Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

State Senate Candidate Mark Pinsley Runs on D--k Joke


I'm no expert, but I doubt this will play well among Republicans votes in a Republican-leaning district. I could forgive it if it was at least funny. It might be for middle schoolers.


  1. This Guy is a typical left-wing idiot whoever would vote for him is also an idiot.

  2. This guy is a bigger asshole than I thought!

  3. Even the democrats hate him.

  4. He looks just like the dick he comes off as. Has he always shaved the area north of his shaft? It makes his head look larger than we know it really is. Where does this dick get off?

  5. I LOLed lighten up Francis Pinsley is the future a male squad will form around him, is AOC single she sure could use a slice of Mark’s BDE heard its quite a ride from The eco warrior herself

  6. Nope! No issues with the Commercial.

    Pinsley stated Big ACCOMPLISHMENTS- so what? Democrats have accomplished many thing over the past almost 2 years.

    BO, What is wrong with you? There are no crosshairs in the commercial, dead fetuses, needles for drug users, or fake Doctors who sold millions of fake drugs to consumers. There is only a guy stating facts and most likely the winner in the next election.

  7. Years ago at Banana Joe’s some Latina friends of mine were sharing drinks with Mark whom I had never met until then, the ladies introduced him as “El Gringo Mandingo” while giggling so I might suggest fact checking your doubts about Pinsley’s holdings Bern

  8. Bernie,

    Did you see Biden Florida Recovery speech today? What a Leader we have in the Office of President! There were no politics in this response with Biden and DeSantis, although let’s face reality, Florida will be screwed with Years of work that will need to be done to bring the area back to normal. Sorry Snowbirds better find somewhere else to enjoy during the cold winter months.

    I want to find something to complain about Biden, but he keeps on winning for the American people. I may have to vote Democratic in the next election, they get things done.

  9. I've heard he's hung like a chapstick. Any guys out there care to confirm?

    1. His third leg when fully deployed can be used like a Louisville slugger at softball leagues

  10. Bernie you are so smart can you tell us how 40% of the people can approve of Biden Presidency

  11. The recent Franklin and Marshall poll had Fetterman up. Buried inside the poll was Biden’s approval rating in PA. 28% LOL! Page 7 on the poll report. See for yourself.

  12. Wow. This is.....awful

  13. This Conservative and Mark Pinsley have little in common, politically. But I very much appreciate his attempt get his message out while trying to tone down the nasty rhetoric that is way too pervasive in American politics today. Lighten up folks!

    1. I’m sorry, but if you think Pinsley is toning down the rhetoric maybe you need to do some reading. Pinsley failed to condemn rhetoric calling for Americans to be murdered for their political beliefs. Pinsley only fans the flames when it comes to rhetoric.


  14. Mark Pinsley is a creep. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

  15. "This is just the tip of the iceberg."

    just the tip ... lol ... wonder how many times Mark's tried that line.

  16. Mark has taught his children and ours that dick jokes are OK. That's mean and only a dicksucker of the first order would visit adult themes on children. His own children should be removed from that home and his laptop seized. This creep has something nasty going on. Bet on it. Prove us wrong, Pinsley, you needle dick creep.

  17. Watch this guy carefully, very carefully. Little experience, strange childhood. He's the only one of his siblings that moved out of mommy's house.


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