Local Government TV

Monday, October 24, 2022

RT Commentator Suggests Ukrainian Children Be Drowned

I have previously told you about the Holodomor, the deliberate starvation of 3.9 million Ukrainian children on orders from Stalin from 1931-1932.  He even blocked roads to prevent people from fleeing  Genocide of Ukrainians by Russians is nothing new. We see this every day now, from drones and missiles aimed at playgrounds and apartment buildings to a plan to blow up a dam and drown residents in the Kherson region. 

This ugly disdain was also revealed recently on Russian television. A talking head there suggested Ukrainian children should be drowned or burned alive, laughed at reports of the rapes of Ukrainian women, said Ukraine should not exist and advocated shooting Ukrainians who resist.

They're already doing that. 

This Russian commentator has been suspended, but said nothing that isn't already happening. 

I stand with Ukraine. 


  1. To read it is bad enough, but actually watching the clip was worse. There was no sarcasm, no "just joking" attitude. The guy was dead serious about adopting acts of genocide.
    This is what those on the extreme far-right support, by not supporting Ukraine.

  2. Wow! this guy and tucker should bump helmets.

  3. Well, perhaps they've seen the J6 insurrection and heard the chant: hang Mike Pence and think anything goes?

  4. Sounds like of one of Trump henchmen. They are just as sick as Putin's talking head.

  5. There's no doubt what is happening in Ukraine is dreadful. And us sending supplies and weapons is the humanitarian thing to do. That's not up for argument.
    My question: Just what the hell is NATO and the United Nations doing about any of this? My feeling is nothing. They are taking money and making decisions that affect the world, but when it comes to the actions of Putin and his Russian atrocities, they sit on their hands and let "guess who", take care of it.
    Time to let the UN go it's merry way, if this is what the world can count on when things go to hell.

  6. "My question: Just what the hell is NATO and the United Nations doing about any of this? My feeling is nothing. "

    Your question betrays your stupidity. How you feel is irrelevant. The facts are what matter. The US has been Ukraine's biggest benefactor, but the facts are that numerous countries in and out of NATO have contributed substantially to help. Germany has historically been unwilling to provide military assistance to other countries bc it still feels remorse over WWII. It has reversed its thinking completely and now is providing all kinds of assistance.

    In terms of pulling our own weight, we have contributed 0>25% of our GDP to Ukraine. That's a lot, but other nations have provided far more of their own GDP. Latvia tops the list at 1% of its GDP. Estonia is #2, at 0.95% of its GDP. We are actually #8. https://www.statista.com/chart/27331/countries-committing-the-most-of-their-gdp-to-ukraine-aid/

  7. At what point is Cancel Culture going to stop?!?!? People can't just say whatever dark and impulsive thought is on their mind at any given moment? What about Freedom of Speech? My First Amendment Rights?!?!?

  8. @8:08 "Just what the hell is NATO and the United Nations doing about any of this? My feeling is nothing."

    You need to diversify your news feeds a little bit if you haven't seen/read what they've been doing...

    Short of boots on the ground and literal American (and NATO) blood, Ukraine has been effectively countering Russian military and political objectives across Ukraine based on the supplies, weaponry and intelligence being provided by the US and our allies.

    The Putin sabre rattling of using tactical nukes is concerning and worth pause, but from all other measures, Ukraine has been an abject failure to this point for the Kremlin because of the aid given, the sanctions and unified front shown by the European Union, NATO and the UN of which the United States has certainly played a large part and role.


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