Local Government TV

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Bethlehem Threatens to Seize Private Property For Affordable Housing

Blogger's Intro: This is a story told by Lucy Lennon. She describes herself as a Realtor, but is a lot more than that. She ran the Dancing Fish in South Bethlehem, where she introduced sushi long before it became popular. Her experience turned her into a vocal advocate for small business owners in Bethlehem. She's an animal lover. She might own several dogs at any given time. She's a Republican who can and does get involved in local races. She took John Brown by the hand and walked him up and down city streets when he first ran for Northampton County Exec, and he nearly won the city.  Her latest problem involves an attempt to help the Lutheran Church gather the funds to consolidate into one church. Here's her story. 

First off-let me apologize for the length of this post…it’s a doozy…

I am writing this for many reasons, for the protection of my clients, and for my own safety and peace of mind.

Let me begin.

I am a Realtor, who proudly calls Bethlehem my home-both professionally and residentially . I am quite outspoken in my love and appreciation of the city, it’s employees, small business community, schools and residents. I’ve always felt that City Hall was a great resource for me ( and others ) to guide us through permits, zoning and development. And now, more than ever, it’s all changed. Now The Mayor and The Economic Development Department have become actual obstacles in my ability to make a living and my clients ability to choose whom they do business with. Ethically not what I would expect from my elected city officials.

As you may know, I have 3 churches and 1 parking lot listed for sale. The parking lot [1.3 acres] being a large piece of property in the city that the city has had an eye on for over 20 years. These churches are facing a financial crisis and in order to continue with their service to God, the community and their ministry, they have made a decision to sell their properties and merge to a new location.

The City has approached the churches through the members themselves, myself, and various methods. I personally was told to inform any other interested parties that the city was interested in the property and if another interested party had ongoing/projected projects-to remember that they would have to deal with the city. I was also informed, personally, that if their offer was not accepted they could always take the property through eminent domain ( the mayor said this with a chuckle, shared with a member of ED )

I showed the property to both developers and other non profits. 2 developers, who were very interested and wanted to submit an offer told me in no uncertain terms that they were told to back away, from the city. An additional developer’s realtor insinuated the same. In the end 3 offers were submitted. The “winning” offer was hands down better for my clients-in terms, timing, lack of contingencies and pricing. The churches, with their attorney’s blessing, voted unanimously to reject the city’s offer and accept an offer from another non profit.

Fast forward…

The churches have now received notice that The Bethlehem Parking Authority will be filing to take the property by eminent domain.

This would in essence potentially create a delay, if not a cancellation of the contract to sell to their buyer. And cause a financial catastrophe for the churches’ future.

Here are my questions…

When did it become ok for the Mayor and his administration to dictate who buys or sells property in the city of Bethlehem?

Is the city of Bethlehem now in the real estate business?

When did the threat of eminent domain become a weapon?

You may ask why I am bringing this to light…

I now fear my clients may be bullied into bankruptcy or financial and spiritual ruin.

I worry that my other clients may now experience difficulties in City Hall.

And me personally?, I’m not quite sure what they can do, but so far I’ve seen vindictive and unprofessional behavior and it can only make one wonder….

As I understand it, the Mayor lobbied the Church to let the City have the property so it could build a homeless shelter. This had some appeal to some of the voting members, but they unanimously decided to seek bids on all properties. It later became apparent that, instead of a homeless shelter, the Mayor wanted the property for an affordable housing project. 

It's unclear to me whether a Parking Authority may condemn private property for affordable housing. Under Kelo v. New London, the answer would probably be Yes. But the Supreme Court has changed and might be more interested in preserving private property rights now than it was in 2005. 


  1. I was at a recent presentation by Reynolds and his cabinet and he pretty much threatened that this could happen. A few of us shared looks of disbelief, but it seems the fine mayor is going to do his best to ruin Bethlehem in the name of progress. I attempted to speak to him following the meeting, but he immediately became defensive and argumentative. Apparently, from what I have heard, that is Bethlehem’s mayor — and overgrown toddler.

  2. Private property rights have been being eroded for years. While eminent domain has been used for road construction and other improvements, since when is the city going into the housing business.
    Who will get the contracts to destroy, then rebuild? who will manage this housing? Then again will the city after taking possession decide to sell it to some other interested party?
    The city should stick to its core functions.
    Actually any church, should be prioritized to be sold for another church. Once destroyed many of these churches will not be rebuilt.
    The city should be liable for damages to the owners by threatening potential buyers. The city should be sued to set a precedent. that they can not engage in these practices.

  3. pretty certain the city can do this. it's a public purpose. and the church will get their money...i imagine the accepted bid goes a long way to establishing market value. lucy won't get her real estate commission, however.

  4. I had the experience of going through a condemnation. It was in New Jersey where some of the laws are different, but does not change the thrust of my comment.
    One of our partners said ' Ah, a condemnation, nothing bad can come from a condemnation.'I was puzzled but here is what he meant. We hired the best attorney and appraisers that money could buy, and yes it was expensive. One cannot stop the process of eminent domain, but you need not except the original offered amount. In our case the offer was for some $ 800,000 but we walked out of court with over 2 million. Yes, they will try to bully and intimidate you, but you have legal rights in the process. Matt Glennon, Plainfield Township.

  5. The decision in Kelo v New London was outrageous. It will be easily overturned with the current SCOTUS. None of this is surprising in a one party town controlled by the team that doesn't like churches very much. Elections have consequences. Get out of Bethlehem and be free. That's what the progressively unfriendly city wants you to do, anyway.

  6. Sounds like Coercion. If Lucy and the Church were to file a lawsuit against Reynolds and the City, providing the developers would be willing to testify, I wonder what the result would be. I doubt "eminent domain" in this situation would survive a challenge.

  7. Look in the mirror Bethlehemites. You earned this Donchez/Reynolds dynasty that your "D" button pressing caused. Donchez was a bad and arrogant mayor, raising taxes almost every year of his reign. But Reynolds dictatorship arrogance and closed-door policies are even worse. Bethlehem was once a rose among thorns, but the voters' poor choices have allowed it wo wilt away.

  8. Personally I detest realtors and the dirt business. The dirt salespeople are overpaid for what they do and their industry should be decimated and would be better handled by lawyers for a nominal fee of .5% of sale price. The buyers would have been ensured they would receive the proper protections of their purchases through the lawyers procedures of property checks in the building mechanical systems and structural engineering. Since churches don’t pay real estate taxes they should be used to house the homeless for the betterment of humanity.

  9. With those from the upper realms of hell comming back down to the lower levels story arm tactics will become more common. The writters of these eminent domain documents have become more creative in there wording to spin as to why it is in the best intrest of the public. These people that make up this vast majority criminal oganization are nothing but infectors of city living in the lehighvally.
    Most will continue to rape and pillage the area and move on to greener pastures that are ripe for the pickings with there legaleze documents.

  10. This is funny. Go Willie!! Soon the shitting on the sidewalks starts. Keep voting D.

  11. Lucy and the church should sue the city and Reynolds for contractual interference.

    And if it is true that other buyers were warned not to bid against the City, then that may criminal.

  12. Small town politics with real estate in a run down neighborhood? Chump change.

    Wait until enough "progressives" get elected to Congress to start confiscating bank accounts of people they deem to be "too successful."

    1. Run down? Get outta here. Not rich. No picket fences and front yards sure. But run down? No.

  13. Sour grapes and fuck the greedy parking authority!

  14. Good case to test and overturn Kelo. Don't give up the fight. Make it really hurt for Reynolds and Bethlehem. The system and our liberty require it. Seriously, drag this out and make it very painful for taxpayers. Maybe then, they'll think for a few seconds before electing the next rat in line for the job. This will discourage future rats from being similarly rat-like.

  15. First off-let me apologize for the length of this post…it’s a doozy…

    Apologize for what, I didn’t think it was that long???

  16. 7:56- LVHN and St. Luke's do not pay property taxes on a majority of their properties. Should they be used to house the homeless for the betterment of humanity too?

  17. @9:46
    It’s time that everybody pays their fair share of taxes! Nobody going start confiscating bank accounts, but they’re going to hit your 401K, and it going to be the Republicans that will hurt us the most.

  18. Sort of an organized crime atmosphere around Bethlehem, no? It has gotten worse since Donchez is no longer mayor.

    Watching water run down my basement walls because the owners of the plantation we tax-paying serfs live on had decided not to have the gutters cleaned that autumn, I called City Hall -- used phone number for the building inspector, and was told I could not speak to him, because the report would be addressed to me, as an owner of the "condo" at that very address. -- Duh! I live in a multifamily building, and do not own the building, but-- never mind, a woman I know who works in City Hall told me that is par for the course, though partly depends on who answers the phone.

    City Hall is infested by a self-important crowd whose arrogance is exceeded only by their ignorance. Things were better when Donchez was mayor. But don't worry about a long occupation by J. Willie, word on the street is that when Steve Samuelson decides to retire, J. Willie is appointed to be his successor in Harrisburg. Just do your part, citizens of Bethlehem, by continuing to vote Democrat.

    1. Arrogance exceeded by their ignorance in regards to Bethlehem shitty hall is a well put assumption. "Self-important" is an even greater way of describing the current administration. Phonies.

  19. Many of our local elected bodies seem to be rife with fools (ASD school board), bullies (NorCo council and the past Palmer Twp board of supervisors (Palmer School debacle)), opportunists for personal gain rather than serve the people (Allentown city council, ASD school board, NorCo county council), borderline criminals (Allentown city council (CCG)), thieves (Bethlehem city council (re: this blog post)), cover-ups (BASD school board and the Dr. Roy incident, Whitehall Township and the harassment incident, ASD and the gun incident at Allen). Many Lehigh Valley voters seem attracted to loser candidates.

  20. 11:27 am: I thought the Hirko mess would have changed the political tide in Bethlehem, but it didn’t. Not even close. If a man’s death and costly lawsuit aren’t going to alter the minds of voters, then nothing will. Bethlehem’s city government may be the next to be visited by the FBI. Agents better not call, though, because Willie doesn’t answer — he and his ilk are too good for such antiquated nonsense.

    BTW, what is Panella’s take on this? After all, he is the solicitor in need of votes to attain his place on the court.

    1. For someone who loves to be the loudest in the room during council meetings one would think he would want to take phone calls. Just watch his arrogant demeanor while tax paying citizens are expressing concerns/ideas during public comments. Disgusting

    2. Panella is the City Council Solicitor, but City Council’s response will be interesting. They seem to openly question a lot of what Willie does.

      Jack Spirk is Solicitor for the city itself, so he’s the one that would be doing the property taking.

  21. Yes. This:
    "LVHN and St. Luke's do not pay property taxes on a majority of their properties. Should they be used to house the homeless for the betterment of humanity too?"

    And this:
    Let's do our area colleges too. Hospital systems are swimming in profits and colleges are swimming in billions of dollars in tax free endowments.

    Fair is fair regarding tax exemptions.

  22. F'n idiots making this situation a D or R argument. It isn't the Party. It's the man. Nobody is saying every elected R won office on an embellished resume full of lies, like Santos.
    The next election is in 2 years. Save your bullshit.

  23. This mayor is not only arrogant but ruthless in his desire to control whoever tries challenge his authority. City does not belong in the affordable housing business nor the homeless business.

    City should be funding their local non profit agencies that know this world of dealing with mental health & drug addicts that are the bulk of the homeless & unemployed that can’t function in society.

  24. Gus Only one Gus ,went for Stead Farm after PenDot took the farm area for Rt33. He went back there and got more than the price Pennsylvania paid under emanate domain. Few lawyers were as able as he was. But Willie can suffer same consequences if he thinks somebody else’s stuff can be had.

  25. Reynolds is arrogant and totally self absorbed. Council needs to step in and put a stop to this land grab. The churches were forced to sell these properties so they can survive. The city is taking money from them and thus forcing their parishioners to pay the difference. Council controls the purse strings and they should stop this nonsense, if they don't then they are as guilty!!!

  26. Bernie, Im not a lawyer so maybe you can explain it in simpler terms. I understand a Parking Authority taking land for a public garage. But why or HOW can a Parking Authority claim Emanate Domain for Affordable Housing/Homeless Shelter when it has nothing to do with the Parking Authority? Or is Reynolds just not brave enough to take it on his own, so he is telling the Parking Authority to do it so he looks clean?

  27. There is are reasons Reynolds is using the Parking Authority and not another authority or going through City Council.
    1. The parking authority solicitor does the bidding of Reynolds.
    2. The parking authority members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, which is different than other authorities. Parking Authority members can be removed by the Mayor without cause.
    3. The parking authority already has a portion of the parking lot leased, so it gives them justification--apparently.
    4. The parking authority director is weak and pretty much only has a job because he is neighbors with Eric Evans, and only keeps the job if the mayor allows it because the board members can be removed and Mayor can appoint members who will hire a new director.

    Somewhere it is ironic that the parking authority is screwing Lucy, after her husband was fired as director amid some allegations of wrongdoing--including giving Lucy a no show job with the authority.

    1. So he is a neighbor of Eric Evans rumor is he is a relative kind of like the director of parks

  28. "F'n idiots making this situation a D or R argument."

    Nothing in that one-party town is bipartisan, Slugger. Nothing.

    "Nobody is saying every elected R won office on an embellished resume full of lies, like Santos."

    Joe Biden (D-DE) has entered the chat:
    Professor at UPenn: lie
    Full academic scholarship to law school: lie
    Graduated in top half of class: lie
    Three degrees: lie
    Outstanding PolySci student: lie
    Son died in Afghanistan: lie
    Got cancer from oil refineries: lie
    Was a truck driver: lie
    etc, etc, etc

  29. Some folks often advocate for term limits for electeds, but many of the decisions or lack thereof are controlled by career staff. It is quite amazing how a coordinated effort, can bring government to its knees. All the Queens Horses on Netflix is a enlightening watch when a municipality lacks checks and balances. When political ambitions rear its ugly head, controbversy is not very far behind.

  30. This situation is not out of the ordinary for the City. Corruption is a built in culture, has been since Callahan. The only difference this time, the corruption is lead by Reynolds’s and Evans. Not the brightest bulbs on the circuit. They are using the Authority as their assassin because the Authority’s attorney is the “go to guy “ for slick and dirty moves. Only one problem this time , eminent domain is not going to work and Lennon has opened Pandora’s Box. Federal authorities need to be petitioned for an investigation. The Council needs to detach itself from Reynolds or they may go down with him. If in effect the mayor had these multi party bullying conversations he has committed a criminal act ( very similar to Pawlowski). You can’t abuse civil authority by threatening “a taking” of land ( especially land owned by a legitimate religious organization). Houck won’t touch it, maybe Baratta will knowing it could launch him into the DA’s seat. They ( Reynolds, Evans) really screwed up this time. They let their political desires for affordable housing and a homeless shelter get in the way of a good con. I don’t think they could prove in court a “nexus” for either as a compelling need for a “taking” ( using an Authority as a foil).
    Bernie , please stay on this story. I think this is just the tip of the spear.

  31. I like the idea of Council stepping in on this one as Reynolds has tried to bully council since he became Mayor & has gotten pushback from council members not beholden to him. Wilhelm & Kwiatek are his puppets but others are willing to stand up & ask the right questions.

    This one deserves attention for overreach by government officials.

  32. 3:33 Not only did he threaten to take it by ED but according to Lennon he threatened potential buyers by telling them that if they bought the property they would have to deal with the city permits and zoning departments. That is so wrong and should be illegal. He is basically threatening to use City departments for revenge. The FBI should be notified ASAP

  33. 9:09,
    Sorry, Chippy. You just proved yourself a F'n idiot.

  34. To clarify an above comment, the health care networks pay real estate taxes on their medical office buildings, but not their hospital buildings.

  35. Instead of putting the homeless shelter on the overcrowded food desert known as the south side, take Abe attiahs land across from beca and put it there. Why isn’t the north side an option for the shelter ?

  36. 1:28 why would they put the shelter on the North side? That is the dumbest idea! The Southside is the best place for it.


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