Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Baratta Backer Ray Lahoud Gave $3 Million to SuperPACs in 2022

According to Open Secrets, Norris McLaughlin lawyer Ray Lahoud gave $3 million to SuperPACS in 2022. He ranks #57  nationwide among individual donors. Lahoud is a registered Republican, yet was Steve Baratta's biggest donor in part one of the DA's race. He tells me he cares about the person, not his or her party. 

Coming in at #11 is Bethlehem's Walter W Buckley, Jr., of Buckley Muething Capital Management. He donated $11,800,000 to conservative causes.

I thought I'd be somewhere in there. They must have missed me. 

Blogger's Note: A reader made me aware of this in a comment yesterday. That's called participatory journalism, which I think we all really appreciate.


  1. They don't take donations in Hallsville my friend!!

  2. Wow. What a big money, politician-buying scumbag. He perfectly represents the worst of our democratic system. There must be boatloads of cash in immigrant do-gooding. I suspect his finances require deep investigation.

    1. Ever hear of the Koch Brothers my friend it goes both ways

  3. BernieOHare to 6:53, I detects bit of xenophobia in your anonymous reaction. The problem is not the obscene amount of $ but a Supreme Court who holds this is political speech.

  4. Great read on the Supreme Court decision establishing the Constitutional RIGHT to spend as much as one wants:


    He is allowed to spend money. If you don’t like it, take it up with the Supreme Court.

  5. @6:53, it’s called the First Amendment. If you have an issue with it, take it up with the Supreme Court. And, yes, I am sure there could be a boat load of income when you build successful businesses. Also, your xenophobic, anti-immigrant comment is the real disgrace to our democratic system.

  6. With respect, Bernie, I don’t believe 6:53’s remarks were xenophobic, rather making a valid observation. Mr. Lahoud is a young man who is relatively new to his career. To my knowledge — and I may be wrong — he doesn’t come from affluence, so he earns his money, rather than having a nest egg. What is so wrong saying immigration law is a cash cow? Obviously, Mr. Lahoud is getting his money from his career or in other ways (investments, benefactors, etc.). All I know for certain is that if I had three million to blow, I wouldn’t be throwing it at politicians.

    1. young and rich.
      Mmmmmm what I would do to him.

    2. 8:41: it’s called Capitalism. There are a lot of Americans that have made billions before they were of an age I would suspect Lahoud is. So many Americans have made millions by their 20s and 30s. And he’s Lebanese. I think we can all agree that the Lebanese are pretty smart in investing and business.

    3. Why is it anyone’s business what Mr. Lahoud donated to a PAC? He’s a private citizen who has a right to free speech. If you want to focus on the Northampton County DA’s race it’s fair game, but now you’ve made this personal because of who you support as a candidate. This is a new low for you. When Charlie Dent left office before his term was up leaving the Lehigh Valley with no representation you never wrote a single word against him. Your blog is nothing but a rag and you are a fraud!

    4. Charles Dent is a good man.

  7. Good for Ray Lahoud. This is a guy who came from the deepest of poverty, was raised by a single mother after his father died, and worked his ass off to be where he is today. Don’t fault him for being successful. He is what our country should define as a true success story. It’s capitalism. @6:53 should give it a try.

  8. god damn, he’s f*cking hot.

  9. Why is this a story? He’s a private citizen. Just confused as to why this is newsworthy. Oh shit, a rich dude donates money. Is that anything new? No other news to cover in the valley!?!

  10. Terry supporter here. will he put this kind of money in for baratta? I think a million would really hurt houck in a race.money buys a lot of tv and mail that will get to voters.not sure if houck can raise money like that.

  11. RL money from immigration law work…
    He is in a good field at this time…I wonder why he invests so heavily in certain people at certain times…my only question

  12. 11:52, This is story bc (1) Lahoud is one of the country's top 100 donors; and (2) there are those among us who feel this kind of political speech should be limited.

  13. 1152 to 1214, understood. So, we have 2 from the valley that are in the top 100 donors. That’s a lot for a small area compared nationally.

  14. I do not mind one or two "Ray is hot" comments, but I have to start rejecting them when I start getting 6 or 7.

  15. 1231, he is though. Can you get me his number?

  16. I've spoken against unlimited money in politics many times.

  17. Kid is smart as fuck. Grew up with nothin and made something of himself. Proud to say hes part of the lehigh valley. I wish my boy turned out like him.he has a good family.his mom is a sweetheart and angel that worked 20hour days to raise him And his 2 sisters without any help. one sister has an insane catering company that is top notch. #Respect to Ray.a good catholic (Notre dame HS boy) and Lehigh U and Georgetown law grad.smart caring and passionate.hats off to him.

  18. 12:53 pm, why are you so angry? Just chill and befriend Ray, who may throw a few million your way.

  19. Why is “baratta” in the headline if this is about LaHood? Why not just mention baratta in your article and that he is a donor to him instead of makin Baratta the headline?

  20. 2:18, The reason I refer to Ray as a "Baratta backer" is to give readers some context. Ray donated around $50k to Baratta in both cash and in-kind. This support helped Baratta immensely. So it's true and it's in the headline bc that's what's most relevant at this point. Take a look at the other fellow. No one cares. This gives the story context.

  21. If this is what Ray wants to spend his money on, then this is what he gets to spend his money on. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Want a limit on how much someone can donate in a campaign, then elect legislators that will make that a top priority.

    Raymond is a good man - people hating on him are jealous of his success and his wealth . . . except for that one commenter that wants to bang him. He's just hot for Ray.

  22. He is a good man. If you take away the fact that he is handsome and I am ugly, that he is rich and I am poor, and that he is smart and I am stupid, we're very similar. We both have a passion for good government, but disagree on this one.

  23. Ray Lahoud can squeeze and drain a lemon between his pecs. No hands.


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