Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

UPDATED: We Needed a Mercy Rule in Fetterman-Oz Debate

I never expected John Fettrman to be more polished than Mehmet Oz, a celebrity TV doctor, in last night's debate in Pa.'s US Senate race.  But I did expect him to be better informed, more prepared and less vacuous than he at times appeared. He wasn't. He instead betrayed the same defensive and evasive attitude as when he was interviewed, one-on-one a few weeks ago by NBC journalist Dasha Burns. It was a disaster. 

I suspect that many partisan Democrats knew this would happen. A few hours before the debate, pro-Democratic Salon published a story asking, "Why haven't Democrats realized that debates don't matter?"  If you believe in democracy, you should. And if you believe in a representative democracy, there is no way you could seriously consider John Fetterman a suitable representative for the Keystone State.  He was so bad that a mercy rule should have ended it after a half hour. 

Even the New York Times, which provided live analysis from several left-leaning journalists. Here are some takeaways: 

"Understanding the questions does not seem to be a problem for [Fetterman] tonight, but he’s been tripping over his words, and his answers feel rushed at times."

"If one of the knocks on Oz is that he’s a lightweight, he’s setting out to prove otherwise tonight."

"At times, when Fetterman pauses, it is impossible to know whether he is doing so because he is reading the closed captions, or because he is grasping for a word."

"[T]he moderator has [Fetterman] dead to rights here on taking multiple contradictory stances on fracking."

"Mr. Fetterman’s verbal stumbles and halting style do not reflect a problem with his brain, his doctors say. He has an auditory processing disorder, which means that his brain hears subtle differences in sound differently than before his stroke. And even before his stroke, Fetterman was not nearly as polished a communicator as Oz."

Before the debate, Fetterman and Oz were in a statistical dead heat. After the debate, I expect to see Oz pull away. 

The US Senate race is over. Fetterman can return to his job as Mayor of Braddock. 

Updated 1 pm. "Mr." v. "Dr."? - A few of you noted that last night's debate moderators referred to Dr. Oz as Mr. Oz and wondered whether that was an attempt to demean him, especially since First Lady Jill Biden is routinely referred to as Dr. Jill Biden. I believe these local journalists got it right, and that those who refer to Jill Biden as "Dr. Jill Biden" are incorrect. 

The style guides of media outlets like the Inky instructs to avoid the use of titles unless they are relevant to the story. So if Jill Biden were speaking about education, she could properly be referred to as Dr. If Mehmet Oz were discussing heart valves, he could be called Dr. But in political theater, it is both irrelevant and can result in unequal treatment. 

Interestingly, in England, surgeons are called "Mr." And in Germany, they are called "Herr Doktor." 

Locally, Bethlehem City Council member is a physician, and Wandalyn Enix is a Ph.D.  But that's irrelevant to what they do on City Council and should be referred to as Ms. or by surname instead of by degree. I will try to remember that in future stories, and I'm sure I'll be reminded when I forget.


  1. It was truly a very sad event. Fetterman couldn't put his words together. He simply couldn't verbalize his thoughts. This is why OZ wanted this debate. There is no way that I want either one of these candidates representing Pennsylvania. If you're looking for a criticism of Oz it would be he didn't obey the rules and had to be cut off repeatedly. Even though Oz lied, he is the overwhelming winner in this debate. Thank God there isn't another one.

  2. Yes I see. And OZ said a womens right to an abortion should be between her, her doctor and the local politicians. I voting for OZ I'm not handing the senate over to that bastard Mitch.

  3. One man sounded like a Doctor. The other man sounded like a 3 year old trying to tell his parents he sh*t his pants.

  4. Don't underestimate how many dolts will vote for Fetterman simply because he supports abortion butchers murdering babies by tearing them to pieces.

  5. we could have had conor lamb. race would be a ten point D win.


  6. Look, you love Oz almost as much as you love your mancrush McClure. Fetterman has some issues with speed processing but remember that OZ is a practiced slick actor. Things to remember, Oz is endorsed by Trump and is proud of it and touted that worrisome fact. Oz is a dog experiment killer, the Mengle of canines. Oz has never explained his Turkish family's position on the genocide of the Armenians in Turkey. Finally, he is unclear on his acceptance of election results that he or Trump don't accept.

    With democracy at stake, he is too great a gamble.

  7. I could have overlooked Fetterman's speaking problems as a result of his stroke, but his flip-flop on fracking and his insistence that he didn't bothered me. Oz didn't answer the question of his flip flop position on abortion, his selling of miracle pills and promoting dangerous treatments.
    Oz clearly won the debate when it came to presentation, but I'm not convinced Oz would be a representative of democracy. He'll vote how the Republican leadership tells him to vote, and we're seeing how Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy.

    1. And Fetterman wouldn't vote how the Democrat leadership tells him to vote?

  8. Worst candidate of many bad democratic candidates vote for a democrat if you want to lose your whole retirement plan, if you like inflation to continue, if you like to pay higher for gas and heating oil and natural gas, if you like crime the dems are for you, open border for more drugs, open border to ruin your schools that are already bad under democratic control, Bernie the democrats are a mess like Fetterman is, we must get rid of every single one.

  9. Polish, she’s akin to shining your your shoes with a Hershey bar.

  10. It is sad that many democrats live in this delusion that Fetterman is a suitable U.s. senator, He could only be a placeholder for the entrenched who run the country.
    We cannot afford any more such placeholders, I am concerned that this is what we have with the current commander in chief.
    Seriously, do you all really believe we are better off than 2 years ago, even in the midst of the pandemic?

  11. It was a train wreck, yet Fetterman will prevail. Stroke or not (and I can’t believe he whined about Dr. Oz mentioning it because Fetterman himself talks about it), he showed that he hasn’t put in the work (i.e knowing issues) to make me confident he can do the job. I don’t like early voting because there are some who may have voted differently based on last night’s debate. Not a lot, but some, and that matters in a close race. Fetterman will win because Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and perhaps Allentown will carry him. He has absolutely no business winning, though, because he will just be a do-as-they-say voter. And he is a Steelers fan. Yuck no matter how you spin it!

  12. Such a shame. Thank you Bernie.
    Even though Fetterman fumbled there is still a choice. Either Democrats win or lose and if they lose then the country goes backwards the way BO wants it. That is disgusting and very disappointing, we lose democracy. Yeah, you win! what is next? Social security is privatize, jails are privatize, major medical is out- sorry seniors. Religious organizations win, prayer in school- oh thank god. We will live the big lie. ENJOY.

    1. Lol you must be the liberal lady screaming at the sky and shaking her fist.

  13. Dr. OZ is a carpetbagger! PENNSYLVANIA DOES NOT NEED HIM.

    1. I guess Hillary Clinton wasn’t? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

  14. Well first off Bernie you had already decided on supporting Oz before the debate even happened.
    That being said Fetterman had his problems.
    For example the pace was high and after your opponent trashes your view on say inflation the moderator gives you 15 seconds to respond?
    This occurred several times to both candidates.
    Several times for example Oz got cut off before he even got to his point.
    For Fetterman that would harder to deal with having to read the question and answer in a compressed time area.
    In the end it will fall to the policies that the candidates support.
    trumpian values or Democratic values.
    Neither side will consider voting for the opposition party.
    tribal politics /trench warfare rules today.

  15. Pennsylvania Women it up to you? Do you want public officials in your hospital room to decide if you should have an abortion or not. That’s what Dr. OZ wants. Simply put if you like Trump then vote for OZ. Good bye 2022 hello 1840. Thank you Bernie. Democracy will die.

  16. I just finished reading The Philadelphia Inquirer’s individual communists’ assessments of the debate and Oz earned a 4.3/10, while Fetterman scored a 4.1/10. I don’t care how far you lean left, at least be honest in your views. This illustrates that Fetterman will win. Even before his stroke, he shouldn’t have been entrusted with a senate seat, and last night proved it. I am not a supporter of Oz in any way and wish Lamb had won the nomination.

    As an aside, one columnist gave the moderators a 10/10 for not referring to Oz as Dr. Oz. Why is that applauded? He earned his degree as much as Jill Biden, who is often afforded the respect of being called Dr. Biden.

  17. 15 second rebuttal is not a good format for anyone. It seemed rushed and Oz is a better communicator even before Fetterman’s stroke. But Oz wants medical doctors and “local politicians” in a patient’s room. He’s the out of touch one.

    If the Rs can have Herschel, we can have Fetterman (who at least showed the ability to think).

  18. Obviously, John Fetterman is not prepared to do the usual duties of a United States Senator. I DO admire him for putting himself forward as best he can. John Fetterman does not deserve all the cruel remarks being made. He got in the game and is sincere. I’m sure his self-awareness is intact and he knows he is struggling. Due to John’s political beliefs I would not have voted for him anyway.

    1. Fettermen staying in the race was selfish he should have stepped aside becauseof health reasoPA. He had his stroke after he won the primary. He is not healthy enough to work right now. That is not fair to the people of Pa.

  19. I don't disagree, Bernie. I wonder if Fetterman will still narrowly ride into office on Shapiro's coattails and the fallout from the Dobb's decision?

    Regardless, Fetterman will give Trumpists an exciting opportunity to practice one of their favorite pastimes: demonstrative cruelty.

  20. Hey Bernie,
    You win your celebrity carpetbagger. I hope your happy.

  21. Democrats have problems--Biden, Fetterman, Pelosi, and many others.

  22. I voted weeks ago and left this race blank. I find both candidates unelectable and can’t stomach either one of them. It’s a sad situation for Pennsylvania. I think Oz will win, but I don’t consider the debate to be the tipping point. Fetterman ran a good campaign, particularly by defining his candidate in the public’s mind early on. But I think his health issue sunk him.

  23. I am an American worker and I will vote for Fetterman since he is a man that is trying to do good for Pennsylvania, rather than a millionaire celebrity trying to stuff his pockets with tax free dollars.

  24. That Fetterman lost the debate should not surprise anyone.

    He was a terrible candidate well before his stroke, and on the wrong side of every issue.

    What should disgust every voter is that no democrat politician has distanced themselves from him or denounced his extreme positions.

    That should tell you everything you need to know about the democrat elected officials in Pennsylvania and THEIR fitness to serve!

  25. Fettermen staying in the race is selfish and not fair to the people of Pennsylvania. He needs to worry about his personal health first. He won the primary before the stroke. Once he had the stroke if he cared about the people of PA he would have let someone else run. He clearly is not healthy right now.

  26. "Well first off Bernie you had already decided on supporting Oz before the debate even happened."

    I did decide on Oz before the debate bc Oz displays the qualities Pennsylvanians like to see in a US Senator. He comes off as balanced, sensible and has common sense. Had Oz been running against Conor Lamb, I would have supported Lamb bc he displays those same qualities and I agree with him more.

    It is not Fetterman's stroke that did him in, although he clearly is not as far along as he has represented. What bothered me about him is the same thing that bothered me in his one-on-one with Dasha Burns. He was evasive and defensive. You could clearly see this in the poor way he responded to questions about fracking and his refusal to release medical records. On top of that, he was woefully unprepared. He had to know he'd be hammered on fracking and just had no explanation for contradicting himself. He was terrible. He also displayed a divisiveness I see in partisan candidates on both sides of the aisle.

    As for 15 second responses, this is why Oz wanted a longer debate, a request refused by Fetterman. And while it is hard to say something in 15 seconds, it does indicate how fast you are on your feet. That is an important attribute in a US Senator.

  27. America will not and must not ever forget how Donald Trump and his band of insurrectionists tried to forcefully take over our Country and destroy our Democracy. Regardless of who runs against a Trump endorsed candidate, I nor should any voter who cares about their Country will never support that candidate. Wake up America. Oz is a Trumpist who will be loyal to Trump, not his Country. Toto didn't like Oz and neither do I.

  28. Bernie, this is why debates should be demanded by the voters prior to casting a single vote.

    My sympathy goes out to Mr. Fetterman and I hope for his full recovery but this is not a person capable to hold a Senate seat for the next six years. Like Dr. Biden, Mrs. Fetterman should have helped the one they love most by encouraging them to step aside and not put them out in public, it's truly sad to see both of these men suffer in public like this.

    I'll be voting for Dr. Oz and hope he's the independent thinker he came across to be.

  29. Bernie your response is nonsense. No decision in Washington is made on the spur of the moment so there is no reason to be quick on your feet. That's for show.

  30. I feel bad for Fetterman and his family but this was a disaster! Total bloodbath. Not only that, now he's picked a fight with the debate people blaming the closed captioning. He flipped on fracking and medicare for all. He doesn't seem to have done much homework on the issues. He is what he is, and guy who has never really worked in his life. A pretender who makes like he's this blue collar guy. Total fraud.

    All of a sudden the new line of attack seems to be hey, if you don't vote for Fetterman you're mean LOL.

  31. I am the 6:29 am respondent. Columnists, not communists, was my intended word. My apologies, but it seems Siri may be on to something!

  32. Can you imagine..........Bob Casey, who can't string two sentences together, John Fetterman, and their boss Scranton Joe, OMG PA the laughing stock of the country!

  33. "I did decide on Oz before the debate bc Oz displays the qualities Pennsylvanians like to see in a US Senator."

    The one quality I, a born and bred Pennsylvanian, want in the Senator is for that Senator to actually be from Pennsylvania! Carpetbagger Oz has no business being a Senator from Pennsylvania.

    Fetterman did as well as expected--which was poorly, and Oz did not gain anything with his continued attacks and lack of substantive responses. I think it will come down to party affiliation for most people because this is truly a choice of the lesser of two evils.

    Fetterman by 1% with a recount.

  34. Fetterman was lost to me before this even happened. With a backstory like his, I cannot even fathom how he could be considered a candidate. Propped up by Wolf Union backers, this man literally has provided nothing of any use in his life. Mayor of Braddock? How about living in moms basement until 50? How about his tax issues? How about his urging to increase the PA State tax by 50%? Pretty funny from a guy who has his own tax issues.

    My God, these candidates are awful! (I put Mastriano in this mix too by the way)

  35. Oz is a polished actor. He’s a snake oil salesman who has no convictions, he’ll do what Trump tells him to do. Or maybe he has bigger ambitions…

  36. Uncle Fester is the worst candidate for Senate that our Commonwealth has ever seen. His performance in the debate was abysmal. Had no continuity of thought. Total flip flop on franking. Refused to apologize for chasing a black man down with a shotgun. He blurted out "he's going to end Social Security" during Oz's closing statement. He was clueless. And the moderators showed no respect by calling Dr. Oz "Mr. Oz." Jill Biden would have been insulted if referred to the same way!

  37. After viewing that mess last night you still have people voting for Uncle Fester Boy there are stupid people in Penna.

  38. This debate was very painful to watch. Fetterman was unprepared and his unsuitability goes way beyond his significant communication problems. He is woefully unprepared to enter the Senate as a representative for Pa. On second thought he might fit in with some of our leaders in Congress that have significant dementia related problems. Access to the press is only in carefully scripted events that cover up their frailties.

  39. Fetterman opened the debate with "Hi, good night everybody" WTF that's all I needed to see................

  40. Fetterman is not fit for office.

  41. Is his wife this much of a climber? She had four days before the primary to disclose he'd had a major stroke (his words). She didn't, on purpose. Fetterman clearly cannot understand spoken words. And what is that huge thing on the left side of the back of his neck? We don't need medical records. As you said, we need a mercy rule. His wife is just cruel. Thankfully, polls indicate Independents are breaking strongly for Oz and this is over.

  42. Is that the best the democrats can do?

  43. Shapiro won't debate. His courage is as pint sized as he is. He also knows, like Fetterman, that Mastriano will hand him his head for supporting school lockdowns, and boys using girls bathrooms and participating in girls sports. We're about to elect a two-foot tall rank coward who doesn't care a bit about transparency. He'll have very cooperative legislature, though. Lol. Lame duck on inauguration day - if he survives hiding until election day.

  44. Did anyone see the CNN panel? Even they couldn't defend Fetterman's performance. Charlie Dent said he was stunned LOL. The poor guy has serious brain damage, he needs to go get well with his family.

  45. The votes have all ready been cast! They are sitting in mail carriers trucks. This is why I haven't received bills in two months, working over time. This is not to mention the vehicle titles sitting somewhere in Harrisburg or lost in the mail.
    We get what they want, ignorance, incompetence, and head count?

  46. The sad thing about American politics is that Fetterman will still get votes. And likely alot of them. After that 'performance' last night, if anyone pulls that lever, they shouldn't be taken seriously as a voter in future American elections.
    You don't have to vote for Oz, but to support Fetterman and the Democrat party's attempt to pass him off as a viable candidate for United States Senator, would be ludicrous and an embarrassment to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  47. The debate swung me to Fetterman because he finally flipped the bird to environmental cultists and pledged full support for fracking to insure energy independence from Russia. He was clear on few things. His repeated, unqualified support for fracking was one of them.

  48. Even with closed captioning (and possibly an ear piece- who knows), John Fetterman was a disaster in the debate. The man is ill and yet the Democrats are using him as they are Joe Biden to impose their radical left wing agenda upon the citizens of PA and the US. God help us all.

  49. ABC News this morning pieced together a heavily edited version of the debate that used slight of hand editing to portray Fetterman in a way that he isn’t a bumbling fool. The enemedia is like a man who wears a toupee thinking that no one is the wiser. Fetterman looked like he was on his way to a court appearance for wrongfully pointing a shotgun at a black jogger. Oh wait, he got a pass for that so no court date required.

    Also loved the “Mr” Oz, nice touch. He’s a cardiothoracic surgeon with an MBA from Wharton. His professional and academic pedigree is impressive. If he were a democrat you would hear Dr every bit as much as it’s heard with the First Lady.

    The childish tribalism is sickening. I’m not voting for Oz or Fetterman but I am at least intellectually honest enough to see that Fetterman is and always was a huge mess (even before the stroke). The hatred for the orange menace and any he supports far out weighs the love for our country. Oh, and if you think we live in a democracy you are an imbecile. We live in a Republic. The word democracy appears nowhere in the Constitution and only lives in the petulant fantasies of the deranged members of the American apparat.

    As much as I hate the election season it is refreshing to see who the wackos are in the neighborhood. Great mental notes for people to avoid.

  50. A con artist fake drug peddling non resident abortion right (let the states decide) faker can not win.

    Women need to get out and vote for their rights before they lose them to the republican taliban

  51. Connor Lamb beats Oz. Dems made a huge mistake and Fetterman's wife really screwed them. Dems made the same mistake in several races where they directed primary money to so-called election deniers - including Stacy Abrams, lol. Mastriano may be an exception. But nationally, most of these candidates are now leading their races and will be members of the new Republican led Congress. Watch what you ask for?

    1. I agree Fetterman staying in race was selfish.

  52. Oz had the correct answer on abortion, let it up to the states, let the states decide. Get the federal government out of the whole mess. A real exercise in democracy. we all love democracy, right.

  53. Bernie once again you are full of shit.
    Don’t talk about the the qualities Pennsylvanias like to see in the senate. What the hell do you know, after all you are a lawyer who lived a superior life.
    OZ is the problem, he is no different than trump and needs to be defeated.
    This election is very important and I am voting for Fetterman.
    Come on PA Women we need to defeat OZ and send the carpetbagger back to NJ.

  54. "The one quality I, a born and bred Pennsylvanian, want in the Senator is for that Senator to actually be from Pennsylvania! Carpetbagger Oz has no business being a Senator from Pennsylvania."

    This is something that does not bother me so much bc the federal law does not require residency to run and numerous others have done this over the years, including Hillary and a former Congressional candidate here in the LV. Interestingly, Fetterman failed to use this argument last night, as he should have. This is yet another demonstration that he was unprepared.

    There's a difference between being an activist and an elected representative. Fetterman is very sincere and believes what he believes. He is great as an activist, but he does not speak for me. Oz is by no means my favorite guy. But he's gonna' be our next Toomey.

  55. "ABC News this morning pieced together a heavily edited version of the debate that used slight of hand editing to portray Fetterman in a way that he isn’t a bumbling fool. "

    I noticed this at several news outlets. But the actual reporting in words was frank, even from left-leaning sources.

  56. It seems the democrats have hung their whole future on abortion, the Jan.6 protests that they have exaggerated and LGBTQ+ rights. Please, what does the rest of the world think of the USA now.

  57. 9:53 AM

    "Women need to get out and vote for their rights before they lose them to the republican taliban."

    According to the Morning Call, abortion isn't a women's issue. It's a "pregnant person's" issue.

  58. "Worst candidate of many bad democratic candidates vote for a democrat if you want to lose your whole retirement plan..."

    You got it backwards. The Republicans have been very open and transparent about wanting to gut the Social Security and Medicare if they take control.

    Rick Scott (R-FL) would sunset SS after 5 years.
    Lindsey Graham (R-SC) calls for "entitlement" reform.
    Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) refuses to take cuts off the table.
    Rubio, Lee, Lummis, Lankford, Brady, Banks, Jordan, Roy, along with Rs now seeking to win elections have plans to screw over current and future recipients.

    One plan is to incrementally raise the retirement age to 70 by 2040, before receiving full benefits, as well as attacking Medicare.

    Some Rs are calling for a repeal of the prescription drug reforms found in the Inflation Reduction Act.

    How do you think the rich TV doctor Oz will vote? It won't be with Democrats who have always fought for Social Security and the aged.

    1. Stop! The plan said every government program should be reviewed every 5 yrs. Stop lying!

  59. We all know by true definition, we're a Republic. Stop trying to demonstrate how "intelligent" you are by correcting people. Personally, I prefer using the word "Democracy" because it sounds less French. The word, Democracy, is used by every representative in every level of government. Get that stick out of your ass.

  60. As a woman of reproductive age, and a democrat, I won’t be voting for either candidate. Please don’t pigeon-hole me into one issue because that reminds me of the Hillary Clinton supporters assuming all women would vote for her. I am an educated woman who looks at many issues before casting a vote for democrats and republicans.

  61. I understand the need for having Election Day last more than one day - perhaps a week would be reasonable. I understand the long tradition of Absentee Balloting, something I have used when I could not vote in person.

    Given the broad ability to mail-in ballots early, how many in Pennsylvania are now wondering how they could change the ballot they've already mailed in to their county?

  62. We all know Fetterman had a stroke but what was Trumps excuse when he looked like an imbecile during HIS debates?

    Don’t you guys get it? Republicans do not have a plan, they want power to implement actions that will hurt the middle class and enrich corporations and billionaires.

  63. Easy decision for rational voters. Oz supports Trump. That makes him a follower of the living, immoral, felon , cheater who continues to peddle lies an a daily (hourly?) basis.
    Getter man is handicapped but still the better choice.

  64. These "woman" comments are hilarious. Our new SCOTUS can't define "woman" and womanhood has been co-opted by men pretending to be women - and excelling at it. Women don't exist anymore at any debatable level. Abortion is the fourth or fifth most important issue because nothing will change in PA and because birth control has been a thing for decades. It also culls a lot of minorities, which is why so many support it and fund it.

  65. This is why we need to stop early voting, the weekend before election day that's it. Also proves that we must open the primaries, I mean this is becoming a parody from SNL for christ sakes. Oz is a moderate but needed Trumps endorsement to get out of the primaries, that eliminates half the electorate right there. Open the primaries now!

  66. I’ve spent the morning watching various National news outlets running cover and spin on behalf of Fetterman and his performance.

    The media in this country really is a nauseatingly corrupt institution.

  67. Funny how Dems didn't consider Hillary a "carpetbagger" when she ran for NY Senator. Morning Call has been a left-leaning newspaper for many years. That's why they have lost subscribers in droves. Mainstream media has spun this debate to make Uncle Fester out to be a sympathetic figure. He was a useless bum before his stroke. Dr. Oz has accomplished more in his lifetime than moocher Fetterman could in a hundred lifetimes.

  68. The Media is aq big problem in our country they are so biased it is unfair to the American people because they do not tell it like it is Trump was right it is a fake media -the example is Bernie will not publish this bit of truth.

  69. That was so hard to watch. If Fetterman can’t advocate for himself in a debate, how could he argue on our behalf in the senate?


  71. 7:21
    You should bury your head in the Hall Of Shame. Why vote at all? You’re pathetic.

  72. Sooooo horrible to read these comments.........regardless of political affiliation.....I hope none of you ever have a stroke!!!!!

  73. My heart goes out to anyone who has a stroke. It can happen to any of us. I also give fetterman credit for doing the debate as some who have not had a stroke refused to debate. What was a huge mistake was limiting the time to one hour. We know he has auditory processing issues post stroke and yet still agreed to answer questions in 60 seconds! Shame on his team for agreeing to this. I honestly felt he did quite well and quickly responded on most issues. Simply but quickly which to me showed he understands the questions but had trouble responding in such a limited timeframe. Having said that I admire his effort. I feel badly for him as he seems sincere. But in Pennsylvania the real vote is about the issues and as we saw there are two choices who believe very differently how our countries direction should go. Oz was articulate and knowledgeable and strong in his beliefs and will be good for Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania like many states have residents who have come from many states. We are immigrants to Pennsylvania too so frankly I don't care where they come from if they want to make Pennsylvania and our country better.

  74. We also had Doctor J in Philadelphia!

  75. The poor Man will get a job in the New Pennsylvania Administration

  76. Debates have turned into just another clown show in our current political circus tent. I look at the candidates agenda which I hopefully would be able to discern from other sources than 15 second soundbite answers and possible "Gothca!" moments.
    Perhaps others feel that someone who still backs tRump is pulling just another political maneuver, like, for example, another stellar civil servant, Cruz, has done. But personally I'd vote for Fetterman even if he dropped dead before I voted for a man who supported and still supports the man who tried to become the first U.S. Dictator for Life. If that is not an incredibly huge, bloody red flag, I don't know what is.

  77. My pop had multiple degrees and was a refined and learned man. After his stroke in his 50s, he had significant problems similar to John's. My dad was the best. But he wasn't fit to serve in politics and we would never keep pushing him out there. His situation changed. It's tragic and sad and a story that repeats everywhere for most of us. John's wife doesn't seem to want to accept this. Again, tragic.

  78. ". So if Jill Biden were speaking about education, she could properly be referred to as Dr. "
    When President Biden took office Fox complained Jill Biden should not be called DR as she was not a medical doctor.
    Fox would not use DR even when education was discussed.
    The idea was to crap on her with their daily hate fest.
    It is how Fox rolls.
    Oz is a medical doctor and using that honorific does no real harm.
    Feel free to ask DR. OZ if trump handled the covid epidemic properly.
    That would tell you whether he values truth over politics

  79. Fetterman is not fit for office --his people including his wife should have stopped this show a long time ago. The people in Fetterman corner are really not in his corner nor are they thinking about the voters or the people of our country. they remind me of the people in Miami who made that football player play with an obvious concussion.

  80. Could you imagine 6 years of Fetterman--2 more years of Biden-Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Shapiro, Krasner, and many others--How would you like to be in a fox hole with those people?

  81. 6.38
    "How would you like to be in a fox hole with those people?"
    I would be glad that trump would have bone spurs and would hide out in nightclubs.

  82. So the young reporter who interviewed Fetterman and told the truth and they tried to destroy her. She got the last laugh.

  83. @6:38
    I could imagine that. They did pretty well when the insurrectionists stormed the Capital.
    I couldn't imagine being in a fox hole with their counterparts. "Bone Spurs" wouldn't be there. That's for sure.

  84. 6:38
    It would be a pleasure and a honor to be around such progressive intelligent politicians who care about our country.

  85. Mr Fetterman may be encumbered by some speech and hearing deficits now but it has been indicated such would not affect his intellect, much in the same way a deaf person's intellect is not diminished just because he cannot hear. That said, he paid his dues in a thankless job as a mayor in a poverty stricken town and trying to improve it. Evidently he could have been yachting around with the rich crowd but that was not the path he chose. When I compare his back ground to his opponent who spent time marketing pseudoscience and alternative unproven remedies I know who to vote for.

  86. 7:44, If you try to defend Fetterman after that horrific performance, you are a rank partisan defending a member of your tribe. Wake up! We could have had a decent candidate. I am sure that top Dems in the state and Fetterman's own family have known for some time that he needs to take some time to recover, but they pushed him anyway. They were selfish and so was he. He was not thinking about what is best for Pa or he would have withdrawn.

    1. Correct Bernie. His campaign and his wife lied about the extent of his stroke. He almost died and they downplayed it. Unless they release his medical records we’ll never really know the extent his brain was damaged by the stroke. Not only that, these people care so much about power that they put his health at risk by having him experience the stress of campaigning and debating. He has a 25% chance of another stroke, he should be resting at home.

  87. I often feel so badly for president Biden that his wife was not caring enough also to know that she shouldn't support putting him out there for the criticism he is now receiving. It's very sad. I didn't vote for him and I don't agree with his positions but my heart goes out to him that no one cared enough about him. Same goes for mr Fetterman. And the people of our country can be so cruel.

  88. 7:44 is a Dem syncophant who like his radical tribe would vote for a day old bagel if it was the D candidate in an election. A deaf person has no brain damage. A stroke victim does. Duh! Fetterman refuses to release his medical records because if he did we would have clear and convincing evidence that he is unfit to serve as a US Senator. Given his weak heart and circulatory system he may not be able to serve even a year in office.

  89. Actually, and from what I've read, some brain cells die while others are damaged and can recover to take over some functions done by the brain cells that died. I spoke last night to a woman who spent her career helping stoke victims. She thinks there's noting wrong with Fetterman cognitively, but it takes his brain a little longer now to hear and form words. She believed he would have done better if the debate were longer and he had more time. I'm no expert and voted for Oz before the debacle. I would not have voted for him even if his answers were clear and crisp bc he really is extreme, divisive, defensive and nontransparent.

  90. Many people have TIA's or mild strokes. They usually don't cause permanent cogitve damage. What Fetterman had was a fill blown stroke that nearly killed him. He is likely to have long term functional limitations. He can learn compensatory techniques but he will never be sharp enough mentally to function in a complex multi-tasking job like senator.

  91. Just like the Wizard Of Oz. The great wizard was a fake hiding behind a curtain till Toto pull the curtain away. Dr. Oz is a fake any only cares about hinself!

  92. OZ will always be OZ. Whereas Fetterman is getting better everyday and he will be twice the man OZ the carpetbagger from NJ would ever be for Pennsylvania.

    Let’s vote for the true “Rocky” in this election, a true fighter for Pennsylvania US SENATE, John Fetterman.

  93. @11:00
    Thank you for explaining the facts of the Republicans agenda. I am with you.

  94. Fetterman is a joke. He brags about having no gun murders in Bradfock in 5 years. A borough of 1,700! Wilson Borough has 4 times as many people and probably can say the same. What qualifications does this bum have?

  95. 10.47
    "no gun murders in Bradfock in 5 years. A borough of 1,700!"
    I seem to remember a mayor of Wasilla who had a word salad of nonsense when speaking who grifted her way thru a vice president nomination.
    The right wing praised her for being the mayor of a small town not polluted by the swamp of D.C.
    Oz has held what public office before running?
    Or ask Oz if trump acted properly when Covid hit?
    That will tell you what Oz is made of.


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