Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

A Republican Speaks Up in Quiet Bethlehem City Council Race

Five Democrats and two Republicans seek their party's nomination in what has been a sleepy Bethlehem City Council race for three seats. Incumbent Michael Colon is running, along with fellow Democrats Colleen Laird, Ricky Butler, former Council member Bryan Callahan and campaign consultant Celeste Dee. Aside from Brunges, this has been a very quiet race.  

Callahan and Colon let me know they were running, and I like both of these guys. Callahan would serve as a very effective check on the overreach of Mayor Willie Reynolds, who threatened to use eminent domain against a church that refused to sell him their properties. Colon has often been a go-along-to-get along guy, but I like the decency and good will he brings to his office. It's very Bethlehemesque. 

That about does it for me. I tried reaching out to speak to Ricky Butler,. He's too busy, even when I called at a time he said he'd be free.  I'm leery of Colleen Laird, founder of Bethlehem Food Co-op.  I am deeply concerned she will push the city to help fund her nonprofit venture, just like Karen Dolan did when she was on Council. Celeste Dee will want everyone to hire her to run their campaigns. 

I'd like to say something positive about Thomas Ginther, but know nothing about him. 

That leaves Devin Brunges as the only candidate who actually speaks out on issues. I appreciate that someone is saying something. Unfortunately, he ruins his own messages with gratuitous partisan shots, hardly the way for a Republican to get elected in a Democratic City.  Below is an essay he actually sent to me about Mayor Willie Reynolds' recent Chamber breakfast: 

The Mayor’s Chamber Breakfast has dramatically changed from an update on city business operations to a showcase of the progressive, left wing agenda.

Taxpayers are now paying big bucks for consultants, media advisors and “policy” staff to support Mayor Reynolds political image.

The core mission of the city was once public safety, infrastructure and basic services. Mayor Reynolds with the help of a $34 million gift from Joe Biden has fundamentally changed the priorities of the city from that core mission to a some wild pandering to every political group that will support his political future.

Chamber Executive Tony Ianelli said it best in his introduction, “Willy Reynolds” has a great political career ahead of him – clearly recognizing that Mr Reynolds is climbing the political ladder – looking for the next tax payer funded cushy job.

The stage was set and the media consultants organized a show that would rival the DNC’s presidential convention. You know the drill, reward every person and face that will support you or wants to benefit from your public office up on stage. If the mayor wants to use his elected office for political campaign purposes, he should use his political contributions to pay for the show.

In terms for the “State of the City” there was very little time in the 90+ minutes of the show devoted to core mission city priorities. Example, instead of discussing the many police department programs and activities, he presented a new whiz bang computer program and discussed the importance of two social workers who help the police with mental health concerns. There’s a lot more the police work in our city, crime, gangs, fentanyl, etc.

Pandering was the order of the day. The multi-media extravaganza was delivered to special interest and campaign supporters and showcased a vision out of sync with the typical resident.

My reply to Brunges:

I will publish this but you have hurt more than helped yourself with your Facebook rants. They will turn people off. One party rule eventually leads to corruption, so I think it important that both parties are heard. Unfortunately, your far-right views are out of touch with most Bethlehem residents, even those who call themselves Republicans. This detracts from any of your meaningful points. You should know by now that voters don't like the Steve Lynchs' of this world. Bethlehem needs centrism, not far-right or far-left. Even this essay attacks Biden and the DNC. Why? Don't you want any Democratic votes? You appear to be pandering yourself, but to the far right.


  1. Laird is NOT a founding member of the Food Co-Op. That was a lie!

  2. Bernie,
    Your reply to Brunges was exactly how I felt after reading his rant. He won't be getting my vote. We need someone who can work with a council with a D majority. Not another extremist conservative.

  3. He hit on the new Bethlehem leaders. They are self-absorbed and clueless. They are destroying the fabric of the city. Wish this guy would write about the county government. He would have a field day with the McClure gang.

  4. There's nothing untrue in his statement. You're the knucklehead who thinks any R has a chance in Bethlehem. That's so cute of you. You chose to respond with a combination of general ansd personal attacks because what he says is true. There's not a single unpredictable word in this post. I suspect you're moving to a predictably scripted ChatGPT format. Although the grammar and typo crimes indicate it may still be you.

  5. Bethlehem started going downhill under the direction of Donchez. Nice man, but a lousy mayor. Wee Willy is the donny trump of Bethlehem. An egotistical bully child with very thin skin. Bethlehemites consistently show their lack of intelligence by looking no further than the "D" button.

  6. Bethlehem started going downhill under the direction of Donchez. Nice man, but a lousy mayor. Wee Willy is the donny trump of Bethlehem. An egotistical bully child with very thin skin. Bethlehemites consistently show their lack of intelligence by looking no further than the "D" button.

  7. Well stated Mr. Brunges. The negative changes that have become Bethlehem now have an identity; namely, woke. This why you’ll have drag queens at Musikfest and Wind Creek and it’ll be “the new norm”. Mike Colon may have a different take on some on this but he’ll “sway whatever way the wind blows” just to also “climb the political ladder”. This does nothing to build character but that doesn’t appear to be the goal.

  8. "Laird is NOT a founding member of the Food Co-Op. That was a lie!"

    According to WFMZ, she is. Moreover, she was heavily involved as chair and board chair. I am concerned she would abuse her position on city council to steer $ to this nonprofit, just as Karen Dolan did. https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/bethlehem-food-co-op-founder-colleen-laird-announces-run-for-city-council-seat/article_7196d368-ac9d-11ed-963b-2f18c6290afa.html

    1. Laird was chair of the board which means she is one of many volunteers who have stepped up to move this idea along - she is not the founder it is/was and will always be a multiple person effort

  9. "Your reply to Brunges was exactly how I felt after reading his rant. He won't be getting my vote. We need someone who can work with a council with a D majority. Not another extremist conservative."

    I am more of a left-leaning centrist in my thinking. I think most of us are centrists, no matter what we call ourselves. I will and have voted for Republicans. I am leery of the extreme views, whether they are far-left or far-right. I am leery of people who want to represent everyone while simultaneously slurring the city's majority population.

  10. Brunges may be a whack job, but even whack jobs are right sometimes.

    Woke Willie is destroying the city. His state of the city was a complete circus. He actually said once you have what you need (like a house and health insurance), then you have enough and he will hold those accountable who are striving for too much. He advocated socialist ideas of sharing the wealth with the Chamber of Commerce.

    Watch for yourself. The closing is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard and starts at the 1:43 mark.


  11. "Bethlehemites consistently show their lack of intelligence by looking no further than the "D" button."

    Be fair. I live in a township that has never elected a Democrat. We decide our elections in the primaries. There's no drama in the fall. Our "R" button voting delivers clean and safe streets, little crime, a well funded and well respected police department, sensible development that has contained warehouses, and just one modest tax increase (to fund open space) in three decades. One-party governments are everywhere. I'll choose mine any day, though.

    1. It wish that was the same here. Bethlehem’s City streets are neglected, our parks and public spaces are not well maintained, our parking authority lacks oversight and see the residents as a revenue source, not a customer; etc. Here the one party system has become complacent and supports the party, not the best interests of the citizens.

  12. "Watch for yourself. The closing is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard and starts at the 1:43 mark.


    I watched that. Interesting. So, once you have what you "need", you should help your neighbor? Great. Bethlehem is on sound financial footing, thanks primarily to Cunningham, Callahan, and Donchez. So should Willie then use Bethlehem's resources to help Allentown?

  13. Bethlehem City Hall is falling apart at the seams!

  14. Bernie, According to the Food Co-Op the "founding members" are the first 1200 members.

    Members of the Food Co-Op are pissed she lied about her status. She is NOT a founding member, but did serve on the board and almost ran the Co-Op into the ground. Ask the Food Co- Op board about it! They will tell you the truth! WFMZ only reposted what she claimed in writing her press release. She lied! Don't believe me, Ask the Co-OP Board!!


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