Local Government TV

Friday, December 16, 2022

Zelenskyy: "We are fighting for the whole world"

Netflix is broadcasting a conversation between retired late-night TV talk host Dave Letterman and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. They met in Kyiv, 300' below ground, and spoke over the noise of subway trains roaring through underground tunnels. 

Ukraine's ordinary citizens face a very harsh winter. They deal with nightly bombings, the inevitable blackouts and massive civilian casualties. "If you're not God, and you do this, then who are you?" Zelenskyy asked of the Russians at one point. His country is facing a new Russian offensive in January or February.  Ukrainians remain defiant because they fight for their own self-determination and for democracy. Here's what Zelenskyy had to say near the end of their talk:

"The US is the main supporter of Ukraine. And without their support, it would be very difficult for us. I mean, very difficult. ... And we are following [the US news] because we are worried about this fact, and we hear different messages from everywhere. If the climate changes, in Congress, it might have a significant impact on the support of Ukraine. And  here lies the crucial point ... . We are fighting for the whole world, for democracy, for freedom in the whole world. We know what we are fighting for. The most important thing is for US society to be aware of that, too, so they don't stray from the path of helping Ukraine. So that they know we're fighting for them as well.  


  1. Actually they are fighting a dying for the USA and NATO. Sad situation for the Ukrainian people. They will be discarded as soon this endeavor is found to be futile.

  2. His gig is up. His request to speak to a billion plus audience during Sunday's World Cup soccer final was rejected by FIFA. I guess he can't be King of World! Up next: the Superbowl?

  3. Hello Bernie. Thank you for doing what you do. Please answer why there always appears to be so many negative comments in replies no matter what topic you write about. For all the years you have been doing this it seems there are always so many nay-sayers compared to optimists.
    Always too few encouraging replies and too much negativity.
    What's your take?

  4. I’m not Bernie, but here’s my reason for this. For the most part, posters are just repeating what they heard/read in the ‘news’ media. As we all know, yet some refuse to admit, today’s media is primarily editorial slant. Biased, weaponized messages often with relevant details left out. There is a compelling, alternative media treatment of the same topic out there for everything parroted on this site. People run with repeats, too.

    Posting these days is one slanted opinion versus another. Choose wisely.

  5. The Ukrainian people are unbelievably strong, in the face of Putin's pure evil assault on their autonomy, and will prevail, but the price they are paying in lives lost and families displaced is beyond comprehension. Thanks for keeping this top of mind Bernie.

  6. Thank you for staying on script. This narrative is important.

  7. I find Zelenskyy an incredibly brave man compared to the leaders of our time. Deciding to stay and fight for his country when given the opportunity to flee proves this, if nothing else. To those who claim he is clamoring for attention: He is. For the sake of his country he knows he must keep a spotlight on the atrocities and horrors inflicted on his country before the world of a 2 minute attention span forgets about them. It is attention for survival.
    I do believe the Ukrainians will continuously fight, not because of slogans or political views, but because they remember it was not that long ago that Russia, under people like Putin, committed a pogrom killing millions of their people.
    I also believe Zelenskyy is correct in the fact that if Putin is not stopped in his empire expansion he will see it as a green light to continue onto other countries, perhaps one day our own.


  8. Merry Christmas, please forward me your address (I purchased some Stefanos gift cards for you)

    Hokie Joe

  9. To 11:57 AM
    YOU ARE RIGHT. unfortunately, opinions are like assholes and everybody has one. For the most part, opinions expressed here are encouraged by the blogger. We can learn from them when they are informational and express solutions to problems. there are times to be critical which Bernie encourages and there are times to be helpful by suggesting solutions to problems. On the other hand, some people just thrive on spreading hate and discontent. Our gaols and prisons are full of these kind of people. It is obvious you do not fall into that category.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.