Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

NorCo's CYF Director Directs Supervisors to Remain Silent

Yesterday, I took NorCo Exec Lamont McClure and Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski to task for attempting to downplay a 23% vacancy in CYF, the county agency charged with protecting abused and dependent children.  That's over twice what it was when McClure assumed office. 

All the data I've used for my criticism came from Wandalowski herself, not the people who work there. It is she who wanted to punish two CYF Supervisors for transferring to the probation office by asking Council to force them to work at a lower salary. It is she who stated that the department was down 38 people. It is she who clarified that the department is larger now than it was four years ago, and actually has more people. It is she who was talking out of both sides of her mouth. She was claiming a serious vacancy problem when she wanted to punish two workers who transferred out. Then she downplayed things when I pointed out that McClure had called a news conference to complain when CYF vacancies were much lower than they are now.  

Sue Wandalowski made these remarks during two different meetings of County Council. She also sent me an email that unfortunately went to spam, so Assistant Administrator Becky Bartlett actually posted Wandalowski's email to my blog. I do appreciate this kind of transparency, even though I am critical of the substance of what she said. 

I get comments all the time from employees who state they are directed against speaking to the press or "nosy" members of Council. They should instead refer inquiries to Ass't Administrator Becky Bartlett. They follow with claims of retaliation or vindictiveness by the administration. 

This is pretty much 100% horseshit. 

I have witnessed multiple Gracedale and other employees very vociferously complain about McClure or his department heads at rallies and public meetings. No retaliation is ever taken. 

I nevertheless asked Wandalowski what she tells staff about outside inquiries. She denies she ever stated that Council members are "nosy," but has told her staff to follow the "chain of command."  She adds that employees are free to address Council whenever they want at a public meeting. 

This is consistent with what I heard from a former caseworker. Wandalowski told this person that speaking to County Council would be unhelpful unless it was at a public meeting. Some might perceive this as a veiled threat, but I think Wandalowski means that the best way to get what you need for your department is at a public meeting.  

My own experience is that McClure has always been responsive to questions, and at all hours. Yes, some department heads will make me go through Becky Bartlett, but most just talk to me over minor matters.  

CYF's newest Administrator, Maria Torres, has no experience in the public sector. It apparently has not dawned on her yet that she has a special obligation to the public she serves, not just the person who gave her a job. She's been CYF Administrator for less than a year. She's been with the county for less than a year and a half. Prior to that, she was at Kidspeace. That just happens to be where Wandalowski worked, and for 17 years, before coming to the County.   

I find it a bit odd that Torres would be selected for this position over Human Services workers who may be more qualified and definitely have a better understanding of county government.

While Wandalowski appears to have the right approach to outside inquiries, CYF Director Maria Torres does not. She had a meeting yesterday with CYF Supervisors. She directed them to refuse to share information or stats with anyone. They were also told they have a "rat" who is leaking information to me. 

Torres should know that this "rat" is none other thasn her boss, Sue Wandalowski. Her failure to grasp this simple fact makes me wonder why she is a CYF Director at all, aside from being one of Wandalowski's former work colleagues. If Torres knew anything about Northampton County, which she clearly does not, she'd know that the more you try to keep something secret, the more likely it is that we all know about it in a matter of hours.   

And so I was tipped by someone who never shared anything with me before. 

Maria, you should be a little more focused on filling caseworker vacancies and a little less concerned about hiding things.  No wonder the vacancies grow, 


  1. Ther is an atmosphere of fear and Paranoia in the govt center. That is not BS.

  2. People like Torres and Wandalowski and McClure are why so many hate government. I despise that they get to breathe our same air.

  3. I'm sure as sht that Sue Wandalowski gave Maria Torres a healthy raise when she "stole" her away from Kidspeace, but she wanted to punish CYF caseworkers for advancing their careers? Pffff...

  4. Filling leadership roles with outside candidates with no public sector experience and bypassing internal promotions sounds like a common theme in the county.

    1. Just ask the deputy director of public works!

    2. Some people can fake it until they make it. Unfortunately for the Deputy Director, he has no clue of any aspect of his jobs and is a puppet for Mr. Bootie.

    3. Mr. Bowtie*** aka the one with infinite knowledge that treats all county workers like they are beneath him

    4. Sadly he can’t even fake it…

  5. It just seems that following the chain of command is pointless, you can only do damage control for so long. When you verbalize your concerns you're either labeled or punished. Take a closer look at all the changes in other departments in the last two years and how these changes are actually presented to the public. Ms. Torres will continue to do just "fine" as long as she follows the culture.

  6. ". When you verbalize your concerns you're either labeled or punished."

    As I indicate in my blog, that is simply 100% horseshit. I know that is how some people feel, but it is not reality. I have seen numerous examples of county employees speaking their mind at political rallies and other events and suffering no consequences at all. I also understand why McClure would want to have his Deputy Administrator made aware of outside and Council inquiries. I have never had a problem getting questions answered, and most department heads will speak to you anyway. It's not a big deal. Now in talking about this, one person told me that Sue W said that speaking to Council would not do you any good. You could interpret this as meaning that you could get in trouble. But my take on it is that Sue W meant that a person would be more successful in getting something for the department or his/her own career by following the chain of command. I can say that the McClure admin has been the most transparent I've seen since the inception of home rule. I know that Brown muzzled employees and was told so by department heads like Kevin Dolan.

    I'm told that Sue tells department heads not to come to meetings, but that is also untrue. I see one or more of them at every human services meeting, giving presentations.

    I have criticized her for attempting to punish two employees for transferring out. That WAS bullying, and it gives credence to all the other claims of vindictiveness, even though they are untrue. It creates a terrible atmosphere and was a terrible mistake. It was McClure's mistake as well bc he was an active participant in this exercise.

    I also am leery of her decision to hire an outsider with practically no county experience to run one of its biggest departments and who seems less qualified than many people who have been with the county for years. It destroys the whole point of career service.

    But I decline to buy into the claim that those who speak out are punished. While that might be how some feel, it is not what I've seen.

  7. Truthfully when you are a county employee in any county especially in a management position it's a political position and there is no one you can go too to discuss issues that differ from county administration. My way or the highway would be an appropriate term. Human resources although always thought to be for the employee is for the executive only so the employees actually have no where to go with ideas or concerns. Sad but reality. If you go above the chain of command your days will be numbered. Actually probably no different anywhere these days. As a manager who truly cares about the employees who make it all work you are often out there alone and not supported

    1. Agreed. Any “staff” who question, voice their opinion, or “fight back” are blackballed. If you don’t believe that,you should. It’s pathetic. HR covers for all administration in all aspects. Northampton county is the worst I. This state. Ask around! Liar after liar, incompetent people getting. Positions they have no clue how to do and ask the employees “below” them to do the work. It’s a shame tbh. It will never change. If your 40 and below and think you should find something else- listen to yourself. You’re right.

  8. LVR should ask why over a million dollars a year is going to an out of county provider who's currently being sued in federal court

  9. I feel you are totally wrong. Just look at when the COs went in front of county council. The next meeting all the administration from the jail was ordered to be there to put a sense of fear in the union to not speak again. And it worked the president of that union at the time sat there like a little boy.
    If you do something to point out what the county is doing. And it shines a light on the county administration in a bad way trust me there is payback. And you will feel the pain. Weather in the work place or when it comes time for contracts or doing the right thing. They will get to you.
    Did you ever look into how and why the jail is able to hire some many ppl lately???

  10. 8:42 am: Being “labeled and punished” for speaking up isn’t unique to Northampton County. I work in a local school district and retaliation is the norm.

  11. I wish that was all true. Reality is if you don't tell them what they want to hear even when it's true and needs to be dealt with for the whole team to be successful you are labeled and prevented from moving up and as I have witnessed targeted until the poor person leaves. And then the county has lost another employee just trying to help make things better. Transparent with you Bernie as they know you may print if they are not. Employees have no where to go

    1. Unfortunately that seems to happen in a local municipality as well. The Christmas city.

  12. Damned if you do damned if you don't. If you open your mouth you are wrong. If you keep your moth closed you are wrong. In today's world you are screwed either way and far too often even worse if you happen to say anything because there is always someone out there to snipe at you.

  13. This is why there are labor unions. These workers and supervisors ne ed to meet and discuss and further they need a fair order of advancement so qualified workers can aspire to advancement. Then all parties involved can get back to work for the children in their charge.

  14. Is it real transparency or carefully crafted information. Chucky likes to brag about how he pulls all the strings and pushes all the buttons behind the screens. Word is some county council members have been leaned on heavily.

  15. 7:45. ( Little boy) At that meeting I wasn't going to speak. I was there for info and wanted other employees to start coming in support. But if you notice we only had about 6 cos show up.

  16. The McClure Administration comes to light.


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