Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Fed'l Criminal Complaint and Supporting Affidavit Against Pelosi's Alleged Assailant

Below, you can see the federal criminal complaint and supporting affidavit filed against Paul Pelosi's alleged attacker, David DePape yesterday. It blows a hole right through the vulgar lies that Steve Lynch and others tried to spin.

It makes clear that (1) Paul Pelosi told a 9-1-1 dispatcher that he had no idea who the person was who had broken into his home; (2) When officers arrived on scene, they saw both Pelosi and his assailant holding a hammer, which the assailant pulled from Pelosi and then struck him on the head with it; (3) police body cams showed a glass door that the assailant broke to gain entry, near the door handle; (4) police uncovered zip ties in Pelosi's bedroom and hallway near the front door, and also found the assailant's back pack, which included tape, a white rope, a hammer, gloves and a journal; (5) Paul Pelosi had been asleep in his bedroom when the assailant entered and wanted to talk to "Nancy." When told Nancy was not home, he aid he'd wait; (6) Paul Pelosi was permitted to use the bathroom, and from there dialed 9-1-1; (7) Paul Pelosi said the hammer did not belong to him; (8) The assailant admitted to the break-in, assault and of his intention to assault Nancy Pelosi

Depape Complaint and Affadavit Signed by BernieOHare on Scribd

- UPDATED 10:30 AM GOP State Committee Member Steve Lynch Continues to Lie About Pelosi Assault!- What prompted my posts about the Pelosi assault, both yesterday and today, is the disgusting disinformation that failed NorCo Exec candidate Steve Lynch spewed on Facebook yesterday, in which her asserted falsely that Pelosi was consorting with a male prostitute. He linked to a debunked "news" story claiming falsely that they had met at a bar.  Lynch incredulously claims he's "been proven right" yet links to a story that has nothing to do with his claims that the Pelosi assault is the result of a gay encounter. Lynch has been exposed as both the liar he is and someone who continues to assault both Pelosi with vulgar rhetoric.    


  1. Any ideas or comments as to why fruit cake Paulie P and his "ass-ailant" were in their underwear when the "police" showed up?

    1. That’s been proven false, even Fox released a statement about the error. Nice try though

  2. Elon demonstrated how Twitter with no limits is nothing more than an outlet for conspirators. I suppose it is f Elon speech

  3. This will not be the first-time government lied to the people.

  4. You trust these deep state produced documents from the agents who work San FranSicko? Nancy is a metaphorical boil on the loins of our Congress patriots like David DePape shouldn’t be necessary to purge the satan

    1. So you don’t really care about facts, just outlets that confirm your bias

  5. Bernie, I’m enjoying your slam dunks on Steve Lynch. You should make this a series…


  6. Bernie, Steve knows what he’s doing. He’s smarter than all the imbeciles that he surrounds himself with and he believes in an ideology of white supremacy, power and totalitarianism. He understands how powerful misinformation is with the MAGA and he’s using, so he’s attempting to plant seeds in peoples minds with misinformation in order to undermine government trust and voting results.

    It’s in the conservative playbook, and it’s being bought hook, line and sinker.

  7. So why was this at first a wellness check and why did a third person open the door? Something is still fishy Bernie. The police are very quiet and the story keeps changing.

    1. The story hasn’t changed, you’re guilty of spreading misinformation just like Steve is. Read the complaint.

  8. Bernie IMHO both parties are equally to blame for where we are. For every Democrat who lies, there is a Republican who lies.

    If you think your party is pure and it's "the other guy" who is causing all the problems, then you are a big part of the problem.

    Hold all politicians accountable, and don't give your guy a pass just because he's your guy.

    1. How many racist, conspiracy theorist, disinformation promoting republicans do you have to go through before you get to a bad democrat. About 60 million…

      It’s not both sides. It’s the republicans…

    2. 8:21-

      Steve Scalise gets shot.... Nancy Pelosi and Paul Ryan issued a joint statement condemning the shooting.

      Paul Pelosi almost gets killed in a politically motivated attack.

      Republicans think is open mic night at Comedy Club. It's not both sides.

      Seriously. F#ck them.

  9. Its simply beyond disappointing that some people's knee jerk reaction is to immediately deflect, dismiss, distract the basic facts of what happened, let alone promote theories that are a better fit for their personal political wants/desires.

    The simple facts;

    A man illegally entered the home of a politician and violently caused physical harm, not to the politician, but to a family member.

    This should be UNIVERSALLY condemned across all political persuasions.

    There is no need whatsoever to make excuses, demean the victim or question the motive or intent involved.

    This should be yet another wake up call to everyone that ALL MEDIA have created monsters out of mentally weak individuals who see things on TV, hear things on radio and read things on the internet that cause them to believe that other Americans are their enemy.

  10. DaPepe has become an icon among black pilled web denizens much like the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Roger when he took a stand for his brethren and made the world take notice of their plight and oppression.

    Being tarred and feathered by yellow journalists micro blogging Uber liberals is a badge of honor Brother Steve must wear loud and proud hope he starts training for the bicycle duel anything he sets his mind to is attainable

  11. The FBI has lost ALL credibility - much like the CDC and USSS have lost all credibility.

  12. 8 am, Had you bothered to read this affidavit, you'd have no questions. The story keeps changing? You mean the conspiracy theories do. The facts are the facts. There was no third party to answer the door. Pelsoi saved his own life with that 9-1-1 call, which resulted in a priority welfare check.

  13. Steve Lynch just posted his rebuttal on his Facebook page…

    It reads…

    “Trust me bro…”

  14. I feel bad for Paul Pelosi. Like I feel bad for the hundreds of Americans being brutalized daily on their daily commute to and from work. Those faceless and nameless victims who never receive justice or relief.

    Unlike Paul Pelosi.

  15. Well maybe some politicians with start to say there is a crime and mental health problem in our county today. This guy will be prosecuted to the fullest. If it was some average citizen it wouldn't even be looked at. Nothing to see here. It happens every day in cities around America these days people attacked. Watch the videos. Sad. But maybe people will start to do something.

  16. "Steve Lynch just posted his rebuttal on his Facebook page…"

    Steve Lynch lied in this matter and has been caught. He frequently lies and posts outright disinformation, yet accuses others of failing to do their research. What's wore is that his remarks in this matter are full of hate and venom. This is the guy who Lee Snover is using to oust the tea party from control of the NorCo GOP.

  17. Connot believe we even need to have the conversation. What has become of us?

  18. "Any ideas or comments as to why fruit cake Paulie P and his "ass-ailant" were in their underwear when the "police" showed up?"

    Paul Pelosi was asleep in his bed when the intruder broke into his house. He was wearing a night shirt and underwear. DePape was fully clothed. You did not read the affidavit. It conflicts with your bias and you find it easier to believe outright lies.

  19. Republicans are getting desperate. They’re going to be so shocked after Election Day when the blue wave mail-in ballots come in from the people who chose to vote in the comfort of their own home to avoid all the nut jobs.

    Gladly, most Americans don’t subscribe to your fascist ideology.

    I’ll buy your one way ticket to Russia.

  20. It's sad that we're still giving Steve Lynch (from Moorestown, NJ) the time of day. He has a track record of failure. Failed political runs, failed "podcast", failed "swimming pool reveal", failed public figure Facebook page, and the list goes on and on. His newest attempt at assembling a bodybuilding team of women will ultimately fail too because maintaining a relationship with a narcissistic creep like Lynch is impossible. His circle of followers is shrinking. He is blacklisted from numerous groups (ie - Moms for Liberty) because he's too radical. He should stick to biceps curls in gyms with lots of mirrors. That's what he's good at.

    1. 10:05- That Steve Lynch public Facebook page was killarious. He'd post daily conspiracy theories and then get repeatedly trolled with some of the funniest comments. Steve would reply with comments like, "I don't care what you say. Your comments don't bother me". Then that wacko, loudmouth Stacy Salado would chime in defending everything Steve says. Eventually, Steve blocked the trolls. Now, "crickets".

      I miss reading his trolls. That's when his public page was worth logging onto Facebook.

    2. The was a great time. For a narcissist who attempts to attribute muscle size with masculinity, he sure is fragile. 20 strong men my ass…

  21. I voted and couldn't find Lynch on my ballot. I don't think he's running for anything. I'll check again. Nope. Not there. I don't like election deniers like Stacy Abrams and Hillary and Lynch. Only one of them is running and she's not on our ballots, however. I'm not sure I need candidates to make official statements distancing themselves from crazies like Lynch and Abrams and Clinton. Each party has its embarrassments and the other side tries to flog its opposition over these nuts.

    1. What election did Hillary and Abrams deny you fucking dimwit? The only deniers here are narcissistic sociopath of the neo-nazi Republican Party. You think you’re so smart inside your echo-chamber but as soon as you come out into the real world you get trampled like a cockroach. Stay hidden in darkness, society doesn’t want you…

    2. 1:03- there are several headlines and stories about it. If you take the time to understand their point, it makes sense.

      Accusing an innocent election volunteer of producing a ballot full of Biden votes to supplement the Trump vote, is not only unfathomable, but almost unforgivable when you do it over and over and over again.

    3. Abrams never conceded. Hillary said Bush was selected not elected all the way back in 2002. I am not a Trump supporter but facts are facts. Your rhetoric is part of the problem not the solution.

    4. These “election denying” accusations are all LIES made up by the MAGA crowd to dissuade and confuse voters. Look it up yourself.

      Look it up yourself.

      Trump was an election result DENIER.

      Refusing to accept results is NOT denying the votes.

      Once again, nice try…

  22. It's hard to appreciate to what depths the MAGA crowd has sunk.

    1. If you read all comments both Republican and Democrats have extremes. You can see it right here on this blog.

  23. Pelosi Statement on Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting
    Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after a gunman opened fire on a practice for the Congressional Baseball game:
    “This morning, the U.S. Congress suffered a despicable and cowardly attack. My thoughts and prayers are with Whip Steve Scalise and the others wounded, Capitol Police and staff, and their families.

    “We are profoundly grateful for the heroism of the Capitol Police, whose bravery under fire undoubtedly saved countless lives. On days like today, there are no Democrats or Republicans, only Americans united in our hopes and prayers for the wounded.”

  24. Steve needs to reboot the Podcast I personally loved it and listened to every episode right up there with Bannon’s War Room and Gaetz show same no BS straight shooting style plus the haters would have more material to obsess over distracting them from destroying the Nation!

  25. Steve Lynch didn’t attain demigod physique levels by listening to the BETA set , he is a J6 patriot who stood on the front lines fighting for everyone’s freedom if you believe the 2020 election wasn’t rigged then you deserve nothing but apocalyptic circumstances which is why I’m Moving to Idaho wish I could bring Steve’s studly being with me

    1. Oh stop it with your idle threats already, you’re not built for warfare fatty. Your calls for white supremacy will be immediately silenced by our military’s PrSM, and you’ll be a distant memory of what happens when you don’t teach a nations history properly.

    2. I think this comment is tongue in cheek lol.

  26. It is truly a shame that Paul Pelosi was injured. It is truly a shame that Rand Paul was injured and Democrats belittled it or actually rejoiced in it. Wake up voters.

  27. Oh stop it with your idle threats already, you’re not built for warfare fatty. Your calls for white supremacy will be immediately silenced by our military’s PrSM, and you’ll be a distant memory of what happens when you don’t teach a nations history properly.


    Kid Rock

  28. Pipe down, you and Nancy Pelosi. You'll need to condemn Schumer and Maxine Waters before you are taken seriously on these matters of harassment - even by the mentally deranged and not necessarily political. There is a mental illness epidemic going on that was worsened by draconian CoViD authoritarianism and closing of critical services, and firing of providers of critical services.

    1. The only mental illness observed is your fascination of a teletubby with orange hair.

      He awoke your hereditary racist instincts of white supremacy and you see him as a martyr, but no one really respects him.

      And you’ll soon be a dinosaur when the cancer of chewing your wintergreen long cut kicks in.

      Have the day you deserve.

    2. I've read some interesting comments but you really can't be missing the fact that mental illness is a key problem in our country that we have ignored so long we now see what that has resulted in. Many sick people who have no place to get help and end up violent and out of control. We are seeing it all across America . No one is safe. It is horrible what happened to Mr pelosi. We should all condemn it. But we need to acknowledge where it comes from and that's not on Trump. There's violence in our country that needs to be addressed. Blaming each other is not going to make it better.

    3. Blaming everything on “mental illness” is a tactic used by elitist to invalidate the legitimate concerns of the working class.

      It’s used to dismiss and squelch the cries of the oppressed.

      We won’t be fooled again.

    4. A man who wanted an ordinance of no clothes necessary is a well man? How can anyone not see this. I actually care of the many struggling today with mental illness. Young adults are committing suicide at high rates. You ignoring and labeling the problem as elitist is also crazy

  29. 10:00
    It’s time to bring back the State Hospitals, and allow those of us who need the help a place to go for help. Today, we just throw them in jail and I would like to know who got rid of those needed state run, safe haven hospitals.

    1. 5:59- "Today, we just throw them in jail and I would like to know who got rid of those needed state run, safe haven hospitals"?

      Easy to answer... MONEY!

  30. Jesse waters is right Gavin Newsom is responsible for the attack on Pelosi He is weak on crime as governor and mayor. His policies will come to haunt that wok idiot.

    1. To piggyback on another comment, 6:38, you really are stretching reality. To theorize that Governor Newsom is responsible for the attack on Pelosi because because you presume that he's weak on crime, is like saying Governor DeSantis is responsible for Hurricane Ian because he's weak on Climate change.

  31. Wow, Bernie. I wasn’t aware that there were so many crazies in the Lehigh Valley, you sure did stir them up with this post. Interesting how many people are content to overlook facts. Scary to think they walk among us.

    1. 6:38- Wow! That's quite the leap to make. And, Governor DeSantis is responsible for Hurricane Ian.

      You are clearly the person I'm referencing when I say to turn off Fox News and adjust the time foil hat.

  32. Still trying to figure out how the cop says the door opened (by who?) and witnessed both Pelosi and Depape basically fighting over a hammer. Per Depape he claims Pelosi ran over and opened the door. Both those things can't be correct. I would think if Pelosi opened the door he would have ran outside behind the cop No?

  33. The affidavit quite clearly states that Pelosi opened the door for police. Pelosi then grabbed at the hammer in DePape's hand. Sorry, but your conspiracy theories have been blown away. In addition, the WaPo is now reporting that there is video footage of DePape breaking the window from the outside. There goes another conspiracy theory. Capitol police had a camera trained on the window, but unfortunately, no one saw what was happening.

    I am not asserting and have never asserted that the police assault means that the right or MAGA has become increasingly violent. I disagree with those attempting to politicize this assault, whether they are left-wing or right-wing loonies.

    What happened is tragic and the violent political rhetoric from both sides gives mentally unbalanced people the justification in their own minds to do horrendous things.

    You need to drop the conspiracy theories and start looking at this objectively.

    1. So how do we stop this insanity?

  34. Why is justice harsh and swift on behalf of Paul Pelosi but virtually non existent for thousands of violent crime victims across the country?

  35. 9:42 Gavin Newsom is the person who wants to be in charge, Crime is soaring under his watch He is responsible. Hurricanes are a feat of nature crime is result of poor policy. You must be a liberal democrat your thought is flawed as most democrats are. tThe wave is coming and with good reason.

    1. 2:30- You must be a fact-free MAGA Republican who gets his talking points from Fox News.

      The top ten States with the most violent crimes per Capita are:
      1. Mississippi
      2. Louisiana
      3. Kentucky
      4. Alabama
      5. Missouri
      6. South Carolina
      7. New Mexico
      8. Georgia
      9. Arkansas
      10. Tennessee

      Ironically, many of these States have the highest welfare rates per Capita, too. Melt away, snowflake. Ah, gotta love Republican welfare States.

      Incidentally, California is ranked 34th per Capita. But yeah, keep the tin foil hat on tight.

  36. 9:40
    Then it’s time to make Businesses and the Rich pay their fair share of taxes. Around 40%! Then we can have state hospitals, a better infrastructure, a train system running throughout our country, socialize medicine and proper child care for all.

    It’s time to spend money on America, WTFU!

    1. 5:05- I completely agree with you, but sadly it won't happen.

      When I was in grad school, I did part of my internship at the Allentown State Hospital in 2001. This was a few years after a significant and purposeful reduction in patients. Only the most, high risk offenders were housed there at the time. The proverbial writing was on the wall for its eventual closure.

      Politically speaking, closing State psychiatric hospitals is a win/win for both sides of the aisle. The Republicans can spout that they're saving tax payer money and being tough on crime simultaneously (Do the crime/do the time...in prison, not a cushy hospital).

      Meanwhile, The Democrats can spout their talking points that psychiatric hospital alternatives (supervised residential settings, et. el.) are less expensive (saving tax payer money) and are more humane treatment than straight jackets and Nurse Ratchets.

      See what I did there? Republicans and Democrats have much more in common than one might think. It's too bad that our political discourse has gotten so tribal and conspiracy theories have become normalized.

  37. 2:30
    The wave is coming and it’s going to be Blue. Wake up, when crime is under control your idol Trump and his organization will be in jail. They are criminals and insurrectionist, do you understand what there are?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.