Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Rumormill: Judge Baratta Running For DA

I've heard this rumor from three different people, so I guess it's time to let you all in. According to what I'm told, Judge Stephen Baratta plans to run against Terry Houck for District Attorney. My sources claim they've heard this from tipstaffs and deputy sheriffs, who come into regular and daily contact with judges. 

First elected to the bench in 1997, Judge Baratta has already prevailed in two retention contests. He does have prior experience as a prosecutor. He was First Assistant DA between 1992 and 1997, when he ascended into the judicial heavens. 

Although I've heard this rumor from three different people, I've heard nothing from Judge Baratta himself and have no intention of discussing the matter with him. That's because, as a judge, Baratta is barred from delving into the dirty world of politics, where bottom-feeders like myself thrive. In fact, the moment he begins circulating nomination petitions, he's required to resign.

Incumbent DA Terry Houck is under no such restriction. He's heard nothing. He's a professional prosecutor, and has served as such in Bucks, Lehigh and Northampton Counties. He's been District Attorney for two years. 

Both Baratta and Houck are Democrats. Baratta's path to the law went through the rarefied air of Lafayette College and Fordham University Law School. Houck's path went through the Philadelphia Police Academy. A beat cop, Houck got his law degree by going to Temple at night. 

I understand that, while there are nine judges, there is only one DA. But I struggle with the notion of a judge who's already been retained twice suddenly deciding to quit and run against a very effective DA.  


  1. Everyone has heard it. There are people they tell when they want the news to spread, well known blabber mouths. Word is people are upset with Houck because he is a tough no nonsense DA. Not a headline seeker and does not kiss the insider circle. He may have ruffled some feathers but that is just what the county needs. People know McClure wants to see the guy gone. Hope Judge Baratta stays a judge.

    1. Houck is a clown who will go to any lengths(including taking my freedom ) to protect the sheriffs department!!! Namely.. Riley, Volpe, sheriff Johnston………by Paul giammarinaro

  2. OT, but political: Larry Stoudt is back on Nazzy Boro Council? His rehabilitation is apparently complete.

  3. Heard a retired judge might be running too for DA……. Why all the pressure on Terry? What are we missing ?

    1. Let's hope so. Terry needs to go.

    2. What you’re missing is “the boys club @669 Washington st.” and how he’s willing to break the law to protect it!!!!

  4. ADAs are jumping ship at a record pace. Terry will say it’s about money, but apparently he has an anger management issue.

    1. Not to mention a vision problem beyond repair. He sees things one way and one way only! Low life was willing to spend 2 years of my life to protect Riley, Volpe, Johnston…etc!!!!! THEY had no problem spending MY life on THEIR LIES!!!!! Wake up people!!!!!

  5. Houck only wins about 35% of the cases he takes to trial. Morgs won about 80%. Can we get Morgs back ?

  6. I think the more interesting rumor is the list of names who want to replace him as judge.

    And Anon 8:43: If you mean Giordano, there is no way he leaves the cushy high-paying partnership at Norris for DA.

    1. Would love to hear those rumors. Who is in the running for judge in NorCo?

  7. The drama with adults is ridiculous. Rename the courthouse Peyton Place and let the cameras roll. If I were a judge, there is no way I would resign to run for DA. Why give up a sure thing for a crap shoot? I will admit, I’m not a huge fan of the DA and his PR angle, so that is a big negative. I don’t like the office’s presence at festivals and the self-promotion because, considering the work done, putting people from the office “out there” may be problematic. He, however, seems to be getting the job done and his experience is an asset to his position.

  8. Bernie,

    If they're both good candidates, isn't that wonderful for the community?

  9. Houk seems like a good DA. One we need especially now given the unprecedented crime wave that has been unleashed on this country. My antenna goes up when a Judge wants to be DA? Who reached out to him and why? Is this a case of the Soros wing of the democrat party not happy with Houck? Judge is the top of the mountain, isn't it? If this is true we need to peel back the onion and find out why.

  10. "If they're both good candidates, isn't that wonderful for the community?"

    Not really, If Baratta resigns, that will create a huge vacuum in the court. He works very hard and his absence will be felt by other judges and, ultimately, the public.

  11. "Houck only wins about 35% of the cases he takes to trial. Morgs won about 80%. "

    I believe tyhis statistic is wrong. Houck's office recently lost a few, but its conviction rate is very high. And I think Morganelli was higher than 80%.

  12. "ADAs are jumping ship at a record pace. Terry will say it’s about money, but apparently he has an anger management issue."

    ADAs are jumping ship everywhere, not just in NorCo. Whys should a lawyer bust his ass and put in 60-70 hour weeks during trials when a law clerk with a much less stressful job gets paid the same amount?


  13. "People know McClure wants to see the guy gone."

    Untrue. They are working together.

  14. Morale in the DA’s office is the worst it’s been in 30 years. This is likely why Stephen is running.

  15. Baratta was retiring at the end of the year regardless. His run for DA is an attempt to save that office. The office is in shambles. Houck is out, no chance he gets a second term.

  16. Any time your the head guy you're going to ruffle feathers. I haven't heard about any bad guys getting loose. I think Houck has done a decent job but you cannot please everyone.

  17. "Who is in the running for judge in NorCo?"

    Nobody. No one is up for retention until 2024.

    1. I meant unofficially. The person above said the more interesting rumors would be who is potentially looking to run for judge if Judge Baratta does indeed resign. If he does, I'm sure both parties have ideas about who may run for Judge Baratta's seat on the bench. I'd be interested to know who might be looking to run next time.

  18. Baratta is retiring at the end of the year. That is a fact. Whether he runs for DA is TBD.
    Names of people interested in running for the opening when he retires are circulating. Some DJs, some sons of judges and mayors. Could be interesting!

  19. Terry Houck is a fine and experienced attorney. Northampton County does not pay employees competitively. That is the problem. Why work for 2/3 the salary you can earn for the same work somewhere else? Northampton County is very lucky to have a person with Terry's experience, intelligence and knowledge. As for trials--he takes the hard ones to trial. Prosecutors do not "win" cases--they present the evidence. If there is a question, they settle. Only people with nothing to lose or a compelling defense go to trial. Terry's record is great. He is a phenomenal trial attorney. That said, Judge Baratta could do either position--he is first class.

    It is time to look at the vacuum of leadership--McClure proved to be a nasty petty man. He throws money away frivolously, mostly to show his own power or try to and--he bullies people. He is the one who should be fighting for competitive salaries for all of his people but I think he would rather terrorize them. No one is going to be content until they are fairly compensated. Tell Lamont to do his job. And make him show you how much tax payer money he wastes.

  20. Love how JM and the 3 Stooges posts their gossip and lies here. They are making such fools of themselves as everyone knows it’s them. This isn’t Peyton Place, it’s Comedy Central. And the reasons they stated for Steven running is just plain funny. Previous posters were correct that they can’t stand that Houck remains independent and won’t fall in line or be bullied by them. What a joke that place is turning into.

  21. I'd like to see the actual conviction rates. If there's a large difference, citizens need a better DA. Perhaps Baratta knows this and is once again performing a good deed for county residents.

  22. So you believe the deputies about this, but not what they have to say about there own department and administration??? World class journalism as always Bernie, we’d be forever lost without your guidance


  23. Where there's smoke there's usually fire. Everyone at the Courthouse is talking about this issue. It's the worst kept secret in Northampton County. Judge Baratta should either deny the rumor or resign and campaign legally.

  24. Houck called one of his female ADA’s a female intimate part in front of the entire staff. The guy’s no leader and he has to go. The last ADA to leave took a meager raise to spend it all on gas money for their horrendous commute to 2-3 counties away. It’s not all about the salary, there’s a terrible morale permeating throughout that office. When was the last time you saw this much turnover with unfilled positions growing? Just the tip of the iceberg here…

  25. "So you believe the deputies about this, but not what they have to say about there own department and administration??? World class journalism as always Bernie, we’d be forever lost without your guidance"

    It's "their," not "there." I never said I believe anyone. I said that I've heard this rumor from three different people who have in turn heard it from deputies and tipstaffs. I am reporting this as rumor, not as fact. I do agree that many deputies trade heavily in courthouse gossip. I don't believe the deputies or their slurs against the Sheriff, whom I consider a fine person with more integrity in his little finger than deputies who lack the courage to sign their names here. I agree everyone needs more $, but I'm a little more concerned about people in custodial and the row offices than I am in deputies making $24/hr to start. Let's start with the employees who've been ignored for too long.

  26. @8:50 pm: If what you state is true, that ADA, as well as everyone present, should march right into the HR department and file harassment and hostile work environment claims. Staying silent or resigning won’t take care of the problem, if there is one. Tired of the cowardly approach to such things. Now, of course, if the allegations are false, shame on you for defaming someone publicly. It is simply appalling that a place of justice seems to be nothing but a cesspool of megalomaniacs.

  27. Terry Houck is a professional. He would never refer to anyone in that manner.

  28. Hey idiots.......should Baratta resign, it's the governor's appointment. So now what?

  29. Why can't we ever be great, like Lehigh County?

  30. 11:04 PM Go to HR and filing charges is a waste of time. The Good Ole Boy Network exists making it a waste of time. I know. I did.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey idiots.......should Baratta resign, it's the governor's appointment. So now what?

    If Baratta retires at end of the year, the position will be on the next municipal election, which is the 2023 election. The Governor does have power to appoint until an election is held and a new judge is sworn in. However, that is subject to senate approval. So it is rare that someone is appointed, unless there is some agreement. Several years ago Wolf and the senate appointed a bunch, but it was some Rs and Ds across the whole state.

  32. 3:43 a.m.: I am sorry that you didn't get the satisfaction that you wanted and if you had a valid concern, then HR should not have failed you. With that said, if the issue is big enough -- such as some sort of intimidation or harassment -- then you may be protected under some sort of variation of the Whistleblower Protection Act, which I believe protects federal employees. Did you contact someone on Council? There is always someone willing to listen and advocate for a person who has a valid complaint. Believe me, someone will ALWAYS listen.

  33. Bernie O'Hare said...
    Terry Houck is a professional. He would never refer to anyone in that manner.
    Silly Bernie, every other word out of his mouth is a curse word that is if he is not yelling, threatening,intimidating or bullying. Just ask the ex/current staff.
    A very good female attorney from a very prestigious family was told to tell the Public defender to go jerk off ! She told him she would say no such thing and he should watch the way he speaks as a DA that is very unproffesional !!! And in a few months she resigned ! Case Closed !!!!

    1. If this type of thing IS true, then HR and the executive should do a full and thorough investigation. If this is fact, then shame on everyone in the DA’s office who doesn’t stand up to the DA. The attorneys have media contacts and could “leak” information if they wanted change.

    2. Kinda seems like they’re using this platform to do just that…


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