Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Josh Shapiro is Projected Winner In Governor's Race

 AP has called the Governor's race for Josh Shapiro. This should come as no surprise to anyone. 


  1. This guy will make Wolf look good,

  2. well, at least it wasn't the trump puppet

  3. Mastriano is a whack a doodle - the people saw that and voted accordingly.

  4. I just hope Shapiro protects public health in the excellent fashion of his predecessor.

  5. To public school parents who voted for Shapiro: you deserve to have your kids targeted and groomed. You just elected the biggest backer any groomers could ever want. I fear for Shapiro's children. They didn't get to choose their "father." I don't fear for your kids. You asked for it to happen to them.

  6. Wow, 12:14, you seem to have some insider information about the womb of our state's new first lady. The kids' "father"? That's low. Did you check your kids' DNA and get disappointed?

  7. Pa, you deserve Shapiro He will tax you ruin your schools more--he wants to give more money to them like that will solve their many problems. He Ok will killing babies- I do not know how a so-called Christian could vote for him. Wolf Wolf Wolf


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