Local Government TV

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Easton Mayor: Peter Melan or Sal Panto?

Incumbent Mayor Sal Panto and outgoing Council member are the two candidates for Mayor. Both are Democrats. Peter read a prepared statement, but was stopped before he could read all of it. Panto was extemporaneous and used no notes. Panto has been a good Mayor, but he really needs to give someone else a chance. 

Peter Melan's statement: 

Good evening, everyone. My name is peter Melan, and I am running for mayor of Easton pa. I currently serve on city council as an at large representative since being elected in 2015. I formerly chaired public safety and now chair the administration committee.

In my term on council, I have brought a wealth of knowledge to our city. One of my initiatives was to integrate a public notification system called Nixle which has now been retired and replaced with what I believe to be nothing since I am not aware of anyone receiving communications from our city officials unless it’s on Facebook or Instagram.

I have also offered a different way to think as a government official. I wouldn’t’ have thought a master’s degree in public administration meant something but to me, it helped me understand local government and how it functions. My degree also brought a deeper knowledge into budgeting, transparency, and the ability to resolve conflicts with other representatives. Unfortunately, some of us are unable to set aside our differences and we are forced to behave inappropriately when confronted with difficult questions or awkward encounters.

But I’d like to focus on my platform and outline some of my priorities in front of you today. As you may know, our downtown thrives with restaurants, retail stores, and new housing. Our neighborhoods want the same thing. As I walk around the neighborhood, I hear residents ask why the south side can’t have a food festival or why can’t we have nicer facilities for children who participate in youth sports. Just the other day I saw a post on social media about why all the attention was given to an athletic facility and now that the ice maker broke, there is no money to fix it. A commercial ice maker I found cost less than $3k yet a call for action to my opponent and his administration asking for help was left unanswered.

One of my other priorities is to really engage in neighborhood equality. I’ve been hearing all this talk about increasing affordable housing and that the city has increased its supply with a recently launched project on West Lincoln Street. What’s sad about this project is that I had a resident reach out to me with a letter showing her rent increased from $340 to $1,618. I have a copy of the letter here if anyone wants to see it with the tenant’s name redacted for privacy purposes. Speaking words of affordable housing are empty without action. Neighborhood equality with an emphasis on increasing affordable housing requires a concerted effort from all of us, and not just a bunch of suits who throw the words around for political points with constituents.

We also need to focus on promoting economic development in all areas of the city. I remember sitting here and listening to everyone offer suggestions on how to keep a bank located on the south side. A bank is vital to our residents but what about educating residents on how to use mobile banking or classes on personal financing at the neighborhood center? It is important to come up with creative approaches to the incoming challenges in a future where people in suits who are in faraway offices make decisions that cause negative impacts on our great city.

As mayor, I will be able to change the status quo and change the static thinking that is leaving us unprepared for the challenges ahead. The time for change is now. Thank you for your time this evening.

Sal Panto (this is my summary of what he had to say): 

When he first ran for Mayor, he had one pledge, and that was to make Easton clean and safe. He's kep that promise. Last year alone, he added 11 police officers to Easton's police department.

Those 11 additional police officers cost $2 million, but as a result of solid fiscal management, he's made those hires without increasing taxes. In fact, there's been no tax hike for 16 years, and the City's financial rating has actually improved from junk bond status to AA. 

The biggest issue facing the City right now is an affordable housing crisis, which actually is a national problem. The City has just added 55 units to its housing stock and he believes it can do more if it gets a Choice Neighborhood grant, which will be awarded in 2025.  

Panto was asked if he could do something about the speeding on Lafayette Street, where cars roar by at 60 mph and there is no police presence. Panto responded that local police are handicapped because they are unable to use radar. He also noted that he's unable to change the speed limit because Lafayette Street is regulated by PennDOT. He noted PennDOT wants to move cars, not people. "They don't care about people." He promised to do what he can to increase the police presence on that street.

He also was asked about marketing the City for local business. He said that businesses should market themselves and that the City is marketed through a publicly funded nonprofit. He suggested that business owners clean their windows and do their best to make storefronts look attractive.   

He finally stated he seeks no endorsements at election time.  

Both candidates were asked about park benches, which became a running joke throughout the evening. 


  1. Did anyone ask about the future of Heritage Day in the wake of last year's shootings? The town is nice. But it's still quite dangerous after dark - even in heavily traveled areas. The West Ward is more wild than ever. Panto is mayor of four square blocks that still see violence. Maybe Melan can be mayor of the rest of the city?

  2. Can we have a third choice?

  3. Been a good mayor, but he really needs to give someone else a chance?"
    What kind of silly statement is that!

  4. Sal only gives a shit about the 9 square blocks that constitute “Downtown Easton.”

    But at least those 9 blocks are thriving.

    Melan doesn’t have an IQ that reaches triple digits.

    Tough choice for Eastonians.

  5. Don’t challenge Milan IQ unless you’re live above him with zero mortgage like me. Ask why there are other city council people that that have been deadbeats financially in the past. I’m withholding our their names , I’ll hold off till I have to. But: Anonn10:00 you can’t sign your name ! But I will ,because if you want me , I’m here! Want to talk about counsel that we’re deadbeats. And More ? I says: no council administration heads , or Mayors positions should or row officers like Fire Chief or Police ,Streets etc that declared bankruptcy should be qualified to be appointed or - be voted in or appointed. Tell me I’m wrong ! I want you to.

    1. You go Pete, your right on target

    2. Please retype in proper English.

    3. You must be one of Panto’s sock puppet’s. Have you read any of his posts

  6. Pete do you hold same standard for Presidents or is Trump your man? I know the answer so go sit in a corner and whine to yourself Pete.

  7. Some of these comments maybe coming from Panto’s sock puppets. I bet he’s going to be hacked again

  8. that Melan best proofread; it looks like he has a third grade ed.

  9. Melan would win in the real world. But in Easton, the voters are not motivated. Also there are a lot of low-info to no-info voters. Too bad. Easton could use a new direction.

  10. Never knew this. Never saw this on his c.v.


  11. Regarding Lafayette Street:

    PennDOT Publication 212.108(b) authorizes the establishment of speed limits based on either the 85th percentile speed or the safe running speed. Values for both are determined by conducting engineering and traffic studies.

    Addressing Mayor Panto's desire for local police having radar for speed enforcement. Mayor Panto hasn't met a revenue shakedown racket he doesn't fully embrace.

  12. Why would Melan leave a job and claim it wasn't what he thought it would be? And then try to convince the public that he wants to get elected to that same type of job now? What changed?

    1. Being a boro manager is a lot different than being mayor. These small towns have supervisors or councils that actually run the borough. Too much politics, one council member says one thing another says something else. Very difficult to do your job.

  13. Easton has a city manager. The mayor is a glorified city councilor. Politics a problem in a little boro? Every see politics in Easton??? Again, why would he run for an elected position when he left the same position in a secured and easier situation?

    1. Not totally true the city administrator works directly for the Mayor,

    2. And it’s not the same position, boro manager is not elected it appointed. Not playing politics with the board of supervisors gets you fired. Mayor is elected and it takes 4 years to get fired by the voters

  14. So you are saying Peter doesn't play well with others? Stop pulling the wool over the people's eyes; it is the same job.


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