Local Government TV

Friday, September 23, 2022

McClure Vetoes Ordinance Seeking Proposals For Gracedale Study

Last week, by a 8-0 vote (Kevin Lott was absent), Northampton County Council enacted an ordinance seeking proposals to study operations at Gracedale. It previously approved a resolution to that effect, but Executive Lamont McClure refused to permit his purchasing department to prepare what is known as a Request for Proposals. Council was forced to act by Ordinance and include a specific provision requiring the administration to cooperate.  But there's no cooperation yet. McClure yesterday vetoed the ordinance. 

McClure explained his rejection in this statement:

"Gracedale’s rating on overall health quality from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently rose from one (1) star to (3) stars which included a four (4) star rating for the Health Inspection.

"In May 2022, County Council passed Resolution No. 70-2022 and Resolution No. 71-2022, collectively known as “Saving Gracedale Again.” These resolutions allocated $15 million in ARP funds for retention bonuses, staff recruitment bonuses, Agency nursing costs, making capital improvements to the facility as well as construction of an on-site daycare center. Before moving ahead with an expensive study, Council should allow some time to see how these incentives improve operations at Gracedale.

"Article 602 subsection (g)(2) of the Northampton County Home Rule Charter, authorizes and empowers the County Executive to veto any ordinance within ten (10) days of its adoption by the Northampton County Council. County Council approved this Ordinance on September 15, 2022."

‌Actually, Gracedale was already at two stars when its rating recently increased to three stars.  But McClure is right to note that a third party has determined that it has improved. Where it really has turned a corner is in its increase in nursing care for residents. I believe its dark days are over.

Having said that, there are starkly contrasting stories from some disgruntled and former employees and the administration. An operational assessment would put to rest, once and for all, which side is correct. 

McClure argues that County Council should give Gracedale some time before moving  ahead with an expensive study. But that's exactly what will happen anyway. County Council is merely seeking proposals at this point. If any are received and are too expensive, County Council can elect to let things go.  

Six voted are needed to override a veto that passed 8-0. McClure might persuade Tara Zrinski and Kevin Lott to support his veto because they are his most loyal followers. But I think that's where it ends.  


  1. You continue to treat your friend McClure with soft mittens of love. Sure, you chastise him on occasion but quickly turn the blame to others like the union. McClure has shown himself to be a pompous know it all. Maybe because he went to Law School like you, you afford him some special respect but even Sydney Powell is a lawyer. You have always been quick to rip others like council as a whole or its individual members as well as employees with vicious attacks, yet your criticisms of McClure are always restrained and gentile.

    He has shown himself to be contemptuous of the courts, DA and council. He lacks any sense of compassion for his workforce. He has used his close ties to the county union boss to lord over employees. In fairness union members should object to their big boss being in MvcClures pocket but that is on them. Still with these rash of vetoes it is clear. McClure has an authoritarian bent. He will only agree to his plans and will oppose any by anyone else that he has not planted. His "transparency" is calculated and at times very incomplete.

    You will go on with your soft touch but employees and those forced to deal with him are largely disappointed as his ego and narcissism is going unchecked. These latest vetoes and his BS self-laudatory press releases speak for themselves.

  2. 4:07, I made no criticism of the unions in this entry. I pointed out a factual error in McClure's rejection and noted that his reason for wanting to wait makes no sense bc it will take months to get and review requests and because this ordinance spends no money. True, I did not personally attack McClure or excoriate him, as you seem to have wanted, but pointed out instead why he is wrong. Doesn't it make more sense to use reason instead of being fueled by hate, as you seem to be?


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