Local Government TV

Thursday, December 01, 2022

AFSCME Supports Proposed Health Center for NorCo Workers

One of the criticisms levied against the proposed Northampton County Health Center is uncertainty whether employees really want it. A voluntary survey answered by a quarter of the workforce indicates they do. In addition, Executive Lamont McClure has advised Council that the Steelworkers Union, which represents the RNs at Gracedale, endorses the idea. Now AFSCME, the union representing a plurality of county workers, has advised Council that it supports the proposal as well.

AFSCME Supports NorCo Health Center by BernieOHare on Scribd


  1. Oh good, the same union that thinks an admin friendly contract of 4.5%-4.5%-2.5% yearly increases with no step increases at all is an acceptable contract for the workforce also thinks this is a good idea. Well then, I'm sold!

    1. Exactly! Our trained employees are heading for the exits in droves and they won’t negotiate a fair wage. Meanwhile state AFSCME gets step raises each year. Our bargaining unit works for admin and we can’t go to meetings because we are always mandated.

    2. We're on a sinking ship and the life rafts aren't for the workers

  2. Should be DOA with council until the opportunity is made available to competing health systems (e.g. LVHN and St. Luke's). It's essentially a no-bid cherry picking, otherwise. That's the working definition of poor government. Transparency requires taxpayers see all the notes regarding discussion with the two local systems that resulted in their not being considered or chosen. I suspect no conversations occurred. If not, that's outrageous. I seek multiple quotes for $2,500 electrical work.

  3. If you want this competitively bid, that's one thing. I doubt either hospital can do anything near what Integrity proposes. If they did, there would be no need for this. There is a reason why sole source bidding is sometimes used. But I understand that you might want to seek proposals bc there might actually be someone out there who can do the job better. That's one thing. But if you really want to discuss the working definition of bad government, it is an ordinance based on outright lies.

  4. What a shock - a union is in favor of an un-negotiated freebie from the county.

    Since the union agrees that this will reduce the number of times that members have to pay a copay, maybe they could also volunteer to have their copays increased. After all, they’ll still be saving money (even with a copay increase) since they’ll be paying it fewer times.

    That would help take some of the risk out of it for the taxpayers since the union and the executive are so sure of the results.

    That way, everyone wins and the taxpayers are protected.

  5. Every County Executive has screwed the employees and McClure is at the head of the list. He also shafted the employees when they become retirees. I just retired this past year and was told I had to pay for my wife's benefits. When I checked this out, I was told I was correct. That particular benefit was part of my hourly wage benefit. I paid for that benefit by having a lower hourly rate while I worked. McClure can't be trusted and Council is right not to take his word on anything.

  6. Understood. McClure owns the union and that is why many want to decertify. Also, your message that only McClure and Cusick make any sense and the rest of county council are idiots is also understood. I hope they treat you with the same respect you treat them.

  7. Dennis does NOT speak for the union body. He's clueless when it comes to what the union body actually wants and has been in bed with administration since he was elected. Same with that Jim Irwin who is the AFSCME rep. Nothing good will come from those two.

    No wonder workers are opening their eyes and leaving the union in record numbers.

    1. Jim Irwin was instrumental in helping prevent the sale of Gracedale, as well as Lamont McClure when he was a councilman. I call that true leadership.

    2. Jim Irwin should be grateful he's not in jail from elder abuse when he worked at gracedale.

      Union president wants the health center so he has medical coverage when he retires.

      MCclure used county funds to renovate and upgrade his wife's office.

      You're all a bunch of rats.

      There are no secrets in the county...

  8. annon 5:43, keep drinking the BS tea. I think it should have been sold but don't thank McClure. Thank the Coalition of Families that got petitions signed. McClure spoke against the sale as did many, many others. McClure could not convince either the democratic executive or any other council members to stop the sale. The referendum stopped the sale.

    Annon 9:02 is right. Mr. Irwin and other union leaders better tend to their flock and not spend so much time licking McClure's boots. Where are they o9nn the pay study? They od Mclure's bidding but are very silent on this issue. Why not publicly write a letter supporting the study? Because Lamont told you not to? People see through your game and how you bargained to have nonunion people get low raises. Do a damn study or let us go.

  9. Instead of a Pay study, Denny needs a sleep study. Always asleep in his office or talking with Charlie tuna

  10. Maybe there should be some clarity. This is just "1" AFSCME union in the county. Not all of them. I'm pretty sure some others have different opinions. But you are right all the business managers from AFSCME including Tosti are in bed with this administration. It's sad. As they always say in negotiations, we don't want to ruffle any feathers. Its just a joke.

  11. According to the Irwin, Dennis, and Eboard I'm what they call a "scab." If you attend any meeting they openly refer to people like me as "scabs" and will tell you that people like me are what's wrong with the union and the workers because I refuse to pay dues which go to their political agendas. They openly say "not to tell the scabs anything."

    Hey Jimmy, I was in the service for over a decade, 2 major conflicts, paid my taxes for the past 40 years and I'm what's wrong with the workers and the "scab"?

    Something doesn't seem right about that, what does this old fart know, I'm just a scab.

    1. Shameful! Vote em out! Just my 2 cents!!

  12. "Hey Jimmy, I was in the service for over a decade, 2 major conflicts, paid my taxes for the past 40 years and I'm what's wrong with the workers and the "scab"?

    Something doesn't seem right about that, what does this old fart know, I'm just a scab.

    December 4, 2022 at 11:30 AM"

    Would you like a cookie? You could have been a saint for 40 years but screw up once and you are labeled a criminal for life.

    My points is that your past guides your future but you aren't bound by it. You obviously don't care about the union and the benefits it offers. Many people have left the paying union but still enjoy the benefits and protections that a fair share member offers. However there is NOTHING fair share about a person that does not contribute. Pay the dues and show up at the meetings or be happy with your label because I think you are a leech, not a scab.

    Corporate profits are an all time high. Why is that? Because the republican party keeps protecting them. They need to be taxed appropriately or forced to pay higher wages WITHOUT raising the prices of their products. Stop the uber rich getting richer. Stop the uber rich corporations from swallowing everything in their path. Enforce antitrust laws.

    The unions were created during a time of corporate greed. We are there again but you keep voting against your own interests. We are coming to a breaking point in this country. Everyone is hurting and the republican party just blames the democrats. EVERYTHING is the democrats fault. The current republican party is a ruse. They state these issues of abortion and religion while allowing corporate greed to go unchallenged. Keep the focus on those 2 big issues and everything will go unnoticed by the general population. Its no wonder the democrats are increasing in numbers every election. Republicans have to shift map lines, restrict voting methods in order to try to win because their ideology is flawed.

    Im a moderate. I agree with things on both sides. I just dont think people see what the Republican leaders actually are.


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