Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

John Fetterman: The Great Pretender

On Saturday, US Senate candidate John Fetterman was at Northampton Community College for a rally. Some say 200 were there. Others say hundreds, The Fetterman camp says 1,000. I know one person who was not there. Me. I met Fetterman long ago, during his first run for the US Senate. I liked him then, but he has morphed from working class liberal into a phony who affects a grunge look to disguise his wokeness and elitism. He's no Everyman, as he likes to pretend. Instead, his political views are aligned with the most extreme elements of the Democratic party.  I'll be voting for Dr. Oz. 

Originally, I planned on voting for neither of these candidates. But on Friday night, I had an opportunity to meet and listen to Mehmet Oz (his parents immigrated from Turkey) at a fundraiser hosted by Democrat Nat Hyman. 

Hyman stated that he first met Dr, Oz when his wife's mother was very ill and had been written off by local medicos. Dr. Oz performed a successful heart operation that extended the life of his mother-in-law by 15 years. So Oz is a bit more than a TV doctor who sells miracle drugs, as he's been caricatured in Fetterman ads. He's a bona fide heart surgeon who has saved lives, as opposed to a grown man like Fetterman, who has relied on his mommy and daddy to pay his bills until he became Lieutenant Governor. 

Oz in many ways is a manifestation of the American dream. His father started with nothing, but was able to attend a medical school in Turkey at a time when it was full of prominent Jewish physicians who fled Nazism. As a result, his father had a superior medical education. America was in need of medical talent, and at that time, Muslims were not considered the pariahs that Team Trump portrayed them to be. So Oz's parents became American immigrants, and he was born in Cleveland. 

Dr, Oz followed in his father's footsteps and became a prominent physician himself. He spent nearly all of his adult life in the medical profession and wellness business, and it is only recently that he decided to get involved in politics. 

I'm aware he's a carpetbagger. So was Hillary. That's not particularly troubling to me. What concerned me was whether Oz embraces the same extremist views as Donald Trump, the person who endorsed him in the primary.

He's far from an extremist and is actually more like the long line of moderates, both Democrat and Republican, who have represented Pennsylvania for many years.  

He explained his approach in a way that is completely nonideological. He noted people (and politicians) are very good at identifying problems, from inflation to immigration. Where politicians fall flat is that they completely fail to do anything about solving the problems they are so good at identifying. "Can you fix the problem?" is the question he believes is most on people's minds. That would be his focus, and without regard to ideology. 

Oz had a question himself for the independently-minded voters at Hyman's home. Between himself and Fetterman, "Who do you think is more radical?" Obviously, it's the pretender with the hoodies and shorts. He wants to end the filibuster (at least while Dems are in control). He would like to enact criminal justice reforms that, though embellished by the Oz campaign, do appear to be extreme. This could explain why the Philly FOP has endorsed Oz. Fetterman says we should invest more in public schools, but himself has a history of 67 property tax liens. 

Fetterman is far from an Everyman. His ideology is more like that of AOC. That's OK, but what drives me nuts is his attempt to pretend he's a working class tough guy. He's actually the son of rich Republicans. 

I'll be voting for a man who actually saved lives instead of the fake.


  1. I'll be voting for a Pennsylvanian, not a New Jerseyite. Oz can run in NJ if he wants...

  2. I also will be voting for Oz. However, the doctor's victory is far from certain...We are in extremely polarized times, where there is little room for logic.

    In addition to surgery, Oz also invented a cardiac device. He was approached by a Democrat at a rally, who told him that although he wouldn't be alive but for that device, he was still voting for Fetterman.

    Too few people normally evaluate each candidate in each race...but even fewer this election cycle.

  3. Wow Bernie, you completely ignore the fact that Oz has made his wealth as a snake oil salesman pushing bullshit weight loss supplements etc on his gullible audiences for years and was taken to task for it by Congress. It sounds like your "evidence" against Fetterman is all about the TV ads you've seen from Oz. Do a bit more actual research before you become a parrot for Oz commercials. Fetterman's back story is compelling. He grew up as an upper middle class kid yes, but the death of a close friend and work for Americorps was an epiphany for him and eventually led him to Braddock to take on a dying town's issues. There he lived among working class folks and gained experience with rust belt issues. He is no elitist. He passed up opportunities as an adult to raise his family among the overly privileged class and refused the lieutenant governor's mansion. He's a life long Pennsylvanian with an MBA and a Master of Public Policy from Harvard. Sorry, Oz is the ultimate elitist and knows little to nothing about PA issues let alone the working class. He has Trump's endorsement bc Trump's shallow view of folks in the US is that they love celebrities and don't really care if they know anything about fixing what's broken in government...just like Trump.

  4. Fetterman winning is one less Trump supporting Republican in the Senate. That's the bottom line.

  5. Fetterman is another example of what type of people Wolf picks for important positions wolf did lots of damage to PA. but we are glad to see you are changing your attitude towards these people in power now. those people hurt this state and country badly.

  6. You forgot the quack cures Oz pushed and his close trump association that he now tries to be quiet about.
    At best Oz would be a puppet for the republican leadership.
    So Oz has plans to reduce inflation and get the country on the right track?
    So what are those ideas?--not the platitudes of making everything better but having no specifics.
    As to Fetterman you still have an axe to grind against Wolf and that extends to him.
    Oz is going to care about the regular working folks--really?
    Sorry Oz's orbit goes nowhere near the average Pa citizen.

  7. I find Fetterman's working-man cosplay condescending and often pretty silly. I grew up the son of a union machinist in Carbon County. My family lived the life Fetterman is play acting. I do have to admit that his campaign seems to be effective and there should be a space for left populism.

    I think he will be a bulwark agsinst anti-democratic Trumpist policy that Oz will be beholden to despite the alleged centrism cited in your article. I worry about Healthcare autonomy for my wife, daughter and other women in my life and I can't, in good conscience, vote for a republican.

  8. Bernie,
    You are as fake as Dr. Oz! Your true colors are coming out. Your analogy about Hillary is hilarious since Oz doesn’t have an ounce of knowledge on political and governmental matters. You Republicans care only about one thing and that is not paying your taxes.If Fetterman is far from Everyman then Oz is light years from the common person. He doesn’t have a chance in PA! OZ is even worse than Trump, in that he screwed the common person selling fake drugs and supplements, where Trump just lied about the value of his properties and cheated all of the contractors that worked for him , and didn’t pay his taxes. OZ is nothing more than a narcissistic Muslim.

  9. I voted for Kathy Barnett in the primary. Oz would have been my third choice. Fetterman is left of Bernie Sanders, and now he can't read or write or speak coherently. Hiding from any debate is flat out cowardice. I'll hold my nose and vote for Oz because Fetterman is a sniveling little woke coward. While I disagree with communist Bernie Sanders, I admire his commitment and his NEVER running from a debate. And let's be very clear. Fetterman is completely fried. He's essentially a drooling six year-old. A vote for him is really a vote for his wAcKy climber of a wife. That idiot is crazier than the stroke victim ever was. She's abusing a stroke patient to feather her own nest. This is Oz vs Mrs Fetterman.

  10. And posts like this are why I still read this blog. O'Hare, there is still a glimmer of hope for the resurrection of your political soul.....

  11. A tale of two cities, Braddock and Bryn Athyn. Fetterman’s Braddock is perhaps the most awful place I’ve ever been to in Pennsylvania. It’s Shenandoah without the charm and with industrial stench. We went to Pittsburgh this past February for a getaway weekend and while there, drove through. We saw some newer city-funded housing along the main drag, a couple of murals…and it was no treat. Bryn Athyn, Oz’s home, is as charming as Braddock is literally breathtaking. Amazing thrift shop, a spectacular cathedral, sweet little cafe. People like us can’t buy property there because homes generally are sold to other people already connected to the community by family ties or church membership.

    I doubt Fetterman made a strategic decision to live in Braddock and run repeatedly for mayor because he thought it would be a springboard to better things. He followed his heart and his education (Harvard’s JFK School of Government to make a difference. So, as you note, did Oz, who used his education to diagnose and cure sick people.

    Both men clearly feel a calling to the role of US senator. If these were normal times, Fetterman’s stroke might make me take a second look at him. The threat of more January 6 politics coming from most Republican candidates changes my electoral decision. Oz will follow the party line, and his TV popularity shields him from a lot of scrutiny. And, arguably, he’s healthier. Which of the two better understands my needs for representation in the Senate? Fetterman gets my vote.

    And then - and I digress from the topic of today’s post - there’s the Boscola and Merhottein race. Like you, I have respect for John. I think he’s done a good job of representing the residents of Bethlehem Township. What gives me pause in this race is that these are not normal times. Here too, John is likely to vote along party lines in the next few years. Some of those votes are going to be related to withdrawing access to abortion (“reproductive health”) from Pennsylvania women. In this case, I’m a single-issue voter in 2022. I’m voting for Lisa.

    If we lose Lisa’s seniority in Harrisburg at the same time as we lose Pat Browne’s, the Lehigh Valley loses clout. I don’t know Lisa very well - though she invited me in 2016 to give the invocation at the opening of a session of the state senate - but I do know that she has diligent and knowledgeable staffers in her Bethlehem office who understand how to get things done. John will have to build that kind of local team from scratch. He’ll be successful over time, of course. In the meantime, however…there are bridges to be built and bureaucratic knots to be untied and Lisa’s field office staff is responsive.

    Bernie, your upcoming article on Boscola’s per diem payments may be eye-opening for a little while. The bigger unreported story is that of the long-term friendship of Browne and Reilly. When you think of them, and when you think of the NIZ, put yourself in the position of a person in the Slate Belt dragging on a Marlboro cigarette which came out of a cigarette stamping warehouse inside the NIZ. Taxes levied to fund care for smoking-related disease and tobacco cessation efforts are instead going to debt service on NIZ buildings. Those pretty buildings mean less health care for the Bangor smoker. Per diems are small beans in comparison to the NIZ legislation and those who benefit from it.

    1. Bernie won’t touch Browne/Reilly because he’s either paid off by Charlie Dent or controlled by him. Charlie protects Pat “dui” Browne and JB Reilly as he makes six figures on CNN.

  12. Sometimes Bernie, we actually agree, John Fetterman is, without a doubt, the worst candidate for U.S. senate in the country. He has no practical experience, has never had a real job and how he has risen in the democrat party is a mystery to anyone who has watched politics.

    He is without a doubt, unqualified for any public office.

    Oz, is a smart, articulate and a problem solver, we do need problem solvers, not only expounders of the problems with any practical experience to put forth serious remedies.

    Voters, both Republican and Democrats must stop voting people without real life experience or an ability to solve problems.

  13. It seems to me that for decades our choices both locally and nationally have been which is the least of the two evils. I'll go with Oz but I'm certainly not thrilled.

  14. You've paid into Social Security and Medicare, with every job, every paycheck -- or you're now relying on those programs.
    If Republicans win the midterms, they are committed to taking ALL of that away from you. It's literally in their platform.

    Vote accordingly. Oz is a fraud!

    1. Could you provide proof of that. People don’t believe those scare tactics anymore.

  15. I do not personally like either of these candidates but that is not unusual for me because for much of the 21st Century I have found myself voting more often against candidates than for them. Although I did positively support Charlie Dent and I can support and recently have supported more centrist Republican candidates in local elections, in 2022 I will not support any GOP candidates for Federal or state offices or for any local position that makes an official responsible for election security as long as Trump, MAGA followers, Christian nationalists, or any similar groups dominate the Republican party. However Oz wishes to present himself now, he was endorsed by Trump and has appeared with him in public. I have little doubt that if elected to the US Senate Oz will vote in ways that will negatively affect me, my children and grandchildren for more than Fetterman would. I will therefore definitely not vote for Oz in 2022.

  16. Bernie, I generally disagree with you. Here I will give credit where credit is due. Good for you. Also, let's not forget Fetterman pulled a shotgun on an unarmed African American jogger. Even Politifact (Politifarse) said its true. Sounds racisty to me.


  17. Excellent article. As always, we’ll written.
    Bern voting for a DT endorsed candidate?? I did tell my wife I thought I saw a of flying while driving passes khoeler farm the other day!

  18. If anyone here is a "Phoney" it's YOU Bernie. Between yesterday's post and today's, it looks like you're just grasping for BS reasons to justify voting for Republicans. Stop being a PHONEY and just say you don't care about a Woman's Right to Choose, Election Integrity, the Environment, and Kids getting gunned down in schools. Stop being a PHONEY and just say you don't give a shit about any of that.

  19. Fetterman:

    Violent crime went up every yeah in Braddock while he was mayor for about the first 10 years; it did drop his last year or do. Some quick research reveals this. Apparently, the newspaper reporters don't know how to fact check anymore.

    Braddock is 0.6 square miles, has a population of just under 2,000 and an operating budget of $1.3 million dollars. I wonder how much time he actually put in doing mayoral duties. Your local school board directors oversee much bigger budgets and are responsible for more people, money, and property. I don't know that any of them are qualified for Lt. Governor or Senator either.

    As Lt. Governor, his current press secretary has a questionable past with some Tweets that would be stamped front and center if Oz had press secretary with an equally troublesome habit of racially an culturally insensitive Tweets and the demands to renounce and remove her would be loud if she worked for Oz.

    Let's not forget the shotgun incident. The press has and so have his Democrat supporters. If Oz had done the same profiling and pulling a shotgun and threatening a black man, that would also be stamped front and center in every article about him.

    Why any mainstream Democrat would support Fetterman is puzzling. Many mainstream Republicans have rejected (different race, I know) Mastriano because he's too far right yet no one in the Democrat party seems to be distancing themselves from someone who is far-left, unqualified, and with some questionable associations and past actions. It appears that the PA Republican party has much more common sense than the PA Democrat party.

  20. Oz is Un-American! Simple enough for the poorly educated?

  21. I’m not thrilled with the choices either but Oz is by far the lesser of two evils. Fetterman is a big phony!

  22. I don’t always agree with you Bernie but this is why I respect you, you’ll call out a phony regardless of the letter after their name.

  23. Oz is in Trump's hip pocket. End of discussion!

  24. 700 people there, lots of enthusiasm to see the big man...an actual Pennsylvanian.

  25. Oz is the epitome of an opportunist. He will vote with the R's every time if he wins cuz that's the horse that brung him. Ladies say goodbye to your privacy about your healthcare, seniors be very, very worried about your SS and Medicare, it is publicly stated that Repubs are coming after it. Just ask Rick Scott, Senator from Florida and Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and Ron Johnson, Republican Senator from Wisconsin. Like the opportunist he is, Oz will vote with them, guaranteed. He is clueless to the needs of everyday Americans. Don't believe me? Why did he shill unproven weightloss pills to the American public when he's an actual doctor? Because it benefitted his celebrity status and made him even more wealthy. He's toxic to government service.

  26. Speaking of Braddock, Fetterman's claim to fame, a city of 1500, smaller than Alburtis. He was paid $150. a month in salary. He was arrested twice for trespassing on private property to vandalize and protest.

    He was arrested for holding a black jogger at gun point, while mayor. Neither he or the jogger were prosecuted.

    He spent most of his time lobbying for aid from foundations and other groups. Never improved the life of the citizens of Braddock.

    He won his primary by 1 vote in his election in Braddock. It seems his arrival in Braddock was made by his handlers as the only place he could start his political career.

    He obviously has some standing with the woke far left fringe of the democrat party.

    So, were are his qualifications to be a Senator form Pennsylvania?

    1. You just made the point on why all Republicans should vote for him

  27. 7.58 get off the stupid social security play. the republican have never damaged social security. Is that all you have?

  28. Your down-the-nose attitude about Fetterman only shows that you believe you're better than him and those who like him. That's especially ironic in light of your fondness for accusing people of being elitist.

  29. If Fetterman wins I will move to Florida. I would be embarrassed having that worthless cretin as my senator. He looks like a tall Uncle Fester. Was a tax scofflaw for many years. What a phony! Talks about the value of education and doesn't pay his school taxes on time. Mooched off his parents until he was in his 40s. "Mr. Working Class" never worked a real job in his life! PT mayor of a dying city and then a do-nothing job as LtG. Has been living off his parents or taxpayers his entire life! And this charlatan represents blue collar workers because he has tattoos and loves wearing hoodies? Dr. Oz actually worked hard to be where he is. He saved lives. He is the ultimate immigrant success story. He would be our first Muslim senator. I would be proud to have him represent Pennsylvania as our senator. Not that phony bum Fetterman.

  30. Yesterday's Marist poll puts Fetterman up by 10.

  31. I can't stand either guy. But the "Republicans will kill social security" line made me laugh out loud. The only president to mess with social security was a Democrat, Bill Clinton, who rolled the trust fund into the general fund so he could steal from it.

  32. Oz sells snake oil. Literally.

    And he's the nominee of the party that harbors an effort to overthrow the government.

    This really isn't a close call.

  33. Cannot reward any Republican that does not have the balls to denounce Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Plain and simple. UnAmerican and Unconstitutional. Will hold my nose and vote Fetterman as the lesser of two evils.

  34. 11:38 Reagan, daddy Bush, Bill Clinton, and baby Bush all raided the TAXES paid on Social Security by those collecting that were supposed to bolster SS for many years and used it as a slush fund,

  35. \Are there any good politicians-answer no if you could name the good ones.

  36. I see that today Oz announced that he's switched positions on whether the 2020 election was won by Trump.

    So that settles it: he's competent and trustworthy.

  37. If Oz wins, do we all get some free diet pills?

  38. 11:38 AM - Republicans will kill social security. They're really good at getting people to vote against their own interest...please do your research!

    Rick Scott told you exactly what they want to do, believe him. Republicans plan to start chipping away at ss benefits in 2022 if we let them. It's in the Republican Study Committee's proposed 2023 budget. https://banks.house.gov/uploadedfiles/fy23_budget_final_copy.pdf
    They will partially privatize social security, increase the age of retirement by 3 months per year, phase out benefits for some dependents, and increase waiting time for medicare eligibility for disabled recipients from 24 to 60 months, among a host of other slashes.

  39. Oz is the embodiment of hard work and service to humanity. Fetterman is the embodiment of laziness, entitlement, and irresponsibility. That simple.

  40. What is the Oz position on Erdogan as opposed to the cleric holed up in Saylorsburg. We all know Oz is still a citizen of turkey. Does he support trumps position that the barbarian is the rightful leader. The cleric was a subject of trumps man Flynn to be kidnapped and flown to Turkey in 2016. I have yet to see that question be asked.
    It also seems that doesnt know what his duties as a Senator will be. His commercials appear to show him thinking he will be responsible for state level decisions,
    My opinion is Oz can't be trusted.
    So I'll vote for the pretend guy.

  41. 11:25 Keep referencing that Marist poll. Somebody can fact check me but last time I checked Trump won Florida.


  42. Seems Oz has flip-flopped on several issues.
    "In 2017, Oz expressed support for waiting periods before someone can acquire a gun and in 2019, he co-wrote a column that called for the United States to institute a ban on assault rifles"
    Now he has a different view.
    Then the medical advice
    "In March 2020, Oz suggested that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine could be used to treat COVID-19"
    "Oz also owns at least $630,000 of stock in two companies that manufacture or distribute hydroxychloroquine"--yup he cares about people.
    "Oz said, "I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet [medical journal] arguing that the opening of schools may only cost us 2–3% in terms of total mortality."
    So we can only lose 2 to 3 percent of people?--That's a doctor who is willing to risk others--what a guy.

  43. Polls are moving in favor of Oz. But they're likely not telling the real story. While Independents and moderate Ds are moving to Oz, the old "shy Republican" is now an invisible Republican in polling. Admitting you're voting R in the wrong company may get you doxxed or harmed these days. Rs are out there and highly motivated. They're also not cooperating with pollsters. I was polled last week and lied about voting for Mumbles Fetty. I would never vote for Lerch - even before he lost his marbles. Nate Silver rates Trafalgar an A+ poll. They have the race at 2 points, which is within the margin of error. Oz is going to win by 4 points. Bernie's endorsement may cost Oz a point or two, however.

    1. "Polls are moving in favor of..." hahahašŸ¤£, you're a šŸ¤”

  44. today with Oz
    "I’m a doctor, I’m very precise with the words I use."
    video he released--" shopping at "Wegners."

  45. @11:00am
    Please move to Florida and take the worthless BO, Michael Molovinsky, and Democrat Nat Hyman with you. Voting for a piece of shit snake oil salesman OZ, is nothing more than a stamp of approval for Trump. You guys are useless.

  46. Two big personalities with no substance behind them. It’s sad that these are the two options. I’ll skip this race on the ballot. Don’t give a shit which one wins. Either way PA loses.

  47. Oz will be shooting pigs along side Marjorie 3toes Greene, we got nothing to worry about.

  48. Bernie,

    I don't want to add my 2 cents, especially that I might stoke the fire and feed the flames. But aren't Democrats supposed to be the party of diversity and tolerance? It is amazing how your brothers and sisters turned and spew hatred at you because you have a difference of opinion. And you simply stated your decision and you are being bombed with crap. Amazing.

  49. " It is amazing how your brothers and sisters turned and spew hatred at you because you have a difference of opinion. "

    I am registered Dem but am actually an Independent. I call things, rightly or wrongly, as i see them. And I have very thick skin or I would never blog, lol.

  50. @11:00am
    Please move to Florida and take the worthless BO, Michael Molovinsky, and Democrat Nat Hyman with you. Voting for a piece of shit snake oil salesman OZ, is nothing more than a stamp of approval for Trump. You guys are useless.

  51. So Fetterman says the Eagles are better than……the Eagles? He’ll get along with Dementia Joe great lol.

  52. Rumor has it that Fetterman has the birth date of Vladimir Lenin tattooed on his ass.

  53. Oz is a Trump stooge. Anti choice. And while I don't care, it's a laugh these Amerikan firsters don't mind he's a Turkish citizen and a Muslim
    Fetterman would rather win on the issues than sling mud like Oz and you.

  54. Let's be honest, if Fetterman wins there'd be a great debate as to who the dumbest Senator from Pennsylvania is.

    It's time to stop lowering our standards.

    I'll be voting for Oz!

  55. 10:12

    I’m glad to hear that you are are insurrectionist, because you are voting for another Trump puppet.

  56. "Bernie won’t touch Browne/Reilly because he’s either paid off by Charlie Dent or controlled by him. Charlie protects Pat “dui” Browne and JB Reilly as he makes six figures on CNN."

    I don't know what planet you're on, but it's not Planet Earth. I just co-wrote a piece that was highly critical of Pat Browne over his sale of ASH to JB Reilly. I do not fault JB, who is after all a businessman, not an elected official. I fault Browne. That piece appeared on two separate blogs. I have written a number of blogs highly critical of Browne over the years. If you want to make an accusation, you should at least try to base it in fact, not fantasy.

  57. Bernie, you’re nuts. Fetterman is not the best candidate, I get it. But voting for ANY republican, who have all done everything in their power to vote against every bill that benefit the working class, is MADNESS. Please do NOT vote for Oz. He’s rich and privileged, and will represent the 1% and big business and will do NOTHING to help working class Pennsylvanians. You know this Bernie. Fettermans not perfect, but he’s the only candidate that can relate to us.

  58. @7:36 "Polls are moving in favor of Oz. But they're likely not telling the real story. While Independents and moderate Ds are moving to Oz, the old "shy Republican" is now an invisible Republican in polling. Admitting you're voting R in the wrong company may get you doxxed or harmed these days. Rs are out there and highly motivated. They're also not cooperating with pollsters. I was polled last week and lied about voting for Mumbles Fetty. I would never vote for Lerch - even before he lost his marbles. Nate Silver rates Trafalgar an A+ poll. They have the race at 2 points, which is within the margin of error. Oz is going to win by 4 points. Bernie's endorsement may cost Oz a point or two, however."

    Like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football, a lot of my GOP friends are starting to believe in polls again. These recent polling "numbers" are just get out the vote messages.

    "Rs are out there and highly motivated" - No shit Sherlock, you know who else is out there and motivated? Dems. Just because you talk to people who look like you and talk like you doesn't mean everyone else believes what you do.

  59. Oh, my! How’s your working class doing now under the present administration? Although currently retired, I was one of what you call the working class. BOTH of us are getting hammered by heavy price inflation, higher usage fees, product shortages, extreme increases in travel expenses, etc., etc. NONE of these drains on our income will improve if we keep the same leadership in Washington and Harrisburg!

  60. Big boo You truly are demonstrating a fair & balanced Position as you have occasionally in the past. I admire your ability to walk across the aisle periodically.

  61. Was Oz a successful surgeon? Sure. As was true of Ben Carson, that actually doesn't qualify him to be an elected official.

    Even his medical reputation has been so thoroughly tainted by his support for scam supplements and general quackery that Columbia University's Irving Medical Center, where he was an emeritus faculty member, severed all ties with him in April. There have been multiple attempts to get him removed from the faculty for years, and he is such a prolific grifter that one of them was even joined by Trump covid advisor Scott Atlas.

    He's spent the latter half of his career taking money from supplement companies in exchange for lying about their products' benefits on television. That's about as close to a bribe as you can get in his profession.



You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.