Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Problem With Allentown's Proposed Budget

Mayor Matt Tuerk, in his budget message, proclaims that his budget differs from previous years because it is a zero-based budget, meaning that all expenses must be justified. His final spending plan is for !38.6 million. This exceeds 2022's approved budget by $13.8 million, and this is after using $5 million in federal Rescue Plan Act funding. So it's pretty clear that he just gave most department heads whatever they wanted, and is relying on City Council to make cuts.  That's hardly a zero-based budget. 

To add insult to injury, he's also warning that a tax hike and new debt next year is likely. That's incredible when his own budget message makes clear that there will still be nearly $5 million in unspent Rescue Plan Act funding. 


  1. Zero based budget simply means you start from scratch and look at every nickel and dime to see where it is being spent. You then must justify the expenditures and make sure the revenues don't fall short of the expenditures. It's good financial planning and it calls for a balanced budget. He should also look ahead to year number two and three to see what these new programs
    will need in the way of funding and plan accordingly. He obviously isn't doing that.

  2. One-party wokeness is pricey. But why would Allentown voters care? Most of them aren't paying the bills and their ability to understand large numbers is hindered by their having received one of the single worst educations in the state of Pennsylvania and the entire country. Allentown is historically, structurally dumb. That's why its dumb voters elect dumb leaders who do really dumb things. Does anybody really think more money will fix Allentown's problems, by the way? All it will do is buy more dumbth. The record is very clear.

  3. Allentown is doomed with the leaders we have they are running this former All-American city into the ground. Politicians on both sides are bad news. Politicians are people who will not solve these cities problems.

  4. To say one has done a Zero Based Budget exercise and to actually have *done* one by the numbers are two very different things.

    A true, rigorous ZBB exercise produces a number of outputs, among the most important of which is a journal of specific line item cuts vs. specific line item increases (or line item creations) vis a vis the previous budget. The city has not released these artifacts of the exercise -- and has not responded to a request for them -- I would think most likely because they don't exist.

    BTW, Bernie, any more word on the potential No Confidence vote in Council?

  5. Where is this transparent detail budget that was mentioned in the morning call? I'll like to read it before Wednesday Oct. 26th, 2022 city council meeting? Just because you call a budget Zero Based doesn't mean that the content is good for tax payers. Because of where I live in Allentown I pay so much in taxes already. Tuerk is blowing up the budget for 2023 and increasing my taxes in 2024..WT? How much sense that does make? How about, we don't blow up the budget on 2023 with crap that that we don't need and save tax payers money in 2024??????

  6. 6:53 AM

    "Most of them aren't paying the bills and their ability to understand large numbers is hindered by their having received one of the single worst educations in the state of Pennsylvania and the entire country. Allentown is historically, structurally dumb."

    That's not strictly true. Drive through the West End and look at the pricey houses of limousine liberals that are littered end-to-end with 100% Democratic candidate campaign signs. Although these are not for city offices this year, the same is true when Allentown elections are held. Even "smart" people are getting what they vote for.

  7. I'm so tired of hearing how Allentown residents get what they voted for. I would love to see a movement towards removing party affiliation from local elections. I'm betting that if you take away the straight ticket voting of the urban residents in a place like Allentown as well as the affluent voters in the suburbs, each type of municipality might get better/more diverse elected officials. Imagine how different Allentown might be today if Bob Lovett had won instead of Roy Afflerbach. If not for straight ticket Democrat voting, Lovett might have won. Allentown would have had been run by a strong, experienced, intelligent executive and not by a bumbling, career politician fool. Conversely, there are some Democrats out in the suburban Township who have a lot to offer that also lose (or do not run) due to the prevalence of straight ticket Republican voting.

    1. Straight ticket voting has benn eliminated in Pa. You have to cast a individual vote for every ballot position

  8. 8:33 got to it first, and is 100% correct on all counts. For some of us who have actually participated in rigorous zbb, the mayor's statement, in light of his product, seems ridiculous. Perhaps the zbb part starts now with council review? I'm being facetious, of course. The last chance for that to happen left city council chambers in December 2015 when Jeanette Eichenwald left after her last meeting.

  9. "Where is this transparent detail budget that was mentioned in the morning call? "

    In fairness, there is considerable detail. But as you can see for yourself, no more than in previous budgets. https://www.allentownpa.gov/Government/City-Budget

  10. The Problem with Allentown is one party control, and it does not work look at the results.But the people of Allentown vote these people so they should nor complain with the results.

  11. Slightly off-topic, but you're a lawyer, Bernie.

    Tuerk intentionally ignored the CarbonMonoxide sensor ordinance. Wouldn't that come under Allentown's Home Rule Charter's forfeiture clause and be sufficient to remove Tuerk from office?

  12. Try reading the budget narrative and then express your opinion.

  13. What's amusing is that questions about the budget on the City of Allentown page are being answered by Tuerk's Mother and his wife.


  14. 10:53 -- There is not a word in there (or anywhere else) about the generally accepted outputs of a Zero Based Budget exercise. Why is the "Mayor" lying about having done one?

    And why are his Mother and Wife shrieking on his behalf (while he is in hiding) without adding a single fact to the discussion?



You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.