Local Government TV

Monday, September 19, 2022

Biden's Not Running

In a 60 Minutes interview last night, President Joe Biden said he hasn't decided yet whether he's seeking re-election. This means he's not. The reason he has failed to speak out definitively is because, the second he announces that one term is enough, he becomes a lame duck.  


  1. He is done now he is a lame duck look at what he did to this country.

  2. Only an asshole things he's gonna run. And only an asshole will sit around waiting for his decision.
    He's done. A lame duck.

  3. I have to wonder who the democrats will put up as their candidate. It doesn't seem like they are cultivating much young talent and Bernie Sanders surely (hopefully) has finally aged out.

    I'm betting on some youngish, non-offensive centrist. Maybe even Buttigieg?

  4. Wow. Should have let that thought cook a little more before posting. Three lackluster sentences do not make for a Lehigh Valley ramble.

  5. He said inflation wasn't that bad because the month-over-month rate didn't move much. I don't think most Americans see it that way. We've gone from eating meat three times per week to only twice. The prices of all proteins has skyrocketed. The old vacation club money went to buy heating oil and help the daughter with it, as well. Biden is wrong. Inflation is a big problem and getting worse. Any politician who voted for these crazy spending policies should be punished.

  6. What a shame. He has done so much for our country with no help from the Republicans.

    1. You must live in another world!!!! What has he done???

  7. It's better to be the "lame duck President" than it is to be "The Donald duck president" Donald Duck will go down in history as the first walking rectum to ever hold the office of President of the United States. Let's hope the Country will come up with two decent candidates who care about the people instead of a "PARTY" and PARTY POWER. We need a break from the lunacy of Washington and the Republican and Democratic SO CALLED leadership.

  8. While you folks bray away with the never-ending partisan rants, a state senator is selling ASH out from under you. Well done.

  9. Now Bernie, he didn’t say he is or isn’t. He did say that it wouldn’t be wise to say at this time, and he’s right. It really wouldn’t be fair to say before the upcoming mid-term elections. Let’s get through them and see what happens. I agree with 7:10, no democratic candidate on the horizon has energized the party, and Ms. Harris hasn’t been inspiring. I think the D’s can do better. You can’t blame Biden for inflation. We loved 3% mortgages, even though they were unrealistic. We loved getting checks in the mail with Trump’s signature on them. We loved wages rising, but didn’t it occur to anyone that CEO salaries would also keep pace? I do blame the Fed for not acting sooner, but we were also following the pandemic crash.

  10. Bernie, you’re right. Browne’s lame duck, last ditch effort to land grab for Riley is a desperate act by the outgoing Senator to favor his life-long friend (they grew up across the street from each other). Thank goodness Browne is done and maybe we can get some transparency in all this NIZ stuff. Allentown has become the city of renters, high renters and low renters and no middle class owner occupants in between. This is an equation for disaster.

  11. Joe isn’t running anything now. Most likely it’s Obama, Clinton and Rice doing this to the US. Joe is just a puppet but his family and he don’t care since it keeps Hunter out of jail (for now). Think about it.

    1. @9:53- I have my thinking cap on. Hmmmm... you're completely Qrazy.

  12. You can’t blame Biden for inflation. hahahahahahahaha

    I know it's hard for liberals to understand facts,data ,numbers but here is the chart of inflation and notice when it spikes. Also, It's going to get worse because the dems are passing these spending bills via reconciliation not 60 votes in the Senate. This is all on them and they don't care. Even Bernie Sanders said the inflation reduction act will do little. As usual I bring receipts below




    FRUMP ‘24

  14. Biden is finished. His brain was fried when he took office and another term is full-on elder abuse. First four Ds to announce:
    Gavin Newson from CA
    Michelle Obama from Martha's Vineyard
    Josh Shapiro the virgin from PA
    The furry guy from Texas who keeps running for things

  15. 508. He saved the Country from a fraud and bloat. The fact the Country is on overdrive is a great accomplishment yet a challenge.

  16. The country was in overdrive pre-Biden. Some of the overheating was Trump's fault in overreaction to CoViD. Biden poured gas on the fire with enormous spending bills. Tragically, a lot of the stimulus money has yet to be spent. That spending will continue to worsen inflation and supply chain nightmares.

  17. 11.45
    " understand facts,data ,numbers but here is the chart of inflation and notice when it spikes."
    And why did that spike happen?
    Seems energy costs spiked- something no President can just order prices to go down.
    Unemployment rates are down and GNP is up quite a bit.
    But if folks want to buy russian oil to support one of trump"s hero putin- well guess war crimes in Ukraine will be the cost of cheap gas.
    But on the positive side there is always the republican infrastructure plan.
    Too bad they never told folks how they could accomplish that without spending any money.
    Or if a plan existed at all.

  18. @9:53

    Correct me if I’m wrong genius but since your hero Trump was in office for four years and the Republicans controlled the Senate didn’t they have more than enough time to find out about the laptop and also Hillary‘s emails that you guys are constantly bringing up? Even though I agree that in both cases it probably wasn’t entirely on the up and up, no crimes were committed and you had four years to look into it. Get over it.

  19. Sadly this country has been irreparably harmed by Trumps four years in office and I’m afraid what the near (and long) term future is going to be like. The conspiracy theories and the lies and the clueless, uneducated and unintelligent people who believe them have ruined what we had. We cannot afford to let Trump back into office or any of his groupies. I’m afraid of what kind of violence is in our future even if they cannot accept legitimate election results next time.

    Unfortunately it’s sad but there are no Democratic candidates that I can get excited about at the moment but even if I can get excited about one……even if I can’t get excited…. they have to be able to defeat Trump at any cost. As much as Biden is a good guy and I think a lot of his political opponents would even agree to that, it’s time for him to go quietly into the sunset after this term.

  20. 5:35 LOL. DNP? The last two quarters of GDP have been negative, the classic signal of a recession. Energy costs and supply chain issues did contribute to inflation, but so did the trillions upon trillions of spending, one big relief bill passed by Trump, and 3 passed by Biden. Add in the Feds policy of Quanatative Easing and what you have is a recipe for disaster. Now the Fed is way behind the curve and raising rates aggressively to stamp out this inflation. You'll note that the CPI came in at twice what was expected last week despite the drop in energy prices which means the inflation is systemic. That's why the Dow dropped 1000 points. Mortgage rates have doubled and what was a hot housing market is suddenly already in free fall. Commodities such as metals and lumber have crashed which also signal a recession. The Fed will keep raising rates until they're sure the inflation is gone, recession be damned. They're not going to risk what happened in 1979 again.

    Through all this Biden's answer to everything is more spending with titles that are totally misleading, "Inflation Reduction Act".
    It's the spending! We went from 20 trillion in debt to 30 trillion in 10 years, it's unsustainable. For you Trumpers out there he's a big spender also, he takes some blame in this as well.

  21. I'm surprised at you Bernie. I am not a Trump supporter but have posted several things that do not reflect well on Biden's policies. Funny, they don't turn up in the comments despite being fact based with data to back it. Interesting. I love debating with these clowns because they can't argue with facts and will just revert to but but but Trump but but but Jan 6th. I am not a Trump supporter so when I point that out they really get mad LOL.

  22. 4:21, I do not post OT comments and my contention that he is not running is bot intended as a jumping bad to go into Biden policies.

  23. Democrat candidate in '24 will be a woman and abortion will the numero uno topico.

  24. I firmly believe a moderate midwesterner like Amy Klobuchar would be a great candidate. I personally find her the most qualified.


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