Local Government TV

Monday, September 26, 2022

Local GOP Activist Margie Mandell Launches Webpage

Marge Mandell is a local GOP activist who drew the wrath of the Steve Lynch mob because she dared to support of Kevin Dellicker during the congressional primary.  She held her own, too. I have nothing in common with her ideologically, but I respect any person who stands up for herself. On top of that, she has authored two books aimed at younger audiences.  She is now also using her writing skills to host a conservative website she calls "Game of Politics.

Her first entry - Fetterman Rally: Diverse and Delusional - was her take on Saturday's rally for US Senate candidate John Fetterman. 

I like diversity here in Blogistan as well, so I appreciate her point of view. 

I was unable to attend Saturday's rally, but on Friday night was a guest at an equally crowded fundraiser for Dr. Mehmet Oz. He is John Fetterman's opponent in the race for US Senate. I disliked Oz going in, but came away impressed. 

I will give you my take on Oz and that race on Wednesday. 


  1. "Drawing the wrath" of Steve Lynch requires no effort. Much like Donald Trump, Lynch and his followers (aka "sheep 🐑🐑🐑", as he likes to use that phrase/emoji) fear differing opinions. They fail to understand that America's beauty is (was?) defined by those differences. Prior to politics becoming a team sport, complete with flags, t-shirts, stickers, coffee mugs, and anything else China can print and ship to the States - differing opinions provided a means by which people could engage in conversation.

    I applaud Margie for blazing her own trail, regardless of my differing opinions. I like to think most Americans are rational "middle-of-the-road" free-thinkers.

    Hats off to anyone, regardless of party affiliation, who embraces that same optimism. I believe Margie does.

  2. While I did not vote for him in the primary, I've liked Oz's recent positive TV ads where he is simply portraying himself as a compassionate person who dedicated his life to helping people. He is a doctor after all who has saved lives, I like the idea of non career politicians running for office.

  3. Oz is an establishment-type R, in the final analysis. He used Trump's endorsement in the primary and began distancing as soon as he won. I smell a Specter (righty during primaries, RINO in generals), which is probably why he tickled a bit of your fancy.

  4. Oz is far from great, but he is better than the Wolf endorsed Fetterman

  5. You drank some tainted Kool aid Bernie! Oz is a carpetbagger and does not represent Pennsylvania!

  6. Didn't Bobby Kennedy and Hillary Clinton end the whole carpetbagger criticism? Both are highly educated. One was a practicing surgeon. The other was a forever college student who sponged off his parents into his 40s. I'm voting for the grown up vs the do-nothing man-child who now drools on his already filthy hoody while he hides the details of basket-case health.

  7. To say Oz is a carpetbagger and does not represent PA, is like saying Obama isn't a citizen ... Didn't Hillary promote that line?

  8. Fetterman is just so bad, he has never had a real job, he is unqualified for any office. Good for ms. Mandell, while I don know her, more involvement is needed. It is so hard today to filter out the bull shit that is so prevalent in the media. Oz is a very smart and competent person. He is defiantly a better bet than fetterman

  9. Any person who does not take care of his own needs (Fetterman) will certainly not take care of yours. Dr. Oz has “taken care” of people all of his adult life. Oz is the obvious choice.

  10. She deserves credit for her blog and especially allowing dissenting comments.
    However her reply to a challenging comment speaks volumes.
    Her views reflect national issues but then she claims to get none of her views from media--she gets her views from republicans she talks to(wonder where the people she talks to get their views?)and these people never mention gay right etc.--on a County level.
    A dodge at best.
    She has views on National politics but hides within the County level when it comes to admitting common State and Federal level repub views.
    On top of that the rally was about State and Federal issues.
    So her claim of delusional views only makes sense if she is only trapped in a right wing bubble.

  11. Oz is a piece of shit, and belongs nowhere near politics.

    Perhaps 10:35, you would have Tucker Carlson, a nice FOX comedy show newscaster, perform brain surgery on you since you like the idea of a non professional operating on you brain.

  12. Does Fetterman have any tattoos memorializing slain Police Officers?

    1. Do any of you Trump bootlickers have tattoos memorializing officer Brian Sicknick who died during the January 6 insurrection?

  13. How interesting that the two of you both covered the other candidate's rally, then linked to each other's blogs.

  14. I'm holding my nose and voting for Fetterman. Before Trump, I would have voted across political lines and vote for Dr. Oz. There's no way I can do that now. Most of the Republican party is Qrazy.

  15. Oz will say what he needs to say. Big Trump supporter in the primaries. Now, he's trying to convince everyone he isn't a Trumper. He should stick to promoting his bogus health medicines.

  16. 7:13. Let me guess...you are a guy who lacks hair on his head? One could make similar comments about Oz, I suppose.

  17. Oz? Are you kidding? No thanks. Oz couldn’t name 10 Pennsylvania counties, he’s just looking for headlines. No more tv personalities in politics. He can’t represent Pennsylvania or any other state. This is one miracle-cure pill he can’t sell me. Fetterman isn’t ideal. He’s not tv pretty, in fact he’s dealing with the disadvantage of being incredibly unattractive, compared to the wealthy, slick, camera ready, pretty boy, Oz. But Fetterman knows much more about what Is important to Pennsylvanians. Now, I’m off to Wegner’s for crudités.

  18. Margie is a disgrace to the party and will ultimately be expunged her purple hair belongs more in some type of hipster emo girl band not serious polictal wheelin dealing’ brother Steve is in talks with higher ups to purge the vermin into obscurity

  19. While certainly not the best options, I have to vote for Shapiro and Fetterman. I don't love a lot of the Democrats direction on a lot of policy points, but give them credit for having policy points. Today's GOP just can't be trusted. Too many dangerous morons are involved with the party and their platform has just become "own the libs" without any real substance.

  20. Oz is a democrat in disguise, look who he hangs out with? Didn’t anyone watch his show ?


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