Local Government TV

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Yes, A Reichsbürger Plot is Possible Here

They call themselves the Reichsbürger, but they're really Nazis who want to make Germany Great Again. Yesterday, German police fanned out to conduct searched at 130 properties belonging to 52 people in 13 different states. Charges have been filed against 25, with 19 in pre-trial detention. The impetus for this raid was a plot to kidnap Germany's Health Minister, killing his bodyguards if necessary, and plunging the country into darkness. This group follows a number of conspiracy theories and believe Germnay is ruled by the "deep state." 

Sound familiar?

This group includes a judge, soldiers, teachers, a doctor and an aristocrat who were planning to storm the Reichstag, the equivalent of our Congress. The ringleader, referred to as Prince Heinrich, was caught on tape saying, "We’re going to wipe them out now, the time for fun is over!”

Sound familiar?  

The ringleader of the attempted coup of the US capitol on January 6 was the sitting President. MAGA fascists, much like the Reichsburger, subscribes to numerous provably false conspiracy theories, including the myth that some nebulous "deep state" makes all the decisions. 

The January 6 coup failed only because it was so poorly planned. It appears that a bitmore thought has gone into the German sedition.  



  1. Wow, talking about conspiracy theory's. I bet this will get more air time than the censorship and misinformation by governments around the world.

  2. Had a Reichsburger with sauerkraut and brown mustard at the Frau Haus, it was delicious.

  3. It was a Danish Chiabata plot to overthrow the Kaiser. No parallels.

  4. I'm OK with any plot to overthrow any government. That's how every government in the world got here. Stop acting like the US is so high and mighty. The left and right have tried it. Both will continue to try. Democracy is pricey and those who can't afford to buy politicians are always restless. It what always makes your posts lauding wonderful government people seem ridiculous. None are wonderful. They all are horrible. They are rightly viewed as quislings for our crooked rulers. We're a banana republic like all the rest. Yankee doodle dandy!

  5. Bernie, Are you out of tin foil?

  6. Bernie, So What.
    You would still vote those MAGA fascists into office like Dr. Fake OZ.
    All those fascists in America are Republicans. What up with that?

  7. Yesterday, Peru President Castillo announced plans to dissolve Congress and install an emergency government, ahead of a looming impeachment vote by lawmakers, which Peru's Ombudsman described as a "Castillo's attempted coup d'état."

    He also called for parliamentary elections to work on a new constitution.

    Sound familiar?

    It didn't work. Congress stayed seated, voted to impeach him and he was immediately arrested and jailed for trying to overthrow Peru's government to keep him in power.

    Sound familiar? Oh wait...

  8. Uhuru Day is nigh, the smooth brained cucks who worship AOC will be forced into exile while Emperor Tarrio reigns supreme over the country from its néw capital Miami

  9. By the way Bernie and your democratic viewers Biden and his crime family make Trump and his family look like angels. And that is a fact and reality which the left-wing people do not understand.

    1. 7:30am- Put a fork in it. Just because you want to believe it and it's repeated constantly on the Faux News bobblehead, echo chamber, doesn't make it true. Obviously, you suffer from #BDS- Biden Derangement Syndrome.

      The Clintons have been investigated far more extensively than the Trump syndicate, who by last calculation has 17 guilty verdicts bestowed upon them.

      Also, in yesterday's news, in order to comply with the subpoena and despite Trump's assertions to the contrary, his lawyers hired an outside forensic team to search his premises and they uncovered more stolen top-secret government documents. Even his attorneys didn't believe that he was telling the truth.

  10. Why are you not taking the long-TDS booster shots?

  11. The deep state is certainly real look at the weaponization of our Justice Department and failure to uncover the truth about the greatest con ever perpetrated against the patriots who sought another term for #DJT.

    Holding Hermano Enrique without bond is proof of their malice add in the rejection of his petition to go Pro Se and it’s obvious the fix is in.

    No one has ever escaped from Florence Supermax where Hermano Tarrio is headed but let me tel you no prison is perfect and I’m sure there are lots of like minded patriots employed at Florence, Uhuru!

  12. Sounds like the Lynch mob. Thankfully there isn't half a brain among them.

  13. P L E A S E . . . . give it a rest.

  14. Social media will be the death of us all if it does not become a paid platform and highly regulated. The first amendment does not apply to private companies which apparently Elon Musk still does not understand. There have always been hate and conspiracy theories, but they are now able to spread like a virus, quickly and far-reaching. It must stop if we are going to avoid the worst outcomes. This is a classic example of technology unleashed on the public before well thought out rules are in place. AI is next. And no, I'm not a Luddite.

  15. "Sounds like the Lynch mob. Thankfully there isn't half a brain among them."

    That's precisely my view. The Lynch mob and other far-right zealots here tend to be pretty stupid. The Germans appear to be smarter and better organized.

  16. Although the insurrection was poorly planned, that also can be said of the defense of the Capitol. I might retract that somewhat if it's shown that the Trump White House and its minions intentionally did not defend, but that only would serve to emphasize the perfidy that was Trump's.

    Never did I think we'd leave any important government building so vulnerable to a mob.

  17. Local areas I say nothing would happen. If a knockelheaed threatens you I will guard you personally. I did it for others .


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