Local Government TV

Thursday, August 18, 2022

NorCo DA Terry Houck Seeks Council Approval of $2,000 Bonuses for Prosecutors

Responding to a nationwide shortage of prosecutors that has affected his office, Northampton County DA Terry Houck is seeking bonuses for his prosecutors, excepting himself and First Assistant DA Richard Huntington Pepper. He has the money ion his budget to make these payments. He stated he'sunable to offer bonuses to staffers who are unionized. 

A starting assistant DA is paid $63,000. The amount of each bonus is $2,000. 


  1. If he doesn't get the bonuses than maybe CYF can poach a couple of folk from him

  2. If Houck didn’t scream obscenities at his employees all day long, maybe the taxpayers wouldn’t need to bail him out.

  3. Bernie, The morale in the DAs Office is the worst it’s been since your Dad was there. I know you know this because you’ve been told.

  4. Terry needs to pay bonuses because 50 have left the DAs office since he’s been there.

  5. Giordano is running for DA. He’s lying to everybody about it right now, but he’s in.

  6. It’s interesting that all of the ADAs that have left are women, and all of the new hires are men.

  7. I don’t know that I would call the $2K a bonus, but whatever. Across the board seems like a nice gesture, but after taxes, the “bonus” won’t amount to much extra money. I wish there was a way to see yearly rates for cases that go to trial vs. being settled, win/loss rate, etc. Now that newspapers are on life support, the community rarely gets information about cases, unless they are big corruption or murder cases. Thank goodness for this blog.

  8. Poor thing. The posts continually come from the same poster who is a “very good attorney from a very prestigious family” Oh god this is so funny. Is the ex ADA just upset that no one threw her a going away party? Poor persecuted thing.

    1. Even if the posts are coming from one person, that person was subjected to harassment that has no place in a professional setting — especially one that fights for justice. One person or a dozen matters not. It is time for HR to do its job and begin an internal investigation.

  9. Why is he requesting to pay these bonuses? Are they necessary?

  10. @12:20 So now the job of HR is to investigate gossip, posted anonymously on this BLOG? You’re kidding, right? HR would be awfully busy if that were their job. This article shows he fights for ADAs in the office, and it’s not the first time he’s fought for them. This unprecedented request is evidence of that.

    1. Yes, actually, it is the job to investigate such things. If it is just gossip, then all is right with the DA, but if the smoke leads to fire, then the truth should be told. I would never cast a vote for him if he behaved such as this. I’m sure Mr. Houck and others in the office read this blog, so why aren’t any of the employees who work aside him posting (anonymously, if they choose) to defend him?

  11. I know nothing of the management of the DA's office but I do know that salary for attorneys is too low. Seven years of college to be paid that low is ridiculous


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