Local Government TV

Friday, September 02, 2022

President Joe Biden''s "Soul of the Nation" Speech

If you missed it, you can read his speech here. I agree completely. It is time that Trump and his cult followers be called what they are - a direct threat to the soul of this nation.   


  1. Well President Biden has given the rational republicans an opportunity to purge the lunatics and grifters from the party.
    Those sane republicans can do this and blame President Biden.
    The alternative is an even more divided republican party that seems to find even worse examples of candidates--Oz, Walker for example.
    On a local level lynch was a sad example of a republican.
    Who threatened violence to get his way.
    The maga folks attempted to overthrow the legitimate government of the US.
    Those same folks are more than willing to try to do it again.
    Hopefully the maga folks will educate themselves and respect Democracy.

  2. Bernie, is everyone who voted for Trump an extremist? I don't feel like an extremist and I voted for him twice. I don't like him and never did. I've never like a presidential candidate since starting to vote in 1976. They're all flawed egotists and it amazes me that we give them so much authority. Nonetheless we get two choices. Again, am I an extremist for voting for Trump? I'm a USCG veteran, I've earned two degrees, I attend church. I tithe weekly and give a little more when I have it. I volunteer at Safe Harbor and have built homes for Habitat for Humanity in three gulf states. I'm staunchly pro-life, including opposition to any wars, the death penalty, and abortion. I think a smaller government serves citizens better. I think legal immigration is necessary and valuable, but illegal immigration is out of control. I think those who disagree with me have every right. But last night, I was called an extremist. I just don't feel like one because I refused to vote for Joe Biden, or any pro-abortion, pro-war candidate. 74 million voted with me for a variety of reasons. Am I an extremist? I just don't feel like one. This is a left version of the red scare. With 74 million, however, that's a lot of extremists. We are more divided this morning than we were yesterday morning because of this rhetoric.

  3. Bernie, is everyone who voted for Trump an extremist? I don't feel like an extremist and I voted for him twice. I don't like him and never did. I've never like a presidential candidate since starting to vote in 1976. They're all flawed egotists and it amazes me that we give them so much authority. Nonetheless we get two choices. Again, am I an extremist for voting for Trump? I'm a USCG veteran, I've earned two degrees, I attend church. I tithe weekly and give a little more when I have it. I volunteer at Safe Harbor and have built homes for Habitat for Humanity in three gulf states. I'm staunchly pro-life, including opposition to any wars, the death penalty, and abortion. I think a smaller government serves citizens better. I think legal immigration is necessary and valuable, but illegal immigration is out of control. I think those who disagree with me have every right. But last night, I was called an extremist. I just don't feel like one because I refused to vote for Joe Biden, or any pro-abortion, pro-war candidate. 74 million voted with me for a variety of reasons. Am I an extremist? I just don't feel like one. This is a left version of the red scare. With 74 million, however, that's a lot of extremists. We are more divided this morning than we were yesterday morning because of this rhetoric. The darkness and hopelessness of Biden's lecture is eerily reminiscent of Jimmy Carter's "malaise" speech. History repeats and repeats.

  4. "Bernie, is everyone who voted for Trump an extremist? "

    Did you even bother to watch or read the speech? His remarks are directed at Trump, his cult and those Rs who are intimidated by and afraid of him. He is antiAmerican, a fascist as are the MAGA Rs who embrace his conspiracies.

  5. When Charlie Dent is not welcome in the maga party, that should tell you everything you need to know. Even those that don't agree with Charlie on every policy still like him. Maga is caustic.

  6. Anyone who voted for Trump, especially in 2020, has had every opportunity to see that not only that he is uniquely unqualified for the office, but an actual danger to democracy. Certainly that is IGNORING extremism. Wake up and smell your patriotic duty, MAGAts.

  7. You are NOT an extremist if you voted for Trump.

    You ARE an extremist if in the Summer of 2022, you still have a flag or sign with Trump's name on it proudly displayed in your yard.

  8. This is a left-wing blog that is very bad to the American people because it is filled with lies.

  9. Seems the speech didn’t go over so great with many American citizens.

  10. @7:44

    Yes, you are twice an extremist! And as a man should not have any say on what a women does with her body. More than that you are a religious zealot. First, let’s get religion out of politics. Secondly, stop trying to control womens rights. Thirdly, forget about smaller government, that just allows more unethical small business to take away the good work of our government systems. Example, public schools vs charter schools. Other than that you are probably a good person. One thing you could do is keep your religious freedoms / views in between the doors of your house. When you leave your house please you the golden rule the rest of the day.

  11. The speech last night was a great example of a leader. Like it or not this is what you want from an American President.

  12. 7:44, Biden didn't call you an extremist but you're certainly supporting those for whom you're voting. No Democrat is as bad as those Republicans who support overthrowing the government. This is not rocket science!

  13. 7:44, Biden didn't call you an extremist but you're certainly supporting those for whom you're voting. No Democrat is as bad as those Republicans who support overthrowing the government. This is not rocket science!

  14. @7:44 and @7:49

    It’s people like you who are the problem… Not part of the problem… But the problem.. You jump to conclusions without knowing the facts or even bothering to find out what the facts are.

  15. 10:56 says " First, let’s get religion out of politics" Your words not mine. Where were you when the below was happening? Let me guess nowhere and would vote for her again because you have no principles. I purposely pick left wing sources



  16. I wonder if this speech was an attempt to soften the blow of a possible criminal indictment of the former President?

  17. The Divider in Chief, Joe Biden was elected to bring our country together. Instead, he is vilifying half our citizens by basically calling them soulless because they believed in MAGA and President Trump's policies. Biden is demonizing a segment of our population, much like his party and BLM demonized the police in 2020. A result of that have been a nationwide shortage of police officers and recruitment problems that leave us all less safe in the future. Biden seems to want to start a Civil War rather than end one like Lincoln. He is pandering to independent voters by painting Republicans and MAGA supporters as evil and without a soul. And Bernie is just fanning the flames. He is infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump is evil, therefore everyone who voted for him are equally evil. Talk about anti-democratic rhetoric!

  18. 10:56, when churches apply to the IRS for 501(c)(3) status it's required that they stay out of politics. If they won't, then contributions to them should not be tax-deductible. You're not supposed to have it both ways.

  19. I just love how the people who flew flags that said "Fuck Your Feelings", "Fuck Joe Biden", "Let's Go Brandon", etc., are aghast, shocked and appalled that the President had the nerve to call them a name...

    Not that all Dems are free of sin for what they say and do, but a significant chunk of the GOP are in love with a dangerous idiot, and will support and defend him at all costs simply because they've been trained to hate and "own the libs".

    "Extremists" is a good word, but its really a contraction of "Extreme Morons"...

  20. 10:56, when churches apply to the IRS for 501(c)(3) status it's required that they stay out of politics. If they won't, then contributions to them should not be tax-deductible. You're not supposed to have it both ways.

  21. Previous comment: The Divider in Chief, Joe Biden
    Where were you over the last 7 years? Joe didn't say a word till now despite the never ending repeated attacks. Another common trait among the MAGA crowd is they are incapable of self reflecting on the deeds and words they themselves put out. Is Joe or liberals suppose to keep their mouths shut and take the punches forever?

  22. @10:56

    I know for a fact that the catholic religion told its parishioners to vote Republican! I am in agreement that they should pay both property and income taxes. Plus all the praying doesn’t stop the violence with guns. Therefore, what good do they really do?

  23. The storm is coming Bernice, apologists for the likes of Epstein, Gates, Hanks, Rudas and R.Kelly types will be held to account!


  24. You people keep talking about radical Republicans as if radicals don’t dominate todays Democrat party.

    The projection is nauseating.

  25. Blood red backdrop, shadowy Marines, a threat to use the military against Democracies enemies, Republicans are a threat to Democracy. Are you paying attention? This wasn't exactly StyroFoam for the faux sophisticate with the popular beard. This was serious staging. "The medium is the message" ... Marshall McCluhan

  26. 7:44 not everyone who voted for Trump is an extremist. There are many who are however and they seem to get the press. The true Republicans' and not the emperor version of the Trumpist party need to come to the top again and regain control of the Republican party. Those that believe and parrot every word from his lips are the extremists and there are many.

  27. !0:34 you are the typ of Trump Extremists that the Republican need to purge.

  28. 12:35 it is the people like you who underlyingly are the dividers in this country. You claim one thing and do the exact opposite. You spew crap then condemn those you question in anyway your self proclaimed disciple ramblings. YOu cast and rescast. Remember how many within the Republican party have said Defund the Police, Defund the FBI, Defund the AG and so many more things. Either get a grip or get a rope and resolve your own TDS. Not everyone who voted for Trump is bad but everyone who parrots the carap them him and his disciples do is. And it certainly sounds as if you are in the disciple or wanna be category.

    1. Bernie the above post is inappropriate. Where is the filter? You don't want this I don't think

  29. 12:37 I wish the IRS would uphold that law about churches. They sure as heck do not.

  30. @2:02 you certainly are one of the cultists within the Trumpist disease. Clean up you own crap before you do like so many of your type do and call out everyone else while hiding from your own pathetic world.

  31. WTF - And I assume most people understand that whereas I bet no one knows what WWG1WGA mean. I guess it is code for I am a moron and a Trump/MAGA Cultists willing to destroy every for my supreme orange tango.

  32. I fail to understand how Democrats supposedly are threatening our democracy. Did they storm the Capitol or something?

  33. I voted for Trump in 2016 because he was, to me, the lesser of two evils. I detest Hillary Clinton and, as a woman, was offended by Madeline Albright’s assertion that women should vote for Hillary. Um, not in a million years. I wasn’t at all thrilled with Trump and quickly realized I should have thrown away my presidential vote. Trump is an ass and those who still blindly follow him are foolish. With that said, his followers perfectly illustrate today’s ignorant America. People turn to social media for news rather than legitimate sources. Sadly, Biden is an awful leader, but I sure hope he hangs in there because Harris would make Trump and Biden look good.

  34. 10:30 am: RIGHT ON!

  35. I believe Republicans are in for a rude awakening.

  36. Trump and the Republicans are bringing back Hitler and the Nazis.

    1. That is simply an insane statement

    2. Agreed. The Democrats, especially the far left extremists (and they are influential) are the totalitarians. I am convinced that many of them would love to install a Soviet or Chi-com style of government here in America.

    3. They are masters at deflecting their actual beliefs on the other party. And half the country believes them.

  37. This is the worst blog in the history of blogs.

  38. 7:42PM spoken like a true MAGAt!

  39. 7:42--- so true you are I am very happy to be a make America great again person.

  40. 11:50 so proud to be the scum of society and the epidemy of the moristics freaks who follows a pathetic loser of liar cheat, grifter, general freak and democratic deconstructionist. Idolize a freak and it shows that you have even less of a personal opinion of yourself that you look that low in society to who you adore. I bet you think you are one of the great patriots when in reality you are a pathetic attempt at being a human being.

    And before you cry or deflect I might or might not know you but yes I am generalizing based on you MAGA Tard stance.

  41. 1150 To quote many of the MAGA evangelical Christians when someone else does not cow to their opinion which they feel everyone should. "May you burn in Hell when god catches up with you and all of the extremists like you who supported the ripping apart of life for many good people"

    I bet you consider yourself one of Lynch's strong 20 or as most other people consider them absolute failures in life.

  42. Wow even the Washington Post Editorial Board said the speech was to divisive. I’m not a big Trump fan but I agree.

  43. Why no link?


    The WaPo criticism is akin to what David Brooks had to say on PBS. It's not that he was divisive. It's that he sounded too much like a Democrat and too little like a democrat. I'll accept thaT, but he called out Trump and the Magas for what they are. It's shocking to see this fringe thinking become mainstream.

  44. 2:05 you should not be an American go to China.

  45. If you look at studies done on people who have been victims of a con, you'll see a stunning revelation: most victims of a con do not want to admit they were conned. It is "too embarrassing!" People realize they will be made out as fools for having fallen for it to begin with, so it is not uncommon for them to defend the person who conned them – to try and validate their belief in that person to begin with.

    MAGA-ites have all been praised by Trump, and they have doubled down on him despite all evidence of Trump's criminal behavior. Having doubled down over and over again to avoid saying "I was wrong," they have truly become a cult. It is the sin of pride, a refusal to acknowledge a mistake to the point where they would rather burn down the country than admit it.

  46. The left fringe Democrats aren't frightening? There are extreme Republicans and extreme Democrats not representative of the majority of Americans. Why label one party and not another?

  47. As bad as it is in the USA at times its still the best country by far to live in. The magatites want to take that away and make their rules for them where as anyone else gets a separate set to try to survive through. As there cult leader projects Me, Me, Me, and who gives a crap about you. I will tell you what you want to hear and drive you to insanity but will hang you the instance things turn bad on Me or I need a scape goat so I can continue my treasons grift.

  48. Speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump praised Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. He called both leaders "fierce," adding that Xi is "smart" to rule China with an "iron fist." "I've got to know a lot of the foreign leaders, and let me tell you, unlike our leader, they're at the top of their game," Trump said, comparing Xi and Putin to President Joe Biden. He went on to ramble something like (parapharased) These men know how to lead and control a country. They are true leaders. I say ruling with an Iron fist is not a very democratic way of doing things.

    However if he truly wants an iron fist rule how about if Biden were to come out and say well Trump, Gaetz, Hannity, Greene, Boebert, Guillani, Bannon, Cruz, Cohen, Flynn, Ginni Thomas, Barr, Oz, Mastriano, Stone, Palin, Ingraham, Jordan, Gohmert, Abbott, DeSantis, Walker, Carlson, and all his other supporters are enemies trying to tear down our democracy. They are criminals, They are terrorists'. They are traitors. They are destroyers of our way of life. Have them all rounded up, all their assets seized and applied to the good of the country, their families captured, Their supporters investigated. Wouldn't that be exactly what he is pushing for. Isn't that exactly what his idols (Putin & Xi) do. If Biden were to do that shouldn't Trump then think Biden is a hero too. But luckily for him and his cultists followers that is not the way this country works.

    Wouldn't that be a substantial turn around. All the Trumpian Cultists would be getting exactly what they are asking for and wanting except it would be just that they were the ones in the web. OH how much crying and complaining they would do.

  49. Pittsburgh Post Gazzette also calling it to divisive. CNN was critical of the use of the marines in the background. Biden ran on unity this speech divides us further.


  50. The cinematography looked like it was done by Leni Riefenstahl.

  51. @ 9:31 do not forget Hailey, Conway, Noem, Johnson, Vance, Walker, Banks, Bognet, Cawthorn, Gosar, and all his Hench people and contributors to the attempted overthrow of our democratic way of life.

    Wouldn't it be amazing if they were punished with the exact same things they have been saying others should be. And we have proof of their treasonous sedition against the American people where as they spewed a lot but never got anywhere with those they randomly accuse.

    Oh yes and their lawyer hoard should also be brought for aiding and abetting in all the charges which those named should be punished for.


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