Local Government TV

Friday, September 30, 2022

Doug Mastriano - Exhibit "A" On Need For Open Primaries

Josh Shapiro is going to win Pennsylvania's Gubernatorial race in a landslide. Moreover, this will almost certainly have a ripple effect on candidates in closer races, like John Fetterman and Susan Wild. He has proven himself to be both politically savvy and capable of raising the huge sums of money needed. But his victory will have nothing to do with his campaigning style. It will have everything to do with how bad the GOP nominee, Doug Mastriano, has been. 

CNN observes that Mastriano is doping everything he can to lose the race.  he has so far refused to run a single TV ad and refuses interviews with the press, choosing instead to surround himself with a bubble of security guards to protect him from the public he claims to want to represent. 

So how's he gonna' win?

Easy. His campaign announced that, like Jesus in the desert, Doug will be fasting his way into office over the next 40 days. 


Mastriano was able to win the primary because there were so many candidates that all he had to do was attract the MAGA fascists that have infected the GOP party.  

Hey Democrats, don't get all holier than thou on me.  Fetterman did the same thing in the Dem primary. All he needed was the far left to prevail in a race with several candidates. 

Doug Mastriano is Exhibit A on the need for open primaries. 

John Fetterman is Exhibit  B.  


  1. Don't underestimate how grateful Pennsylvanians are to Doug for fighting back against the COVID lockdown hoax when leftists like Shapiro and our own "Snitchline Mike" Schlossberg were exhorting traitors to anonymously inform on Americans in the Nazi Gestapo fashion.

    1. 5:29- You thought process appears coherent, cohesive and intelligent. There's absolutely no Q mentality going on here.

  2. How many points do you think Shapiro needs to win by to stop all of our local MAGA idiots from screaming election fraud?

  3. Shapiro is likely the only democrat I am voting for this year up or down the ballot. Mastriano is simply too extreme on so many issues. We need competence in government not an extremist.

  4. Unfortunately, Bernie, you truly do not know Doug Mastriano beyond what CNN and others like it tell you. Doug Mastriano is a hardworking, outstanding citizen with an impressive record of accomplishments throughout his life. He is truly a leader who will create a much better Pennsylvania than we’ve endured under the failed Wolf and Josh Shapiro.

    By the way, I’ve seen several Mastriano ads on television. As for avoiding certain type news reporters, Mastriano is making the correct decision. The absolute lies, exaggerations, and hit pieces I’ve read right here in our own failing Morning Call are perfect examples of weaponized ‘news’ reporting. I’d decline certain interviews, too.

    I’ve been following the career of Doug Mastriano for several years now. Mostly through his excellent website, newsletters, and public speeches. Doug Mastriano is the most solid candidate for Governor I’ve ever seen over my long life. No doubt Mastriano will lose Philadelphia, but Mastriano should do very well throughout the rest of the state.

    By the way, abortions are still legal and available throughout Pennsylvania. Although Mastriano does not support abortions (neither do I) what Mastriano believes on this matter is simply his personal opinion. It is our STATE LEGISLATURE who determines how the abortion issue is dealt with in Pennsylvania, not Doug Mastriano.

  5. You can not compare Mastriano to Fetterman in any matter. But we can compare OZ to Mastriano, they are both MAFA fascists along with Hershel Walker, and have no business in politics.

  6. Open primaries, will just cause more division and shenanigans, we already have enough of that.

    1. Folks like you stoke the division. Judges all across the country, including ones appointed by Trump, ruled there were no shenanigans.

  7. Hey Bernie,
    Perhaps you can blog why Northampton is only giving the Iron pigs, $100,000. Towards the $9,000,000 needed to keep the Phillies in the Lehigh Valley. Why don’t you post how much J B Reilly, the Butz Co, Turkey man Jaindle, Hyman, Yingling, Lehigh Valley Chamber, top 50 so we know who’s going to be on record. Or will it raise taxes on Lehigh County taxes?

  8. Trafalgar (rated A- by 538) has the race at Shapiro +2 (1078 respondents, moe 2.9). They may be the outlier, but if Shapiro wins, it won't be a landslide despite his $25+ million advantage. Trafalgar also has the senate race at +2 Fetterman (1078; 2.9). In that case, numerous other polls are coming back to a much closer race. Both senate and governor races will be thisclose. I think Shapiro barely escapes and Oz beats Fetterman. Oz's momentum (especially after the debate that will feature Fetterman bizarrely relying on a teleprompter and closed captioning) will help Rs across the state.

    1. Republicans will coalesce around oz towards the end. Another month of lousy economy, high food prices, and higher prices in general will tip the scales. All Fetterman is going to do is go on about his “blue” collar roots bs and abortion, meanwhile all of us are going to be cold, hungry, and poor.

  9. Lamb would have been a better choice than Fetterman..That is abundantly clear now. Why did the D's flock to Fetterman in their primary? I am perplexed that we are stuck with this guy unless Oz performs some miracles down the stretch run. PA voters are screwy and the need to get independent voters involved is way over due. Open primaries for all!

  10. This is America and not your fuckin church, Doug!

  11. Too much opportunity for shenanigans. See what Rush asked his audience to do regarding primaries. That they were closed at least limited the impact because you had to go out of your way to change party affiliations.

  12. I am a Republican, I guess. I say I guess, because Mastriano is an embarassment. With candidates like this, we (R's) are giving away these elections at a time when we should be making the most of the opportunities given to us. The Dems are clueless spending junkies, and should be at their weakest right now, and the best candidate we can come up with is this guy? I will push the R button, but know it is a wasted vote.

    As for the Fetterman race, that guy is a bozo. I don't normally reference someones looks, but he reminds me of THANOS in the Avengers movies. I'll take the Doc, even though his carpetbagger status is not to my liking. Fetterman is a joke, but he will probably get enough votes to slime his way into office.

  13. Quoting CNN is all the info I need to determine the reasoning of this post. We all remember how accurate they have been in the past....

  14. I am a Republican, I guess. I say I guess, because Mastriano is an embarassment. With candidates like this, we (R's) are giving away these elections at a time when we should be making the most of the opportunities given to us. The Dems are clueless spending junkies, and should be at their weakest right now, and the best candidate we can come up with is this guy? I will push the R button, but know it is a wasted vote.

    As for the Fetterman race, that guy is a bozo. I don't normally call people names, but he reminds me of THANOS in the Avengers movies. I'll take the Doc, even though his carpetbagger status is not to my liking. Fetterman is a joke, but he will probably get enough votes to slime his way into office.

  15. It's early and I haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet but, how about this:

    Open Primaries - but open to third parties, too. Let the Libertarian, Green, Reform, et al, put their candidate in the ballot in the spring as well. The catch: only top two vote-getters TOTAL get on the fall ballot. This could be a gateway to eliminating the two-party dictatorship.

    I don't know if this could happen and, like I said, it's still early and I haven't thought out the negatives yet.

  16. Big mistake Shapiro will be WOLF on steroids Wolf hurt this state in many ways Shapiro will be worse All you left wing people do is lie.

    1. Shapiro will be Wolf on steroids. To sleep, per chance to dream.

      Let's hope. I'm now all in. Shapiro for President 2028, after Biden kicks Trump's ass again in 2024.

    2. All your Orange Jesus and his disciples do is lie.

  17. I do not think R's should select D's for a candidate and D's should not select R's for the candidate. Each party should select their own candidate. I say NO to open primaries.

  18. Bernie, while I agree that Shapiro is going to win by a large margin, Fetterman is probably going to lose his race by a small margin. Susan Wild is probably going to lose by a small margin, as will Cartwright up north. Mastriano is an idiot. Trump backed a losing horse. You cant win a statewide race in PA with Mastriano’s views on abortion among other things. The other thing that is not helping mastriano, as you stated is his lack of advertising and wacky behavior. After the last 4 years of Trump and first 2 years of Biden. Shapiro with a republican legislature will result in a government that is about as eventful as a piece of drywall. Which is a cause for celebration, since nothing wacky will happen.

  19. "I do not think R's should select D's for a candidate and D's should not select R's for the candidate. Each party should select their own candidate. I say NO to open primaries."

    Duh, I am speaking about independents being able to vote.

  20. His opponent is so cowardly, and thinks so little of PA voters, that's he's running scared from debates. He's been offered to pick his own moderator and receive questions in advance. His answer: I'm a coward who is sick and tired of calls for transparency (you know, the thing this blog says it champions, lol). No debate is not good for democracy. Please blogsplain this to voters how transparency is not good in these situations ....

    I don't like Mastriano at all. But he's willing to stand on a stage at any time. Shapiro is afraid. That's understandable because he'll be eaten alive.

    1. I'm a conservative and will vote for Mastriano, but your take here is wrong. Mastriano's play here was bad: he was not proposing terms for a fair debate when his proposed moderator is a CPAC person. Anyway, I agree that the current debate details (biased moderators and questions, short canned answers, etc.) are ridiculous. But Mastriano's proposal of terms was easy for Shapiro to reject. I don't think Shapiro is scared. He just doesn't need to debate Mastriano in order to win, so why would he accept Mastriano's theatrical debate proposal?

  21. Mastriano is not what the left-wing portrays Alot of people believed the media about Biden how did that turn Shapiro is bad news for Pa.

  22. Doug is a terrible candidate as a Republican! Where are the reasonable Republicans like Charlie Dent and Arlene Spector!
    Our Country has been through enough Trauma with Trump! Mastriani, will not go away easily, u less a landslide! Not sure he will accept defeat, like some others in the GOP, if they lose! New standards in the GOP! Like Roger Stone advised Trump, declare victory even before final results, then if losing, claim it was fixed, or computers were fraudulent!
    Vote D all the way to get rid of the MADNESS of MAGA.

  23. I’ve noticed the news pieces in today’s Morning Call are trying extra hard to smear Mastriano as some sort of “just another Trump.” Not so sure that’s a good strategy. Trump’s popularity is still VERY high and average daily lives during Trump’s term was so much more promising than what we see today. I can tell you from travels last week Mastriano signs are all over Central Pennsylvania.

  24. If uncle fester wins Pennsylvania will be the laughingstock of America.

  25. I think he's saving his powder. Doesn't have the money that's true. Playing dope a rope. Taking the hits. Will see what happens at 30 days to go

  26. Shapiro is good fried withe Philly DA Krasner--these are going to do the Pa people a real good job. Krasner leads the cities with the most murders him and Shapiro good luck Pa.

  27. Please do not label Trump supporters as fascists. Also, if this were a Republican Muslim candidate fasting, would you say “cuckoo”? Please take the high road.

  28. Totally agree. Independents can't vote in primaries which means you get an extreme candidate no matter who wins the general election.

  29. There’s still time for Mastriano to gain enough public support for the win. Problem is, the news media is doing its best to depict him as unworthy, a threat, or a wacko. Nothing could be further from the truth! His military career, academic achievements, and strong support of the rule of law is more than impressive. Not sure? Take the time to research him further on your own. Be very skeptical of the crap being written about him. It’s not just misleading, but unfair. Solid candidate for sure.

  30. I've seen pro-Mastriano ads on TV. I've also seen a raft of anti-Shapiro ads. They may be funded by PACs vs his campaign, but they're out there. Despite Shapiro's huge money advantage and the pervy priest ads he ran for six months, Mastriano is closing on him. A typically shy Republican voter won't even acknowledge a question about Mastriano. There are more of us out here than you think. And yes, it's very sophisticated for the godless to heap scorn on anything religious. It's also predictable, boring, and bigoted. In other words, it's quintessentially Democratic Party. You stay on brand, if nothing else.

    1. A shy Republican? That's a good thing? Not to be outspoken about the person who you believe is best for the position?

      A "shy Republican" is someone whose completely embarrassed by their party's choice of candidate. That's what is truly sad. The term "sheep" comes to mind with your logic and belief.

    2. Of course. And Republicans are God fearing people. That's some funny shit right there.

  31. Fasting helps to focus on the right priorities in life. Bernie, you should try it, you may become more enlightened.

  32. Pa Elections run so smooth that results will be by at least Christmas.

  33. Women voters will decide all elections. SCOTUS did a huge favor for D candidates who want to protect women's rights to their own body. Mastriano's belief that women don't have a right to choose lost him the election. That, and the fact he is a nut.

  34. 30 days is like eternity in an election year, do not count out anyone in this unstable volatile atmosphere. While none of your friends will be voting for Mastriano, there is a whole different state west of Nazareth.

  35. "A "shy Republican" is someone whose completely embarrassed by their party's choice of candidate. That's what is truly sad. The term "sheep" comes to mind with your logic and belief."

    Republicans have actually been shot and run over with motor vehicles. This comment is so precious coming from a supporter of a coward who is to frightened and a bit too dull to debate. You support a rank coward. Shy Republicans are the opposite of woke Dems. You know, they're like those pathetic insecure vegans, cyclists, and homosexuals: they inform you of these things in the first two minutes after you meet them. Support your coward and be concerned that shy Rs are real and will be there on election day to neutralize your cowardly ass.

    1. I am entirely aware that "shy Republicans" are real. They're sheep because, again, they're completely embarrassed by their Republican candidate(s), because it is embarrassing to support Mastriano and Scheller. However, clueless loudmouth, Muslim Oz is a better candidate than Woke Fetterman. And, I plan on voting for Oz.

      That's the difference between us. I'm an independent who votes the person, not the party or the religion.

      Your the coward for not being able to think for yourself and only adhere to one, majorly corrupt party and mindset.

      I'll pray for you to grow a set, and not a new mindset.

      Cowardly Ass

  36. 10:18

    Said Perfectly!

  37. Rumor mill says if Shapiro wins it will result in a spot in the administration for Bethlehem Mayor Reynolds.

    Wonder if that rumor is planted by Dems to entice Bethlehem Republicans to vote for Shapiro?

  38. Cowardly Ass,

    So you like the insurrectionist Trump? What do you own a business? Independently wealthy, a dirt salesman? If not, then you are mostly a bigot, white, believes America is the best country in the world, and very prejudice, some would say a simpleton.

    BTW: OZ will lose BIGLY

  39. Fetterman rally in Bucks right now has 700+ in attendance. Yeah. He's sputtering. Lol.

    "Don't look back. Someone might be gaining on you."
    -Satchel Paige

  40. Maybe Trump should be fasting for about a month.

  41. Shapiro is OK with performing top and bottom mutilation surgery on minors. That's hysterectomy and mastectomy surgeries on teen girls. This is not OK.

  42. Just heard Mastriano talk out in Erie Pa. If people vote for Shapiro -who is Wolf on steroids, they are crazy. We need a guy like the colonel we get this state right. Mastriano is far superior of a leader than the left-wing Shapiro. By the way Shapiro is a great friend of Philly AD Krasner that should tell you enough about Shapiro.

  43. Personally, I can’t wait to vote for Shapiro. It’s time for a real Democrat to run this state and hopefully he will be on steroids. This is what our state needs and if you don’t like it please move to Florida.

  44. How I look at the senate candidates: On one side I have a tRUMP supporter who is rich and wants to get richer being a huckster despite having the true skills to continue to help people as a doctor. I have another candidate that could have easily sat on his ass and enjoyed life from his parents wealth but decided to step in and try and help people and may not be perfect but I don't see him trying to screw people over for a buck or supporting only causes and people who will help him.
    As far as our governor race: I liked Wolf and I hope Shapiro does a job as good he did. If those feel Wolf's administration went to far with pandemic rules they should try to remember what a disaster Florida was because they did nothing. And although I usually try to give a little more respect and understanding to those that served, those that still stand by a wannabe fascist lose all my respect. They are the ilk like Mike Flynn who will do anything to hold on to power.

  45. 9;24 You mudt be an idiot first of all Shapiro is a left- wing radical and if you can see how these policies are hurting our people you got problems, second of all I will not have to move to Florida because their governor will be president in short time.

  46. Shapiro is a real democrat--he will go after the natural gas industry just like Wolf. He will raise taxes that is what a real democrat does. Also will ruin girls sportsw in Pa.-he like Wolf will let boys participate in girls sports.And let not forget Killing Babies up to Birth--yes, he is a real democrat.

  47. That is all we need another real democrat to run the state I hope people had enough of the last real democrat Wolf

  48. Shapiro will put this state back economically big time he will be on the wrong side of every issue. If you want the state to look like Philly hen is your man.

  49. From my view, and by every measure I consider important to re-building Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano is the SUPERIOR candidate. I’m not going to use the typical Democrat strategy of trashing all opponents by name calling, distortions, and even lies. I’ll accept Shapiro has the intelligence to be a state Governor. But, a Shapiro is NOT the kind of Governor our state needs after the disaster of the Wolf administration. This state needs a complete break from that group.

    Doug Mastriano has all the management and leadership skills required here. Problem is, many people have no idea of his record of success over a distinguished career. He is being unfairly trashed regularly, here and elsewhere. The Morning Call commenters, it’s use of canned pieces from the Philadelphia Inquirer and other weaponized news sources, etc. are purposely giving the wrong impressions of Mastriano. Please take time to step away from all that crap.

    Doug Mastriano really IS the better choice to fix this state. If you want positive change, he’s the guy.

    1. But, but, but...what if you don't want positive change and rather Wolf and Wild on steroids? What's a poor boy to do?

  50. 9:49

    Dream On! The dude from Florida was against aid for Hurricane Sandy victims. He was wrong then and he is wrong for America in 2024. DeSantis is a bum, he wants to edit the 1st amendment, When he signed the Individual Freedom Act (IFA) last April, DeSantis bragged that it would "prevent discriminatory instruction in the workplace," striking a blow against "the far-left woke agenda." But as a federal judge explained last week, the law's restrictions on employee training blatantly violate the First Amendment.

  51. Pennsylvania needs more union jobs, higher salary, more benefits for it very competent workers. Our work ethic is stronger then all of the adjoining states. Let’s work together and get rid of charter schools, keep the money in our local school districts. Most importantly we don’t need an 1800s Doug Mastriano stoping progress that this state needs to move forward.

  52. Mastriano wants to ban pole dancing? It will put the Green Door in Freemansburg out of business!

  53. 3:40.....unlike the other poster on here I'm not sure if Desantis will be president. I am sure he's not a bum though. He went to Yale on a baseball scholarship. Graduated Harvard law school. Was a lieutenant in the Navy's JAG corp. Served in Baghdad as Legal advisor to SEAL Team One. Most who graduate Harvard Law School go straight for the big money, he chose a bunk in Baghdad which tells me all I need to know about his character. Sure he's a little Trumpy, but he's smarter than Trump when he's sleeping LOL.

  54. " Sure he's a little Trumpy, but he's smarter than Trump when he's sleeping LOL."
    So is a squirrel!

  55. Well I would be willing to bet Trump wouldn't be calling out in the crowd for a dead congresswoman that he previously sent condolences for LOL. So if squirrels are smarter than Trump, slugs are smarter than Biden. They're both idiots if you ask me.

    1. Um....he did that ....memba

    2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article130328199.html

  56. @9:24 LOL Wolf is the real democrat in todays democrat party. Moderates are getting run out of dodge they're almost extinct. Ask Josh Gottheimer he's one of the last few.........which brings us back to the open primary debate. This is why it must happen.

  57. TLDR: If Mastriano wins, abortion will be outlawed in Pennsylvania.

  58. 8:48 PM - Not so fast! Mastriano can’t make that happen on his own. It would take both the House and Senate of Pennsylvania to approve.


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