Local Government TV

Friday, March 31, 2023

Trump Prosecutions Begin

According to CNN, it's a 30-count indictment. That's based on two anonymous sources. The charges themselves are still under seal. If it's just a business fraud complaint based on hush payments to Stormy Daniels, it's an incredibly weak case. If it includes the Truth Social threats that Trump made against the DA, which included an image of him holding a baseball bat next to an image of the DA's head, then Trump has a problem. It could very well be charging crimes about which we know nothing. 

Things are only going to get worse as other investigations conclude. The NY AG is considering Trump's inflation of the value of business assets to secure bank loans. A Georgia DA is considering Trump's request that election officials "find" the votes he needed to win that state. The US DOJ is looking into his refusal to turn over confidential documents that included nuclear secrets as well as his 1/6/20 incitement of a mob at the capitol. The man who claimed he could shoot someone and lose no voters could very well be right. But he might lose his liberty. He lost his integrity long ago. 

He's entitled to a presumption of innocence under the very Constitution he attempted to repudiate. 

Trump's former VP, Mike Pence, calls the indictment he hasn't read an "outrage." The Senate's top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, observes that Trump "is subject to the same laws as every American." 


  1. Another witch hunt by Soros left wing asshole who does not do his real job for the people--this will fail just like every other witch hunt by the democrats --all the democrats do is fail and they are failing this country big time.

  2. There should be no joy in America today. This type of political persecution, until now, has been seen only in Communist-style nations where people are controlled by an oppressive, over-reaching government. There is nothing positive about the step just taken. I am beyond sad, I’m frightened about life ahead.

    1. Politica persecution … what planet are you on? Any regular person would have been prosecuted and thrown in jail for the same and indeed have. Why is the ex president any different? We don’t have kings here.

    2. Yeah like Isreal

  3. I'm sitting with patience waiting for the Biden's arrests and Treason charges. Just to start.
    God Bless America.

    1. You're going to get hemorrhoids

  4. Liberals will be VERY disappointed. "We got him now".

  5. "There should be no joy in America today. This type of political persecution, until now, has been seen only in Communist-style nations where people are controlled by an oppressive, over-reaching government. There is nothing positive about the step just taken. I am beyond sad, I’m frightened about life ahead."

    There's never any reason for joy when anyone is indicted. That's never the point. The point is that we are a nation of laws, not men, and no man is above the law. If this is a political persecution, there will be consequences at the ballot box. What I know about the investigation tells me it's a very weak case. But I have not seen the indictment (neither have you) and it may charge other crimes beyond what I know. Trump is entitled to all the protection of the Constitution he wanted to suspend.

  6. Because you can indict a ham sandwich, these are the new rules of engagement, and I love them! Trump is a crook. But so is every living president. It's long past time we gut the executive branch, which has led us into recession after recession and war after war. Find friendly local jurisdictions like NYC for Dems, and go after every rotten one of them. I don't care if Jimmy Carter's near corpse is dragged into a Republican-friendly courtroom to face charges before he heads off to hell with the rest of our POTUSs. Biden will be indicted in a red state the minute he leaves office. Yes, it's banana republic-like. But it's time to be who we are. A weakened executive branch is good for every American.

  7. Don't expect to see Trump put in handcuffs.

    They don't adjust that small.

  8. Nonsense, this is just an extension of the corrupt system today we have no law, we have no country, this is the real authoritarian slide to the the end.It is not about Trump, it is about the law being weaponized and ignored for the truly corrupt.

  9. So...former presidents can be indicted. This should get interesting.

    1. No one in our country is supposed to be above the law.

  10. Wait to see indictment Bullshit it will be some trumped up left wing democratic lies. The left wing is Anti-America and must be stopped before it is too late for this country.

  11. Well, Bernie, you're falling for this nonsense, but you fell for the COVID hoax too, so...

  12. Its kinda funny all of the yahoos who would gleefully scream and chant at their local Trump Rallys "Lock Her Up!" now all of a sudden bemoan and question the arrest and prosecution of their political hero.

    No other President, Republican or Democrat has been indicted before - note that indicted is singular. 30+ counts here on what is most likely the flimsiest case that Trump is facing. He is cooked. Its over. The warning signs were there from the jump and "We the People" chose to ignore them.

    Doubling down on support, yelling that its unfair, immoral or a conspiracy is wasting time and breath. Cut the loser loose and move on. The GOP is just dooming itself because this is not bringing more people into the tent, its the opposite.

  13. "Schumer observes that Trump is subject to the same laws that Democrats only use against Republicans." There, fixed it for you...

  14. I guess the Democratic presidents don't see the implications of this for the future for them. Yes no other president has had this done but I bet most presidents could be in this situation if in the past we stopped so low as to indict a former president. This is dangerous territory for our country and we all should be concerned. I could give examples of past but I will refrain.

  15. The maga cult puppets just don't get it - all of tRUMPS wounds are self-inflicted.

  16. Full me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 8 times, call me Bernie O'Hare / any other person suffering from TDS.

    Trump, for the blowhard that he is, rightfully went after the bureaucracy that is the "Deep State" since he started his campaign in 2016. He kicked a hornets nest that is the 3 letter agencies that actually run our country.They havent let him forget it since. They impeached him for the Russia Hoax, they Impeached him for inciting an "insurrection", and now they are arresting him for.... I dont even know anymore.

    Less power for the executive branch?? I find that ironic as we are putting one in handcuffs and the other is being held up by strings. Trump showed how powerless the presidency has become. The machine around him crushed him and any effort to enact change.

    The truth is we need real leadership. People who arent afraid to speak truth to power but in doing so not dividing the entire nation.

    Stoics and critical thinkers need to be valued again.

    How long are we going to let these bad actors destroy our country?

    Can we start coming together around a common enemy? Our bloated, ineffective, power thirsty government.

    Because if there is one thing Americans DO agree on, its how shitty our politicians are(just look at congressional approval ratings over the last 15 years).

    Lets start there. Rage against the machine.

    1. Go back to your bunker with your dehydrated tubs of food. There is no deep state, everyday people work in every “three letter agency”.

    2. He wasnt impeached for the Russian hoax. BTW it wasnt a hoax, there were 10 separate cases of obstruction. Let's play name that impeachment. It was for trying to extort Ukraine to get goods on Biden. I know it hard to keep all of his crimes in order.

    3. 3:35- just a minor point of correction. Trump's first impeachment was to try to extort Ukraine - not to get goods on Biden (because there were none and Trump knew this) but he wanted Ukraine to issue a formal statement saying that their country was investigating crimes against Biden and if they wouldn't do that, he would withhold congressional aid.

  17. @2:01 am

    ‘Soros’…..that has become the Faux ‘News’ , Newsmax and OAN talking point. Most people that use his name have no idea who he is but that’s their bogeyman.

    It’s just code for him being Jewish and their hatred of the Jews and the big money they supposedly spend along with the ‘deep state’ (whoever they are ) to take down their hero Donnie.

  18. @8:54 can you name me one, just one, person in the ‘deep state’. You’re just another uneducated, gullible tool, fooled by your hero.

  19. so, this may actually unite not the country, but the Republican party. Be careful, this is very likely a distraction to cover some huge power grab by this corrupt government. Their credibility is gone, their ability to persuade is gone. All that is left is corrupt brute power. And anyone who rejoices and supports these tactics is in reality a traitor to representative democracy.

  20. It is clear, there will never be peace and prosperity for America until there is a major house cleaning in the State department, Intelligence community, the Department of Justice and this administration. We will not last 2 more years.

  21. "When idiots cannot accept reality, they conjure evil spirits who are out to trick them and concoct whispy cloaks of treacherous perfidity done unto them by a confederacy of intrigue and machinations, but in the end, they are still stone cold idiots and should be ignored."

    - Thomas Jefferson letter to George Washington, 1801.

  22. Why are so many conservatives idiots about claiming conspiracies? Trump iswell outside the norms of American governance, and you're letting him take you there too. For HIS part, he's going to court. It's not going to be pretty.

    1. Could we have a constructive conversation without calling each other idiots please. Because opinions differ that does not make those who look at it differently than you all idiots. This is significant for our country. It's not about trump. It's about where our country is headed

  23. @ 9:13. George Soros is a Hungarian national who has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in political races all over our country at federal, state, and local levels. He is the founder of the "Open society foundation" and see's national sovereignty as a threat to global hegemony. You calling me a racist for stating George Soros has no business INVESTING in American Politics is laughably telling.

    @8:54, One person? Just one? Easy. Tony Fauci. The highest paid government official in the United States government. I'll gladly name more.

    You people are so quick to attack someone who is calling the system out for what it is. Corrupt.

    If you want to keep licking boots, have at it.

    One thing is for sure. If you are democrat and think republicans are the problem or a republican who thinks democrats are the problem, YOU are the problem!

    Stop being so easily divided and unite against the machine.

    1. Tank Man- Hahaha! Yeah, Dr. Fauci is the deep state. Hahaha. Seek therapy.

  24. I'm an independent voter who voted for Trump in 2016 but switched to Biden in 2020.

    I believed Jan 6th was an insurrection and Trump was responsible. Then earlier this month I saw video of protesters being guided through the Capitol by police officers. Apparently, we weren't allowed to see those videos before, even though they're over two years old. It's obvious that we were not told (or shown) the whole story.

    The Manhattan DA doesn't even pursue charges in many violent crimes, and I think it's clear that the only reason the charges against Trump are being pursued is because Trump is running again.

    I never thought I'd say it, but if he's on the ballot in 2024, I'll be voting Trump.

    1. Congratulations. a reminder tucker said he despised trump and you married your cousin, so there's that.

    2. 10:37- those videos were seen right after January 6th, but as the police testified, they were overwhelmed and were trying to keep people calm. Also, those Capital police who encouraged people to enter the Capital were reprimanded and/or fired. Congratulations Faux News warrior...I mean , Mr. Independent voter. There's nothing independent about you.

  25. 5:03 you should be worried about your life ahead like you say as the people who you are so strongly supporting and prompting will gladly exterminate you in the endeavors of their future dictatorship vision.

    Would you like Green to be in charge of your town. How about Boebert being on the school board. Would you let Trump or Gaetz be around you teenage daughter. So many who would rather step on you like a cockroach then ever associate with you.

  26. 5:48 Perhaps you need to be arrested for Treason to the United States of America. If we are lucky they will come for you for your trip to DC on Jan 6.

  27. 6:42 The only time that many of us will be truely satisfied is when he joins his wife at the golf course making the grass greener. Until then he and his minions will only continue to destroy what many hold dear.

  28. These legal theories are outstanding works of juris prudence. Take the Georgia Case where Trump allegedly said “Find me the votes”. Amazing efforts to link a long standing theory in law first suggested in Barrow and Parker v. Lucerne State Bank where it was held that Barrow’s instruction to Parker “Bonnie, Go to the bank and get me a hundred dollars” was held to imply robbery absent any explicit instructions to the contrary. Just absolutely clever of how a speeding ticket issued years ago could be linked to any unsolved crime. Their law professors must be proud and deserve that cable network interview.

  29. 7:42. I am so sorry that you will not understand anything anyone says because you either cannot read or are just to stupid to understand it.

  30. @ 10:38

    Call it what you want. Deep State, Uniparty, forever government of unelected bureaucrats and administrators. It exists and your inability to recognize their existence is terrifying to someone who is trying to look at the state of our nation objectively.

    Of course there are good, hardworking people that work in these institutions. They aren't who I am speaking about.

    For you to dismiss the claim in its entirety speaks your lack of awareness. Surely it is easier to cite corrupt governments than benevolent ones. I dont think America will ever be free of corruption completely, but to deny any exists at all is sheer madness.

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you dont think America has had absolute power for decades, I dont think I could convince you that the sky is blue.

  31. "I never thought I'd say it, but if he's on the ballot in 2024, I'll be voting Trump."

    Same here. I was leaning DeSantis and hoping unseemly Trump would go away. Not any longer. I'm all in for Trump.

    It's interesting what we do to our anti-war presidents (Carter and Trump). We throw them out after four years. Eisenhower was right about the military industrial complex. It's so powerful, that former peacenik Democrats are cheering for $140 billion in weapons to fuck for virginity in Ukraine.

  32. This is what you get when you mess with a porn star. I thought Republicans were the party of morality as long as they don't get caught.

    1. Can you say Bill Clinton...John Kennedy.....

    2. 8:13- Kennedy and Clinton are/were Democrats. Our party is not the morality party. Hence, you and your hypocritical snowflake party are simply that, hypocritical and snowflakes.

    3. So it's ok to do it just not ok to keep it quiet.

  33. So much whining from the Trumpers! His crimes now are coming home to roost. Get used to disappointment.

  34. Can Trump vote absentee from Riker's Island?

  35. The best part about this is that the Clintons are running free. My MAGA neighbor keeps being up Hunter Biden. My reply is that if Hunter Biden goes to jail also then Trump can wash Bidens back in the prison shower.

  36. Now look what you've gone and done. The team that does it second, always does it better:

    * Impeachment of Clinton vs impeachment of Trump 2x
    * Obama campaign Google algorithm vs Trump campaign Facebook ads
    * Citizens United GOP super pacs vs Soros and Sam Bankman-Fried

    Biden is getting arrested, too. Bet your house.

  37. Curley served as mayor of Boston while in a federal penitentiary. Truman eventually reduced his sentence recognizing that running a city from a jail cell was very difficult.

  38. Don't Blame Me, I Voted for a Criminal!

  39. The dingbat did this to himself. People who have business dealings with China, a country that has been around for thousands of years, creators of many things, and have a damn near monopoly on almost everything now, say that we were looked upon as idiots under Trump. USA has been around for 246 years which nothing in the world scheme of things. But hey, sports are more important than science and math.

  40. If the statute of limitations doesn't matter here, can Clinton now be pursued for the $850K he paid to Paula Jones (after his initial offer of $700K was rejected)? How are these cases different? I'm not a lawyer. But neither is Bill Clinton because of Paula Jones.

    1. 2:23- Bill Clinton spent his last day in office negotiating with the special council to avoid an indictment. He absolutely was going to be indicted, Ken Starr and his lackey Brett Kavanaugh were going to make sure if instead, but a deal was reached. Clinton gave up his law licence, admitted lying under oath and paid a hefty fine. I guess you're just another fact free Republican who thinks that Dumpy is being treated unfairly. Waaaahhh!

  41. All you left wing people should go to Mexico over the open border you democrats created. You people hate America, and we hate you so all left-wing people get out of our country over the border before Trump comes back anbd closes the border.

    1. 2:41- as as matter of fact, I'm currently vacationing in Mexico and having a great time. Enjoy your holiday in Moscow.

  42. I am a MAGA head, voting for Trump twice. He did some good things. But he needs to go away, disappear, get lost, become silent and invisible. Why? His posse is unable to see the handwriting on the wall. He can't win. He doesn't have the votes and can't get them. As I see it: if Trump wins the primary, Biden wins in the election. If he loses the primary and runs as a third party candidate, Biden wins. This is why Bragg wants him prosecuted...so Trump remains in contention. Bragg doesn't care if he wins the case, he just wants Trump there to siphon off the votes so Biden wins. Same play the Democrats did last election, spending money for ads to support radical candidates who had no chance so the hard core wasted their votes. To me, it is just that simple.

    1. So Bragg , Smith and the Georgia DA are in a conspiracy...got it. You should contact Gym Jordan with that info.

  43. I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, and proudly flew a flag with his name on it. I knew he wasn't the cleanest guy in the world, but I liked his policies more than Hillary or Biden. Wasn't a fan of his post election behavior and wasn't proud of what happened on Jan 6th. I've had enough at this point, I've thrown the flag out and won't vote for him again, but I wont vote for a Democrat either. I do feel deceived and betrayed by him and unfortunately believed a lot of what has turned out to be lies.

  44. Now would be a good time to remind people this case was initiated by trumps justice department. Cohen went to prison. The honorable Bill Barr then halted the investigation and let individual 1 go free. The same Bill Barr that successfully duped you into thinking trump was exonerated by the Mueller report.

  45. My guess is that the Statue of Liberty be waiving her fist at him when he returns to NYC?

  46. I know another famous peacemaker who was brought up on phony charges a week before Easter.

    1. Yeah. The comparisons of the Christlike lifestyles and behaviors between Jesus and Trump are uncanny, aren't they? LMFAO!

  47. Fun Fact = This Grand Jury is the first time Trump has gotten the majority of the votes.

    1. Have you forgotten, he did win a Presidency.

  48. Trump will win in the end.

    1. Aren't you tired of the winning yet?

  49. It’s beginning to look like the anti-Trumpers have overplayed their hand here. They have created a Martyr for the average American. Since the indictment, Trump’s ratings and campaign chest are soaring. Now, most of you here will disagree, I understand. But, the media circus coming on Tuesday will begin a defensive marketing campaign by Trump unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

    New York law prevents Trump’s booking photo to be released, but we’ll all get to see it within 24 hrs. I’m sure. Probably in the London Daily Mail first. Next, millions upon millions of T-Shirts, coffee mugs, etc. This whole episode will further divide America but not in the way most anti-Trumpers would like. This is a David versus Goliath scenario. Oppressive government against the little people.

  50. Anon 12:03 said:

    “Same here. I was leaning DeSantis and hoping unseemly Trump would go away. Not any longer. I'm all in for Trump”.

    10:37 here. If I could vote in the primary (and I suppose I could register for the primary), I’d vote DeSantis in a heartbeat. I think he’s the best candidate in any party.

    But my point was that if it came down to Trump vs. Biden again, I’d certainly vote Trump this time. Without hesitation.

    Looking back to 2020, I guess I foolishly believed that Biden would reign in the extremists in his party and try to unite the country. But he’s done just the opposite. And I see no democrat doing anything different, at any level of government.

  51. Until they investigate and call a grand jury on Biden and his son I don't want to hear a thing about Trump!

    1. You seem abnormally interested in Hunters dick pics.

  52. 4:52 Stay in Mexico you left wing anti American loser. we do not want you are your kind back

  53. @2:23 Clinton surrendered his law license for only five years (as x-president and wife rolling in bucks, did he really need his license?) and paid a $25,000 fine ( hardly classified as "hefty" to those folks) and you feel that is worse that what Trump (please check your auto-correct function) is going through and will be facing? Your version of equity has a decided political slant.

  54. Trump is a former President. There is little doubt in my mind that he's also a criminal thug who has spent a career ripping people off and lying. What I know about the Manhattan prosecution makes me think it is very weak, but the indictment itself is not public information and won't be until Tuesday. That's when all of us can have a better assessment.

    Do I think it looks like a political prosecution? Yes. But once I know the details, I might have a different opinion.

    To those of you clinging to Trump and comparing him to Jesus, you seem to forget this guy is under numerous investigations. One of them has nothing to do with his Presidency. Ask the banks and businesses he stiffed. His deceit and thievery are catching up to him.

  55. To those claiming they once supported Trump, then voted Biden in 2020, but will now vote Trump again... Everyone knows you're full of shit.

    Trump is still the same authoritarian narcissist he always was. If he had won a second consecutive term SCOTUS and the DOJ would be laying waste to the Constitution. He'd have appointed his minions to every position of power.

    Don't think people who finally woke up to the fact that Trump is a grifter and an idiot (I mean, truly, an idiot) will be returning to his cult.

    I expect he'll win the GOP nomination if it's a large field of candidates. Hopefully, he does win. Dems will have an easier time keeping the Oval Office.

    1. I’m sure that’s the democrat plan.

      But if you think I didn’t vote Trump, then Biden and will go back to Trump in 2024, you’re kidding yourself.

      It really has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. They could both be scumbags or angels - I don’t really care.

      But it’s clear that policy-wise, the country did better under Trump. That’s also why it doesn’t matter to me this time who the nominees are.

      I’ll take a hard pass on four more years of what the democrats have given us.

  56. Banks and businesses he stiffed? Without specifics, this is just another theory. The man’s been under heavy scrutiny and thorough examination for years. He has controlled more than 500 incorporated business operations. There will be people who blame him for various things. If you can name particular convictions (not slap suit settlements) please do so.

    1. https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/columnists/mike-kelly/2020/01/24/donald-trump-still-owes-money-to-contractors-who-built-taj-mahal-atlantic-city/4547037002/

    2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theweek.com/articles/783976/brief-history-trumps-smalltime-swindles%3famp

    3. https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/meet-the-many-small-business-owners-stiffed-by-donald-trump.html

    4. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/donald-trump-government-shutdown-screwing-workers/tnamp/&ved=2ahUKEwjt_oeT5In-AhV3ElkFHeqzASQQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2X_I3BOj2CjUJTziZ7mnJa

    5. And now the banks. You know I could post this all day but I dont want Bernie to get pissed so I'll post just 1of these


  57. The theme being repeated over and over is “No one is above the law.” Average, working American families who have paid even a small amount of attention to the reports about Clinton, Biden, etc. activities just might not fall for this kind of convincing.If they buy groceries, gasoline, home heating fuel, electricity, and thousands of other consumer goods, they also know certain things in our government MUST change, especially at the top levels. Something to keep in mind.

  58. Bernie, I am pleased to see you have included a couple of my recent posts. I believe strongly in research and education. However, I respect your right to determine what gets to appear here. I just finished listening to an outstanding radio replay of an hour-long interview with Jeffrey Tucker, President of the Brownstone Institute. He speaks about the Trump indictment.

    Mr. Tucker puts the whole matter in context and what it means to ALL Americans, both Republican and Democrat. This is brilliantly framed in a non-partisan way. In short, he is unhappy to see this unfold and explains why.

    Perhaps you can locate it. We could all gain by a better understanding of the gravity of this situation. This interview provides that. It might be found behind a paywall, but there might be a way around this. Regardless, this piece is incredible and well worth the effort to discover.

    1. Tucker despises trump and thinks you married your cousin

  59. 8:24 just keep you tv tuned to FAUX news and you will continue to stay in your special place of moronistic crap. Just go there and leave the rest of the normal people to be a part of real life.

  60. 2:14 WOW try to come back down to earth and get off your drug induced Kool-Aid drinking TRUMP high. YOU must have almost no metal capability not to understand how much of a scum bag trump is and be able to factually confirm all the things he has done to so many people.

  61. 3:23 Steve Lynch get off of Bernie's blog. Your life in public view other then feeling sorry for the embarrassment you have become is over.

  62. Guys just listen to 790AM WAEB and Bobby Gunther Walsh will inform you on the facts.
    I have never hear of a more Christian like radio show In the tri state area.
    His radio show tells it like it is and hopefully everyone on this blog will listen to his wisdom.

  63. In 2024, let's vote to Make America Great Again! 🇺🇸

  64. "To those claiming they once supported Trump, then voted Biden in 2020, but will now vote Trump again... Everyone knows you're full of shit."

    Feeling lucky, punk? He raised $4 million in just a few hours after the indictment was announced. I suspect Dems want him to be the nominee, which he certainly will be now. I'm so tired of Trump I can't properly describe it. However, I can't vote for him fast enough now. It's no longer a vote for Trump. It's a vote against third word banana republic nonsense. Dems made the first election about Hillary and lost. Second election was about Trump and they won. This one is not about Trump anymore. Again, feeling lucky punk? Lol.

  65. It is now more than ever a vote for the lesser of two evils and this present administration is not incompeteant, is not stupid, It is Pure Evil.

  66. Today marks the beginning of an historic week in American history. This week, we will walk through the door of an uncertain future. We will learn much about the right of citizens to determine their own future through voting.

    My best response to witnessing all of this is to remind everyone of that old saying “Be careful what you wish for . . . you just might get it.”

  67. 4.15
    "Feeling lucky, punk?"
    Yep, plenty of folks can donate money to trumps prison commissary account at Riker's.
    trump will be able to brag he has the biggest cell there along with the best mattress.
    trumps own DOJ folks entered in a sentencing memo that stated trump directed Michael Cohen to commit the very actions that put Cohen in jail.
    Remember these were trumps folks not Garland or anyone else.
    Hopefully trump's lawyer will keep him off the stand as if anyone can talk himself into a jail cell it is trump.

    1. You forgot he'll have the best darn pillow in the whole darn world. My Pillow.com. And folks use my special code to help me with my Dominion 1 billion dollar judgement

  68. Everybody vote for Trump let bernie be the only person to vote for Biden..

  69. Tucker loves to be punished by trump. He enjoys hating the man he would do anything for or take anything from.

  70. I wonder if one of the criminal charges Trump will be prosecuted for is being in Drag. He wears makeup all the time - More then any normal man should. He is definitely playing in drag!

  71. Such an incredibly impressive blog community.


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