Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

23,485 Mail-in Ballots Sent in NorCo, 14,779 Returned By Election Eve

According to Northampton County Elections Registrar Christopher Commini, his office has sent 23,485 mail-in ballots (MIBs). As of election eve, 14,779 ballots have been returned. That's about 63% with one day to go.

Democrats accounted for 18,188 (77%) of the 23,485 MIBs sent to voters. The remaining 5,247 were sent to Republicans. 

Democrats have returned 11,697 (64%) of the 18,188 ballots sent to them. 

Republicans have returned 3,082 (59%) of the 5,247 ballots sent to them.  

In the last municipal primary conducted by Northampton County two years ago, 16,010 mail-in ballots (MIBs) were returned by voters. This year's return is slightly under that amount unless a lot of ballots were received yesterday afternoon and are brought in today. 

If you have a mail-in ballot, but have changed your mind and wish to vote in person, bring your ballot and the pre-addressed outer return envelope to your polling place to be voided. After you surrender your ballot and envelope and sign a declaration, you can then vote a regular ballot. If you lost it, you can still vote by provisional ballot at your polling place. Your county board of elections will then verify that you did not vote by mail before counting your provisional ballot.”

Northampton County Elections Office staff will post the Municipal Primary Election mail-in and absentee ballots results at approximately 8:00 p.m. tonight.16.
The unofficial results from the polls will be uploaded to the Northampton County Elections website (Northamptonvotes.com) as they come in. The unofficial results will not include write-in candidates’ results.
The process for tabulating write-in votes for the Municipal Primary Election is as follows:

  1. Once the polls are closed, the absentee/mail-in ballots and Election Day data will be uploaded to the Northampton County Board of Elections website.
  2. The write-in information will first be given as a “total” count by County and then by each individual Precinct. There will ONLY be a count of the total number of write-ins with the Unofficial Results, not a tally by name.
  3. The list of write-in votes will be printed by Precinct and presented to the Canvass Board starting Friday, May 19. Members of the Canvass Board (one Democrat & one Republican) at each station will count and tabulate the printed write-in results from each District.
  4. The tabulated results will then be checked by the County of Northampton Elections Board. Once complete, the Canvass Board’s unofficial results will be posted on the website.


  1. I sent my ballot in, after doing some research on judicial candidates. It's easy to do, as long as you follow the instructions - which have improved.

  2. 1) Drop boxes lead directly to ballot harvesting fraud.
    2) Republicans were instrumental in making drop boxes legal in PA.
    3) There is only one party in our system.
    4) Today's Baratta/Lahoud bitch slapping is already hilarious and will be for a long time.

  3. Warning Republicans should continue to not use mail in ballots. All they say is true and then some.


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