Local Government TV

Monday, January 09, 2023

Pa. School Districts Trying Health Centers To Attract Teachers, Save Costs

After learning the details of the voluntary and exclusive health center proposed for Northampton County employees, my biggest question is why aren't all self-insured local governments doing this? It turns out that it's starting. This weekend, the Inky reported that North Penn School District is the latest to open a voluntary, employee only health center. 

Like Northampton County, North Penn has about 1,700 employees. It spends a bit more ($30 million) for health care than Northampton County ($23 million). According to the news account, a school district health center at Lebanon-Lancaster has operated a health center since 2015, and health costs have remained stable. 

Northampton County Council remains opposed to a health center. Three Council members - Republicans John Brown, John Goffredo and Tom Giovanni - are hard-line Nos. Brown and Goffredo would publicly stated they prefer to cut health benefits.  

Council member John Cusick stated pretty clearly that he would support a health center if Executive Lamont McClure sought competitive bids. 

Council member Lori Vargo-Heffner has complained about the rush, though this matter has been under consideration since August and no one has proposed a contract. It took her nearly a year to get a request for proposals on a pay study out the door after Council set aside the money for it. Also, she wants competitive bids but is herself conflicted because she works for St. Luke's, which wants to bid. 

It's hard to say where Council member Ron Heckman stands. I have rarely witnessed a person consume so much oxygen and utter so many words that say absolutely nothing. He did say at one point that he wanted competitive bidding, but never said he'd be happy with the recommendation. 

Council member Kerry Myers initially complained because he thought the survey was inadequate. Now he complains that it might some day be mandatory. 

The two supporters are Council members Tara Zrinski and Kevin Lott. 

McClure has claimed that Integrity Health is the only entity he knows that "checks all the boxes" for what he wants. If he did seek competitive bids, he really is only assured of three votes to support a health center. 


  1. "If he did seek competitive bids, he really is only assured of three votes to support a health center."

    This sentence about the political calculation speaks volumes about the way McClure operates. That's why he's having so much trouble with this. More transparency, competition, and research are required before making another bad decision resulting from a lack of leadership.

  2. LVH couldn’t control Myers when he lied about the Sheriff to smear him, and now she makes Myers Prez ?

  3. Look the Rs are never voting for any employee health center. And, Vargo-Heffner is a rolling conflict of interest.

  4. "Also, she wants competitive bids but is herself conflicted because she works for St. Luke's, which wants to bid."

    Look, I'm no fan of Vargo-Heffner, but can we stop with this false accusation? As a council member, she is OBLIGATED to seek the best deal for the taxpayer. How do you do that for something like this? You seek competitive bids.

    Now if the bidding process were started and she were trying to pass information on other bids to her employer, that would be another story. If she were voting on who to award the contract to after bidding, and her employer had bid, that could be a problem. But merely trying to have this proposal go into the competitive bidding process is PROPER, and a duty of her office.

    We all know you're carrying McClure's water for this bad proposal, but you're wrongly impugning her character. That's ironic, since you take Judge Baratta to task in your preceding post for exactly the same thing.

    I suspect if there were an actual conflict, McClure would have had his solicitor provide the legal opinion alleging that. That we don't have such an opinion should settle this matter.

  5. The workers want this, and it might save money. So, why not try ?

  6. It seems like John Brown with Lori’s unwitting help just want to hurt employees and not help them.

  7. Here’s the question. Little Fredo and Brownstone want to force McClure gut employee benefits, but why would loudmouth Heckman help them ?

  8. I watched the meeting. John Brown actually had the balls to say that he leveled off healthcare costs for employees. He's right about that, but he did it by increasing the cost to the employees to the point several were forced to pick between going to the doctor and feeding their family. McCLure ended that for all employees. For that we are forever grateful.

    Next Brown is going to talk about how the pay study is going to increase pay to the employees while he wants to take the money right back out of the employees pocket because it is clear he and his sidekick babyface Gofredo wanna stick it to us.

  9. I can bet my life if the health center opens up, with in the next 5 years it would be mandatory you use that as your doctor. And every union contract that would be negotiated in the future would have that forced into it.
    Remember this county does negotiate in good faith. Its take what we are offering or go to arbitration. And the big union bosses are in Lamont and chucky pockets.

  10. "Look, I'm no fan of Vargo-Heffner, but can we stop with this false accusation? As a council member, she is OBLIGATED to seek the best deal for the taxpayer. How do you do that for something like this? You seek competitive bids."

    You sound like you ARE LVH or o=someone in the Clerk's office. LVH is conflicted. She knows St. Luke's is interested, has been tld they are interested, works for St. Luke's and is insisting on letting them bid. That is as conflicted as you get.

    It could very well be that this should be done by bid. I have no problem with that. But LVH really needs to recuse herself and I am filing a complaint.

  11. "I can bet my life if the health center opens up, with in the next 5 years it would be mandatory you use that as your doctor. And every union contract that would be negotiated in the future would have that forced into it."

    Keep looking for reasons to move the goal posts.

    1. It's not moving the goal post it just the way it works in this county. you give them an inch and they take a mile. And they wont give you a millimeter.

  12. >"t why would loudmouth Heckman help them ?"

    He's all over the place and never shuts up. In his case, I suspect he's motivated more by animosity to the Exec than a desire for good government.

  13. Ron Heckman needs to resign. He’s worse than useless. His presence is now hurting employees.

  14. What are the odds that a member of council works for one of the two largest employers in the area? The odds are pretty good. That's local government being run by real world people with real world jobs. Citizen legislatures regularly deal with the endless conflicts that might arise in the course of their duties. Most times, a balance must be struck with those who work jobs. I side with LVH, for now. The transparent part of this process has barely begun. She may eventually have to recuse. But for now, she's representing her county's citizens quite well. I can tell because her primary detractors are you and Lamont.

  15. Community health centers are always a good idea but why doesn’t anyone ever puts pressure on St. Luke’s and LVHN to lower THEIR costs of service? They’re ridiculously overpriced and conglomerates like these should be capped by the government.

  16. You cannot identify a single good reason this proposal was not done by bid. That fact that this was not proposed using bids is highly suspicious and was clearly an issue the majority of council felt was important. Frankly, you've ignored the issue until your response on 1/9 at 10:23 a.m. If St. Luke's put in a bid then of course Vargo-Heffner should abstain from voting/commenting on the matter. The proposal was not put out for bid so I fail to see how there is any sort of conflict. Please post the response you receive from the the ethics complaint.

  17. NORCO council could screw up a wet dream

  18. It is understandable you censor comments that do not favor your prejudices but even you must be happy at the news. McClure has found two new bobblehead D's to run for county council. Warren and Keegan, as well as Kraft recruited by McClure. Maybe he will end up with four rubber stamps on council. That is much better than learning how to work with people. This must explain his '"stay tuned" comment to WFMZ.

  19. Ron Heckman being against the employees is a sad end to an average career.

  20. The Republicans should get rid of Spamoni. He’s Vargo-Hefner’s lawyer.

  21. Heckman has finally and fully abandoned the employees at the bidding of Vargo-Heffner. He’s completely in her thrall and will do whatever she tells him to do.

  22. I don’t get LVH. She wants the pay act. Good for us. But, she’s against health building. Bad for us.

  23. First thing the next Council should do, Red or Blue is fire Aliene Shaftnisky and eliminate her position.

  24. The problem w/ it is just like that teladoc they have/ had. Started off good but the county pays the bills. At some point teledoc wouldn't even give out Dr excuses and basically became useless. And as for the employee's only a small percentage gave their feedback(and was positive).Ask the rest like the jail. I can tell you now they won't trust it.

  25. As a resent retired employee. I belive it would be like that teladoc thing they had. At first was great but once the county needed them to stop giving Dr. Etc. Notes it became useless. The county pays their bills and teladoc listened and did what they were told. I know a small group of employees said they like it but ask a stronger union like the jail and see what they say. I can assure you they don't want it. No trust in management

  26. It’s Alene Shafnisky, and she’s very valuable to Council. It’s only a matter of time until she graduates to the Clerk’s six-figure salary.

  27. Whoowee, the McClure groupies have really taken to the keys. Wow, such hate and danger. Thank God there are people who can think for themselves. Shame on Mr. McClure for fomenting such hater, he is called the county Trump.

  28. I'll never vote for Heckman again.

  29. A government entity or private business should not have their own health system. If the company/ government is paying the bill they have undue power and influence over decisions made and the little guy / employee pays the price with their wallet and health.
    The days of a “company store, company housing “ are long dead.


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