Local Government TV

Friday, April 28, 2023

Housekeeping: Why You See Ads

Many years ago, this blog did run ads through Adsense. I liked doing so because I had nothing to do with the selection of advertisers and could retain my independence. It worked great for a few months, but my account was suspended for illegal activity. Monitors thought I was clicking on my own ads, and my appeals and denials fell on deaf ears. I could have solicited advertisers, but felt that would compromise my ability to say what I want. So I opted to write without ads. 

The Google Gods, after about a decade, have lifted my suspension. So I have connected once again to some limited ads. I find them to be no more annoying than they are at most sites.

Two of my readers have questioned why they are seeing ads. This is why. 

I am unable to tell you how much money is generated, but it likely will be very limited, perhaps enough to pay for Internet connection each month. 


  1. Well you need to pay income tax on that ad revenue, so you better know exactly how much money is generated. I'm sure the IRS is curious.

  2. It’s about time you monetize this digital rag

  3. 6:39, Google has my tax data and will report every cent.

    1. Actually, they won't and it's YOUR responsibility to report your OWN income. Ask me how I know? Because I manage digital ads for a living. This is probably why you were banned from using ads for 10 years. You don't know how they work and spent every day clicking on your own ads to pad your pocket.

  4. Wrll, you must do a shitty job managing digital ads because Adsense keeps track of every penny, refuses to run ads unless it has the required tax information and is required by law to issue a 1099. How could you not know this?

  5. Listen I understand with who is running the federal ,state and local governments. You need all the pennies you can find. These knuckleheads are killing everyone. It was nice with Trump 1.65 gas. 2% mortgages. It was horrible. But I understand the need for ads for you. Times are tough.

  6. Looks like Ad Block + works on this site. The only offensive thing on this site is O'Hare's photo....

  7. "The only offensive thing on this site is O'Hare's photo...."


  8. Re: LV Ramblings ads or subscripon

    I think many readers, whether they like Ramblings or not, would pay a subscription for the blog.
    Frankly, whether I like what you say or not, Ramblings does a good job covering local issues in a way that the 2 newspapers don't or can not cover.

  9. I try, although I am much more limited now than I was at one time. That is why I always look for writers. I would never force readers to subscribe to this site. If the ads are too much, I will stop them. Like I said, it might be enough to pay my internet bill. We'll see.

  10. Bernie, for the public service you do for US, I would certainly fork over some money for your Internet. Heck, tell me your preferred bike shop and I’ll send you a gift certificate. Seriously. Yours is the first thing I read M-F and I miss it on weekends and holidays.

  11. What ads?

    I guess using the AdGuard DNS servers on my mobile devices when away from home and running my own recursive DNS servers at home that sinkhole all the requests for the IP addresses of those ad serving companies works.

    PiHole + Unbound for the win.

  12. Why does 11:09 am insist on posting in jibberish?


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