Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Musikfest Draws 1.2 Million, Biggest Ever

Bethlehem Mayor Willie Reynolds informed City Council last night that this year's Musikfest drew 1.2 million enthusiasts, topping a previous record set in 2019. "It's a testament to where our City is," boasted Hizzoner. 

Police Chief Michelle Kott advised that her department responded to 89 calls (33 on south side, 56 on north side). These calls resulted in 21 arrests, but all but three of them were summary citations. Most of those charged were white, nonHispanic males who live outside the City.

She also said she was "extremely proud " of her officers for their prompt action in responding to a Saturday night shooting of a 20 yo male. Officers rendered assistance on the scene and safely evacuated the area. Mayor Reynolds added that officers "really stepped up."    

I stopped drinking decades ago, have to watch what I eat and have little interest in live music. So much as I'd like to tell you about what happened, I'm never there. 


  1. Why is it Wednesday and we still don't know the name of the victim or the suspect. Somethings fishy.

  2. All were white non-Hispanic males. The fact that you wrote That is not only woke virtue signaling, but also racially biased. Why not tell us the ethnicity of the shooter and victim in the Easton fest shooting? How about th ethnicity of the victim and shooter in th Plaza Tropical fest shooting in Bethlehem. I bet if they are not whit non-Hispanic males you will shout it from the rooftops. If they are not white males, we will get another Dixie Cup post.

    You should be ashamed of your ethnic profiling. You are full on woke, baby!

    1. It is fair to publish such statistics because there are those who tend to believe crime is committed by only one or two demographics. I was surprised by the numbers, which shows my own disgusting bias.

  3. Musikfest is a nice event that many residents attend night after night. Lots of people are interested in it, just not nearly as many people as reported every year. The announced attendance is an estimate put out by the promoter itself. These figures are GREATLY exaggerated. Regardless, it keeps the corporate advertisers and sponsors satisfied with their investment.

  4. musicmess and their fake numbers - too funny

  5. "Anonymous said...
    All were white non-Hispanic males. The fact that you wrote That is not only woke virtue signaling, but also racially biased."

    I wrote what she said. It's called reporting. Was she being woke and virtue signaling? Maybe. Or maybe she felt a need to go into that detail to prevent bigots like you from speculating. My job is to tell you what was said.

    I don't know how you get any meaningful statistical analysis out of 18 minor arrests, but that is what was said.

  6. It is woke-speak, that's a fact. It's also reporting, that's a fact. But the fact that we even have to have these discussions....

    But the fact also is that since Chief Kott made race an issue in her report, the follow-up question on the race of the shooter and victim should have been asked. That she didn't include race in that section of the report could be interpreted as telling.

  7. This was a super spreader event.

    1. Get over it. Move on with your life.

  8. The WFMZ article does not mention race nor ethnicity. It does mention that 81% were males whom did not live in Bethlehem. So, that's 17/21.

    And, just a wild guess here, 'most' of those arrests were likely for public drunkenness. Although people using cannabis was obvious, I don't know if BPD was doing anything about it.

    1. 9:32- I was definitely using my medicine. Thank you PA for your progressiveness. Recreation marijuana is next! Onward and upward!

  9. Hopefully it was non-hispanic males from outside Allentown that fired shots last night at the Ed Pawlowski memorial playgound at Cedar Beach, one of Allentown's newest most prolific gun shooting sites.

  10. You'll notice Allentown Police trying to use this same political tact in the shooting last night in the "30 block of N. Glenwood Street". That way 99% of residents will not know that Allentown has experienced yet another shooting in the playground at Cedar Beach. The City has worked tirelessly to encourage center city families to enjoy the amenities in the West End and of course now the rest of us have to deal with the gunfire.

  11. Oh, the outrage everywhere! At the end of the day, does the argument achieve anything? Why not channel that outrage into doing something good for anyone but yourself.

  12. RTK Bernie. Lets get the numbers and races. And we should already know the info about the shooter and victim. No reason it has not been released.

  13. I attended on Saturday afternoon; first time in years. The crowds were stunning and it reminded me why I'd avoided it for so long. Even though I enjoy live music and and beer when I have a DD, I won't be back. The prices, the parking, the crowds are just too much. I admittedly fade farther into old farthood each day. A vendor friend told me they believe it was an unintended discharge of legally held firearm. They were impressed that BPD ran - without hesitation - toward the trouble. They were also rattled by the stampede that followed, and said people were being trampled in front of their stand.

    1. Your vendor friend is wrong. It was a shooting of one person shooting another.

  14. 1:47 if that's true that's reckless endangerment. However the latest story is it was between two people. So either way we should know the numbskulls name that doesnt know how to secure a firearm. Or let us know the victims name and the suspect.

  15. It is noticed now that frequently reporting on TV and websites does not include race. I don't care either way but be consistent either report it always or never report it.

  16. The count like Trump. The biggest most hugely greatest crowds ever. And the shooter was a just a friendly individual misinterpreted and All should have guns and should show their exuberance.

  17. Rumor has it that the shooter actually shot himself when he tried to pull his gun out during a confrontation with somebody else.

  18. ArtsQuest continually reports increasingly higher crowds each year, and recently were blessed to have Council overrule the Historic Commission allowing them to build the Banana Factory they want. Isn't it time they contribute to the safety of the City by funding the installation of cameras covering the festival areas (north and south) or pledging an amount of money towards cameras/public safety initiatives elsewhere in the City? They repeatedly rout their ability to bring tourist dollars here, why not support the safety of the community as a whole? Nobody questions the reach ArtsQuest has from music to global events like the World Cup, its just time they realize the law of probability applies, if you attract a million people, you're bound to have a few knuckleheads. That being said, if I threw a party, it's my responsibility to make an effort to ensure my guests aren't running amok.


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