specifically denied by Houck. Second, the committee does not exist. Third, everything Terry puts out is in his own voice or ends with "Paid for by Terry Houck." Fourth, the NCRC and LV Tea Party oppose Houck. Fifth, look at the language of that text. It is designed to piss off Democrats.

    I think it is very possible that the text was created by someone in Baratta's camp, not Steve himself, to snatch Dem votes from Houck.

    What is the phone number that text came from? How about asking the state AG to investigate? Someone is spending $ and is falsely claiming it was paid for by a committee that does not even exist.

    Steve and you should know that what he presented is not evidence against Terry and could just as easily be evidence against his team. A District Attorney needs to be a bit more clear headed.

  3. That was satire I'm the author. Baratta had Terry on the grassy knoll in the last one. That's also satire. I already voted for Terry.

  4. If Baratta wins, I will lose all faith in my community. He has run such a sleazy campaign, but your is the only place that showcases that. This has been an ugly race and the former judge has slandered from the start. Houck may be a PITA, but Baratta is a liar. One can change and reflect on the criticisms he has received, but the other is on such an ego trip, that he can’t see that he alienates the very people he wants to serve.

  5. Lahoud is a sexy man

  6. I got a republican mailer that specifically stated that neither Houck or Baratta are republicans and do not write them in. I will be writing in Houck because he's the better of the two choices we have.

  7. That's a pretty dirty trick Mr Baratta. He gets more desperate by the day because he's sensing that he's going to get smoked Tuesday.

  8. Why does this little Acevido character refuse to answer any questions about his support for felon dope dealer and rabid police defunding agitator Convict Hasshan Batts?

  9. "... if Baratta wins ..."

    There's a lot to unwrap in this phrase:

    1) He's going to be stomped in an embarrassing loss.
    2) End of list.

  10. 6:16 am: Really? I just don’t see it.

  11. ….test polling done and in. Negativity loses. Houck is no Republican, just looking for some cross over votes. Baratta shows mean old man side. Houck wins.

  12. Who is handling Hocks campaign?

  13. I have yet to hear anything on what Baratta plans to do if he is elected as district attorney. His entire campaign has been nothing more than trashing his opponent. When people ask him what his platform is, he goes off the rails. Also, how did he get his hands on what I would think is a confidential Human Resources memo?

  14. Disbarred Bernie with the hot take! Please Mr. Title Searcher Man, hit us all with your next unsubstantiated claim! Can’t wait to hear it :)

  15. Oooooooo Ternie (the Bernie/Terry organism this blogger has turned into) is getting himself into some trouble now!!! Accusing a judge of a federal crime with no evidence AND knowing WHO is behind Terry's political machine... lol good luck TERNIE. Something tells me no matter how this election shakes out you will continue to be the biggest loser in the lehigh valley. Maybe you can use some of the money Barattas ads got you to pay for the lawyer you'll need when he sues you for defamation. Good luck.

  16. BernieOHare to 8:08, I at no time defamed Steve. What I did do was point out that Steve made an irresponsible accusation with no evidence. I added that it is likely that text, which was designed to anger DEms, came from his own campaign. It’s called a dirty trick. I specifically stated that Steve is a good man and should question those on his team instead of leaping to conclusions as he has tended to do throughout this race. It seems all you can do is post anonymous ad hominems. I sign my name and stand by what I write. So sue away.

  17. 8:08 am: It is hateful, ill-informed posts like yours that make me glad I changed my mind and will no longer vote for Baratta. Baratta comes across as unhinged to me, so perhaps he should keep better company.


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