Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Bethlehem City Council Candidate Colleen Laird Has No Conflict With Bethlehem Food Co-Op

Yesterday, in a story about the sleepy Bethlehem City Council race, I expressed some concern About Colleen Laird's ties to the Bethlehem Food Co-Op. The last thing Bethlehem needs is another Karen Dolan. But I had my facts wrong. Laird is no longer affiliated with the food cooperative. She sent me an explanation, and I owe it to her and you to post what she says:

While I am proud of the work I did as a co-founder and board member for the Bethlehem Food Co-Op, and am still a supportive member who will enthusiastically shop at the store, I have moved on to other community leadership roles once I reached my term limit on the board, such as the William Penn PTO, Northside Alive, and the city's Environmental Justice Committee. I do not have any involvement in Co-Op finances, seeking funding, or decision making beyond the fact that, like the other 1300 co-op members, I can elect board members or vote on cooperative ballot initiatives at the annual meeting. In addition to the fact that I am not presently in a leadership position with the Co-Op (nor do I plan to return during any time on my city council tenure), I am an ethical and honest person, seeking a term on council to continue to serve my community as a whole. I hope that in time, I can earn your trust in this regard.

As for the person who states I was not one of the founding members of the food co-op, perhaps they are thrown off by the fact that my name is different now than it was then — My last name was Marsh during my tenure on the Bethlehem Food Co-Op board.

I will be speaking to Laird very soon, and will let you know what she sayd about her vision for Bethlehem



  1. The co-op lady is th least of the problems facing Bethlehem. The real question for these candidates is about the runaway development in the 4city. Do they support the building thousands of apartments in the city? Even changing zoning laws to do it? The city has been sold out by the woke city government. Developers are now in control and the once peaceful and balanced city is now competing with Allentown to be the Reading of the east.

    Seriously, boy blunder mayor Willy and his social warrior council are overburdening the infrastructure and school district with development without borders. No planning just build, build build.

  2. Was told by several people involved with the Co-Op that her claim of being a founding member is BS. She might be, but Im told its based on the original first 1200 members. Im not sure where she falls in her membership, that might be a great question for her. If she is being truthful then congrats for her support to the Co-Op. If she is lying, then thats a rough way to begin running for a Council seat.

    1. Belonging to a food co op merely means someone is a smart shopper who likes fresh produce. What a tempest in a teapot!

  3. She is supported by Woke Willie and she supports his redistribution of wealth communist plan. Vote for Callahan!

  4. Hey 1:29 and 2:00 AM posts. Why not try and give me a definition of woke? No M&Ms, Lego, or a six pack of beer sent to one person? Let me see your piss poor answer.

  5. I don't know where Anonymous 1:21 PM is getting their rubbish, but it is just that. I've been a member of the co-op for years and know Colleen for longer. She was instrumental in the formation, growth, and development of the organization.

    1. Has she ever had a real job? I mean public service? Managerial experience?

  6. Could you take a look at A'town Council when you get a chance?

    They seem absolutely desperate to give felon dope dealer Convict Hasshan Batts the $1.5 Million lockdown hoax money. Simultaneously, Convict Batts trying to buy a property from the city for $600K to use as an Islamic Center.

    There just seems to be a Pawlowski-like stench here...

  7. 4:53 then maybe you can answer the question. Is she a founding Member? Is she one of the first 1200 to sign up as a member as defined by the Co-Op for a founding member? That would solve the question.

    1. Who cares? What difference does it make?

    2. I’ve had the privilege of serving with Colleen Laird in multiple volunteer aspects throughout BFC’s development which began in 2011. I served with her on the Board of Directors and as Treasurer from 2015-2018, which included keeping member records. She is in fact a founding member and is one of the first 125 pioneering members. She is member number 3.
      -Emily Hoffert

  8. I wote about the A'town City Council race last week.

  9. I'd be concerned about that "Environmental Justice Committee. " More looney woke nonsense.

  10. Thank you, Emily. I believe her. Dhehas not claimed to be the inventor of agriculture or the wheel. She merely stated that she is a co founder of the co-op. That presumes others. My concern was that she'd use city resources to fund it a la Karen Dolan. She apparently no longer has a leadership role there.

  11. I am still concerned about her endorsement by Willie. How can she be a reliable check on the Mayor if she is in his pocket?
    And does she support his socialist agenda?

    1. Only B Callahan would be a check on the Mayor.

    2. Callahan is more of the same old smoke filled backroom wheeling and dealing that got Bethlehem in this mess. Don't overlook other candidates including the two Republicans if you want someone to challenge the regime.

  12. I will certainly ask her when we speak.

  13. I was wondering how does the managent of a co-op prepare an individual for government service? Really? Manage million dollar budgets? Did she ever hold a real job?

  14. The arguments about Colleen Laird's involvement in the co-op are ridiculous. Colleen was absolutely one of the first members of the co-op and was part of the group that got the project off the ground more than a decade ago. She's no longer on the board so concerns about shady financial dealings are irrelevant. This does not require deep investigative journalism to figure out. Here's a photo that took me about 30 seconds to locate on the Bethlehem Food Co-Op's Facebook page — https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=466186590142262&set=a.466186390142282

  15. 12:31,I am not the person who questioned her claim to be a co-founder, so your criticism is misplaced. I am the person who questioned whether she still has ties to the leadership. If she did, she'd be conflicted. She denies it.

  16. If she is founding member of food coop then that is justification alone to not elect her to council. The food coop has been a boondoggle from the very beginning wasting money & only surviving with Bethlehem City Council funding taking money from legitimate social service agency’s like Boys & Girls Club etc.

    What is the government doing in the Food industry? We have Weis,Giant,Wegmans vigorously competing with one another a stones throw away from downtown & they deliver. This has been a rat hole from the start & now they are the anchor tenant for one of the most politically connected developers in the city to feather his nest. Now lately I believe both Boscola & Wild have brought more huge taxpayer funding as well.
    This is the swamp at work in our hometown so do not vote for her.


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