Local Government TV

Monday, December 12, 2022

Americans Say No to Both Biden and Trump. Who Is Out There?

 A CNBC poll reveals what I think most of us already know. We'd prefer someone other than Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the next Presidential race. When just 20% of those polled think Biden is actually helping reduce inflation, it's time for him to step aside. As for Trump, even Republicans are starting to catch on to his con.

Who can unite the MAGAs with more traditional conservatives? Right now, it looks like their best bet is Governor Ron DeSantis. But does he appeal to the center? I've seen no evidence he even tries. 

As for Democrats, the field is large but undistinguished. We have a California Governor who dined at a swanky restaurant while putting others on lockdown; a VP unable to keep staff longer than five minutes; a Transportation Secretary maligned by supply chain issues; Bernie Sanders who makes second cousin Larry David look like a sweetheart; and numerous second tier candidates. Of them all, the one I like most is NJ Governor Phil Murphy, who has a reputation for working with both sides. 

We need someone who unites people, not divides them. Both Trump and Biden have failed. DeSantis will lose his appeal outside the GOP. 


  1. Manchin. Or Baratta, since he is looking for a new gig.

  2. I'd like Grethen Whitmer to have a voice on the primary stage. I believe she has high ethical standards and would bring conversation value to the future of our Country.

  3. DeSantis holds down a wonderful reputation because he principles. Ethics and principles don’t win elections anymore as I see it. There are no Harry S Truman’s in the Democratic Party apparently . Free stuff trumps ethic and principles apparently. Murphy , he is number 2 in U- Haul sales and moving trucks.

  4. Bernie,

    We all know who the next Presidential pair of candidate to take over DC will be....

    They come from a newly formed party called the "Cupcake" party!

    Trachta/Strye 2024

    Because cupcakes and stealing from your town as Mayor follows suit in our already suffering country.


  5. There is almost no center. This blog is a perfect example. Trump and CoViD made you as strident and unreasonable as the craziest lunatics you decry on either extreme. Those who are the problem rarely realize it, and even more rarely admit it.

  6. Bernie,
    😳 WTF!
    trump name shouldn’t be mentioned in any sentence with President Biden.
    Trump and his family are a national disease, disgusting humans and a worldwide joke.
    If Biden runs again I vote for him, he is getting things done and has reduced inflation.
    Stop writing about the felonious trumps and how your Republican party can work with Biden to get America back on track.

  7. We will never unify with those who support murdering babies or those who support coercing experimental medicine. Some aspects, compromise cannot be found. And that's ok.

  8. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan keeps coming up as a popular choice along with Murphy. I'd take either.

  9. When it comes to Desantis you have to block out the noise from the media because they will attack him for waking up in the morning. Take the feedback from actual people in Florida. I wonder if the major media outlets actually played this video. We know the answer


  10. The party with the most moderate candidate will win 2024.

    Moderates and independent voters are just not buying GOP candidates and messaging these days and those voters are absolutely needed to defeat national Democrat number advantages among younger voters that is only growing as the Baby Boomers are starting to drop off.

    The coming DeSantis vs Trump battle will be interesting, the GOP needs it to be short and bloodless. DeSantis would benefit if Dems were to put up a perceived very liberal candidate (FOX News & Co will paint any candidate as Che Guevera, but that won't translate to voters who don't consume TV news 24/7). This would likely peel off a decent amount of Independents and bring back softer Republican voters which could put AZ, MI, PA and WI in play.

    Outside of the coming slap fight with Trump though, I think Dems will very easily tar and feather DeSantis as another Trump over a number of his moves as Florida Governor. Better GOP options would be East Coast governors like Larry Hogan, Mike DeWine, Charlie Baker or Chris Sununu.

    I don't hate the thought of Murphy as a candidate, but do see some geographic risks involved there. My pick for the Dems would be Kansas Governor Laura Kelly or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Maybe paired with another midwestern US Senator like John Tester, Michael Bennet or a former one like Hickenlooper or Dorgan.

  11. Bernie, you say Biden needs to step aside because you feel he hasn’t done enough for inflation.

    Can you or anyone else in this blog offer any ideas on how Biden can lower inflation?

    I’ll sit here patiently for responses.

    1. While sitting so patiently, can you offer some ideas as well? Biden and his team are horrible. This country is absolutely going in the worst direction in my 50 years on earth.

  12. Don’t look now, but we have become a one-party government. This UniParty includes some who label themselves Liberal (Democrats) and others called Conservative (Republicans). The Republicans, under the leadership of Mitch McConnell, willingly serve as controlled opposition. It’s a sham being played on regular citizens.

    Our elected leaders aren’t truly elected by vote of the citizenry. These days, what matters most to those sitting IN office is to REMAIN in office. They respond mostly to the demands of big corporations and mega-news media. This is about making deals, personal financial enrichment and power. Taking money from our younger generation’s futures and using it NOW.

    Donald Trump was seen as a threat to all of that. He is unlikely to be supported going forward, even by Republicans now in Congress. Indications are, the Republicans and the corporate/media handlers will push hard for Ron DeSantis as their candidate. I expect Democrats to push Gavin Newsom. Either DeSantis or Newsom will serve to “look the other way” as the sham continues on. Given the horrible performance of the Biden Administration, seems to me DeSantis has the best chance to become next President.

  13. 8:44 it is simple go back to trump's policies it will be lower fast.

  14. Bernie, we thought you were more of a man and would admit your democratic party with twitter. media and the FBI among others are corrupt as they come as proven by Musk. They took the election from Trump and typical you left wing people will not admit how corrupt you are. this is what will destroy our democracy.

  15. Anon 8:44 Yes , try not buying anything,turn minimalist. Inflation has slowed in China as Covid lockdowns prohibit spending on goods and services. Much has been written about stimulus checks being sent out contributing to inflation. The 5 largest banks we’re holding onto lots of cash with virtually no interest being paid to depositors .Now banks are preparing for recession. You know what that means? Fuel prices wouldn’t be what they are if this administration hadn’t shut off the last administrations headway on fuel. OPEC couldn’t afford to play games in the world market,but now they can, they will pump 2million barrels of oil LESS to drive up prices shortly and regular gas will be higher than we paid 4 months ago. It’s coming. So, you got what you voted for . Trucks will use $5 bucks worth of Diesel every 4 minutes and costs get passed down to the consumer. Stop consuming, car dealers are making a killing on people willing to pay over the MSRP - it’s only 6% finance rate right? Extra $150.00 a month for 72 months. Big mistake. Just wait it out . Governor here is going to give another half a million people SNAP instead of requiring them to stand on the scale first ,yet they drive vehicles and don’t plan out their problems and they will buy stuff - with the margin the taxpayer are sending in . They will buy ear pads and entertainment stuff and the supply and demand will continue to cycle .

    1. I agree. Why would anyone continue to buy brand new cars as well as a house at this time? Everything is so overpriced and I do not understand why people are feeding into it

  16. I’m gonna be writing in Brother Steve,Uhuru!

  17. I reject your premise: President Biden has had real success so far, will run again, and will win. In the meantime, you'll keep writing the same old thoughts about how he's not good enough for you.

    Get used to disappointment.

  18. Murphy and Whitmer were only slight less successful than Cuomo and Wolf in murdering their elderly via LTCF requirements. They are radical authoritarians who have blood on their hands. They're not middle of the road. They're batshit crazy left demons. Try again ..... good luck.

  19. Harris, Clinton, Sanders, all mshit.

  20. My, all this love for Murphy and Whitmer, even though lock-down hypocrisy is supposed to be a show-stopper.



    And all this apologizing for Biden’s ineptness over inflation from your readers. Why it’s almost like I’m reading the Morning Call.

    I guess I missed those campaign ads: “Hi, I’m Joe Biden. Vote for me because I can’t do anything about anything. (Even though I will promise to shut down the fossil fuel industry, go begging to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil, and take credit when gas prices drop.)”

    Although I suppose Biden and his allies might actually have done something to moderate inflation. By spending like drunken sailors they've forced the Fed to act aggressively.

  21. I'll echo the call for Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan for the Dem side. She's smart and progressive but not a far-left socialist and very likable and relatable. Plus anyone who can win Michigan twice has shown they can win other big swing states like PA, WI, etc.

    On the Republican side, Nikki Haley would be my pic. She has the right experience, and she somehow was one of the only officials to serve in the Trump administration to leave with their reputation and integrity intact. She's also sharp, smart, and likable.

    I think a race between these two women would be a great thing for the country, It would engage the public in a more positive way that we haven't seen in a long time. Time for the old men to step aside.

    But sadly I think our crap system is driving us to a likely 2020 repeat.

  22. "Bernie, you say Biden needs to step aside because you feel he hasn’t done enough for inflation.

    Can you or anyone else in this blog offer any ideas on how Biden can lower inflation?

    I’ll sit here patiently for responses.

    It is not I, but the people who responded to a poll who maintain Biden's anti-inflation measures are inadequate. But I'd agree with people who say Biden needs to step down. He's past his prime, portrays an image (and image in a President is important) of weakness, is fundamentally dishonest.

    I do not blame him for inflation, which is a world-wide problem. Inflation is a result of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the CARES Act an the American Rescue Plan Act. I do think the stimulus provided by the CARES Act was needed, but the ARPA went too far. Biden paid no heed to inflation, discounting growing concerns and instead promoting a Build Back Better Act that would have poured gasoline on the fire.

    As for reducing inflation, there's little a President can do once the horse has left the barn, other than to reduce federal spending. Biden fails to grasp that. Price caps (imposed by Nixon in '71) sound good, but are ineffective. The best way to control inflation is by raising interest rates. That is a function of the Fed. It has killed by STASH account, but that's the best way to handle it. As those rates have increased, inflation is slowly going down.

    Biden can be faulted for installing advisors like Yellen, who called inflation "transitory."

  23. I, like others, have become weary of hearing how we should vote for "middle of the road" candidates. Seems the closest thing I ever saw to that was Bill Clinton who was then skewed every which way, maybe deservedly. He was the last president to have actually put forth a balanced budget thru such actions as raising taxes a little, but also, for example, started taxing those receiving government disability. Under his administration it seemed to be as balanced as it could be and yet, on the right, there were continuing cries for the hampered corporations and multi-millionaires. Which then led to "W" who gave away the farm to those same complaining millionaires and corporations while keeping the taxes on the disabled and other compromises. (and let's not forget that this was the election that demonstrated that a presidential coup was possible by threatening election workers with Republican campaign workers to stop the vote count).
    From what I've seen, voters, and mainly younger voters, are looking for someone who will tell them truth, and that does not usually come from a 'middle of the road" candidate.

  24. So, we are to assume that a new president will make the nation whole again, the choices for president are a reflection of the people, actually the people DO get the leaders they deserve. When a people believe that the state or some president is the key to their prosperity, it is an indictment of their lost sense of what has made the nation great in the past.

    A great nation is made up of great self reliant people who are not to be led by the nose of some no nothing man or corrupt state. The next election is going to be a meaningless exercise in self deception.

    Until the people recognize and demand an end to the lies and corruption, it will not make any difference who is the president.

  25. Bernie, you say Biden needs to step aside because you feel he hasn’t done enough for inflation.
    Can you or anyone else in this blog offer any ideas on how Biden can lower inflation?
    I’ll sit here patiently for responses.
    December 12, 2022 at 8:44 AM

    Did he and the Democrats not pass the inflation reduction act which caused more spending of money we don't have? Biden signed it. An idea would be he could veto this but he won't. By the way it took me 30 seconds to google and come up with this idea so not sure why you couldn't. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN for 5 mins

    In fact, research by the Wharton School of Business concludes that the Inflation Reduction Act “would have no meaningful effect on inflation in the near term but would reduce inflation by around 0.1 percentage points by the middle of the first decade.”Aug 19, 2022

  26. Governor Charlie Baker (R) exiting governor of the state of Massachusetts. He is as middle of the road as there are. Elected in a very liberal and very Democrat state.

  27. Agree..we are in no mans land as far as credible future prez material. What to do? I wish I had an answer but maybe we need to look out side of the Wash. Beltway for a change..just thinking out loud. All current pol's are tainted and corrupt to one degree or another. I will consult my crystal ball and tarot card reader and get back to you soon.

  28. HA! 7:56AM

    Not long ago, we DID look outside the Beltway. The results at the street level here, and across the globe, were pretty darn good in perspective. His name was Donald Trump. The Beltway did all it could to run him off. They succeeded. The Beltway has grown too big, too powerful, to penetrate. This must not be challenged!

  29. Because economics isn't taught anymore, let's review how inflation is made: too many prospective buyers pursuing too few goods and services (i.e. supply and demand amid scarcity. It starts by printing money to support federal debt spending. The long-term penalties for a short term "chicken in every pot" strategy will continue to be devastating for years to come. The next time a millennial aggravates you, just smile knowing what a huge pile of debt and misery we're leaving them.


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