Local Government TV

Friday, March 03, 2023

Should Bloggers Be Required to Register With the State?

That's what one Florida lawmaker thinks. He's proposed a bill that will require bloggers who wrote about state officials to register with the state of they are paid. Newspapers would be exempt as well as bloggers like myself, who receive no payments from anyone. Monthly reports would be required from bloggers who receive compensation. 

I get the idea of being able to point out bloggers who act as political operatives. But this bill would apply to someone who is juts running ads, just like any online newspaper. Of course, his violates both the First Amendment and Equal Protection. 

Maybe they should be required to wear a scarlet B, too. 


  1. Bloggers like you are fake media you lied about Trump every chance you had--you should be banned.

  2. You already wear a bell, and yell "unclean" as you come into town, so this isn't much more burdensome

  3. We are learning there really IS something called the “Deep State.” It involves BOTH political parties and involves a further breakdown of citizen’s individual freedom.

    What we are watching is the formation of one UniParty. Many people elected to government office, regardless if Democrat, Republican, or other, working to control the message regarding policies they create. One thing none of us need is more government management of what we think and do. Yet another form of intimidation against those who might promote views contrary to an emerging, elite political class.

    Totalitarianism now coming to America, too? Yes.

  4. ABSOLUTELY THEY SHOULD! There is zero accountability of bloggers and it is a big issue. I recently got an eggplant parm recipe from a cooking blog and it called for 1/2 tbs of red pepper flakes. I followed the recipe ACCURATELY, served it to my family, and EVERY SINGLE PERSON complained that it was too spicy and burned their mouths and didn’t eat more than a few bites. There was 50 bucks worth of ingredients in that eggplant parm. Plus I had to order pizza (from Tuscana’s btw, since it was Sunday and Joe’s was closed) so that they had SOMETHING to eat. And because it was Tuscana’s, we found a band-aid on the pizza. Worst night EVER. So to make a long story…yeah…yeah…I think bloggers should be monitored and held ACCOUNTABLE for what the slew onto the internet.

  5. It's chilling that we've reached this point.

    You want to hold office, grow a pair and deal with the criticism.

    The Banker

  6. The pendulum swings. Progressives currently seem very comfortable with keeping lists and issuing cards to monitor/marginalize/cancel political opponents. Maybe this legislation will begin to cure some of their authoritarian leanings. There is also a movement afoot in Florida to ban any filings from any individual associated with a political party that supported and defended slavery. This should be a key component of any reparations legislation. The pendulum swings. Our politics are the best.

  7. Just a question from somebody who has no idea about this, but what would stop somebody from registering in another state and writing about their home state?

  8. Ah yes, Florida. Where FRE3DUM goes to die.

    Those ice caps can’t melt fast enough.

  9. Not sure if I understand this.
    Paid by who? The state itself, their party, lobbyists, etc.??
    Please clarify for us.

  10. It seems that even some Americans prefer authoritarian leadership. As a lifelong republican, count me out.

  11. Would this act eventually require people who comment on them as well? It implies they also should be held accountable. How far will this go if it were even legal. Which I doubt.

    1. Maybe Bernie can clarify this. If you post anonymously I think you can still be found by your IP address. So yes Ron's Brownshirts will be at your door if you make fun of his white go go boots.

  12. Seems extreme to me. Two wrongs don't make a right. Twitter and Facebook have censured things that they shouldn't have and my side of the aisle rightly objected to it. This smacks of the same statism crap if you ask me. It's understandable too overreact because the left has controlled a very biased media for a long time, but again, two wrongs don't make a right.

    As far as the Scarlett letter goes, it should be a big O for O'Hare LOL.

    Off topic, surprised you haven't written anything about Shapiro violating the gift ban in the first 5 seconds of his administration by taking the super bowl tix and paid trip. That's a bad look for a guy with a great political future IMHO.

    1. Or his proposal of giving groups of people tax breaks.

  13. A Blog is a written description expressing the author’s written beliefs and ideas. Many people who read such works will find all, or parts disagreeable, For some, even hateful or blasphemous. This proposed law attempts to regulate and restrict certain of those Blogs by essentially demanding to know who is paying for the distribution of such materials.

    Keep in mind, our politicians often “ghost write” books to promote their visions. They might have written no more than several paragraphs of a 300 page paperback. Is this not also a Blog? Hope you all realize some of these book deals come with a HUGE upfront royalty payment, sometimes in the millions of dollars. Doesn’t matter if no one actually buys the book. Such deals are essentially payoffs (bribes?) to support and distribute the message of the donor. More importantly, to help pay for the politician’s campaign for re-election! We need to know more specifics about who is really funding THOSE publications, too!

  14. A Blog is a written description expressing the author’s written beliefs and ideas. Many people who read such works will find all, or parts disagreeable, For some, even hateful or blasphemous. This proposed law attempts to regulate and restrict certain of those Blogs by essentially demanding to know who is paying for the distribution of such materials.

    Keep in mind, our politicians often “ghost write” books to promote their visions. They might have written no more than several paragraphs of a 300 page paperback. Is this not also a Blog? Hope you all realize some of these book deals come with a HUGE upfront royalty payment, sometimes in the millions of dollars. Doesn’t matter if no one actually buys the book. Such deals are essentially payoffs (bribes?) to support and distribute the message of the donor. More importantly, to help pay for the politician’s campaign for re-election! We need to know more specifics about who is really funding THOSE publications, too!

  15. Google owns the blog and its content and may do as they wish regarding terms of service and protection of privacy - or not. Google is certainly in the sights of those inclined to regulate publishers' content. Forcing participants to register as a term of service is their prerogative. Nobody is forcing bloggers to blog. They may choose to do so - or not. Bloggers may still step outside and bark at the moon to exercise their 1A rights. They have no constitutional right to a particular microphone. Visitors to Facebook and Twitter jail were taught this important civics lesson.

  16. I have no quarrel with requiring that a blog owner be identified on the site by name and business address. Anything else is oppression.

    The GOP won't care.

  17. Anytime it appears the Republicans may gain an edge in an upcoming election, they do or propose something dumb.

    1. I read they want to take back the 35 dollar insulin thing . They are not only stupid, but cruel.

  18. "It's understandable too overreact because the left has controlled a very biased media for a long time, but again, two wrongs don't make a right."

    I was just flipping channels on the telly and found this great thing called Fox News! Obviously, you missed this one. Check it out!

    Other than that gem, you were on point.

    1. Oh the channel that refers to their audience as rubes. Got it.

  19. Bernie, in your case as it is specific you should also have to register with Norristown State Hospital. This being as you are a criminally insane lawyer and your writing duologue can be constrewed as crimes against humanity. This only centered on your readership?

  20. Straight from the fascism playbook. The way the GOP has convinced the party of "limited government" to support authoritarian leaders and ideologies is terrifying.

  21. @9:16
    Way to go!
    Maybe Fox News should be named Fox Ramblings.
    Both have next to zero accountabilities.

  22. So there’s NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, NJ Live, Lehigh Valley, Morning Call, the list is endless. But, but, Fox News! If you don’t think there’s a liberal bent in most of the mainstream media today I can’t help you. Fox News generally leads in the ratings because they’re the only game in town for half the country.

  23. Slip and fall lawyers and used car salesmen poll higher than the media in this country. Americans do not trust the media, and after Covid, no longer have any trust for their government. Maybe that’s why bloggers are popular now. Bernie is a democrat and he tells you that, but to be honest he’s more fair than most of the mainstream outlets like NY Times ect.

  24. I'm comfortable with this legislation. It's long overdue. Government DOES work.

  25. DeSantis wants to sensor bloggers, intimidate by a mouse, want to regulate voluntary AP classes. Maybe good for Fox ratings, NOT presidential material.

  26. $:20 you are an idiot

  27. @10:02
    If your not into fact then listen to the word coming out of Fox New CEO.
    Rupert Murdoch admits Fox News hosts endorsed election lies!
    Fox Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch acknowledged in a deposition that his network's commentators pushed false allegations by former President Trump that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
    When NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times makes a mistake they will admit to it and then revise the story to make sure it is correct. It is the news and that is the difference between the banana republics and our country. It’s
    A shame half of the country cannot realize the facts.

  28. Bloggers should be registered with.....
    The Pa. drug commission
    The child molesting courts
    The child molester Org.
    You get the message.........

  29. Bloggers and anyone who posts should have their full and complete name as well as address retrievable. IF they receive pay to post they should have to have that as the opening part of their post "I get paid for this by......." Also anyone on the TV should have to have the same statement repeated over and over as to who they are receiving their money through. It would be interesting for the world to understand how many of the liars on the so called news networks get paid to say what they are saying.

  30. 2:51 I am so glad there are people like you who still are wiling to show your ignorance. It gives the rest of the population someone to laugh at.

  31. 3:10 you forgot about the priests who molest kids, the Christians who are convert or die. The Sunday go to meeting people who go to church to be saved then steal, rob threaten, and hurt the rest of the week.

  32. DeSatan pushed this through to protect his dictatorship ars. He knows if he cuts off the media which he did through regulation and then cuts off the bloggers he is free to do whatever he wants. And when he has express executive authority which his politician buddies gave him he does not even have to adhere to any semblance of telling what he is doing no matter how horrific.

    Break out the political goon squads. It is either his way our he may have you disappear.

  33. Well, once China takes us over it will be mandatory. So, you might as well get a head start on it and get used to it.

  34. Why would anyone now living with personal freedoms of thought and speech EVER want to encourage further government control of opposition opinions about what government enacts as laws over its citizens? Efforts to regulate, limit, and dictate only certain beliefs it thinks contrary to its objectives. Sounds like my definition of what fascism is.

    The proposed plan to discourage only some bloggers is ripe for authoritarian abuse. What’s next to oppress those who the government believes damaging to its control?

  35. "Bloggers and anyone who posts should have their full and complete name as well as address retrievable. IF they receive pay to post they should have to have that as the opening part of their post "I get paid for this by......." Also anyone on the TV should have to have the same statement repeated over and over as to who they are receiving their money through. It would be interesting for the world to understand how many of the liars on the so called news networks get paid to say what they are saying."

    I agree, as a matter of ethics, that a person who blogs should identify himself or explain his refusal to do so. But I also believe, as a matter of ethics, that a person has a right to remain anonymous.

    This applies both to blogger and those who comment.

    As for revealing sources of income, I agree as a matter of ethics that ant person who is paid or receives some kind of compensation to post stories should disclose his connection. The person who does this is not truly independent and to be honest, should disclose who is paying him. Receiving payment is the highest form of bias.

    I believe newspapers and all media outlets, though they create firewalls, are influenced by advertisers.

    But there is a difference between doing something as a matter of ethics and doing it as a matter of government compulsion.

    1. Hypocrit. You never revealed your "arrangement" with Justin Simmons that was obvious to everyone for years.

  36. I’m a registered republican. I think Bernie covers county politics better than any media in Valley. Sure he’s biased, but he admits it and engages with people who disagree.

    I noticed that Rudy Miller with LVL would cover County Council when Brown was exec and bang on him relentlessly. As soon as McClure was elected it’s like County Council doesn’t exist anymore to LVL. Not sure about MC. WFMZ has some coverage but it’s superficial at best. Nobody makes anyone read the blog folks, and nobody says you have to agree. I find it informative, even if I don’t agree with Bernie’s views all the time.

  37. Um, there has never been any arrangement with anyone for what I write. It's hardly my fault that the candidates who ran against Simmons were so bad. And guess what? I was highly critical of him, too.

  38. Bloggers are the last vestige of the "Fourth Estate." Some have of their own spin, but the traditional local media is no longer the watchdog of government. If you want it published, it's PR. If you didn't want it published, that's news.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.