Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard - I’m leaving the Democratic Party

I believe there's a lot of truth in Tulsi's criticism of today's Democratic party. We have morphed from a party that helps the disadvantaged and blue collar workers into an elitist cabal. But I disagree completely with her isolationist foreign policy views. As Russian cruise missiles rain down on Ukranian children and Putin chokes off gas to Europe, our national security has been endangered in a way that we have not seen since 1941. Her foreign policy views are Pollyanish. 

She invites us to join her, but interestingly fails to state where she's going.

I'd prefer to continue voting for the person instead of the party, especially in a state where primaries are closed. 


  1. Hopefully a lot of people will follow out of the democratic party The Dems are in bad shape-their policies are as bad as possible.

  2. Good riddance. She's against abortion, repulsed by transgender persons, a strong supporter of Ron DeSantis policies, was vocally outspoken against President Obama when she was a Democratic Congresswoman and was a recent guest speaker at CPAC. Now, she has the balls to say she's leaving the Democrat Party and calling herself an "Independent"? If she's an independent, Steve Lynch is, too.

    1. Thank you! All great reasons to vote FOR her.

  3. she's not wrong in a lot of what she says, but I prefer to stay and fight for the soul of my party.

    for now.

  4. The democratic party is the racist party That is what they base their power on.

  5. How can anyone support spending a single penny on a Ukrainian war until we understand how compromised our commander-in-chief is re: his prior dealings with Ukraine. I guess one is an isolationist for not funding a war on very shaky information from a sleazy and very compromised source. Biden is not an honest broker of Ukraine-related information. Yet, you're OK spending billions there, and you're critical of those who don't want to fund the latest in our endless wars. I liked you Democrats when you were the anti-war party. You as a hawk is the silliest thing I've seen in my old age. It's no wonder Gabbard is leaving a party like that. You should stay, though. You're a perfect representative of the new Democratic Party. You have no awareness of how perfect you are. Few do.

  6. She was never a Democrat. Had to deal with her when she was on city council in Honolulu. Must be what you call a Bluewater Dem.

  7. "How can anyone support spending a single penny on a Ukrainian war until we understand how compromised our commander-in-chief is re: his prior dealings with Ukraine."

    I see. So you oppose aid to Ukraine bc of your cRaZy Biden hatred. Just so you know, 3 of 4 Americans support the aid to Ukraine despite Putin's nuclear threat. What is going on there is quite clearly a threat to our national security as well as that of our NATO allies. But I forgot that you hate them, too, and love autocrats like Putin.


  8. Both parties have been hijacked by self-serving creeps. It is no longer We the people, rather it is All about me, people. So very sorry to see America in such a lousy state.

  9. She was a thorn in the side. Although I liked her photo ops with Putin and Flynn.

  10. So..... Is she a Republican now? (she sounds like one) Where is she asking people to join her, as an independent, Republican, libertarian? Anyone know?

  11. I don’t mind helping out Ukraine but I think we’ve given them enough. There seems to be no accountability for the billions we send.

  12. Anon 226, a spin that's close to yours - many years ago, the priority list was 1) God 2) Country 3) Party. Now it's 1) Party and there is no #2 or #3.

    Ridiculous that we've allowed ourselves to be hijacked by these assclowns.

    As Bernie noted, no idea where Ms. Gabbard is headed but anyone with 1/2 a pulse has had the same thought about their party.

    The Banker

  13. A lot of good people are leaving the Dems because they have become a horrible party on most issues--they are best group of people who lie constantly on every issue.

  14. Give me a break. The fact are simple.
    The Democrats have shifted to the right somewhat like the old Republican Party of the seventies. They need to be more progressive for human rights, better working conditions for all working Americans, break into the institutions that hold us captive like lawyers and judges. Revamp social security and get rid of the talking heads like those who you currently believe. It is you that have been hijacked by the assclowns like Hannity, Fox programming, Trumps and the radical, lying Republicans.

  15. She clearly is not a Democrat!
    I lost respect when she met with Syrian leader and seemed to believe him when he said he didn’t use chemicals on some of his enemies there?
    She did serve our country admirably, but not a Candidate to support for office!
    Another Taylor-Green type!

  16. The Democratic Party has lost its way. But Tulsi Gabbard used the Democratic Party as her path to the senate. She would have been unsuccessful running as a Republican in Hawaii. She has exited politics so she no longer needs them. Now she works for the cable ‘news’ outlets, so all credibility is spent. This announcement is just the next step to getting her own show on Fox.

  17. Tulsi has announced that she has separated herself from the Marxist, nation hating subversives who have turned the Democrat party into a force of destruction.

    The few American Democrats who still know the Pledge of Allegiance, stand for the National Anthem, and support law and order should join her.

  18. I really wonder how you chose what to print here

  19. well I usually don't comment on this site but as far as the comments made by 9:42, its obvious he/she is an asshole.

  20. ". But Tulsi Gabbard used the Democratic Party as her path to the senate."

    No, she didn't. She was a member of the House. You should read a bit more.

  21. Don't let the door hit you in the....

  22. Bernie Face facts the people of this country know the democrats will do nothing about the terrible crime wave. They will be put out of office big time in 27 days. It must happen or we are doomed.

  23. She was never an actual Democrat....good riddance.

  24. "But Tulsi Gabbard used the Democratic Party as her path to the senate."

    This wins. It's the most thoughtful and intelligent comment in this thread. She also used the Democratic Party to become president, I think.

  25. With Tulsi gone, the title of "hottest Democrat" goes back to Nancy Pelosi. Oh well ....

  26. Hey Bernie,
    Alex Jones will pay $1 Billion to Sandy Hook Families, for lies and fraud. Is our own, Bobby Gunther Walsh next, for his lies that he has been spreading over the past 8 years, on WAEB?

  27. Who????... oh.... it's that woman who is on Fox News all of the time.


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