Local Government TV

Monday, March 13, 2023

Judge Candidate Aaroe Snags Bethlehem FOP Endorsement

Attorneys Nancy Aaroe and Brian Panella are the only two candidates running for an one judgeship in Northampton County.  Both candidates have cross-filed, which means this race could be wrapped up in the primary. I think it's more likely to extend into the Fall, with Aaroe getting the Republican nod and Panella winning on the Democratic side. Aaroe's campaign got a boost last week from Bethlehem's Fraternal Order of Police. The city itself might vote blue, but its police union has endorsed Aaroe.  The endorsement (you can read it below) cites Aaroe's experience as both a prosecutor and defense attorney.

I'm unaware if any police endorsements for either candidate by the FOP for state police or police departments outside Bethlehem


  1. I think you meant to say Aaroe gets the Republican nod and Panella gets the Democratic nod.

  2. Here is the deal. I wouldn't vote Republican for dog catcher, at this point. I don't care if it offends anyone. Or if you think I'm narrow minded. They have proved themselves unworthy to serve.

  3. Many years ago I was idealistic and dumb when it came to voting. I believed what the candidates told me and didn't bother to check backgrounds or history of their respective parties. Today I am a senior citizen living on a fixed income. It took a long time but I finally figured it out. It'll be a cold day in hell if I ever vote for a republican again. Today's Republican Party is made up of nuts and radicals who don't give two shits about me as a senior citizen. They are a disgrace to their party and an even bigger disgrace to the United States of America.

    1. Oh shut up you big whiner, and stop voting for looney left Democrats.

  4. 12:07, Thank you for noting my error. I corrected it.

  5. "Here is the deal. I wouldn't vote Republican for dog catcher, at this point. I don't care if it offends anyone. Or if you think I'm narrow minded. They have proved themselves unworthy to serve."

    Yeah, I'd say you're narrow-minded. I detest the tribalism. I vote the person, not the party.

  6. In the interest of diversity, equity, and inclusion, “ditto” to 12:09AM for Democrat candidates.

  7. Aaroe's ground game looks to have a good early start. I've been contacted twice already. I may have received a mailing as well. I can't decide if FOP endorsements help or hurt these days.

  8. Our political system breeds politicians who are out for themselvea and nobody else as a result this country will soon be coinsider third world.

  9. I think this is a pretty big boost for Aaroe Good on her.

  10. Everyone in Northampton County should vote for Panella because his dad was a Judge here.

    And sadly, 80% of his vote givers will vote for him precisely for that reason.


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