Local Government TV

Friday, November 04, 2022

World Series, Eagles Keep NorCo Council Meeting Brief

Houston was in Philly last night for the World Series. Philly was in Houston last night for NFL football. If you are a Philly football or baseball fan, it's a pretty exciting time. So Northampton County Council can be forgiven for keeping its Thursday meeting brief. It started at 6:30 pm and ended at 7:13. 

In his report to Council, Executive Lamont McClure continued to advocate a health center for the county workforce. Integrity Health has already appeared before Council twice and has offered to meet individually with Council members who have concerns. Last night, McClure read into the record a letter from Steelworkers Union President Jerry Greene, endorsing the employee health center. He represents Gracedale's R.N.s. 

Greene noted that, as a former steelworker, he was able to use a health center established by the Bethlehem Steel.

A NorCo County Health Center, like the one used at Bethlehem Steel, would be for the exclusive use of county employees and family. But it would be completely voluntary, not mandatory. There would be no copays. It would offer same day appointments for comprehensive primary care.  


  1. No not Interested!

    How about giving the employees 100% health coverage with no deductibles. All working Americans deserve better health care provided by their employers. The only reason we don’t have this is because we are stupid and vote for politicians who lie, cheat, and steal by using the system for their own economic gain. A perfect example would be OZ. He doesn’t care about working families and will strip the middle class to pay the majority of taxes, so he and his rich friends do not have to pay their fair share.

  2. Employees watched the meeting and once again were not surprised by your buddy McClure's smug arrogance. He continues to bray on how any ideas other than his are anti-taxpayer, yet all his ideas(expensive) are pro taxpayer. What a fraud. He lectures others on talking about pay yet publicly talks about union negotiations. He claims they do not have any problems hiring people. Has he been to any offices in the county? The guy is losing it as bad as Biden. Word is most council people are getting tired of being talked down to and lectured. Should be interesting to watch.

  3. Hey Bernie,
    Oprah finally came out and she endorsed Fetterman over OZ. That says something, when the creator won’t back you because your politics are very extreme.

    1. It does say something that a BILLIONAIRE endorsed Fetterman. I guess that’s just the democrats looking out for the “little guy”!

    2. Oprah is just as much as of a fraud. What does she do for the country and for her people?

  4. There's really two ways to look at this. Either:

    1) They shirked their duties last night in an appalling display of misplaced priorities; or

    2) They are unnecessarily slow at their regular meetings on non-game nights.

    Either way, not really something that should be "forgiven".


    1. So run for office ? You are a citizen right ? You will solve all our problems I’m sure

    2. This is maga republicans in a nutshell. Full of vitriol, and voting against programs that will benefit them as a collective.

  6. That would be awesome , sign me up !

  7. Panem et circenses...even as panem is getting more and more expensive.

  8. Generally speaking, it amazes me how public meetings speed along when folks don't exercise their political agendas. Some officials at the municipal level provide a disservice to the taxpayers when they constantly fuel controversy, shame another public official or badger an ex-public official knowing darn well they cannot speak of the wrongdoing of others for fear of a lawsuit. All their energy stems from their aspirations of higher office and treading on others as they attempt to climb to the top. All of this is done without concern for the liability they create for the taxpayer or the divisions they create between staff. The public deserves better.

  9. Why are we attempting to duplicate the extensive medical services offered in this area already? The problems in health of individuals are not because lack of access to health care. It is individuals prioritizing other activities in daily routine. The generous sick, personal and vacation leave time offered to employees now allows for ease in getting health care needs met in existing resources. More spoon feeding of individuals to make them more dependent on big brother.

  10. @12:22 AM - What a ridiculous statement about "rich" Oz. You opine without any supporting evidence that he'll tax the working man and give tax breaks to the rich. Well, guess what? In addition to being an imbecile, Fetterman is also rich.

  11. Check this out. Millions of dollars for an unneeded health center you can't go to unless you take a day off. I have heard council think's this is nuts and will vote accordingly. Ther county6 taxpayers will pay these guys almost a million dollars just to run it not including the costs of setup, th building and salaries. Can anyone say McClure's regional Health Center. It is pretty obvious despite his slippery lawyer talk.

  12. It's outrageous when the residents of the nursing home live in less than optimal conditions and our taxpayers dollars will go to a health care facility for employees. Well if they get an honest eval of Gracedale the living conditions will be part of it

  13. It looks like most readers of this blog really understand what Mr. McClure is all about. Regardless of what you say Bernie, the employees really dislike him. His reluctance to even consider a pay study is one example of his failures when it comes to morale building.

  14. Bernie Trump will be running for President shortly maybe it is time for you to retire because you are wrong on so many things.

  15. 5:30
    There you go picking on a person who had a stroke and is getting better every day. I was amaze on the progress he has shown in an interview I saw on Thursday. Fetterman, has been the Lt. Governor of Pa for the past 3 years and has helped citizens by starting a computer lab to get students in an economic deprived area educated in technology. The “ imbecile” as you called him is everything that Pennsylvanians need in a Governor, he has a masters in public policies from HARVARD KENEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT. Fetterman is the real deal, where OZ is a know snake oil salesman. Even his creator, Oprah Winfrey, announced she will endorse Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman over his Republican opponent Mehmet Oz, a celebrity doctor who came to prominence on her show in the early 2000s. This is because OZ is a con and has never done anything for local government, all he’s concerned with is saving money for himself and his rich friends, he worth over $200 million, and looking for ways to screw the middle class Pennsylvanians. BTW - Fetterman’s net worth is 1.5 million and his views are more in line with the common good people of PA, he has my, my wife’s, and both of my sons votes.

    1. Sorry. His views are very far left. He’s a Bernie Sanders type. A squad type. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but his views are way left of the mainstream. If he’s so healthy then release the medical records he owes us that after that disaster of a debate performance.

  16. it will be interesting how you try to spin the wave and Trump announcing he will be the next president.

  17. The wave will be blue and everyone should be sickened to hear that the con trump will be running again to further divide this country and make a mockery out of our republic. How do you feel about that? You must be chump change for the trumpster who should be imprisoned along with his felonious family members.

  18. Remember, the voting started before Fetterman appeared on the debate stage with OOOZE. He got a lot of early votes. I see the Northampton County Sherriff endorsed Fetterman. why not Dirtinger? Why not McClueless? Who was the guy dressed in a Sheriff uniform? Didn't look like any one I knew. Certainly not our sheriff.

  19. Trump will now ruin the lives of Trump hatters for next the next 2 years before he is elected the president. Hopefully the idiot Biden will resign, or he should be impeached if republican majority is doing their job for the country.

  20. Just release mis medical records (from a non-donor) to show the world he hasn't lost brain tissue. It's really just that easy. Otherwise, he's drooling, lying, pampered man-child who's never fended for himself in the real world and is not being transparent about his stroke or the black kid (to whom he NEVER APOLOGIZED) he held at gunpoint.

    Just release the medical records and it all stops.

  21. Trump will be President because he knows how to the run this country and you people who hate him are stupid left-wing democrats who lie all the time and are living in a socialist dream world.71 million people will vote for him again and this time 40 million more will realize the democrats are dangerous to way we want to live. You Trump haters should just fade away because hating Trump as you do will make you sick and will make your mental problems worse than they are now.

  22. Aren’t these people paid to do a job? With our tax dollars. Do your job!

  23. I think republicans will be happy with the national outcome but disappointed here in PA. Candidates matter.

  24. Ron DeSantis is our next POTUS. He's an unstoppable force.

  25. @4:55

    He so good that his state had the third most Covid deaths in our country and twice the amount that we had in Pennsylvania. Florida had 7.2 million confirmed cases of Covid and 82,300 deaths, where Pennsylvania had 3.3 confirmed cases of covid and only 47,800 deaths. Who’s the better leader?


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